Almighty Coach

Chapter 618: They are committing murder


New York, NBA headquarters.

The TV set hanging on the wall of the conference room was showing the fight between Ousef and Tris.

"The fight really started. Although the game is over, we should still punish the players on both sides."

"As usual, players involved in fights should be suspended!"

"There must be a ban, but the key is how many games. After all, this is a fight after the game. Our punishment cannot be too heavy or too light. If the number of bans exceeds the fight during the game, it will also arouse public opinion. .”

"There were similar penalties before, right? I remember last season we punished players who had a fight in the locker room. We can refer to the basis for the penalties at that time."

Everyone in the conference room was discussing the punishment of Ousef and Tris.

Although this was not a fight that occurred during the game, the league will still impose suspensions on athletes involved in the fight.

There have been precedents for similar things before. For example, after the game, players had physical conflicts after returning to the locker room; after the game, athletes had conflicts in the player tunnel, and some even chased them to the bus and then had physical conflicts. event. There were quite a few blows between the players, and one All-Star player even pulled out a gun after a disagreement in the locker room. For these incidents, the NBA has suspended players.

A fight like this directly on the court after a game should be more serious than a physical conflict in the locker room, but slightly less serious than a fight on the field. Therefore, in terms of punishment, compared with fighting during the game, the intensity will be lighter.

On the TV screen, Ossef clearly had the upper hand. Tris threw several punches, but they were either dodged or blocked by Ossef. But Osef hit Tris in the face with two solid punches.

"Osef, this guy, is quite good at fighting! Tris is bigger than him, but he can't beat him." Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"How can you, from Queens, New York, not know how to fight?" another person replied.

"Fortunately, some players haven't returned to the locker room yet, so they went over to break up the fight!" a third person said.

On the TV screen, the reporters must have been filming wildly. They wished the two of them would fight more intensely. The players and coaches of the two teams who had not yet left the field quickly walked up, intending to break up the fight.

The conflicts on the field today are different from those on ordinary days.

On the field, players will talk trash, make various dirty moves, and even make some unfair penalties. These are all causes of physical conflicts. Sometimes a player with a bad temper may take action directly if he is being played by his opponent during offense and defense and feels that he cannot lose face. In this situation, some teammates may not try to break up the fight, but may instead help out and show the friendship between teammates and the unity within the team.

But today, Osef and Tris were fighting over a woman. There was definitely no teammate to help with this kind of thing. Except for these two, no one else had any interest in that big-assed woman. Maybe it was only for physical reasons. , so no one would help their teammates, they would just step forward to break up the fight.

However, the person who broke up the fight also appeared to be very cautious. The people fighting on the other side were two big men close to seven feet tall. They had thick elbows and big fists. If they were to be punched on the body, it would hurt just thinking about it.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!" A plump woman shouted anxiously from the side. It is Osef's ex-wife and Tris' current wife.

She didn't want to yell, but when she yelled, the fight between the two became more intense. Tris knew that he had lost the fight, and that his woman had seen the fight. He became more and more unwilling to give up. He broke away from the person who was trying to stop the fight without hesitation and rushed towards Osef.

Ossef is not a bad person either. After he won the battle, he wanted to show off as a winner and show off in front of him in the early stage.

So the two of them fought together again, and no one else could persuade them to stop.

In the conference room, when the TV picture was playing here, someone couldn't help but said: "I thought I persuaded them to stop, but they started fighting again! The punishment should be increased."

"Look, the Clippers' coach has passed by, and it's still up to the head coach to break up the fight!"

On the TV screen, Li Dai ran over excitedly, pretending to be trying to break up the fight, but his hand movements actually pushed away the two players who came to break up the fight.

Then Ossef and Triss hugged each other and struggled again, and Triss was punched in the eye by Ossef again.

In the conference room, someone couldn't help but said: "No, why do I feel that the head coach of the Clippers is not trying to stop the fight, but is trying to deflect it?"

"The league's decision on punishment has been made. Ossev is suspended for three games." Cassel handed a fax to Dai Li, which contained the league's decision on punishment of Ossev.

"What about Tris from the Cavaliers?" Dai Li asked.

"Same, he's also suspended for three games." Cassell paused and then said, "The league is going to hit each other fifty times."

"Oh, then we made a profit. After all, Osef won the fight, and he punched Tris several times." Dai Li said with a smile.

After Kassel hesitated for a few seconds, he said, "It seems that you don't plan to punish Osef within the team?"

"Well, I don't plan to punish him anymore. You should have guessed it when I went to break up the fight." The smile on Dai Li's face became even stronger.

"You still have the nerve to say that you were trying to break up the fight? You were obviously trying to get away from it! If you hadn't been trying to break up the fight, Tris would probably have received two fewer punches," Cassel complained.

"Osef needs to vent." Dai Li waved his finger and continued: "For men, it's better to have a fight and vent the emotions in your chest than to keep it in your heart."

"What you said seems to make sense." Cassel nodded, and then said jokingly: "It seems that you are very experienced in this."

"Go away, I have never been a cuckold!" Li Dai cursed.

Cassell changed his tone: "In the next three games, we will not have Osef, and the intensity of the bench will be affected."

"We are on the road in a row, so it is acceptable to lose a few games. If we can win one of the next three games, our four away games will be two wins and two losses. This is an acceptable result. " Dai Li pretended not to care, and then said:

"Besides, Noel has received his sixth physical examination report from the hospital, and everything is still normal. According to the previous agreement with the league, he only needs to submit a six-month physical examination report to prove that his body is healthy, and then he can get the league's With the approval, he can return to the game. So I plan to let him come back at the next home court!"

Six physical examination reports were placed on the desk of NBA President Adams. This is exactly what Noel's medical examination showed in the last six months.

Although Adams is not a professional doctor, he can still understand the results of the physical examination report.

"In other words, his illness has been cured?" Adams pointed to the physical examination report on the table.

"To be precise, the problem of blood clots has been resolved. At present, it seems that there is no trend of recurrence in a short period of time." said a man with eyes opposite him. He is a famous medical professor in the United States and a medical consultant to the NBA. one.

"So, he can play?" Adams then asked.

"Judging from the data given in the physical examination report, his body is very healthy, much healthier than ordinary people. He can definitely play on the court." The professor of medicine replied.

After hearing this, Adams frowned and looked hesitant.

From a medical point of view, as long as the blood clot in the body is dissolved, the athlete's life is not in danger. This can be achieved by taking anticoagulant drugs. However, anticoagulant drugs can cause some side effects, such as it is difficult to stop bleeding after a wound bleeds, or internal bleeding is more likely to occur during strenuous exercise.

If it is not a sport with intense physical confrontation, athletes can solve the problem by taking anticoagulant drugs and it will not affect their participation in the competition. But basketball is different, which requires intense physical confrontation, so it is necessary to ensure that the athletes' coagulation function is completely intact. If you still have problems with your coagulation function and still go out to play, it would be the same as committing suicide.

Naturally, the NBA cannot allow players to commit suicide. This is why Chris Noel was banned from participating in the next game by the NBA after he developed coagulation problems.

The formation of blood clots is nothing more than a decrease in the secretion of anticoagulant hormones in the body, which is equivalent to a defect in the body. According to the effect of Athlete's Patch, it can make up for whatever is missing. After using Athlete's Patch, Noel naturally recovered his health. .

But for NBA President Adams, this is a headache. If Noel's blood clot is completely resolved and he is allowed to play in the game, the NBA will be held responsible if something goes wrong.

The NBA's global promotion has been very successful in recent years, and the NBA has also paid more and more attention to its own image. If a scandal occurs, for Adams, all these years of efforts will be in vain.

Adams is also familiar with the symptoms of blood clots, which are a common disease among athletes. Moreover, this is a functional disease that is basically impossible to cure and can even be listed as an incurable disease.

Therefore, Adams did not think that Noel would recover. The initial request for a six-month physical examination report was just a delaying measure. Adams doesn't think Noel will actually be able to stay healthy for six months.

However, Noel actually brought in the six-month physical examination report, and the report showed that there was no problem with his coagulation function. He had already stopped taking anticoagulant drugs, and there were no signs of blood clots in his body. Although this does not mean that Noel has recovered, it meets the requirements that Adams made before.

"If I had known earlier, I would have asked him to provide a year's physical examination report!" Adams sighed, and his words would throw water away. As the president of the NBA, he can't just keep his words.

Adams signed his name on a document with a look of helplessness, knowing that this was a risky move. If Noel's condition relapsed, he would face national criticism.

Chris Noel was once a superstar, and his comeback immediately turned the attention of the national media to Los Angeles.

The Clippers released several photos of Noel participating in team practice matches, and announced to the media that Chris Noel will start at the fourth position in the next home game.

People are not interested in the Clippers' formation, and more people want to know how Noel's health is.

After all, clots are fatal to athletes. They move with the blood. If they move to the blood vessels of the lungs or heart, it will cause pulmonary embolism or myocardial infarction.

And if you take anticoagulant drugs in order to dissolve the clot, it will affect the body's hemostasis function. In such a fierce physical confrontation in the NBA, internal bleeding in the body will be fatal.

Therefore, for the safety of athletes, athletes with blood resistance disorders like this should stay away from NBA arenas. It is best to be an honest spectator and not even touch the coaching profession.

But Noel is coming back. In the eyes of many people, if a person who has had blood clots in his body plays in the NBA, he is really risking his life to play basketball!

The next day, a news headline like this appeared in the media:

"Los Angeles Clippers, they're murdering!" 》