Almighty Coach

Chapter 614: Not enough


Davis Joint Trauma Institute, Seattle.

Professor Davis has obtained Wood's latest MRI results through some special channels.

"Looking at the results of the examination, Wood's knee condition is still very bad. He has not recovered at all! But during the game, he was not affected at all and was still able to perform difficult technical moves. What happened? What happened? With the recovery of his knee, it is impossible for him to play like he is now." Professor Davis frowned, looking puzzled.

He thought for a long time but couldn't think of an answer. He simply rubbed his temples and opened the webpage to see Wood's recent situation.

"Yellow Mamba" is resurrected! "The title came into Davis' eyes, and he clicked on it directly and saw the report about Hall.

"This is impossible!" Professor Davis suddenly exclaimed.

The next second, he clicked on the video attached to the webpage, which was a collection of Hall's wonderful goals in recent games.

In the video, Hall's various changes of speed and direction, as well as his picturesque mid-range emergency stop jump shot, constantly toying with his opponents, are really interesting to watch. Anyone who watches it can't help but admire Hall's wonderful performance. Cheers.

However, Davis's mood became increasingly heavy. In his opinion, this was simply impossible.

"I have also diagnosed and treated Hall. The menisci of both knees have been removed. How can he make such changes in speed and direction, as well as this kind of emergency stop jumper? Doesn't he feel pain?"

Although Professor Davis is not an athlete, he is an authority on knee trauma. He knows what athletes who have lost both menisci will do clinically, and he also knows that it is impossible for Hall to do such a thing. "Knee Terminator" technique.

Especially for this kind of emergency stop jump shot, the knee joint will bear great pressure. Even a person with intact knee joints will feel soreness in the joints if he continuously performs this technical action. A person who has had the meniscus removed from both knees will feel sore. Being able to perform such technical movements, the friction between the bones between the joints will also make people unbearably painful.

Compared with Wood, Hall's recovery is even more incredible to Davis. Although Wood's injuries are serious and frequent, all the parts on his body are still there, and recovery is theoretically possible. But Hall even had his meniscus removed.

This is just like the nerve damage in some people's hands, which will cause functional impairment of the limbs. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to recover as before, but if a miracle happens, it can really get better. But if the hand is amputated, no matter how miraculous it is, another hand will not grow back.

The fans are not as professional as Professor Davis. They only saw Hall score 35 points in one game, and only saw the beautiful change of speed and picturesque pull-up jump shot. As for what happened to Hall's knee If it gets better, it won't be what fans focus on.

The regular season has only started for more than a month. When the Clippers introduced a large number of retired players and then traded away Ronny, no one was optimistic about the Clippers. People even called the Clippers a "hospital for the old, weak, sick and disabled." .

Now, with the recovery of Wood and Hall, Gray has also realized his talents. The Clippers suddenly have three All-Star players, forming the most popular "Big Three" model in the NBA in recent years. Coupled with veteran Karabi and rookie Kumar, the Clippers' lineup is not weak at all.

This change of the Clippers is not good news for other teams in the Western Conference. The competition in the Western Conference is already fierce enough. If there is another team with the "Big Three", it will be more difficult to enter the playoffs. A lot.

There are currently six regular season MVPs in the Western Conference. Except for the old Lian Po of the Dallas Mavericks, the other five are all in their prime.

In addition, there are several "quasi-MVPs" in the Western Conference. These "quasi-MVPs" have all ranked in the top five among the MVP candidates over the years. Their personal data is naturally not to mention, and they have led the team to achieve extraordinary achievements. Awesome record.

One regular season MVP is enough to change the pattern of the entire NBA league. If five MVPs get together, it will open up a difficult mode for other teams.

In such a Western Conference, it is already very difficult to reach the playoffs. Now with the addition of the Clippers' "Big Three", the situation in the Western Conference has become even more chaotic, and the competition between teams has become increasingly fierce.

Wood and Holgagre are organizers, scorers, and inside gates. This combination can be said to be both inside and outside, good at offense and defense. Everyone takes it for granted that the Clippers' "Big Three" will definitely show their power.

However, the Clippers unexpectedly suffered a five-game losing streak and fell to ninth in the Western Conference, falling out of the playoffs.

In the conference room, the Clippers' coaching staff was discussing the reasons for their frequent losses in recent games.

"We lost in terms of tactics." Assistant coach Cassel said while looking at Dai Li cautiously. He was worried that he would make Dai Li unhappy. If you lose because of tactics, the head coach will definitely take the blame.

What Cassel said is true. The Clippers have never established a tactical system of their own. Of course, with Dai Li's level and tactical literacy, he can develop a tactical system. After all, Dai Li is not a professional basketball player. Coaches, even if they are learning from others and selling them, they don't have the enthusiasm.

The current Clippers team relies entirely on playing star ball. This kind of precedent is not without precedent in the NBA. After all, NBA games are more about personal ability. A superstar with outstanding abilities has the ability to overcome corruption as long as he has the ball in hand. For magical abilities.

At the beginning of the season, the Clippers' style of play also achieved good results. Each team did not understand the Clippers' style of play. Coupled with Wood's sudden recovery, and Gray's realization of his talent , which caught other teams off guard. The Clippers were able to win by surprise, so they achieved a good record.

Moreover, at the beginning of the regular season, each team is also adjusting their tactics. The players are still in a stage of adapting to the coach's tactical system. Some players' bodies have not yet fully adjusted to the state of the game. The overall performance of the team Strength will inevitably be affected.

Now that more than a month has passed in the regular season, the Clippers' "star ball" style of play has been well known to every team, and opponents will naturally exercise tactical restraint.

More importantly, after a month of competition, the tactical adjustment of each team has been completed. The players have entered the game state both physically and mentally. The entire team has slowly transformed from the unfamiliarity at the beginning of the season. In order to mature and begin to show his true strength.

Every season, there are always some "anti-finish" teams in the NBA. They play very well at the beginning of the season and can be said to be smooth sailing. However, by the middle of the season, they begin to lose their performance and are gradually ignored by other teams. To catch up, but by the end of the season, everyone was bullying everyone, and they didn't look like a strong team at all. The reasons are nothing more than two points. The first is that other teams have become stronger, and the second is that other teams have found ways to deal with you.

In the conference room, everyone's eyes were focused on Dai Li. Issues involving the tactical system required the head coach to make decisions.

Dai Li tapped his index finger on the table a few times, as if thinking about a solution.

In terms of basketball tactics, Li Dai really has no background, and he is completely unable to come up with a complete tactical system.

Last season, the Clippers relied on the title of "evenly matched" to support themselves, so they were able to counterattack as a bad team and enter the top ten in the Western Conference. However, this season's Clippers certainly cannot continue to be "evenly matched". used.

"I'm not a basketball coach after all!" Dai Li thought with a dark face.

In terms of personal reputation, Dai Li is as good as the head coach of any team in the NBA; in terms of training, Dai Li is no worse than others; but when it comes to tactics, the assistant coaches of other teams are better than Dai Li.

Many assistant coaches in the NBA are players. They have played for more than ten years, and then served as assistant coaches for seven or eight years. They have been associated with basketball all their lives. This kind of accumulation is not something that Li Dai can catch up with in just one or two years. on. Even if Li Dai came up with a tactical system, it was just a big show in front of Guan Gong. Not to mention humiliating himself, he was far worse than others.

"My advantage is training. With the same training time and training intensity, I have systematic bonuses, so my training will have better results, making athletes run faster, jump higher, and be stronger. And it won’t hurt.”

"In addition, I have athlete patches, which can restore injured players to a state of recovery; I also have age reduction cards, which can restore the youth of older players."

"Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, and then using your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses is the right choice. That's why I chose the strategy of playing star ball at the beginning, because in terms of tactics, any one of the coaching staff of each NBA team is better than me Strong, I don’t have to compete with others on what I’m not good at.”

"It seems that as long as I am the head coach, there is no need to build a war system. I can only implement the star ball strategy to the end!" Dai Li took a breath silently, and then seriously accepted this helpless reality. .

"But now it seems that Star Ball's strategy seems to have failed. It has been five consecutive defeats... Well, I know the reason!"

Dai Li pondered for a long time and finally raised his head, as if he already had a countermeasure.

The rest of the coaching staff seemed to be listening.

Dai Li coughed dryly, cleared his throat, and said: "The tactical strategy we have set this season is to give full play to the personal abilities of star players. Now that we have suffered a five-game losing streak, this shows..."

Dai Li deliberately spoke in a long tone, and others immediately guessed what Dai Li was going to say.

"Do you want to admit that the star ball strategy has failed?"

"Are we going to use a new tactical system?"

"Do you want to learn from the Warriors? Or learn from the Rockets? Or learn from the Celtics in the East?"

While everyone was thinking about it, they looked at Dai Li expectantly.

However, Dai Li said: "Now we have suffered five consecutive defeats, which shows that we don't have enough star players!"

"What?" Cassel's eyes widened and he looked at Dai Li with a ghostly expression. He never expected that Dai Li would finally give such an answer.

The entire coaching staff was immediately silent, and all kinds of strange eyes were cast on Dai Li. If Dai Li was not the head coach, someone would probably couldn't help but slap Dai Li twice.

Not winning is because there are not enough star players. What kind of truth is this

The answer given by Dai Li is so rascal!

It's like playing Landlords. I caught a bunch of straights but didn't win. Instead of blaming my poor card skills, I smiled and said with a cheeky look: "If I had caught a few more bombs, I would have won this card." Got it!"

Isn't this nonsense...

If the NBA's best team of the year is moved to you, and five superstars stand on the court, what do they want you as a coach to do!