Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 100: Want to learn? I'll teach you


Chen Mo returned to the experience store.

Su Jinyu said, "Manager, you are back."

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I went to the Internet cafe to do some research to find some inspiration for the new game."

Su Jinyu was pleasantly surprised: "Wow, are you going to start developing new games again? The store manager is really prolific like a sow."

Chen Mo: "...what the hell, can't you use a better metaphor?"

Chen Mo took a can of drink from the side: "Goldfish, how is the mobile game market doing recently, have you paid attention?"

Su Jinyu said, "Oh, the recent sales of "Lifeline" are pretty good."

Chen Mo was speechless: "Who asked you this! I've been paying attention to my game all day, I'm asking about other games."

Su Jinyu said: "Uh, other games? It's just that more and more games are copying "My name is mt"... Moreover, many board games have also started copying "Thunder Chess"..."

Zheng Hongxi, who has been silent all this time, added: "All in all, half of the mobile game circle is copying you."

Chen Mo said, "Oh, that's good."

Su Jinyu was speechless: "Ah? So many people copy you, is that okay?"

Chen Mo said: "What do you know, if they copy me, it means that they have lost the ability to think independently, and they will not develop games that can surpass me."

Su Jinyu: "Wow, store manager, I think your idea is too beautiful... The profitability of "Slaying the Devil" is already approaching "My name is mt"."

Chen Mo said: "It's just approaching, hasn't it passed yet, what's the hurry. By the way, how much do you know about real-time strategy games?"

Su Jinyu said, "Uh... not much, I'm just an intern."

Zheng Hongxi said: "I'm just a plot writer."

Chen Mo was speechless: "Wow, your requirements for yourself are too low. In the future, you will all become independent designers, okay? I will give you three days to understand all the real-time strategy games on the market. I write a research report."

Su Jinyu was surprised: "Huh? Manager, I can't play this kind of game..."

Chen Mo said: "It's not that I want you to become a professional player. It doesn't matter if you can't play, just get to know it. Anyway, I will see the research report in three days. You two have to write the difference. I don't want to see Two identical research reports."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he went upstairs.

Su Jinyu raised her forehead, oh my god, what the hell is a research report, I haven't written it!

Back on the second floor, Chen Mo began to think about the new game.

If the next game is a PC game, it's not impossible to do it, but the manpower is a bit short.

With Zheng Hongxi here, Chen Mo can save a lot of trouble in terms of plot, and Su Jinyu should also be able to design some functions and art concept maps, but the values and levels will be more painful.

Before, Chen Mo wanted to find someone who was good at this, but he couldn't find one.

"Value, level. By the way, look at the forum."

Chen Mo opened the "My name is mt" forum, looking to see if there are any folk experts who have analyzed the numerical system of this game.

The numerical system of domestic card mobile games is relatively complicated. If someone can restore the numerical structure of "My name is mt" through numerical analysis, then this person roughly has the basic numerical ability.

Chen Mo flipped through a few boutique posts.

"Spicy chicken game, pay back my hard-earned money!" "

"Analysis of Metaphysics Drops on Ten Consecutive Draws"

"Tips for swiping purple cards during card time"

"Perfect lineup, dominate the arena! "

"How to recharge the most cost-effective? v12 to teach you"

Chen Mo read a few posts and silently pressed ctrl+w.

It's really unsightly!

Pseudosciences such as "metaphysical drop analysis of ten consecutive draws" and "swiping purple cards during card time" have been refined, making Chen Mo feel that the science of probability has a long way to go.

Unwilling to give up, Chen Mo opened the "Thunder Poker" forum again.

In fact, there are quite a lot of numerical knowledge used in Texas Hold'em. If someone can calculate the winning percentage of various card types in Texas Hold'em, he can be regarded as a numerical talent.

Chen Mo flipped through a few posts.

"Offline Thunder Poker Club plus group xxxxx"

"Offline Thunder Poker Club plus group xxxxx"

"Offline Thunder Poker Club plus group xxxxx"

Chen Mo silently clicked the report button, and then pressed ctrl+w.

This is the cheating!

Chen Mo was a little desperate. These players are really salty fish. No one can use a scientific method to study the internal laws of the game!

Well, sure enough, the game of "refilling money will become stronger" is more suitable for everyone.

Chen Mo opened the "Plants vs. Zombies" forum again, but this time he was pleasantly surprised that the highest post turned out to be an introduction to a mod!

"Introduce my self-made mod, all attributes of plants and zombies have been strengthened, and 8 new plants and 5 new zombies have been added"

The title is really long, but this post is very popular. It was posted two weeks ago, and the reply has reached more than 100 pages.

Chen Mo was also a little curious. He opened "Plants vs. Zombies" and found that the most popular mod is the one developed by this player.

Chen Mo tried it out and found that the main modification of this mod is to add 8 new types of plants and 5 types of zombies, but different from other mods, this author has reconstructed the values of plants and zombies, and controlled the difficulty within an appropriate range.

&nbod may not be the most imaginative, but it is the most complete and balanced, so it is sought after by players.

"Well, this producer is good, let's see if I can get it."

Chen Mo found the producer's phone number through the Thunder Game Pass.

"Hello?" came another boy's voice.

Hey, why do you say "again"

Chen Mo said, "Hello, I'm Chen Mo, the producer of "Plants vs. Zombies."

The other said, "Oh, hello."

Chen Mo: "Uh, don't you doubt my identity at all? Aren't you afraid that I'm a fake?"

The other party laughed: "Who dares to pretend to be you now? You will be beaten to death by angry players every minute."

Chen Mo: "..."

The other party said: "Just kidding, don't mind. My name is Qian Kun. Oh, it's not that Qiankun, it's Kunpeng's Kun."

Chen Mo said, "Oh, Yu Ri is better than that Kun, right, I know."

Qian Kun: "...cough cough, that, actually I quite admire you."

Chen Mo was overjoyed: "Ah? Really?"

Qian Kun said, "Yes, before you made "My name is mt."

Chen Mo: "..."

Qian Kun said: "But after you made "My name is mt", I admire it even more. I think you can make a game so profitable through numerical stimulation, which is really awesome!"

Chen Mo was speechless, why is this dead child gasping for breath

"Want to learn?" Chen Mo asked.

Qian Kun: "I want to, of course I want to!"

Chen Mo said: "Come to the imperial capital, I will teach you."