Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 122: I can't fall down at all!


The little elf had already detected the position of the orcs, and the demon hunter went directly to the leveling position of the orcs. When they met, they fired a magic shot, and then began to chase after the infantry.

goph frowned, of course he could use Juggernaut to kill the Demon Hunter, but that's meaningless, what if it's disabled, the Demon Hunter will go home and drink some well water and it will be full, it will only delay his clearing rhythm .

"You don't level up, and you can't level up even if you want to drag me? Impossible."

The goph didn't take the bait, and the Orc Juggernaut and infantry continued to farm wild monsters and quickly leveled up.

It's not that he didn't want to go to the elf's house to kill the elves, but he took a look and found that the road was sealed impeccably, and left. This building is well sealed, and the sword master can't get in.

After the elves created an archer, they didn't create any soldiers. They directly upgraded the second copy, and then seamlessly upgraded the third copy.

The onlookers were surprised, isn't this too hard work

"Go straight up to three books? Is this going to send high-level soldiers and orcs directly?"

"It's unlikely. Demon hunters haven't leveled up yet. They're still at level 1. The second version of the main force of the orcs will come out. As long as there are more wolf riders, the house will be demolished quickly, and the night elves won't be given a chance at all!"

"The elves recruited a beast king, and they are still accompanying the beast clan!"

"Wow, what exactly is this silent going to do, I don't understand!"

Beastmaster learned how to summon porcupines, and the two brothers, demon hunters, specially picked up the remaining blood infantry of the orcs to fight. Every time the goph was wiped off as soon as he applied a ointment, it made him very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's all normal. If he doesn't do anything to let me level up steadily, then he won't be silent. When my strength is formed, he is only level 1 demon hunter, and he can't fight me at all."

After all, goph is also a master, very patient.

Finally, the third volume of the night elves was completed, and Silent immediately photographed two ancient trees of the wind in it, and at the same time increased the population limit to 50, and began to produce raptor druids.

"What the hell, he's making a raptor druid??"

"This thing has a fart. Hitting people in human form is like scratching an itch. After turning into a bird, it can only attack the air but not the ground. Isn't this sword master a one-shot?"

"Could it be that he wants to use the blow blowing skill to restrain the Juggernaut?"

"As far as the mana of the Raptor Druid is concerned, blowing it twice is not bad, but the orcs can be dispelled by the white bull!"

"That's why Silent is the ancient tree of double winds that explodes Druids? Relying on quantity to win?"

"It feels a bit too idealistic. The wind is just blowing up the Juggernaut, but it can't cause damage. As soon as the Juggernaut falls to the ground, it's easy to kill these raptor druids!"

"It's over, I feel like Silent is going to trick me into it! The winning streak is coming to an end!"

Raptor druids are very cheap and do not have a large population. The night elves' troops formed very quickly. Silent bought a few mercenaries and summoned three heroes, goblin tinkers, and quickly gathered a 50-population troop. I went to leveling.

The Juggernaut of goph, who was exploring the road, found the large army of night elves and was shocked. What the hell is this

Three level 1 heroes, followed by colorful and miscellaneous mercenaries, and a strange thing they didn't recognize.

Goblin tinker? Is there any use for this thing? Are you sure this isn't giving experience to my Juggernaut

The goph didn't hesitate, the Juggernaut appeared directly and slashed at the goblin tinkerer.

As a result, he didn't cut twice, and a raptor druid in the elves raised his hand and was blown into the sky by the sword master.

As soon as it landed, another raptor druid raised his hand and was blown into the sky again.

Goph is speechless, what the hell is this!

He knew that the elves had such a unit, but there were not many of them. Because of the low blood and low attack power, it was useless to produce one or two eggs. Injury, and there is no blue after blowing twice.

As a result, goph only discovered now that this kind of raptor druid is quite disgusting when there are too many of them? If we fight together, my Juggernaut will keep flying in the sky, is that okay

The goph broke out in a sweat, and the Juggernaut hurried away in the Wind Walk after landing.

The elves are concentrating on leveling. Although they can see the invisible sword master with the elf fire, they are also busy after all. They don't have this leisure time, so they always brag about a single sword master and let him go.

The goph didn't dare to be idle, so he quickly upgraded the three books and recruited three heroes, the bull head chief. Taurean's Shockwave is a very good area damage skill, and it will definitely have a miraculous effect against this crispy raptor druid.

The white bull of the orc race is also being trained. White Bull's official name is Soulwalker, and its main function is to share the damage with orc units through the soul chain. When facing the Druid of the Raptor, its dispel skill can dispel the wind effect very well.

As a result, the goph's army only had a population of about 50, and the large army of the elves had already killed them!

It is also a 50-population unit, but there are too many elves. After all, the Raptor Druids are cheap and have a small population. The Raptor Druids of this team rushed forward and directly blew the Juggernaut into the sky. went!

Goph wants to fight back, and wants to use the wolf rider to catch the opponent's demon hunter, but the operation of silent is very detailed, pulling while walking, the goblin tinker's house is placed forward, the perfect position, and the orc army wants to cut in. It is easier said than done, and All of them were hung with fairy fire, and several key units were all blown up!

goph uses white bulls to disperse, but every time it disperses, it also dispels the soul chain on its body, and even if it is dispelled, it will still be blown up in the next second. There are only three or four white bulls in the orc race, and the elves But there is a team of raptor druids!

There are also two fairy dragons in the elven clan who turn into eggs in the sky. Every time the white bull uses his skills, he will be burned a lot of blood.

The three heroes paired with the summoned creatures, coupled with the continuous fire of the druids of the raptors, the wolf riders of the orc clan died one by one quickly, and the goph wanted to save them, but the shadow hunter was still flying in the sky!

Goph finally waited for the old cow to hit the ground and threw a shock wave at the elves' large army. As a result, a ray of light flashed, and Silent directly knocked out a group supplement, which instantly filled up!

goph is desperate!

The defeat has been decided, but goph is still not reconciled, his bull's head is still blue, and he will throw another shock wave, at least to restore his dignity!

The bull's head fell to the ground, another shock wave!

As a result, this time, a whole row of hurricane druids turned into crows and flew into the sky, and the shock wave hit empty again!


The goph is just spurting out a mouthful of old blood, what do you mean, I'm about to gg and show me off, it's simply unbearable!

In fact, the Druid of the Raptor is very expensive to change into a bird. The change into a bird to hide from the shock wave is just a good-looking visual effect.

However, silent is now a sure thing, so you can play it however you want, and doing this operation is just for the sake of being cool.

The goph mentality exploded completely, and the number of orc soldiers has become less and less, leaving only three heroes flying in the sky, and soon these three heroes will die one by one.

Goph had no choice but to type gg.

In each live broadcast room, the screen has been swiped by various "6666".

"Damn it, elves can still beat orcs like this? It's really knowledgeable!"

"Wow, this Sword Saint Kong has a magical costume, it's useless, he didn't cut a single knife from the beginning to the end..."

"This silent really blows goph to death..."

"I'm convinced! From today onwards, I'm blown away!"

"Climbed to the top, a complete victory to the top!! A historic moment!!"

While the barrage was frantically swiping the screen, a joke was also circulated on Weibo.

"The four races have more air units than anyone else. The human race said, we have planes, griffins, and dragon eagles! The undead said, we have gargoyles, destroyers, and frost dragons! The night elves said, we have hippogryphs , Raptor Druid, Faerie Dragon, Chimera! At this time, the orcs said, how much do you have, when we fight the night elves, all the soldiers are flying in the sky!"