Almighty Coach

Chapter 619: Another perfect comeback


Dai Li held the tablet in his hand and looked at the news headlines with a strange expression on his face.

"Los Angeles Clippers, they are committing murder! Murder? What does this mean?" Dai Li frowned suddenly, not because of the title, but because the picture accompanying the title was his own photo, and the photo was Photoshopped into He looked like a killer.

The first half of the news was praising Noel. Roughly speaking, he suffered from blood clots and still insisted on coming back. This kind of superstar loves basketball so much and has such a professional spirit. He is simply a model for all athletes to learn from.

The second half is about saying that the Clippers have no conscience. They know that blood clots may kill athletes, but they still let Noel play on the court. They are simply representatives of unscrupulous capitalists. Even if Noel's blood clot is eliminated, taking anticoagulant drugs will prevent him from engaging in high-intensity physical confrontations. Letting him play in the NBA is simply asking him to die.

The accusation of "murder" was directly pointed at Dai Li. The news finally pointed out that if Noel really had a problem, then the killer was Dai Li.

"I helped Noel return to the court so that he could continue to play. I am helping others. Shouldn't I be praised? Why are you calling me a killer? I really don't understand your American thinking." Dai Li was a little confused. explain.

"I checked with someone and this news originally came from Miami." Johnson, the team's general manager, said.

Dai Li thought carefully: "I don't have any enemies in Miami!"

"It's the Heat's fault." Johnson said: "The Heat are unwilling to do so, but they have no choice but to use this method to disgust us. If they can stir up a storm of public opinion and put pressure on us, then that's Even better. If Noel goes to play a game and something really goes wrong, this report can be used to bring it up again."

Dai Li nodded, indicating that he understood.

Chris Noel was once a player for the Heat. He helped the Heat win several championships and was also a well-known superstar in the league. Before the blood clot was detected, Noel also took a maximum salary from the Heat. The Heat also regarded him as the backbone of the team. Even after Noel had to leave the court due to illness, the Heat were very kind. , willing to retire Noel’s jersey.

When you are a player, you will be given a maximum salary, and when you are not a player, your jersey will be retired. This kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by the stars with outstanding achievements.

The Heat thought that treating Noel in this way was the utmost kindness. But what they didn't expect was that Noel actually came back, and also went to another team to come back, which made the Heat scream at a loss.

Noel left the court due to illness, so even if he was laid off by the Heat, his salary would be paid by the insurance company, so the Heat had nothing to lose in this regard. But giving up a superstar to the Clippers for nothing is definitely an unacceptable result for the Heat.

In the NBA, superstars are always a scarce resource. For superstar-level players, they always choose the team, not the team. Every superstar is the dream target of the team. If a superstar expresses his willingness to go to a certain team, then the team will do everything possible to clear the salary space to sign the superstar, or give him enough money. Trade with chips of sincerity. Compared with the intentions of superstar players, salary has become a secondary matter.

If it is the top superstar, it will make the management of all teams kneel down. For example, the NBA stipulates that teams cannot negotiate contracts with free agents before July 1, so on the night of June 30, a certain team manager’s car will be parked in front of a superstar’s house. At 11:59 Sometimes, the team manager will get out of the car, come to the door, put his hand on the doorbell, and just wait until after midnight, then he can press the doorbell to persuade the stars to join.

A team stays up most of the night waiting in front of someone's door, and waits until after midnight to invite players to join them. This is the treatment of a superstar.

Precisely because superstars are a scarce resource in the NBA, in the view of the Heat's management, Noel should choose his old team, the Heat, even if he comes back. Now that Noel has gone to the Clippers, this is a loss for the Heat.

There are many ways for NBA teams to dislike each other, and the teams are not as calm as they seem on the surface. If the NBA is a business, then when it comes to a superstar player, it is a value every year. A business of 20 to 30 million. These days, a business worth several million dollars is worthy of sending commercial espionage, but a business worth 20 to 30 million dollars still has to use all means.

What's more, the Miami Heat have never been a very humane team. Their management has always implemented the spirit of the "Business Alliance", so they won't mind secretly finding an opportunity to stir up some trouble.

As for other teams, they are not willing to see the Clippers continue to strengthen. After all, everyone is in the same league, and there is more or less competition between the teams.

Just listen to Johnson continue: "Noel's comeback has been approved by the league. The six-month physical examination report is enough to prove Noel's health. I don't think the league will ban Noel from participating because of a mere news report. But what I am worried about is Public opinion."

Dai Li waved his hand: "I'm just the opposite. What I'm worried about is whether something will happen to the alliance. As for public opinion, as long as Noel can show good condition, then everything will be solved. For For fans, as long as their favorite stars can have good statistics, injuries and other things don't matter."

In the locker room, Chris Noel finally put on his own jersey.

According to NBA rules, players who have not entered the active list can only wear suits even if they come to the scene. Previously, Noel enjoyed the treatment of watching football in a suit. He could only wear a suit and sit on the bench. This was undoubtedly a torture for him.

We ordinary people who play pick-up ball on weekdays will feel very anxious if we can't get on the court and can only sit and watch, let alone an NBA superstar player.

Due to blood clots, Noel was forced to sit on the bench for dozens of games, watching his teammates play, which made his hands itch and made his heart itch unbearably.

Now the pain is finally over and he can finally play.

The brand new jersey on his body was both familiar and unfamiliar. At this moment, his hands began to tremble with uncontrollable excitement.

A sudden illness caused him to leave the court and even bid farewell to basketball, but now, he is back!

Staples Center, the Clippers hosted the Spurs, which was Noel's first game back.

I saw Noel using the cover of his teammates to quickly dribble to the high post, quickly catch the ball and complete the jump shot. However, the player responsible for defending him had not caught up, and could only watch Noel pass the ball without being marked. Take action.

This goal was scored, and the scene suddenly burst into overwhelming cheers.

"He scored in double figures, and his shooting percentage of 5 out of 10 is also very good. It seems that we don't have to worry about his condition!" Li Dai said with a smile.

Noel is different from other Clippers players. Everyone else left the court due to injuries. Before that, they had already declined due to injuries, and their original star or superstar level was even more degraded. In the end, Not even the level of rotation players.

But Noel had to leave the court because of a blood clot disease. Before he was forced to leave the court, he still maintained an All-Star level. It was even easier to average 20+10 points per game. It can be said that Still in good condition.

It is precisely because Noel is still in his prime that his condition has not declined. He has been training in the first few months of this season. When he returned to the court, he regained his previous form in training.

Moreover, the Clippers have no tactical system and rely entirely on star ball. In the Clippers, if you have a good chance to get the ball, you will play in isolation. If you have a bad chance, you will give the ball to your teammates and let them play in isolation. This simple tactic based on personal ability does not need to be adapted at all. Any star-level player, You can play when you get on the court, and you can throw the ball when you have it in your hand. This is not something that comes easily to Noel's players who are rich in offensive methods.

In this game, Noel showed excellent efficiency, playing 25 minutes and scoring 16 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist.

And things are just as Dai Li expected. Fans will only pay attention to the statistics of the stars. As for injuries and other things, they are not important in the face of good statistics. The media the next day were more reporting on Noel's perfect comeback. As for the "blood clot" issue, it seemed that people had completely forgotten about it.

This is what sports are like, performance always comes first, and the light exuded by excellent performance is enough to cover up all the negative news.

In the first game after his comeback, Noel tried his best and scored 16 points.

In the following games, Noel got more playing time and made more contributions to the team. With Noel joining, the Clippers are not afraid of any opponent at the 4th position.

As a big man, Noel has excellent speed, agility, and great jumping. His two best scoring methods are turning jump shots after posting up, and high jump shots after using the opponent's screen or pick-and-roll. The hit rate is surprisingly high. Moreover, he also has considerable ability to break through the frame and a good three-pointer touch, but for him, three-pointers are not a conventional scoring method.

In the league, Noel can be called the most top-notch spatial insider.

Basketball has developed to this day, and people are more and more aware of the role of space. Breakthroughs require space, and shooting requires space. Therefore, in the current NBA, good insiders are spatial insiders. As an insider, if you cannot create space for the team, you will be classified as a blue-collar player.

There was a time when No. 5 players who could shoot three-pointers were quite popular because No. 5 players who could shoot three-pointers could create more space. At that time, there were many No. 5 players who couldn't even shoot free throws. They all started practicing three-pointers.

But the NBA's tactical masters soon discovered that if No. 5 stood outside and shot three-pointers, then there would be no one in the penalty area. This was equivalent to giving up offensive rebounds. Without offensive rebounds, there was no two players. opportunity to attack. Considering that the shooting percentage of three-pointers is only about 35%, most of the time you have to grab offensive rebounds. The benefit of giving up the second attack in exchange for space is far less than the gain of grabbing offensive rebounds.

With this kind of tactical understanding, more players in position 5 will sit under the basket and protect the penalty area, and coaches will rarely arrange three-point shooting tactics for players in position 5. Since the player at position 5 needs to protect the penalty area, position 4 has become the team's first choice for creating space.

Those No. 4 positions with shooting ability are inherently popular in the league. Many No. 5 positions with long-range shooting ability also appear more often in the No. 4 position in order to create more space.

A space-based No. 4 position can be regarded as a strategic weapon for the team, and even the team's entire tactical system will change with the addition of a space-based No. 4 position.

The former Chris Noel happened to be the best space-oriented four position in the league. He can shoot suddenly. As long as he stands outside the three-point line on both sides of the baseline, his opponents will always be ready to double-team him. Such a superstar player has so many offensive methods, and he is also a big man. It is difficult to guard him one on one.

After all, guarding against big men is much harder than guarding against small men!

Therefore, Noel's overall improvement to the Clippers is not just the slightest. This not only strengthens a position, but also creates more space for the team.

Everyone on the Clippers is a top scorer in the league, with a regular season MVP and two scoring champions. Players at each position are not only proficient in all scoring methods, but also have their own unique offensive methods. Once this type of player is given space, scoring is a piece of cake.

Professor Thomas is an expert on hemophilia and related diseases.

Hemophilia is a disorder of coagulation function, while blood clot is a disorder of anticoagulant function. Although the symptoms of the two are opposite, they belong to the same subject in medical research. So Professor Thomas is also an expert on blood clots.

This is like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. One is too much thyroid hormone, the other is too little thyroid hormone. The symptoms are completely opposite. However, when you see a doctor, you have to go to the endocrinology department. Doctors who are good at treating hyperthyroidism can treat The level of hypothyroidism is not too bad, and vice versa.

In the past period of time, Professor Thomas has been traveling in Europe. He first went to Switzerland to participate in an academic seminar, then went to Sweden to communicate with several scholars, then went to Germany to discuss several medical records, and finally went to the UK to give advice to several knowledgeable people. Qian's patient was diagnosed and went back and forth for more than half a month.

For more than half a month, Thomas has been busy and has almost no time to pay attention to other things. That's what doctors are like, they can't care about anything when they're busy. Even doctors in the United States work much longer hours than in other industries.

After returning to New York and getting off the plane, Professor Thomas bought a newspaper and quickly scanned the headlines.

Finally, in the sports section, he saw the news of Noel's comeback.

"What? Noel is back? He even played! He also played for 25 minutes! He is dying!" Professor Thomas exclaimed.

Professor Thomas once diagnosed and treated Noel. He was very familiar with Noel's condition. In his opinion, it was impossible for Noel to play again. The disease he suffered from no longer allowed him to continue playing in the NBA.

"Which damn doctor allowed him to play? This is simply killing people! The doctor who allowed him to play should have his license revoked and he should be sentenced!" Thomas thought angrily, then took out his mobile phone and found Noel's telephone number.

Thomas is a very conscientious doctor, and he plans to dissuade Noel from continuing to play.

The call was quickly connected, and Noel's voice came from the other side: "Hello, Professor Thomas, long time no see."

"Mr. Noel, I just saw the news that you have returned to the NBA!" Thomas pretended to be serious and said: "You made a serious mistake. The disease you have is not able to withstand NBA-level confrontation. , that will put your life in danger!"

"Professor Thomas, if you are talking about blood clots, then you don't have to worry. The blood clots in my body have completely dissolved. So there will be no pulmonary embolism, no myocardial infarction, and my life will not be affected." There will be danger." Noel replied.

"It is not difficult to ablate blood clots, but anticoagulant drugs will affect your coagulation function. If they are overused, they may even induce hemophilia. With the intensity of the NBA's confrontation, if internal bleeding is caused and not immediately discovered, The consequences will be disastrous," Thomas continued.

"There is no problem with my coagulation function." Noel could only continue: "Let's put it this way, my disease has been cured!"

"Is the disease cured?" Thomas asked, the subtext seemed to be saying: Are you kidding me

"It's really good. I have the test report from Dell Medical Center for the past six months, and the NBA officially recognized it." Noel replied.

After hearing this, Thomas suddenly remembered that Noel's ability to play in the game must be officially allowed by the NBA. A league as big as the NBA usually has many top medical experts as consultants. These medical experts are not eating. Seriously, since they allowed Noel to play, there should be no problem with Noel's health.

"Is there really nothing wrong with your body?" Thomas asked subconsciously.

"Of course. You see, I can already play games." Noel replied.

Thomas was still confused, and he subconsciously asked: "How was it cured?"

"Train!" Noel continued: "My coach has developed a training plan for me."

Noel answered easily, with a hint of excitement.

Thomas, however, had a heavy expression, as if he had stepped on a dog's tail and been chased all the way.

"Can training cure blood clots? Haha..."

Then, the chat ended with hehe.

In the blink of an eye, Noel has played seven games, and the Clippers have won seven games in a row. This wave of seven consecutive victories has allowed the Clippers to secure their fourth position in the Western Conference.

During this period, Noel submitted another physical examination report to the league, proving that there was no problem with his body.

The data are good and his body has recovered. The league has no reason to prevent Noel from continuing to play, and those who want to see Noel's jokes have also shut up. No one is a fool. Everyone can see how Noel is doing after his comeback.

Noel was also unable to play for a long time and was depressed. After finally returning to the court, he was naturally eager to prove himself, so he worked extra hard in every game. This kind of superstar player is superior to others in terms of strength, but as long as he has a correct attitude and focuses on the game, his statistics will not be too bad.

After seven games, Noel's playing time gradually reached 30 minutes, and his average data per game remained at 17+6.

Another perfect comeback.