Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 22: art and music


After the adventure mode was set, Chen Mo continued to devote his energy to other gameplays such as mini-games, puzzle-solving mode, and survival mode.

With the accumulation of the adventure mode, these other modes are relatively easy. It is completely physical work. Chen Mo doesn't have to work as hard as before. He is playing while doing it, and it took less than a week to complete the other modes.

Functions such as Zen garden, illustration book, achievement and store are even simpler, and they were completed in three days.

In the end, Chen Mo spent another 3 days testing it, cleared the adventure mode, checked the other modes for unknown bugs, and modified a few details.

So far, Chen Mo has basically worked day and night. After more than a month, he finally finished the main part of "Plants vs. Zombies".

In the previous life, the game "Plants vs. Zombies" was made by a designer, an artist, a music, and a programmer for 3 years, but most of the time was constantly changing Designing solutions, optimizing user experience, and constantly polishing to create such a high-quality game.

For Chen Mo, he didn't need to write code, and he didn't need to do too much numerical tuning, and he didn't need to find inspiration, change the design, and completely copy it. It took a month, which is enough to show that game development is not for ordinary people. It's as simple as you think.

However, it's not done yet.

The gameplay of the current game is basically complete, but the art resources are all free alternative resources on the editor, the style of painting is seriously inconsistent, and the size of many models and original paintings is not suitable, it looks like a mountain of garbage. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as horrible.

Moreover, the entire game does not have any music or sound effects, and there is no tense atmosphere at all when playing, and the sense of shock during battle is almost zero.

Chen Mo's next time is to improve the quality of art and music to the level of his previous life.

Fortunately, Chen Mo had already memorized the images of those plants and zombies, and there were sketches on the computer, and the next job was to complete them. However, this process is quite painful. Chen Mo has to hand-paint the whole process and adjust the movements by himself.

There are more than 40 kinds of plants and more than 20 kinds of zombies, and each plant and zombie has its own actions, which is not a small amount.

Fortunately, the original paintings of these plants and zombies are relatively simple, especially the appearance of many zombies can be reused, so there are not too many.

Chen Mo's current level of original painting is not high, but after all, the painting style of this game is relatively cartoonish, and the lines and colors are not too complicated, so Chen Mo can still handle it.

Of course, Chen Mo can also spend money to find someone to do it, but Chen Mo has to explain his needs in detail with other painters, not to mention that Chen Mo may not be satisfied with the things he makes, so he thought about it, or gritted his teeth, I did it myself.

On average, Chen Mo was able to complete one plant and one zombie in one day, plus resources such as the interface, loading diagram, etc. It took Chen Mo nearly a month and a half to complete all the art resources.

Then there's music, sound effects.

After Chen Mo ate the skill book, his music and sound effect skills are now 10 points. It is definitely impossible to say that he made it out of thin air, but it is not difficult to just restore the classic bgm.

The bgm of "Plants vs. Zombies" is also a classic bgm. Chen Mo still remembers many melodies clearly. Although it can't be restored 100%, at least it can be similar.

However, Chen Mo couldn't remember some of the less popular gameplay and the system's bgm.

Novice guide, preparation interface, classic scene, dark night scene, boss battle scene, Zen garden... Chen Mo can basically recall these classic bgm, and simply synthesized a few bgm according to the melody of his previous life, basically Can achieve similarity.

As for the less important bgm, Chen Mo had no choice but to find some free resources of casual games in the editor to make up for it. He was looking for something with a similar style, so it wasn't too inconsistent.

As for the sound effects, Chen Mo can only find them in the editor, but fortunately, there are a large number of sound effects in the editor, as long as you can bear the pain, you can always find similar ones.

It took Chen Mo another two weeks to add music and sound effects, but he was finally satisfied.

Chen Mo tested it for more than a week, played it repeatedly, and fine-tuned some parts that he thought were inappropriate. In the end, the game was officially developed, and it took more than three months.

Chen Mo packaged the game that has been tested. The final installation package size is 127m, which is slightly larger than the previous life, but it doesn't matter. This amount of resources is already very small for the game industry in the parallel world.

Chen Mo has prepared two platform installation packages for this game. Both the PC platform and the mobile phone can be downloaded and installed, account data can also be exchanged, and there is also a simple ranking function.

The last step is about what account the player uses to log in.

Basically, Chen Mo didn't think much about it, and directly chose to use his company's official account, which is the "Thunder Game Pass".

In fact, Chen Mo has other options, he can let the user link the social platform account, or use the account of the emperor game platform.

Dynasty Interactive Entertainment is the largest distributor and developer in China, and most players have accounts on the Dynasty game platform.

Moreover, Dynasty Interactive Entertainment also allows other games to log in with their own platform accounts. Many designers find it troublesome and use the accounts of the Dynasty game platform directly.

If you log in with this account, it is very convenient for players, and Chen Mo's game can get more users.

Many players are too lazy to re-register the pass, verify the mobile phone and ID card, and even this step may cause the loss of players.

But Chen Mo decided to use the "Thunder Game Pass", even if he sacrificed some users.

The reason is very simple. Whether it is linking to a social platform account or using an account on the Emperor Game platform, Chen Mo is under the control of others. Even if the Emperor Game platform does not make a penny, it is still a loss for Chen Mo.

These player data are a very valuable asset. In the future, Chen Mo will develop many games. Sooner or later, he will start a war with these monopoly distributors. Instead of making half of it and tearing up his face, it is better not to get involved too much in the first place. .

The game is finished, and it cannot be linked to the app store for the time being.

Because Chen Mo is not sure whether the players in the parallel world still have the same taste as in the previous life. If there is a difference, then this game still needs some adjustments.

Chen Mo installed "Plants vs. Zombies" on the computers and mobile phones in the experience store, and planned to see the reactions of the players before deciding on the subsequent promotion strategy of the game.