Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 112: About to fight?


Enter an Internet cafe, swipe your ID card, щww..lā

Zhuo Yao is not here today, there is a girl cashier at the front desk, who doesn't know Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked around in the Internet cafe and found that less than half of the players were playing "Warcraft".

After the release of "Warcraft", as the game continues to be popular, many Internet cafes have also installed it. Players can log in to their accounts and play online battles through the Thunder Game Pass.

There were quite a few people today, so Chen Mo found an empty seat and sat down.

After turning it on, Chen Mo opened "Warcraft" and logged into his Thunder Game Pass.

Before that, Chen Mo had been busy with miscellaneous things. Apart from playing a few games during the test, he basically hadn't played "Warcraft". Until now, he was playing the game as a player.

Enter the player nickname: silent.

Hint: Duplicate nickname detected.

Chen Mo frowned, took out his cell phone and called Su Jinyu.

"Hey, goldfish, log in to the management terminal and find out who is using the id 'silent' in "Warcraft". Yes, change his name, what? Whatever. Yes, give him a compensation of 1 yuan on the pass, by the way Send a notification message saying the name is illegal. Yes, now."

Five minutes after hanging up the phone, Chen Mo registered again, and the name was available.

After registering a satisfactory id, Chen Mo first played a custom game, selected a random race, and then assigned a maddening undead race to the opponent.

In a few minutes, Chen Mo got tired of playing and bulldozed the base of the computer.

Although Crazy Computer is a nightmare for ordinary players, Chen Mo is a designer himself, and he knows the routine of Crazy Computer too well. In addition, his current reaction and hand speed have reached the level of professional players. With super high game understanding , For the crazy computer, you can knead it as you want.

The main purpose of playing crazy computer is to practice your hands. After all, you have not played for too long, so you have to get familiar with it slowly.

After playing this game, Chen Mo felt that his hands were a little hot, so he turned on the online mode to match.

His current qualifying points belong to the unrated state. Ranking points can only be determined after playing ten qualifying matches, and then players will be matched according to the ranking points.

One, two, three.

It's all crushing, basically there is no suspense. Especially for the third game, Chen Mo chose the Orc Race, and just holding a Juggernaut three companions made the opposite Undead have a nervous breakdown, and quit the game within ten minutes of playing.

"...It feels a bit too bullying."

Chen Mo was also a little speechless. After all, this was a fish pond game. Chen Mo's operation was at the level of a first-class professional player, and his tactics were to kill anyone in the parallel world. Chen Mo himself felt embarrassed.

At this moment, a voice behind Chen Mo said, "Hey, master, have a game?"

Chen Mo turned his head and found a fat man standing behind him at some point. This fat man looks to be about ten years old. He looks cute and wears a round frame mirror. Those who don't know it think it's a panda man.

A buddy who was playing "Warcraft" next to him yelled: "Little Fatty, why are you asking someone to fight again? You have to torture all the players in this Internet cafe to play Warcraft all over the place, right?"

Another buddy also said: "Yeah, you are almost done. Is it appropriate for a master to always think about abuse?"

The little fat man said: "Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss, did I ask you? I just saw this guy beat him twice, he's quite a master."

He said to Chen Mo, "Hello, my name is Zou Zhuo."

Chen Mo was taken aback: "Zhou Zhuo?"

Is Nima really the reincarnation of a pandaren

The little fat man quickly waved his hands: "It's not Zhou Zhuo, it's Zou Zhuo, Zou."

"Oh, Zou Zhuo, right?" Chen Mo asked back, "You don't know me?"

Zou Zhuo was a little puzzled: "I... should know you?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay, come, let's play a game with you."

Zou Zhuo was also a little confused by Chen Mo, but he finally managed to find someone to call in the Internet cafe. His hands were itchy, so he quickly opened a computer opposite and sat down.

"I'm sitting across from you, don't look at the screen, don't worry." Zou Zhuo said.

Chen Mo was also puzzled, why, you, the master of "Warcraft", why don't you know me? The developer of this game is sitting in front of you

But when you think about it, Chen Mo's Weibo doesn't have any photos, and these players don't have nothing to do to care about what the game designer looks like. It's normal not to know Chen Mo.

"Come on, I'll create the room." Zou Zhuo said.

Although there are ladders, it is still more popular to fight in Internet cafes. After all, people who play ladders on the Internet do not know each other, and there is no atmosphere. Playing face-to-face in Internet cafes is relatively more exciting.

Zou Zhuo quickly built the room, and Chen Mo entered.

Zou Zhuo asked: "Brother, what race do you use? I am undead."

Chen Mo said, "Me? I'm random."

"Ah?" Zou Zhuo was a little confused, "Random? You don't have a family?"

Chen Mo said: "I'm just playing around, it's okay, just drive like this."

Zou Zhuo hesitated a bit: "How about I let you bleed?"

Chen Mo laughed: "It's okay, let's fight first and then talk."

Zou Zhuo nodded: "That's fine, I'll open it."

The match begins.

A few players who were playing "Warcraft" also gathered around to watch the battle.

"Wow, random, doesn't this treat Xiaopang as a human being?"

"Hurry up, let's start!"

Both Chen Mo and Zou Zhuo tapped the mouse and keyboard quickly, and the screen flickered rapidly.

Buildings were built quickly one by one, farmers were busy gathering resources, and additional farmers were sent out to explore the way.

After all, Zou Zhuo is also a good player. Now everyone's level is not high, there are few masters, and the scoring is slow.

Soon, the pathfinding acolytes discovered Chen Mo's base, the Beast Race.

"Beast race." Zou Zhuo did not dare to be careless, after all, it is not easy for undead to fight beast race.

The onlookers watched for two minutes, and found that the beast race on the opposite side had a quick start, at least with perfect hand speed and rhythm, obviously not a rookie, and they all became interested.

"Sure enough, the three companions of the Juggernaut. Now the masters on the ladder seem to be the first Juggernaut. This beast race is not easy."

"But Xiaopang must be prepared. He has brought all the dust of appearance and invisibility, and he is very careful in the wild."

"Fuck, can you grab this? The hand speed of this orc is a monster, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaopang is stable now."

In the early stage, it was all small frictions, Zou Zhuo was leveling, and Chen Mo was accompanied by a sword master. Basically, wherever Zou Zhuo's army went, Chen Mo's sword master would go, killing monsters and looting treasures whenever they had the chance.

Zou Zhuo was obviously on guard against this, but he still felt pain in his ass. Although he was not like those rookie players who were directly quit the game by Chen Mo, a sword master, but he always lost a little bit.

There were also a few players watching the battle behind Chen Mo. They didn't dare to speak too loudly, they were discussing in whispers, for fear of being heard by Chen Mo and Zou Zhuo.

"Fuck, the screen is flying around, I can't see anything clearly, what did he do?"

"The Juggernaut has been following Xiaopang, and then the Shadow Hunter has leveled up by himself? The family is still building soldiers, so there is no delay? This buddy is a master!"

"How do I feel, Xiaopang is at a disadvantage now?"...
