Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 24: A day without guests


Chen Mo sat at the bar on the first floor so that he could see the customers outside the store at any time.

The laptop was also moved to the bar by Chen Mo. When no guests came, he continued to play "Plants vs. Zombies" to see if there was anything that needed to be modified.

Chen Mo's game has been developed for more than three months, from the end of August to December, and it is almost winter.

The weather outside is turning cold, and pedestrians are wearing long trousers and jackets. Today's weather is good, there is no wind, and it is very suitable for traveling.

Chen Mo played "Plants vs. Zombies" for an hour and found nothing wrong with it. He stood up and walked around the first floor of the experience store.

No guests come, it hurts a bit.

Chen Mo opened a can of Coke and sat back at the bar again.

At this time, he remembered that "flappybird" has passed the free period, and he can officially put this game on the application market from now on.

Chen Mo planned to launch "flappybird" and "Plants vs. Zombies" together, and by the way, use the advertising space of "flappybird" to promote "Plants vs. Zombies".

In fact, the hottest period of "flappybird" was the first few months when it first appeared. It has been three months now, and many players who are interested in this game have already played it. It is impossible to play all the time, so now that it is online, "flappybird" should not make too much money.

As for how much money Chen Mo missed, it is difficult to estimate, because during the free trial period, all the game data is on the side of the contest organizer, and Chen Mo himself does not know how many times "flappybird" has generated advertisements .

"Forget it, let's think of it as saving character."

Although he felt that he missed hundreds of millions, Chen Mo quickly let go of it. There are still many opportunities to make money in the future, so he is not in a hurry.

At this moment, a girl came to the door of the experience store and looked around.

This girl is dressed casually, with a thin coat and denim trousers. She looks a little older than Chen Mo, about 26 years old. She looks pretty, with a long ponytail, giving people a more neutral look. The feeling is very capable.

Chen Mo said hello: "Hello."

The girl stood at the door and looked at the signboard of the experience store, and then looked at the configuration inside the store: "Are you a game designer? Is this a game experience store?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes."

The girl patted her chest: "Oh, that's good. I thought it was a newly opened Internet cafe before, which made me nervous for a long time."

Chen Mo: "?"

The girl walked into the store and explained: "Oh, I'm the owner of the 'Finger Internet Cafe' over the corner, and I'm here to spy on the enemy."

Halo, the co-author is not a player, but a colleague!

Chen Mo was also a little speechless. This girl opened an Internet cafe by herself, so she definitely didn't come to experience the game. She just wanted to see whether her shop was an Internet cafe or a trial store, and whether she would steal her business.

The girl smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, but since you are not an Internet cafe, but an experience store, it doesn't matter. We will be neighbors in the future, and we can move around more."

Internet cafes and experience stores have similar functions, but in fact there is no direct competition. Because in the experience store, players can only play the designer's work, which is equivalent to early access.

Designers generally do not release other games, and players are not allowed to play other games in the experience store.

Chen Mo nodded: "It's okay, you can come and sit at any time, I don't think there will be too many guests here."

"Okay." The girl really didn't see her, she sat down on the sofa and opened a can of Coke.

Chen Mo said, "Uh... this drink is not free."

The girl put the Coke back: "Sorry, I'm used to taking it in my store, hehe."

The girl looked at the layout of the hall: "Your experience store is quite spacious, so there are only a few machines? It's a waste."

Chen Mo said: "Well, the experience store is mainly for players to experience, not for profit, so the layout is a little looser."

The girl said: "It's pretty good, I envy you tall designers. Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Zhuo Yao."

Chen Mo said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Chen Mo. I have a new game that hasn't been launched yet. Do you want to play it?"

Zhuo Yao waved her hand: "Not yet, I still have something to do at the Internet cafe, I slipped out when I find time, I will come over to play some other day."

Chen Mo nodded: "Okay, welcome anytime."

Zhuo Yao stood up and was about to leave when she suddenly thought of something and asked, "How much is it for an hour?"

Chen Mo said, "Five yuan."

Zhuo Yao was a little surprised and said: "It's a bit expensive, right? My Internet cafe lobby area is only four yuan. You are a new experience store, there should only be two or three games, right?"

Chen Mo said, "There is only one game for now."

Zhuo Yao reminded: "I think you should set the price a little lower, free is fine, you are an experience store, and you don't need to consider profit, your price is a bit... not very close to the people."

Chen Mo smiled: "I see, I will consider it."

Zhuo Yao nodded: "Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll come to visit another day. Come on, come on, research a popular game soon, and my Internet cafe will be rich with you."

Chen Mo smiled: "It's easy to say."

After Zhuo Yao was sent away, Chen Mo's experience store returned to a deserted state.

Chen Mo wasn't in a hurry, experience stores like this needed to be accumulated, and Chen Mo didn't do any publicity, so it was normal for no one to come to the door.

In terms of location, the location of the experience store is neither good nor bad. The location is indeed a bit out of the way, but there is a community nearby, and there is a university a little farther away, and there is a lot of traffic.

After waiting for another half an hour, a second customer came.

This buddy's hair is a bit oily, his eyes are a little dull, he doesn't seem to be too awake, he looks like a teenager with internet addiction.

He came to the door of the experience store, glanced at the signboard of "Thunder Game Experience Store", and said to himself, "Thunder Games, I've never heard of it."

The buddy looked into the store again, and asked Chen Mo, "I said, is this an experience store? Isn't it an Internet cafe?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, it's not an Internet cafe."

"Oh." The internet-addicted teenager was a little disappointed, obviously he was looking for an internet cafe. Although the experience store can also play games, it can only play the games of this company, and there are too few games.

What's more, I haven't heard of this company yet.

The Internet addict hesitated for a moment, and said to himself: "Forget it, there are no places in the nearby Internet cafes, why don't you just visit this one and pass the time."

He walked into the store and took out his ID card and mobile phone: "Boss, how much do you pay for an hour?"

Chen Mo said, "Five yuan."

The internet-addicted teenager was taken aback: "What? Five yuan? Uh... forget it."

The internet-addicted boy turned his head and left.


Chen Mo was a little speechless, this buddy is really straightforward! It doesn't matter if you play for five yuan for an hour, as for turning around and leaving

five yuan!

What can you do with five yuan this year? That's two popsicles!

Not enough for the first charge of the game, the first charge of the game costs six yuan!

There was no other way, Chen Mo had no choice but to continue to wait.