Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 18: Ten in a row


The next day, Chen Mo got up at nine o'clock, took a shower, went downstairs for a walk, and bought breakfast.

Chen Mo got up late, firstly because he was lethargic and always felt that he would wake up after getting enough sleep, and secondly because of the habits of his previous life.

In the previous life, the game industry often had to stay up late at night, and the working hours in the morning were late, so Chen Mo's work and rest time was not fully adjusted to the most scientific work and rest time.

After breakfast, Chen Mo returned to his studio and began to conceive his first game.

There are countless games in Chen Mo's mind, but he still has to carefully consider which one to play.

In this world, the cost of developing games is very low. There is no need to rent office buildings or hire programmers. Basically, the big expenses of developing games can be saved.

But this is not to say that developing games in this world has no cost and no restrictions.

One of the bigger limitations is art resources.

You can hire people to make game music, as long as you have money, you can solve it, and as long as the quality is not too bad, players will not be so picky.

But game art is different. If Chen Mo wants to develop some large-scale games, the original paintings and models of the characters, as well as the original paintings and models of the scenes, all have to be made from scratch, and the free resources on the editor may not be usable.

And these are pretty expensive to make.

To give a simple example, the card original painting of an ordinary mobile game can be sold for eight or nine hundred if it is cheap, and seven or eight thousand for the expensive one. pen overhead.

What's more, there are models, actions, special effects, etc., which will not be cheaper than the original painting, and it is also troublesome to make.

There are indeed a lot of free resources in the game editor, but those resources are public resources of average level, and the quality is not high.

"flappybird" can use public art resources because its materials are very simple. After Chen Mo hand-draws the bird, other art materials can be found and used directly.

However, if Chen Mo wants to restore a large-scale game from his previous life to its original taste, the art resources must also be consistent with the original, which will be more troublesome.

As for why the art must also be consistent with the original? Because the game is a relatively delicate thing, like a pocket watch that works precisely, if any part is changed, it may malfunction.

Of course, those shoddy skin-changing games are not counted, and that kind of game will never become a hit.

For all popular games, their gameplay, art, music, all aspects are perfectly matched, and they are the best choices selected by designers from dozens of plans.

Chen Mo had to be very careful if he wanted to change any part of it, otherwise it would be like changing the lines of an ancient poem at will. Even changing a single word may make this poem a third-rate one.

Therefore, Chen Mo still has to restore every detail of these classic games as much as possible, including the art must be exactly the same.

The second big limitation was Chen Mo's own ability.

Although Chen Mo was the chief planner in his previous life, he specialized in arts, and he wasn't good at all of them.

There has always been a special planner responsible for the values and levels. Chen Mo knows a little, but he can't be said to be particularly proficient.

Some games may seem simple, but they are actually very demanding. For example, "Happy Match", the rules are not complicated, it seems that there is no difficulty, but in fact its level design level is very high, the difficulty of each level is increasing, the rhythm of the game must be stuck, with Chen Mo's current level Design ability, can't do it.

There are also some domestic krypton gold games that seem to have no technical content, but in fact more than half of their technical content is numerical.

For example, how to set the VIP level? What is the difference in combat power between different VIP players? How much combat power can be increased by charging money? How many days can the player push the picture to which chapter? How to control the rhythm of the game

These are all numerical problems, and Chen Mo understands them, but he dare not say that he is 100% sure.

After all, "flappybird" is an extremely simple mini-game that doesn't need to consider values, levels, etc. at all, but the popularity of this mini-game cannot be replicated. Only when all the values are raised to more than 80 points can we perfectly reproduce some classic masterpieces from the previous life.

How to solve these problems

Krypton gold! Are there other options? Krypton gold can change destiny!

"If you encounter a problem that is difficult to solve, it must be because you did not recharge enough." Chen Mo laughed at himself while turning on the virtual screen on the bracelet.

Chen Mo received 300,000 R&D funds, and planned to use 200,000 of them for a lucky draw. As for the remaining 100,000, it is reserved for emergencies.

One thing that made Chen Mo a little bit annoyed was that the game "flappybird" had to be released as an award-winning game in the game design competition for free for players to experience for three months, and there would be no profit within these three months.

Chen Mo knew this at the beginning of the design competition, but at that time, Chen Mo didn't know how well the world would accept "flappybird" and how popular it would become; second, he really wanted it. This experience store, and with too limited resources, "flappybird" became his only choice.

Therefore, even though he expected a certain loss, Chen Mo still chose to use "flappybird" to compete.

But now, when Chen Mo thinks that "flappybird" earned its author nearly 300,000 yuan a day in his previous life, his heart aches, and he feels like he has missed hundreds of millions.

At least for the next three months, Chen Mo shouldn't expect "flappybird" to make him money, and the right way is to make the next game quickly.

Opening the top-up interface, Chen Mo put all 200,000 into the bracelet. The balance on the bracelet shows: 2097340. Chen Mo thought for a while, and simply recharged some more, making up a whole, 2.1 million points.

The 200,000 yuan has been recharged, so I don't care about the 300 yuan, and it's a way to take care of my mild obsessive-compulsive disorder by the way.

2.1 million points, one draw for 100,000 points, enough for 21 draws.

At this time, Chen Mo noticed that there was an option [Ten consecutive draws] on the turntable of the virtual screen.

"...It's so sweet! I didn't come out [Ten consecutive draws] before because my points are not enough to draw ten times, right?" Chen Mo complained.

[Ten consecutive draws] There is also a line of small words explaining: "Rare items must be produced".

It's really the same as the krypton gold game in the previous life. In order to encourage players to recharge more money, they will do everything possible.

Chen Mo knows that in 99% of the games, ten consecutive draws are more cost-effective than single draws, so his best choice is to go straight to ten consecutive draws.

Chen Mo walked around the studio, washed his hands and face again.

Before the ten consecutive draws, the preparatory work still needs to be done.

After calming down, Chen Mo decided to smoke once to try his luck.

swish swish swish...

The turntable turned quickly, and then stopped in the blue area with a "click": [Rare Skill Book].

"Huh? Not bad."

Chen Mo regained his energy all of a sudden. It was the first time he had drawn the blue skill book. It seemed that washing his hands and face just now had an effect.

Chen Mo clicked on the blue skill book, and found a line of prompts on it: "Special skill book: music and sound effect skills +10."