Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 40: Plants vs. Zombies version planning


After sending out the recruitment information, Chen Mo planned to check the application emails at night.

Now Chen Mo needs to plan the version update of Plants vs. Zombies.

In the previous life, "Plants vs. Zombies" had a sequel, but its reputation was extremely poor. Although it was good in terms of profitability, it was not far behind in terms of player reputation.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not intend to develop "Plants vs. Zombies 2". If it was only for making money, then he would be scolded as well. Why not make a domestically made money-making game? At least the reputation and brand of "Plants vs. Zombies" can be preserved.

This version update is very likely to be the first and last version update of "Plants vs. Zombies", so Chen Mo's goal is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the players as much as possible and let them make their own decisions under the big framework. Develop new ways to play, so that people who love this game can continue to play.

After all, Chen Mo will soon start the development of a new game, and now he doesn't have so much energy to maintain "Plants vs. Zombies".

After Chen Mo thought about it, he roughly planned the following contents for the new version.

1. In terms of game content, a new [Developer Tool] is added. Anyone can use this [Developer Tool] to try something under the framework of Plants vs. Zombies.

You can adjust the numerical settings of plants, zombies, environment, maps, etc.

You can upload new art resources and create new types of plants and zombies.

You can use existing art resources to create new maps, or new levels and gameplay.

These newly produced mods {meaning modules, that is, a modification or enhancement program of the game} will have a special entrance to browse in the "Plants vs. Zombies" game. Players only need to download the corresponding mods. Play the game.

Players can also rate and evaluate each mod. In the mod function, the system will have a default algorithm that sorts each mod based on multiple factors such as downloads, ratings, and game duration, and recommends them to players regularly.

Second, build networking and community functions to make players more closely connected in the game.

The "Plants vs. Zombies" developed by Chen Mo has simple networking and ranking functions, but this only meets the needs of players to show off and compare, and does not meet the deeper social needs.

Through the new networking and community functions, players can add friends to each other, or join the same community {can be understood as a guild}. Friends or players in the same community can watch other players, upload and share videos of their own customs clearance, and recommend some interesting mods.

Three, develop a simple multiplayer game function.

In fact, for players, with [Developer Tools], they will make multiplayer games sooner or later. Chen Mo is just throwing bricks and stones to speed up the process.

The multiplayer game planned by Chen Mo temporarily has two modes, both of which are relatively simple.

The first mode is multiplayer cooperation mode, each person controls 3~5 roads, supports 2~5 players to play the game at the same time, that is to say, there are up to 25 roads, the screen can be dragged up and down, and the situation of other players can be freely checked .

The sunlight produced by each person is calculated separately, which can help other players grow plants and jointly resist the invasion of zombies.

In the multiplayer cooperation mode, after a player dies, he can be resurrected through special plants, and players can also work together to plant some special plants.

The second mode is a multiplayer confrontation mode, which can be 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. Each player can get sunlight and moonlight over time. Sunlight is used to produce plants, and moonlight is used to produce zombies.

Zombies spawn slightly faster than plants.

Players must use plants to defend their own lawn, and use zombies to attack the enemy's lawn. Once a player is defeated, he cannot be resurrected.

As for why the two resources of sunlight and moonlight are needed, this is to prevent everyone from planting plants instead of zombies and dragging the game into a game.

If one party controls the plants and the other controls the zombies, the balance will become difficult to control, so Chen Mo didn't do this either.

Whether these two multiplayer game modes can be successful, Chen Mo is not sure, but he is relatively optimistic, because these two modes basically conform to the classic gameplay of the original work, and the changes made are all beneficial. The changes will not destroy the core fun of the game.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if it doesn't succeed, there will be various mods that players independently research.

Chen Mo's estimated development cycle is two weeks, which is already a very loose time. After all, the main functions of "Plants vs. Zombies" were developed in just over a month.

Chen Mo roughly finished writing the outline of the design document, and it was already night.

The experience store was closed, and Chen Mo returned to the second floor, opened his designer mailbox, and began to screen the resumes sent by the applicants.

Most of these resumes were for assistants, and only four of them applied for the front desk.

Chen Mo looked through their resumes, and they were not very satisfied. Either their understanding of the game was too superficial, or they had never played "Plants vs. Zombies", or the two appreciations were written in a perfunctory manner.

Of course, it was mainly because of the looks of these four girls, none of whom were eye-catching to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is not an appearance association, and there is no ulterior purpose in recruiting the front desk, but after all, this is a relatively well-paid job, and Chen Mo has many choices, so there is no need to make do with it.

This is also for the sake of my own players. A sweet-looking front desk will make the players who come to the experience store to experience the game happier, so it is still necessary to find a good-looking one.

At least it has to be cute.

Chen Mo continued to look through the resumes of the assistant candidates.

There were a lot of these resumes, Chen Mo checked them one by one, and brushed out all the ones that didn't meet the requirements. He only needs one assistant at the moment, so it's relatively easy to brush up his resume.

If you are too old, don't consider it for the time being.

People who are too old are mainly conservative in thinking, not active enough, lack of innovative spirit, and lack of cultivation potential, and it would be awkward to ask someone older than themselves to be an assistant.

Those who have long-term work experience in other game companies will not be considered for the time being.

Chen Mo's game design concept is completely different from other companies. For those who have worked in other game companies for a long time, the game design concept must have been finalized, and it will be very difficult to reverse it.

Those who have nothing to do except play games are not considered for the time being.

Playing games and making games are two completely different things. Playing games requires responsiveness, operation and game IQ, while making games requires good logical thinking, delicate thinking, down-to-earth work attitude and a little inspiration.

It is difficult for a pure player to be competent in game design.

Then look at the game appreciation sent by these people.

Game appreciation can reflect a person's basic understanding of games, and it is impossible for Chen Mo to choose someone who is contrary to his game philosophy as an assistant.

For the appreciation of "Plants vs. Zombies", Chen Mo mainly looks at the applicant's understanding of this game, as long as he can talk about the game's brilliance in any 2-3 aspects of creativity, gameplay, system, level, and value Point, even if qualified.

Regarding the appreciation of other games, Chen Mo mainly wanted to see the types of games the applicants prefer, as well as his vision. As long as you choose a relatively successful game and briefly talk about the highlights of this game, you are considered qualified.

For the future prospects of the game, this is an additional question.

Those who judge the future prospects of the game are too wrong, don't consider it for now, this kind of person is too stupid to teach.