Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 17: some creativity


Chen Mo continued: "I think a lot of designers have this problem, that is, they have limited ability, and the game quality cannot compete with those B-level and A-level designers, but they don't think of other ways, but insist on it. It's so stupid to slam your head on the quality of the game."

Lin Mao thought for a while: "I still don't understand."

Chen Mo explained: "We don't need to be out of touch with this relationship, let me speak directly. If you are a player, why do you want to buy this game?"

Lin Mao was stunned for a moment. In his opinion, this was a matter of course, and he didn't even think about it.

He thought about it carefully: "Well... quality? Sincerity?"

Chen Mo said: "Sincerity is a very empty thing. If a designer is reduced to selling his feelings, then it can only show two points. One is that he has been brilliant in the past, and the other is that he has basically reached a dead end now."

"As for the quality, you are a D-level designer, and your quality is beyond heaven, can you compare to a B-level designer?"

Lin Mao opened his mouth, feeling speechless.

Chen Mo continued: "When I asked players why they bought it, I was actually asking, what's the gimmick about this game? What's so special about it?"

"I think your brain hole is not fully opened. Take this game as an example, there are several angles for you to consider."

"One is to think about the gameplay system. Spend another two months to completely double your existing combat system. There will be 8 to 15 more available weapons, and more than 20 more types of monsters."

Lin Mao wondered, "But isn't this too complicated for a mobile game?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's not complicated. Do mobile games have to be light and casual? I don't think so. You know, the lighter it is, the harder it is to do. At this stage, it's better to use too much force than to stop it."

"Make the combat system very complicated, at least you can write slogans such as: '20 weapons for you to choose', 'brain-burning challenge, can you choose the most appropriate weapon every time', etc. wait."

Lin Mao was thoughtful.

Chen Mo continued: "Or the second plan, in terms of difficulty, directly make the whole game extremely difficult, and set up some completely unexpected mechanism traps."

Lin Mao asked, "You mean completely unexpected?"

Chen Mo pointed to the game screen and said: "For example, here, it looks like a hillside, but when you step on it, a bunch of spikes will suddenly appear and stab the player to death. Or here, it looks like a friendly npc, but when you walk over , it will stab you to death with a single knife. Jump over and talk to him from behind, and you will still be stabbed to death. Only by stepping on his head can he pass the level."

Lin Mao opened his mouth slightly, with an expression of "There is still such an operation".

Chen Mo said: "If you use the second method, you can say that this is 'the most unexpected little game in history', and the name can also be changed to 'Knight's Big Adventure', and so on."

"There is a third idea, considering the plot, for example, you can let the player choose different routes at each node, or react. For example, when you encounter the previous enemy and he is seriously injured, you can choose to save or not, so Many choices lead to different endings."

"You can design 5-8 endings, some are successful, some are unsuccessful, and some are unexpected."

"In this way, you can use 'eight endings, dozens of choices', 'can you pierce the lies and find out the truth' and so on as slogans."

Lin Mao stroked his chin. Obviously, Chen Mo's words contained too much information, so he had to think carefully.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry, he ate his food, and waited for Lin Mao to understand the three plans he just mentioned.

What do designers in this world lack the most

It's a brain hole.

Chen Mo's brain hole is not born, but accumulated in another world. In the process of the birth and growth of the game industry, from client games, browser games to mobile games, there are also independent games blooming.

Countless game designers are trying to make their games noticeable to players, so that players can obediently take money out of their pockets.

For games, creativity always comes first. The small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid are undoubtedly a group of guys with amazing brains. It is impossible for a designer who lacks imagination to develop a game that fascinates players. .

Of course, creativity is a very mysterious thing. Many laymen who claim to be creative and want to save the game industry, in fact, their so-called creativity is nothing but fantasy. No one can tell if an idea will succeed until it turns into a real game.

The three schemes mentioned by Chen Mo are very genius ideas in the eyes of people in this world, but in the previous life, these are actually the rules that most designers know well, and they have been verified countless times by the market. , There are many design schemes with successful precedents.

Chen Mo knew that Lin Mao was a real person and he was his best buddy, so he gave him a little advice.

However, Chen Mo won't talk about the specific plan. As for what the game will look like in the end, it depends on Lin Mao's own understanding.

Lin Mao thought for a long time, and said: "Well, I understand a little bit. I feel that what you said makes sense. The reason why my game is small is because it lacks a point that can attract many people's attention."

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes."

Lin Mao said: "I see, Chen Mo, these three plans of yours have really inspired me a lot, I feel like I have some inspiration, thank you!"

Chen Mo waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's easy to do, I'm just giving you a direction, it's up to you how to go."

Lin Mao nodded: "Well, I have a direction in my heart. I thought the game was 80% complete, but now it seems far from enough. I will re-plan the game when I go back."

Lin Mao's furrowed brows relaxed. He used to always feel that his game was short of something, so he didn't know what to do. Now he knows that his game lacks a bright spot, a bright spot that players can see at a glance!

With this shining point, his game can stand out from countless games.

Zhao Zihao said in amazement: "Chen Mo, you can do it! Why didn't you feel that you have so many crazy ideas before, did you suddenly get enlightened?"

Chen Mo said seriously: "It's not that I'm enlightened, it's enlightenment. The night before the design competition, the God of Games gave me a dream and directly passed me a set of game design skills."

Zhao Zihao laughed: "Fuck you!"

The three of them ate and chatted until 10 o'clock in the evening. During the period, they added four more bottles of beer. The three of them were slightly tipsy by the end of the drink, and the chat was almost enjoyable.

Chen Mo himself doesn't like drinking very much. Drinking frequently is not good for the brain and will affect thinking and memory. For designers, alcoholism is not a good habit, so he didn't drink too much.

Zhao Zihao called and asked a younger brother to drive for him, while Lin Mao was already thinking about how to improve the current game.

Someone was driving on behalf of them, and Chen Mo was more at ease, and after a few words of advice, he watched them leave.

Chen Mo returned to the experience store and packed up his things a little more. After receiving the home arrival message from Zhao Zihao and Lin Mao, Chen Mo washed up and went to bed.

Tomorrow, he still has to think about the new game. Tonight, Chen Mo still needs to rest well, recharge his energy, and ensure the best mental state.