Almighty Coach

Chapter 617: fight


Ossef was sitting on the bench, but his eyes were not staring at the court, but looking towards the auditorium on the other side from time to time.

It was a VIP seat at Cleveland's home stadium, and there sat a very plump woman with a big belly. She had obviously been pregnant for several months.

This plump pregnant woman is Ossef's ex-wife.

Osef thought he would hate her very much, but after seeing her again, Osef found that he couldn't hate her at all.

The woman who once drove him crazy, who once deeply hurt him, still lives in his heart and still occupies a very important position.

Osef looked at his ex-wife longingly, as if recalling the beautiful past between the two.

His ex-wife also noticed that Ossef was looking at her, and then gave Ossef a smile.

"She is smiling at me! Is she thinking about me too?" Ossef felt as if his heart was melting and his heart was surging!

This scene also fell into the eyes of another person, this person is Cavaliers center Tris, who is also the current husband of Osef's ex-wife.

Seeing his wife flirting with another man, and that man was his wife's ex-husband, Tris suddenly became furious.

"Could it be that the two of them still have unresolved feelings?" Tris thought to himself.

If it were the self-degenerate Osef from before, Tris wouldn't take it seriously at all. An addict is equivalent to a useless person, and he might die of overdose one day.

But now Ousefu has returned to the court, and his condition seems to be very good. There is a tendency to rejuvenate, which has to arouse Tris's vigilance.

His wife's ex-husband is a scumbag, which makes Tris feel a sense of masculine accomplishment. But if his wife's ex-husband is better than herself, Tris will feel full of frustration.

This off-field factor also affected Terrys's concentration. In the next few minutes, Terrys made consecutive defensive mistakes. The Clippers also seized the opportunity and launched a 15-3 offensive climax.

In NBA games, the physical confrontation and tactical execution between players are top-notch, which requires players' concentration. As long as a player stands on the court and is involved in the game, he must pay attention every second. Once a player loses focus, even a superstar will only perform like a scumbag.

The Cavaliers' head coach also realized that Trice's attention was completely absent from the game, so he decisively replaced Trice. This was an abnormal rotation, and everyone could see it. In fact, the head coach was very dissatisfied with Terry's performance in the last few minutes, so he was substituted.

Being substituted in this way was indeed very humiliating for the players. Tris also felt that he had been humiliated. He could feel the unkind looks from the fans around him, as if to say: Team It's all your fault for falling behind!

On the other side of the Clippers, Osef was also substituted.

Ossef is not the kind of player with strong scoring ability, but he is an all-around fighter on the court. If this type of player plays well, you will find him everywhere on the court. He will come out when grabbing rebounds, he will come out during pick-and-rolls, he will come out when cutting, he will come out when the ball is open, and occasionally he will make a few beautiful passes. The ball assists teammates to score.

Especially after entering the rotation lineup, Ousefu became even more prominent.

In the current lineup of the Clippers, Osef is used as the core of the bench lineup. This kind of all-round warrior can do anything on the court, and is very suitable as the core of the bench lineup.

Sometimes knowing everything means being proficient in nothing, but with Ossef's ability, it is more than enough to bully each team's rotation lineup.

After all, the strength of the team's rotation is definitely not as good as the starting lineup. Even for a first-rate team, there are at most one or two strong points on the bench, and the other players are not strong enough to start.

Facing the Cavaliers' substitutes, Osef performed very well in the few minutes he came on the bench, scoring, rebounding and assisting, fully demonstrating his all-around warrior level.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Cavaliers' substitutes are relatively weak. There are three superstar players in the Cavaliers, forming the Big Three. These three people occupy a large amount of salary space. This also means that the Cavaliers cannot pay role players too high salaries. Without enough money, they will naturally not be able to attract players. Join high-level players.

This is a common problem of many teams. The stars in the team take up too much salary, and other rotation players are destined to not receive high salaries. Generally speaking, the strength of the players is directly proportional to their salary, so the strength of the substitute lineup It's rather worrying.

It is also appropriate for the substitutes to be weaker. If any team has 20 to 30 million in spare money, the first thing they think of is to introduce a star player instead of spending money on substitutes. Therefore, NBA teams basically make mistakes when it comes to substitutes, and everyone is about the same. If any team has a strong substitute, it is basically for the best sixth man.

What is very unfortunate is that Osef was the Sixth Man of the Year that year!

In the battle of the substitute lineup, Ousef had a strong presence and got a lot of shots.

The on-site director was also very picky about things. Every time Ossef had a wonderful performance, the camera would always focus on Ossef's ex-wife and give her a close-up.

Sometimes Tris will be given a close-up shot to record his depressed expression.

At this time, Tris was indeed very depressed. He felt as if a big stone was pressing on his heart, and the weight of the big stone was still increasing. He wanted to get on the court right away and beat Ousef down.

Finally, the bench's task is coming to an end, and the starting players are gradually replaced.

When there was a free throw opportunity, Terrys was called up by the coach and substituted. Just when he was about to get ready to do something big and show off to Osef, the Clippers, Dai Li replaced Osef. .

Tris suddenly felt frustrated that he had punched nothing.

Then, while standing on the field, he saw his wife and Ossef flirting.

Terrys' attention was drawn away again, so he missed a free shot and the Clippers scored two points.

Throughout the game, Terrys seemed to be sleepwalking, with various inattention, defensive leaks, or unnecessary fouls. As a center, this unnecessary foul also affects his playing time. In one game, he played piecemeal for more than 20 minutes, which was not as long as coming on as a substitute.

And Terry's performance also directly affected the Cavaliers' defense. You must know that the Clippers have a big center like Gray, and other players can also break into the penalty area and score. Without Tellis sitting at the basket, it would be too easy for the Clippers to break through the Cavaliers' penalty area. Just in terms of grabbing offensive rebounds and scoring second, the Clippers beat the Cavaliers by more than ten points.

With five minutes left in the fourth quarter, the Cavaliers replaced all their main players and let the "water cooler keeper" come on, which was tantamount to admitting defeat. The Clippers also immediately made adjustments, replaced their main players, and won the game.

However, the broadcaster did not let Tris go. The camera would cut to the bench from time to time, showing a few close-ups of the facial expressions of Osef and Tris, and then display them on the big screen in the stadium.

Obviously, the on-site director was also stirring up trouble. Those in the media are eager for things to get louder and louder, and the more exciting things are, the more they will attract audiences. The media reporters at the scene must have hoped most for a fight between Ousef and Tris.

Ossef sat on the bench and looked at his ex-wife happily, his eyes full of concern.

His ex-wife smiled at Ossef from time to time. In Ossef's opinion, this smile was simply the warmest sunshine in the world, making him feel endless warmth. At this time, Ousef no longer cared about his ex-wife cuckolding him, nor did he care that she was not good at his duties. His mind was filled with the happy memories of the two of them together.

Tris sat on the bench, looking at the "adulterer couple" fiercely, and endured it with difficulty.

Finally, the whistle sounded to end the game.

Players from the Cavaliers and Clippers began to hug each other to show the spirit of friendship between the two parties.

But Tris stood up suddenly and walked towards Osef.

"Stay away from my woman!" Tris said in a low voice, but his eyes were murderous.

It's not easy for Tris to hold back until now. He didn't perform well in this game. He lost to Ossef in both statistics and appearance. More importantly, Ossef seems to still have a relationship with his wife. Okay, no man can tolerate this kind of thing.

Ossef's face was also full of hatred. He found that he could not resent his ex-wife at all, so he put all the hatred in his heart on Tris. He even felt that it was Tris who took her away. He killed his wife, and the root of all the mistakes was Tris.

It’s not enough to say anything speculative, but it’s better to be direct with your fists!

The photographer's lens immediately focused on the two people, and the on-site director also immediately cut the Pure Land to the two people.

The spectators who were originally preparing to leave stopped at this moment. Some looked at the big screen, while others simply looked at the two people on the court.

"Is there going to be a fight?"

"I bought this ticket just to see this!"

"After waiting for two hours, the show finally started!"

Obviously, it was not just Dai Li who was watching the excitement, but also the tens of thousands of spectators around him.

"What are you looking at?"

"What are you looking at?"

"Try another one!"

"I just took a look. Why don't you accept it?"

"Look again, believe it or not, I'm going to kill you!"

This is a line made up by Dai Li in his mind.

Dai Li was still relatively far away from the two of them. He didn't know what Tris and Ossef were talking about, so he could only think about this line in his heart silently. Dai Li felt that this line should be regarded as the prelude needed before the fight.

Dai Li didn't know whether there would be a fight in the Northeast because of "What are you looking at?", but Osef and Tris really started fighting, so something inexplicably appeared in Dai Li's mind. Such a set of lines.

There was chaos on the court. The game was over and it was time for everyone to get off work. The referees had already walked to the passage back to the locker room. Of course, several players and members of the coaching staff had already left the court. At this time, Osef and Tris actually started fighting.

In the history of the NBA, there have been many fights during the game, but it is rare for a fight to start after the game is over.

If a fight breaks out during the game, the referee will immediately rush to intervene, and other players will come to break up the fight. But now that the game is over, the referees have left, and no one has come up to blow the whistle to intervene. The other players are also taking a stance or preparing a stance, so no one has come up to break up the fight at the first time.

As a result, the two started fighting like boxers, surrounded by photographers and reporters who were watching the excitement and provoking trouble, as well as players who had not yet realized what was going on.

In terms of height, Osef is 6 feet 10 inches and Terrys is 6 feet 9 inches. However, considering that player heights have never been so accurate, the height difference between the two can be ignored.

In terms of weight, the official data given by the two are similar, but as the center, Tris is definitely heavier, while Osef is lighter due to his previous drug abuse.

However, fighting is not based on size. Being big may not necessarily mean you can win. For example, in today's fight, Ossef clearly had the upper hand and caught Tris and gave him a beating.

The outcome of a fight is related to the player's origin.

Osef was born in Queens, New York, one of the most complex areas in New York, home to the busiest airport in the world, historic museums, famous parks, and chaotic slums.

Strictly speaking, the Bronx in New York is the poorest of the five boroughs in New York and has the most slums. But in terms of chaos, Queens is much worse than the Bronx.

In New York, Manhattan is a rich area, the Bronx is a poor area, and Queens has rich people and poor people.

If these rich people live together, the public security must be good. Any wealthy area in the world will be great and will have a good environment, good public security and excellent education.

When poor people gather together, their living standards will definitely be very bad, but it may not be chaotic, because everyone is poor, no one has money, and they can't grab valuable things from each other. Everyone is struggling to make ends meet, so why should the poor bother the poor? Sometimes, a kind of "poor man's order" will be formed.

For example, the Kowloon Walled City on Hong Kong Island in the last century was regarded by outsiders as a no-no-no zone, full of all kinds of sins. However, there are tens of thousands of residents living in the Kowloon Walled City. To them, As long as you follow the rules inside, you can survive there.

Where the rich and poor live together, it tends to cause chaos. Poor people without money will inevitably have some less positive thoughts when they see rich people hanging around them every day. Hatred of the rich is not a rare thought. In China, if you drive a luxury car to send your child to kindergarten, you will be attacked by teachers and other parents, and then kicked out of the parent group. In a country like the United States, where there are more guns than people, if the rich are not robbed, then it will really fail to live up to its reputation as "the world's largest firearms country."

Queens, New York, is such a place. It is the most diverse district in New York. There are high-end villas and chaotic slums. When both appear in the same area, more chaos will naturally occur.

Osef spent his childhood in Queens, and he grew up with his grandmother and aunt. By American standards, he was considered a child from a poor family. In Queens, New York, he had no father. My mother's child from a poor family can live safely to adulthood, how can it be that she doesn't know how to fight!

Ossef, who grew up in that environment, was a master of fighting.

In contrast, Tris was born in Canada, his parents are Jamaican immigrants. For people from the Commonwealth, those who can immigrate to Canada must not be poor, and at least come from a middle-class background. Otherwise, it would be impossible to immigrate to Canada.

And Tris's parents also attach great importance to their children's education. Tris was an ice hockey player in middle school, which is a very expensive sport. As Tris grew taller and taller, his parents sent him to a prestigious basketball school in the United States. Canada has 12 years of compulsory education. If a Canadian sends his child to a prestigious high school in the United States, he will have to pay an extra sum of money. Being able to afford this money shows that Tris's family's financial situation is still very good.

It can be said that Tris grew up in a relatively wealthy family and received a relatively good education since childhood. Children from such a family will not have serious fights even if they occasionally conflict with classmates. Not good at fighting.

Although Tris is more than two meters tall and has strong muscles, he looks very bluffing, but in fact he doesn't know how to fight.

One grew up fighting, and the other didn't know how to fight at all. When the two of them fight, the result can be imagined.

Although Tris was bigger, he was beaten by Osef.

"The fight is about to begin!" Dai Li looked at the two of them, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The next second, Dai Li commented: "Osef seems to have the upper hand! Yes, we won!"

"Coach, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, we have to pull them apart!" Cassel said anxiously.

However, he did not immediately go up to stop him. Two strong black men over two meters tall were fighting each other. Cassel would not have dared to go up rashly if he didn't find a few helpers. Just look at their thick arms and casserole. It's a big black fist. If you accidentally hurt yourself, it won't be easy.

"Yes, go and pull them apart!" Li Dai looked excited, and then said: "Osef won the battle, let's go and pull away those who tried to break up the fight!"

Cassel: "..."