Almighty Coach

Chapter 630: The world's first clam fight


Olympic men's 400-meter dash final.

Although the competition has not yet started, there is no suspense about the championship. Everyone knows that this gold medal in the men's 400-meter dash belongs to the new 400-meter king Nick Zuma.

In terms of strength, Zuma is indeed far ahead of others.

No one of the other seven contestants was able to run under 44 seconds. Their best times in history were all outside 44 seconds, but Zuma could run under 44 seconds without using all his strength.

If Zuma runs without reservation, he will definitely get a lead of more than 1 second. This gap is a gap between two athletes of different levels in the 400-meter sprint event.

You must know that this is the Olympic finals, the highest level competition in the world. At this level of competition, there will still be two levels of athletes, which is enough to show that Zuma is strong.

So the focus of this game is not whether Zuma can win the championship, but how fast Zuma can run. Whether he can surpass the previous 400-meter king Alvin has become the highlight of this game.

The moment he stepped on the track, Zuma couldn't help but start to get excited. He could feel that his heartbeat was speeding up and his thinking was abnormal. It felt like he had taken stimulants.

Of course, Zuma did not take doping. He is a competitive player. As long as he stands in front of the starting line, he will not unconsciously get excited.

In fact, all short-distance racing athletes are the "people go crazy" type of athletes. As long as there is a competition, they are as excited as chicken blood.

The situation of slowly finding your form after entering a competition does not exist among short-distance racing athletes. Just like the 100-meter dash, it only lasts 10 seconds. There is no time for athletes to find their form after the competition starts! Everyone must be physically and emotionally excited before the game begins. Only by getting excited in advance can you run faster during the race!

When the gunshot sounded at the beginning of the game, Zuma transformed into a cheetah on the African grassland and rushed forward quickly.

Professional 400-meter running method? unnecessary.

A tactic that disrupts the opponent's rhythm? No need.

Special tips for distributing physical energy? Not even needed.

Zuma's strength is a level higher than that of other athletes. In a two-level competition, his strength is enough to crush him, and there is no need to consider technical and tactical aspects.

So what Zuma did was to let go and run as fast as he could!

In the eyes of his opponents, Zuma's speed is already fast enough, and they will never be able to run at such a speed in their lifetime.

But Zuma felt that his speed was not fast enough. At this speed, he still could not surpass the world record!

"This may be my only chance, I must be faster!" Zuma's eyes showed a trace of determination.

Now Zuma is indeed at the peak age of a sprinter, and after that, he will start to decline. He may still be able to stand at the top of the 400-meter sprint, but his speed will become slower and slower.

No one can beat time, especially for sprinters, their peak is only three or four years. Once they pass their peak, the body's various functions will decline, and the world record will become further and further away.

At this time, Zuma couldn't help but recall more than half a year of training.

In January, Zuma had already arrived at Dai Li's training center. He gave up his vacation and a lot of business activities just to concentrate on training.

He is a South African athlete, so he does not have to participate in the Olympic trials like American athletes. As the current number one person in the 400 meters, South Africa will give him a quota for the Olympics.

Therefore, he did not participate in any events before the Olympics, including the Grand Prix held by the IAAF. Until two days before the Olympics, he still stayed at Dai Li's training center for training.

For an athlete of Zuma's level, competition can no longer bring improvement in strength, because he has no opponents in the 400-meter event, and the level of other athletes is much worse than him.

Just like a high-level chess player, he would rather enjoy playing chess records than play chess with low-level people. If he keeps playing chess with low-level players, his chess skills will become worse and worse.

Another example is playing games. If a high-level professional player plays the "fish pond game" for several days in a row, although he will definitely win through abuse, his operation and consciousness will slowly deteriorate.

On the contrary, if you keep fighting against opponents who are stronger than you, although you will always be abused, you will also learn a lot from them while being abused, and your level will slowly increase.

The same is true for sports. Athletes need to constantly challenge more powerful opponents in order to make progress. If you can't find a more powerful opponent, you can still maintain your status by competing with someone of equal strength. The most fearful thing is to abuse food, which is like sailing against the current or retreating if you don't advance.

Zuma is in this situation. He is already at the top of the world. On the field, no matter who the opponent is, Zuma can win like a fool. For Zuma, the game can no longer bring strength. To improve, he spent all his time on training.

In other words, Zuma is betting on Li Dai's training.

The best physical training center in the world and the best physical coach in the world may allow him to surpass himself!

Zuma has been staying in Los Angeles for more than half a year. He completes a lot of training every day and even does extra training himself.

He showed absolute self-discipline, went to bed early and got up early, did not go to nightclubs, and completely avoided entertainment venues. Even if a beautiful woman took the initiative to throw herself into his arms, Zuma refused without hesitation.

After a few months, he really felt the improvement in strength. But he's not sure whether this improvement can help him break the 400-meter world record.

Only by breaking the 400-meter world record can Zuma truly cross the mountain of Alvin and become the real king of 400 meters!

The finish line is getting closer and closer, and Zuma is counting down in his heart.

Start counting down from 43 seconds, because the world record for 400 meters is 43 seconds 18. In terms of the human body's perception of time, 0.18 seconds is negligible.

When Zuma counts to "0", if he crosses the finish line, then he may break the 400-meter world record. On the contrary, if he counts to "0" but still does not reach the finish line, then the world record is destined to miss him. .

"19, 18, 17, 16..." While Zuma was counting down in his mind, his opponent's figure gradually disappeared from his sight.

This is the second corner. Those runners who start on the outside track will gradually move further back.

"9, 8, 7, 6..." Zuma started the final countdown. He had already run into the final straight and gained a lead that made his opponent despair.

Zuma ran at the front. He couldn't see his opponent. It was precisely because he couldn't see his opponent's position. Zuma didn't know how fast he was or how much of a lead he had. All he could do was Run as fast as you can.

Entering the last 50 meters, Zuma's speed still did not slow down, and at this time, the cheers in the audience reached its peak.

For those who are familiar with the sport of 400-meter dash, Zuma's performance is simply incredible!

In the last 50 meters of a 400-meter sprint, the athlete's body will definitely be in an anaerobic state, and the speed will gradually slow down. This is a physiological necessity.

However, Zuma is different today. Even after entering the last 50 meters, his speed has not slowed down. He still maintains high-speed movement. He is exceeding the physiological limits of the human body!

"3, 2, 1..."

When Zuma silently recited "0", he also crossed the finish line.

"Did you break the world record?" Zuma immediately looked back at the time board.

43 seconds 03!

0.15 seconds faster than the world record of 43.18 seconds!

"Successful, I broke the world record!" Zuma raised his arms in excitement. However, before he had time to celebrate, he felt a tightness in his chest, and then he lay directly on the ground.

If you want to exceed the physiological limits of the human body, you always have to pay a price!

After the human body undergoes extreme anaerobic exercise, symptoms such as shortness of breath and tachycardia will occur, leading to respiratory alkali and electrolyte disorders, and even symptoms such as myocardial insufficiency. This is exactly what happened to Zuma.

Fortunately, there was a first-class medical team at the Olympic Games. After simple first aid, Zuma returned to normal.

Los Angeles.

A row of huge posters was erected in the parking lot in front of the Dai Li Training Center. The posters were arranged in an arc, facing the road.

Each poster has a photo of an athlete printed on it, with a number in the upper left corner of the poster.

These are all athletes who have won gold medals in the Olympics, and they are also Dai Li’s clients.

The latest poster was hung, showing a photo of Zuma holding a gold medal, with the number "50" in the upper left corner.

A car drove past the road, and the driver happened to see the giant Zuma poster and the conspicuous "50" in the upper left corner.

"I remember yesterday it was still 43, and today is already my 50th Olympic gold medal! I can't believe that one training center can train so many Olympic champions, more than the US team!" the driver exclaimed.

In Dai Li's training center, American athletes still account for the majority, so many of the 50 gold medals were won by American athletes. If you don't take the overlap into account and just compare the number of gold medals, the U.S. Olympic team really can't compare to Dai Li's physical training center.

After the 21st century, only China and the United States will be able to win more than 50 gold medals in one Olympic Games. Although Russia is also a big winner of gold medals, its overall sports level has declined seriously in recent years. Moreover, on the stage of the Summer Olympics, Russia is more "scientific" than China and the United States, which means that they have the strength to win gold medals. The projects are relatively fixed, and these projects may not add up to 50.

And the Olympic Games are not over yet. Hundreds of gold medals will be awarded in the future. In other words, 50 gold medals is not the limit. The number of posters in front of the Dai Li Training Center will continue to increase!

At the end of the Olympics, a total of 85 huge posters were hung in front of Dai Li's training center.

85 gold medals, this is what Li Dai achieved in this Olympic Games. These 85 gold medals are all the results of Li Dai's Olympic training camp.

In fact, since the last Olympic Games, when Dai Li led the U.S. track and field team to achieve incredible success, sports people all over the world have known that Dai Li’s physical training center has a world-class level. It is precisely because of this that when Li Dai When Dai opened the Olympic training camp, so many athletes came here.

But when the number "85" appeared, it still shocked sports people all over the world!

What is the concept of winning 85 gold medals in one Olympic Games? Probably many people don't have this concept, because no country in history has ever been able to win 85 gold medals in one Olympic Games.

Not to mention 85 gold medals, even if you win 50 gold medals in one Olympic Games, only four countries have achieved it in history, including the United States twice, the Soviet Union three times, the United Kingdom once, and China once.

Only the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, have ever achieved a country's 80 gold medals in one Olympic Games, and that was even when the other side did not participate.

In the 1980 Moscow Olympics, due to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, the United States decided to boycott this Olympic Games. At that time, only 80 of the 147 countries and regions recognized by the International Olympic Committee participated, which also made the gold medal in this Olympic Games relatively high. In this case, the Soviet Union won 80 gold medals.

Later, in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the Soviet Union decided to boycott the Olympics in order to avenge the loss four years ago. In the end, 19 countries did not participate. At this Olympics, the U.S. team won 83 gold medals.

The status of a superpower, the advantage of the host country, and the opponent's camp not participating. These conditions add up to achieve the result of 80 gold medals. As long as one of the conditions is not met, it is impossible to achieve the result of 80 gold medals. It can be said that This number is already the ultimate result that a superpower can achieve in the Olympics.

Dai Li's training center was able to win 85 gold medals, which is equivalent to the ultimate level of a superpower!

An Olympic training camp run by a physical training center was able to reach the extreme level of a superpower. Only after such results appeared did Li Dai truly become famous in the world.

The world's number one physical training center, no doubt about it!

The number one coach in the world, no doubt about it!

If you are not convinced, you can also try to get 85 Olympic gold medals!

In fact, in every Olympic Games, the world's first-class physical training centers will have gold medals in their accounts. Who among the world's top coaches has not produced an Olympic gold medal

Under normal circumstances, if you can train one or two Olympic gold medal athletes, you will be considered a world-class coach. If you can train five or six Olympic gold medal disciples, you will definitely be called a legendary coach of a generation.

But this is nothing compared to Li Dai. Other coaches can train five or six gold medalists in a lifetime, but Li Dai can run a training camp and train 85 gold medals in one Olympic Games. Dai Li’s Olympic training camp can be branded as “Olympic Gold Medal Wholesale Mall”!

Those who feel most emotionally disappointed should be some of the Olympic silver or bronze medalists. They are only one Olympic training camp away from the gold medal.

The Olympics are over, but Dai Li's busy schedule has just begun. Due to the amazing results achieved in the Olympic Games, Dai Li's training center has welcomed a large number of visitors, both groups and individuals.

These include specialized sports research centers, professional coaches from first-class universities, celebrities, etc. Whenever someone of some importance comes, whether it is out of politeness or to save face, Dai Li has to personally receive them. The large amount of reception work made Dai Li very annoyed.

People are afraid of being famous just as pigs are afraid of being strong. Whether it is domestic or foreign, once you are famous, you will always have some extra worries. For example, if a company is featured on "News Network", it will definitely attract endless visits and study; another example is if an ordinary person rooted in the grassroots is rated as a national model worker, then in the next few years he will I don’t have to do anything. I’m busy enough just giving reports all over the country.

This is the case for Dai Li now. A training camp that can produce 85 Olympic gold medals will indeed attract sports people from all over the world to flock to it. There are even many professional sports research centers, praying to gods and Buddhas in the hope that they can compete with Dai Li. cooperate.

Of course, there are also many visitors with ulterior motives. Some of them come specifically to hug someone, such as some unknown training centers, who hope to be associated with Dai Li and enhance their reputation.

Some are here to gain popularity. For example, some Hollywood celebrities come here specifically, put on sportswear, take a photo with Dai Li in front of a certain training equipment, and then post it on social media to get some likes from fans.

There are also some people who come here to collect information. To be able to achieve such amazing results, there must be some unique training methods. Therefore, many people come here under the guise of visiting, but actually come to be "spies".

In order to cope with the increasing number of visitors, Li Dai had to set up a special public relations department and hired a public relations manager to be responsible for receiving visitors. Fortunately, this is Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the United States, and Hollywood is located here. With so many celebrities and big names, there will naturally be a lot of scandals, and there is no shortage of public relations professionals here.

After solving the visitor's problem, Dai Li came to New York without stopping.

Taking advantage of the reputation of the training center, Li Dai plans to expand the business of the physical training center to the eastern United States, which means opening a new branch in an eastern city.

Naturally, you need to find a big city to open a branch, and the largest city in the United States is New York. Dai Li also decided to open a branch in New York.

In fact, before that, Dai Li also considered Boston. In terms of sports atmosphere, Boston is better than New York and Los Angeles.

The four major North American sports leagues have teams in Boston, and they are all wealthy teams.

The Boston Red Sox of baseball MLB have won 7 World Series championships, the New England Patriots of NFL have won 5 Super Bowl championships, the Boston Celtics of basketball NBA have 17 NBA championships, and the Boston Bruins of ice hockey NHL Has 6 Stanley Cup championships.

However, a good sports atmosphere does not mean there are many athletes. Dai Li's customers are mainly professional athletes. There are obviously many more professional athletes in New York than in Boston, so Dai Li finally locked the address of the new store in New York.

Manhattan is the essence of New York, but for Li Dai, it is too expensive there. The high price of land makes Li Dai choose to stay away. If the training center is opened in Manhattan, the cost is too high.

Dai Li had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and chose the location of the training center in Queens.

Queens is only separated from Manhattan by a river, but real estate prices are very different. In Queens, a well-decorated apartment in a safe area costs more than $10,000. Of course, compared with those agricultural states where you can buy a large villa for two to three hundred thousand dollars, housing prices in Queens are sky-high.

Before Dai Li came to New York, the real estate agency had already found several places suitable for opening a physical training center, waiting for Dai Li to choose.

This real estate agent, to be precise, should be called a real estate agent, and he is also a top person among real estate agents. He graduated from a prestigious university, has a master's degree, passed the New York bar exam, and obtained a lawyer's license. He is the kind of person who is equipped with multiple private Assistant real estate agent.

This kind of real estate agent naturally charges relatively high fees and handles large orders, but his professional ability and service level are first-rate, and he absolutely considers his clients wholeheartedly. Dai Li is not worried that this real estate agent will cheat him. After all, a real estate agent of this level relies on the reputation he has accumulated over the years, and there is no need to sacrifice his own brand for a single business.

Dai Li finally chose a three-story old factory building. This factory building was built in the 1970s and was an old building for more than 40 years.

There are many similar buildings in New York. Metropolises like New York completed their infrastructure decades ago. For example, bustling Manhattan has many century-old buildings, while Queens and Brooklyn ushered in the construction after World War II. The climax of infrastructure construction.

There were originally several large warehouses behind this old factory building, but they were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, and the factory's power supply equipment was also damaged. The factory owner decided that purchasing a new industrial power supply system was too expensive, so he simply closed the factory and put the land up for sale.

After Dai Li bought the land and factory building, he spent a lot of money on renovations. The renovation project lasted for more than half a year. It was not until the summer of the following year that the New York branch opened for business.

Also this summer, Dai Li took on a new business, providing physical training for two NFL teams in Los Angeles.

Among the four major sports leagues in the United States, the number one is naturally the NFL, which is rugby. Rugby is also the largest sport in the United States.

There are two NFL teams in Los Angeles, and they both moved here three years ago. This means that Los Angeles, the second largest city in the United States, did not have an NFL team three years ago. For a big city like Los Angeles, this is something that is hard to imagine.

Of course, there have been NFL teams in the history of Los Angeles, such as the Rams, Chargers, and Raiders, but they were ultimately unable to gain a foothold in Los Angeles and moved to other places.

It was the Rams and Chargers who moved to Los Angeles three years ago. These two teams can also be regarded as "returning" to Los Angeles.

A big city like Los Angeles is a fatal temptation for teams. Every team wants to come to Los Angeles, and Los Angeles can fully accommodate two NFL teams.

But the NFL team owners don’t want any team to move to Los Angeles. Everyone knows that Los Angeles is a piece of fat. Since I can’t eat it, it’s best that others can’t eat it either.

In order to return to Los Angeles in good name, the Rams' owner spent huge sums of money to build a new arena in Los Angeles that could accommodate 120,000 spectators, blocking the mouths of other owners. At the same time, the Rams also found an ally in the Chargers.

The Chargers were originally in San Diego, only 200 kilometers away from Los Angeles, so the Chargers have been coveting Los Angeles, which is 200 kilometers away. They have applied to return to Los Angeles many times, but they were all rejected by the NFL.

On the matter of returning to Los Angeles, the Rams and the Lightning formed an alliance, and the two parties signed a 20-year stadium use contract. The new stadium built by the Rams will also be used as the Lightning's home court.

Although Los Angeles is a big football market, it is difficult to conquer the fans in Los Angeles. Professional sports in Los Angeles have always been dominated by the Lakers. The Clippers came to Los Angeles in 1984 and have taken root in Los Angeles for more than 30 years. However, fans in Los Angeles still regard the Clippers as outsiders.

In the eyes of fans, only the Lakers can represent Los Angeles!

So the first year when the Rams and Chargers moved to Los Angeles, the ball market was bleak.

At that time, the new stadium had not yet been built, so the Rams used the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum as their home stadium. This was the main stadium for the 1932 and 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games and the only stadium in the world that served as the main venue for two Olympic Games. This venue can accommodate more than 90,000 people, but the venue for rugby and track and field competitions are different, so when a rugby match is held, it can only accommodate more than 80,000 spectators.

For the Rams' first game in this stadium, attendance was less than 30%. In contrast, when the University of Southern California held a game here, the entire venue was full! In other words, in the eyes of Los Angeles fans, the NFL's Rams are not as good as the NCAA's Southern California.

In contrast, the Chargers are even worse. Since the Los Angeles Chronicle Stadium will hold games between the Rams and USC at the same time, the game schedule is already full, and the Chargers can only go to the Home Depot Center in Los Angeles. This is the home stadium of the Los Angeles Galaxy football team. This venue has more than 30,000 seats. When it was converted into a rugby stadium, it could only accommodate about 27,000 people. But even so, there will still be about one-third of the seats in the stands empty.

You have to remember that this is Los Angeles, and this is football, the largest sport in the United States. As a result, it can't even fill a venue with less than 30,000 people. It is really miserable.

Fortunately, the results of the two teams were satisfactory enough.

The Rams had a record of 13 wins and 3 losses last season, while the Chargers had a record of 12 wins and 4 losses, with winning percentages reaching 75%.

In any sports professional league, if a team can achieve a winning rate of more than 75%, it is absolutely an impeccable result. For example, if an NBA team wins 62 games in the regular season, or a Premier League team wins 29 games in a season, no one will say that this team is not good enough.

Victory always wins the attention of fans. A good record quickly increases the attendance of the two teams. At the end of last season, the two teams no longer had to worry about attendance. With their record, Even if it is replaced by the new stadium with 120,000 people, it can still be filled with spectators.

But this is just a foothold in Los Angeles, and it is still far from conquering the fans in Los Angeles!

Fans in big cities are much more picky than fans in small cities.

In small cities, there are few professional teams and fans do not have many choices, so the loyalty of fans is relatively high. For example, the NFL's Green Bay Packers have the most loyal fan base in the United States. Since 1960, all tickets for the Packers' home games have been sold out. Even if the Packers have a bad record, fans will still support them crazily.

In ordinary cities, as long as the team's record is decent, fans can be satisfied. For example, Denver has several professional teams, including the Denver Nuggets in the NBA, the Denver Broncos in the NFL, and the Colorado Rockies in the MLB. Their performance in recent years has been tepid, neither the worst nor the best. , but the fans are very supportive of them.

Fans in some cities are more realistic and look at who has better results. Just like Houston, which Chinese fans are familiar with, the attendance rate was average in the years when the Rockets did not perform well. In recent years, the attendance rate has also improved when the performance has been good. In addition to the Rockets, there are also the Houston Astros of the MLB and the Houston Texans of the NFL. When the Astros were not doing well, the stadium was not full, but the year they won the championship, the stadium was empty. The same goes for the Texans. When their results are not good, they can't even compete with NCAA teams. When the Texans' results are good, it becomes hard to get tickets at home.

There are also some cities where fans support their own city's teams without any brains. The most typical ones are Boston and Philadelphia. No matter what the team's record is, the fans will support them crazily. Just like the Boston Red Sox, they haven't won a championship in 86 years, but during these 86 years, Boston fans have never abandoned the Red Sox. Bostonians have been fans of the Boston Red Sox since their great ancestors, and then their great-grandfathers, Grandfather, father, myself, and my future sons and grandsons will all be Boston Red Sox fans.

And in top cities like New York or Los Angeles, it is impossible to conquer the fans just by relying on good records. Fans in top cities are too picky, and only champions can conquer them!

Therefore, the Lakers will be the overlord of Los Angeles. They can win the championship every time they go dormant. Therefore, even in the low ebb of the Lakers, fans will support them crazily. The Clippers have been regarded as outsiders after staying in Los Angeles for almost 40 years because they have never won an NBA championship.

In New York, the Nets have always been stepchildren, also because they have never won a championship.

Also in New York, the miracle created by the New York Mets in 1969 is still talked about by New Yorkers today, and the New York Yankees, the top MLB team, have countless die-hard fans.

New Yorkers only recognize champions, and Los Angeles people only recognize champions. If you want to conquer them, then win a championship!

So whether it is the Rams or the Chargers, if they want to truly take root in Los Angeles, a good record is not enough. Even a winning rate of more than 75% every year is not enough. They need to win the Super Bowl for Los Angeles. Only when they win At the Super Bowl, they will be regarded as their own team by the people of Los Angeles.

For the Super Bowl, the Rams' management approached Dai Li, who hoped that Dai Li could provide physical training for the Rams players.

As a professional team, it will definitely have its own physical fitness coach. It may even be like football, where the head coach has his own team, and the team has a professional physical training team.

Therefore, abandoning their own physical coach and hiring Dai Li instead, this is more like a gamble for the Rams. This is tantamount to denying your own physical coach. When you meet such a petty head coach, you don't trust me, and you might just give up the job.

But in order to win the Super Bowl, the Rams' management really worked hard. After all, the achievement of 85 gold medals in one Olympic Games is so dazzling that it is worth a gamble for the Rams' management.

This is the NFL after all, and there is never a lack of strong opponents and miracles here. There may be absolute weaklings in the NFL, but there are certainly no absolute strong ones. In the NFL, there is always a team that says "I suck, I can't win", but there is absolutely no team that says "I can definitely win."

Perhaps in the eyes of the Rams' management, the competition in the Super Bowl is really too fierce and unpredictable. How can we win without betting

The Chargers are currently in an alliance with the Rams, so they advance and retreat with the Rams, placing their treasure on Dai Li.

It is worth mentioning that although the Rams and Lightning are both in Los Angeles, they cannot be regarded as competitors.

The NFL is different from the NBA. NBA teams are divided into Eastern and Western teams. Not to mention the two teams are in the same city, even if they are in the same state, they are mortal enemies. For example, the "Texas Top Three" in the Southwest Division compete hard for a spot in the playoffs every year. Especially in the critical stage of the regular season, when other teams come to Texas to play games, they will definitely have to leave. It is normal for the defending champion to lose consecutively to the Spurs, Mavericks, and Rockets.

The NFL is divided into the American League and the National League, not the East and the West. The American League and the National League are each divided into four divisions, east, west, north and south, with four teams in each division.

For example, the Houston Texans belong to the Southern Division of the American League, while the Dallas Cowboys, also in Texas, belong to the Eastern Division of the National League.

There are only 16 NFL regular season games. According to the schedule, the American League and National League teams may not meet once in three or four years in the regular season; while in the playoffs, the American League and National League teams only meet in the Super Bowl. You can only encounter it inside.

The Rams are a team in the National League, and the Lightning are a team in the American League. The two teams play against each other once every few years, and their records do not affect each other's ranking, so they cannot be regarded as competitors. It is precisely because there is no direct competition with each other that these two teams can sit together and cooperate sincerely.

As for Dai Li, he took this job not because of the money, but because he thought it was an interesting challenge.

After all, among all team sports, American football is definitely the most physically confrontational sport. It is also because the physical confrontation is so strong that athletes need to wear helmets and protective gear.

To play American football, you must have a strong body. Even if you are a quarterback, you will often be sacked by defensive fronts. Just imagine a strong man of 200 to 300 pounds rushing towards you. If you don't have a strong body, , simply can’t bear it.

This sport is extremely physically demanding.

Unlike when he was with the Clippers before, this time Dai Li is not the team's head coach, which means that he does not have the leadership of the team. His physical training needs to match the head coach's tactics.

Whether it is English football or American football, any training for players cannot be separated from the tactical system, which naturally includes physical training. When Li Dai was the physical coach at Dingtian Football Club, he had already experienced that all the training of the entire physical coaching staff was actually to meet the tactical requirements of the head coach. What tactics the head coach wanted to use in the next game? The physical coach must conduct targeted training for the players according to the head coach's tactics.

In a league like the Chinese Super League, physical training needs to be coordinated with the head coach's tactical arrangements. This is even more true in higher-level leagues. In the world's top football leagues such as the Premier League and La Liga, every time you change an opponent, you have to change one. Training methods are the most common phenomenon.

The NFL's physical requirements are obviously much higher than those of all other professional leagues. The team is a whole, and the coaching staff is also a whole, but Li Dai is not a member of the coaching staff. He not only has to provide the best physical training in the world, but also fully conforms to the head coach's tactical system. This is what Li Dai has always done. It is a difficulty that has never been touched before, and it can even be said that it is a difficulty that no other coach in the world has ever been exposed to.

This is like ordering one of the world's top extreme ultraviolet lithography machines from ASML in the Netherlands, and then handing the lithography machine to another manufacturer to upgrade one of its components, requiring the upgraded lithography machine to be better than when it left the factory. To be awesome, it's simply mission impossible.

The Rams and Chargers are both top teams in the NFL, and their status in football is definitely comparable to ASML in lithography machines. Dai Li is the "another manufacturer" responsible for upgrading equipment.

This task is so challenging! Almost impossible to accomplish!

However, Dai Li has created too many miracles. Perhaps for Dai Li now, this kind of impossible task is the job he hopes to receive and can arouse his passion!