Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 41: interview


All these requirements are added together, what Chen Mo wants to find is such a person:

Young, with potential to tap.

The ability is relatively comprehensive, and can be competent for the work of an assistant.

Have a basic understanding of the game.

Don't have too much ambition, and don't pose a threat to Chen Mo's future plans.

According to this standard, Chen Mo screened all the resumes sent today.

The result is regrettable.

No one met Chen Mo's requirements.

Of course, Chen Mo had already been mentally prepared for this result. His requirements are very strict, and it's only the first day, so he doesn't need to worry at all.

three days later.

At 10:00 in the morning, the experience store opened normally, and Chen Mo continued to write the design documents for the new version of "Plants vs. Zombies" on his laptop at the front desk.

The several major functions this time are relatively simple, they are all attached to the original framework, and the rules are very clear, so it is very smooth to write, and there is not much need for repeated consideration.

The big framework has almost been set up, and the next work is mainly to refine the documentation and production.

In the past three days, Chen Mo received many resumes from applicants and arranged four or five interviews, but he was not very satisfied with the results, and he did not find the assistant and receptionist he wanted.

The few people who came for the interview were either almost spiritual or overly cautious. They all had their own faults, and Chen Mo was not satisfied.

After all, there is still a difference between looking at a resume and a real interview. Some subtleties can also reflect something in speech, demeanor, words and deeds.

Chen Mo's standard is that unless he encounters something that he is particularly satisfied with, he will not consider anything else.

He definitely won't make do with it.

"Hi, I'm here for an interview." A voice said.

Chen Mo looked up, and there was a girl outside the door, about twenty-three years old, with short hair and bangs, very cute, with a heartfelt smile on her face, which was very contagious.

"Oh, hello, please come in."

Chen Mo stood up and took out the printed resume from the side.

Chen Mo led the girl into the conference room and poured a glass of water.

Su Jinyu, 23 years old, is a fourth-year student majoring in fine arts at a well-known key university in the imperial capital. During the school, she received various awards and received soft deals, and her resume almost couldn't fit.

However, Chen Mo roughly judged that Su Jinyu was not a strong club backbone like Wen Lingwei, but a laborious model. The various rewards on the resume are basically hard work, the kind that others are unwilling to do.

In other words, she is not the kind of speculative student, on the contrary, she is more down-to-earth and able to work.

Until now, Chen Mo had a good impression of Su Jinyu.

"I've already read your resume, and I understand the basic situation. The interview is just a casual chat, so don't be nervous." Chen Mo said.

Su Jinyu nodded: "Yeah!"

Chen Mo felt that he was worrying too much. Su Jinyu didn't feel any nervousness at all. She should have seen this kind of scene a lot in school. Or maybe she was born with a bigger heart.

"You write on your resume that both the front desk and assistants are fine. Why?" Chen Mo asked.

Su Jinyu said: "Ah, because I think if you can't be an assistant, you should be the front desk. You should be able to learn something by being the front desk."

This is a very pragmatic answer. Chen Mo could tell that Su Jinyu's attitude was relatively low, probably because she tried to be a game designer by herself before but failed.

"Why don't art majors choose to be an artist, but choose to be a game designer? I saw your hand-painting, and it's very high-level, and you can be an original artist." Chen Mo asked again.

Su Jinyu replied: "Well... On the one hand, because being a designer can also use my ability in painting, on the other hand, I think game designer is a more creative profession."

Chen Mo said: "However, you have also tried to develop some independent games, but you have never obtained the status of a designer. Do you feel that you are not talented enough?"

Su Jinyu said: "Well, maybe my talent is really not high, but I won't give up!"

Chen Mo nodded, and continued to ask the next question: "What do you think is the most important quality of a game designer?"

Su Jinyu frowned slightly, obviously this was a relatively vague question, and she needed to think for a while.

"Well, I think the most important quality of a game designer is to stick to one's beliefs." Su Jinyu replied.

Chen Mo was taken aback: "Faith?"

Su Jinyu explained: "Ah, don't get me wrong, it's not a belief in the traditional sense. I mean, game designers should always stick to their own heart, make games that move players, and bring joy and inspiration to players."

Chen Mo thought for a while and asked, "If you had the opportunity to make a game with a bad reputation but making money, would you do it?"

Su Jinyu was a little puzzled: "Word of mouth is poor, how can you make money?"

Chen Mo said, "It's just a hypothesis."

Su Jinyu thought for a while: "Well... I don't know. I can only say that if this game makes me think it's a bad game, then I won't play it even if I make more money."

Chen Mo continued to ask, "What if I want to make a game like this?"

Su Jinyu was taken aback: "Ah? You are the designer of "Plants vs. Zombies". If you can make this kind of game, why would you disregard reputation for money?"

Chen Mo said: "To be honest, I'm very likely to develop some games that make money but have a bad reputation in the future. If you can't accept this, then we can't cooperate."

Su Jinyu frowned slightly, obviously this choice made her a little tangled.

After thinking for a while, Su Jinyu said, "It should be impossible for me to change your mind. To be honest, I like the game "Plants vs. Zombies" very much. I think you must be a talented and talented designer if you can develop such a game." , I will definitely learn a lot from being your assistant."

"I'm relatively stupid. I wanted to be a game designer myself before, but I didn't succeed, so I want to start as an assistant and learn."

"Do you think this is okay? I will be the front desk, but you can also let me take on the work of some assistants. If I encounter a game that I don't like, I can choose not to do it."

Su Jinyu's attitude was very sincere, neither giving up her persistence nor trying to influence Chen Mo's ideas.

If she is an assistant, then Su Jinyu must completely obey Chen Mo's orders in terms of game design. Even if Chen Mo asks her to make a game she doesn't like, she must do it. This is the professionalism of a game designer assistant.

Therefore, Su Jinyu wanted to be the receptionist and also an assistant. This is a relatively compromise method.

Chen Mo thought about it.

Su Jinyu is his most satisfactory applicant so far. The most important thing is that Su Jinyu has a natural love for games, and she is a person full of positive energy, positive attitude, and very capable of infecting others. Working with such a person should is very pleasant.

However, what worried Chen Mo more was that Su Jinyu did not fully agree with his ideas.

Obviously, Su Jinyu is a person who has to "make money while standing", but Chen Mo is different.

The game industry is very dangerous. In front of Chen Mo, there are behemoths such as Emperor Interactive Entertainment and Zen Interactive Entertainment, and countless newcomers are watching. If you want to become the only winner in this environment, you have to rely on The few high-quality games in the previous life are not enough.

Chen Mo needs a lot of money to develop a large-scale high-quality game, so for him, the only goal now is to make more money, and it doesn't matter if he temporarily sacrifices some word of mouth.

This will definitely conflict with Su Jinyu's philosophy.

Chen Mo thought for a while and said: "Well, until you graduate, you can stay here as the front desk and assistant. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can leave at any time. If you are willing when you graduate How about staying and we will sign a formal contract?"