Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 19: next game


Chen Mo was happy, that's right, he was still a little worried about how to solve the game's music and sound effects, but this skill book is just a timely help.

Originally, Chen Mo knew nothing about music, so the game bgm and sound effects could only be done by a special person.

However, Chen Mo just dictated the bgm of some classic games, and the effect must be very different from the original. Therefore, it is safest to do these things by yourself.

Chen Mo clicked directly to use it, and the blue skill book turned into light spots and entered his fingertips.

Chen Mo dug out the electronic keyboard prepared by the organizer from the studio. He thought he would not need it before, so he was going to put it away and eat ashes.

I tried to play a few relatively simple syllables, then connected to the computer, and used an electronic keyboard synthesizer to make a simple bgm, about 10 seconds. After listening to it, Chen Mo felt that it was not bad. At least he could handle the simple bgm of some small games by himself.

"That's right. We've made a good start. We'll see if the next two ten consecutive draws can be shipped."

Chen Mo took a deep breath and clicked the [Ten Draws] button.

"Click, click, click..."

The turntable spins and stops quickly, and draws ten times in a row in less than thirty seconds. The props drawn out in these ten times are all arranged in sequence and displayed on the virtual screen.

[Designer Skill Book]: 3 books for values, 4 books for levels.

[Special skill book]: 1 book, original painting skill +10.

[Special skill book]: 1 book, art action skill +10.

[Special props]: Memory playback potion.

Chen Mo cheered up, awesome, ten consecutive draws is really different. It seems that the probability of drawing blue and purple is much higher than that of single drawing.

Chen Mo quickly checked the functions of the special props.

Memory Recall Potion: "After using it, you can freely recall blurred or forgotten memories for 4 hours."

nice one!

Chen Mo needs this prop too much now.

He has almost forgotten many of the games he played before. Although he still has a vague impression, such a vague impression is obviously not enough to support him to restore all the details of the game.

With the memory playback potion, Chen Mo can search his memory, as long as it is a game he has played and studied in depth, he can recall most of the details.

Without further ado, Chen Mo ate those few skill books first.

Numerical ability +3, level ability +4, according to Chen Mo's own estimation, his real numerical ability is about 27 points, and level ability is about 35 points. Combined with the memory playback potion, it should be no problem to deal with some more complicated games up.

There are also two special skill books, one original painting, and one art action book.

Obviously, in the lottery system of the bracelet, art, music, etc. that have little to do with planning ability are included in the special skill book.

Original painting skill +10, Chen Mo's original painting ability has directly increased to 19 points, and it is completely ok to deal with some games with relatively simple painting styles.

The character movement has changed from being ignorant before to +10 now, which can be regarded as a process from scratch. Chen Mo can now do some simple 2D movements, which is very important.

Draw again!

There was another ten consecutive draws, and Chen Mo clicked on the virtual screen again.

"Click, click, click..."

The turntable turned quickly again, and ten more props were arranged in sequence on the virtual screen.

[Designer Skill Book]: 7 plots and 2 systems.

[Special props]: Lucky Capsule.

Chen Mo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, which is too bad!

It really is cheating!

Not only did the blue skill book not come out, but the green skill book also contained the plots and systems he least needed, which was equivalent to useless.

Chen Mo felt a pain in the flesh. Every ten consecutive draws would cost one hundred thousand yuan!

However, Chen Mo felt a little better when he saw the special props.

Lucky Capsule: "After using it, the luck value will be greatly increased, lasting for 10 minutes."

What is the use of this thing? Go out and pick up 5 million

The duration is only 10 minutes. Obviously, this thing is used with ten consecutive draws! Accumulate 10 million points, and then draw ten times ten times in a row...

"Forget it, save it for next time."

Chen Mo is a bit annoyed. Now that he has used up all his points, he still has 100,000 yuan left. He can't put all of them in. It's too risky. It's better to wait until the first game is made, and then draw after making money.

Chen Mo also ate up the few plot and system skill books that he drew out. Although these two are Chen Mo's strengths, they are still far from perfect, so it cannot be said that these books are completely useless.

Chen Mo turned off the virtual screen to calm down.

After recharging 200,000 yuan, the skill book was drawn out, and the special props were also drawn out. Next, Chen Mo was about to start planning his first game in the true sense.

Regarding what to choose for this game, Chen Mo was actually a little hesitant.

If it is purely from the perspective of making money, choosing some domestic mid-level krypton gold mobile games from the previous life is the best choice.

These games do not require high game quality, they rely entirely on numerical stimulation to attract players, and the ability to make money is simply not too strong.

But Chen Mo was mainly worried about two issues.

One is one's own numerical ability.

Domestic krypton gold mobile games allow players to recharge continuously, mainly relying on numerical stimulation, which is a technical job. It doesn't mean that if you can sell your combat power with all your heart, you can make money from the game.

Therefore, the status of numerical planning in the domestic game industry is very high, often second only to the main planning, responsible for controlling the rhythm of the game.

If the value is well done, it means that the game has a soul. No matter how bad the picture is, no matter how old-fashioned the gameplay is, there is still room for salvation. But if the values collapse, the game will die directly, without even a little room for buffering.

In terms of Chen Mo's current numerical ability of less than 30 points, it is risky to play this kind of game, even if there is a memory replay potion, it is not easy to use.

The values of this kind of game are basically semi-hidden, including combat formulas, growth attributes, restraint relationships, economic systems, etc., each of which is independently assigned and maintained by a dedicated person. Even for the company, this is a secret. out of reach.

Because the numerical system is too important for this kind of game, once the entire numerical system is leaked, other companies can use this as a framework to make a new flip game.

If Chen Mo wants to play this kind of game, he has to rebuild the entire numerical system by himself, but as far as his current ability is concerned, he is not confident enough about whether he can control the numerical system of this kind of game.

Another problem is player acceptance.

The mainstream profit model in this world is still based on sales volume, and games are sold by share.

Selling value-added services, especially combat power, is not mainstream, and no one has ever tried to sell combat power naked.

If you launch a general krypton gold mobile game, and players find that this game directly sells combat power, will they accept it

Will everyone yell and beat me up, which will have a negative impact on myself and the company

Is it even possible that players will spontaneously boycott their next game

It's hard to say, a small probability event doesn't mean it won't happen, this is Chen Mo's first game, he doesn't want to take this risk.

What is the taste of the players in this world, and whether krypton gold games have the soil to survive, you have to try it out step by step, if you mess up, it will be bad.

Therefore, Chen Mo decided to be more conservative with his first game, and limited his goal to stand-alone games, and honestly sold sales by copies.

Use this game first to stabilize, at least let more players know about Thunder games, and then slowly test the players' tolerance.