Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 66: Three tricks of the card game


Chen Mo laughed: "Well, that's right, I have to draw the first ten consecutive draws before leaving."

Jia Peng clicked on the mall, put his hand on the ten-draw button, and was a little nervous.

As a non-chief whose luck has always been very apologetic, Jia Peng is actually very worried about this kind of lottery operation, and feels panicked every time it involves probability.

"I smoked!"

Jia Peng gritted his teeth and pressed the ten-draw button.

Chen Mo secretly smiled, no wonder you are a non-chief, don't talk about fasting and bathing before drawing the card, you don't even have such preparations as washing your face and hands, it's not sincere at first glance.

swish swish swish...

Ten cards appeared on the screen, and they were turned over one by one. Jia Peng licked his lips and stared at the borders of these cards with all his attention.

"God bless, give me a purple card..."

Blue card, blue card, blue card, pieces...

Jia Peng felt a little cold in his heart, feeling that he was going to retreat in the next second, but the penultimate card was flipped over, the purple Uncle Brick!

"Ah! Purple card! I got the purple card too!"

Jia Peng was about to cry with joy. As a non-chieftain, he was on the same starting line as Wen Lingwei's luck for the first time.

"Who is it?" Chang Xiuya and Wen Lingwei both came over.

Jia Peng said, "Fang Zhuan is the human square-headed mage."

Wen Lingwei said: "Tsk, not bad, you can get a purple card?"

"Hey, there has to be a time of transfer!"

Jia Peng happily opened Uncle Fangzhu's card details to check his skills.

"Blizzard? It feels so powerful, hurry up and upgrade him."

There are still a bunch of useless monster cards in Jia Peng's bag, all of which are directly used to upgrade the tiles, and they don't stop until they reach purple+.

"Well, you need another Uncle Square Brick to advance, so forget it."

Jia Peng looked at his new card happily, then adjusted the lineup, and went to challenge the new level with great anticipation.

The others also had enough runestones, and they drew ten consecutive draws.

"Mine is purple MT, uh, it seems useless?"

"Purple dumb thief, it seems to be okay, you can play the spike flow."

"In the early stage, we should first increase the attributes of the purple card, right? I will focus on cultivating it first."

Everyone got purple cards and happily replaced them in their lineup.

Chen Mo smiled without saying a word.

In fact, this is all set. The first ten consecutive draws will definitely produce a relatively good purple protagonist card. There is no difference between the non-chief and the European emperor.

However, if you draw ten consecutive draws later, there will be fluctuations in probability. Although there are guaranteed purple cards, there will be a certain chance to draw monster purple cards such as ambassadors, death knight Rivendell, and mayors. There are not many cultivated value.

If the accumulated ten consecutive draws reach a certain number of times, some rare cards will be released, such as Sister Pao, Notoku Shinnosuke and so on.

These are all routines.

For the first ten consecutive draws, if the player fails to draw good cards, there is a high probability that they will be lost, so adjustments must be made to increase the overall drop probability of the ten consecutive draws, and there is also a must Get the drop package of the protagonist Zika.

In the following ten consecutive draws, the speed at which players can obtain runestones will slow down, and the value of good cards must also be preserved, so that the probability will return to normal. If players want to get more good cards, they must charge money.

For some local tyrants who charge a lot, it is necessary to set some guarantees so that the money they spend can basically be worth their money, so as to prevent some non-chieftains from being dissatisfied.

This is basically the unspoken rule of domestic card mobile games. Of course, there are also those who are more self-willed and don't do this, such as "Onmyoji".

"Onmyoji" does not seem to have any guarantee measures. Whether you can draw ssr depends entirely on your face. Therefore, the phenomenon of first-sale lottery will appear in the early stage of the game, which has caused a series of problems.

Of course, the quality of "Onmyoji" itself is too high, so it is fully qualified to do this. Chen Mo's current 3D art level is far from "Onmyoji". It is not good to make a card mobile game like "My name is mt". Dare to be so capricious.

Jia Peng has added Uncle Fangzhuan to his lineup.

The mobs in the dungeon basically had no power to fight back. Uncle Fangzhuan raised his hand in a blizzard, and basically all the mobs were caught in a second. Even if he encountered a boss, other cards could be killed by one person replenishing the dungeon. The progress of the dungeon was advancing rapidly.


Jia Peng played chapter by chapter, and received some rewards every time he played a chapter. There were card treasure chests, missions and achievement rewards. When you can't play anymore, take rewards to cultivate cards, and after advancing a few cards, continue to advance to new levels...

"Uh, it seems that I can upgrade again, but there are not enough monster cards, forget it, let's play another chapter..."

Jia Peng clicked on the next chapter.

Chen Mo watched everyone's reaction.

Su Jinyu frowned, with a look of reluctance, but she kept playing.

Jia Peng was a little bit poisoned, and kept playing seriously.

Wen Lingwei didn't keep advancing the level, but was flipping through the card book, obviously she was thinking about lineup matching.

Basically, so far, the three axes of domestic card games have worked well.

IP attracts players into the game.

High-level card battles demonstrate card abilities.

A concise beginner's guide introduces the gameplay.

A variety of gameplay eliminates player fatigue.

Sending runestones wildly allows players to draw good cards.

A good card crushing dungeon allows players to gain a sense of growth.

After such a combination of punches, basically within 2 hours, the player can get enough refreshment in the game and let the player identify with the virtual property in the game.

This sense of refreshment and recognition of virtual property will prompt players to continue playing online the next day and pursue better cards.

The most important influence of ip on card games is in the first step, which is to attract players. The better the ip, the more and more loyal players will be attracted, and the bigger the player base of the game will be.

As the volume increases, the profit will naturally increase.

However, will ip determine the life and death of a card game? not necessarily.

Under the premise of similar absorption, the next-day retention, long-term retention, and per capita payment data that determine profitability all depend on the quality of the game itself, and the IP bonus is very small.

Everyone says that ip is important to card mobile games, compared with other card mobile games, which means that with ip, it is easier to differentiate and break through a lot of card mobile games.

If it is a card mobile game compared with other general mobile games? In fact, if the IP is removed, the card mobile game will also win.

In the middle and late stages of playing card games, it is actually equivalent to hanging up and completing tasks. The attractiveness of the gameplay itself to players is already very small, almost negligible, but the numerical stimulation, card-out probability and virtual property of card games, But it makes players more and more unable to give up, and even more addicted.

Numerical stimulation: There are new levels and new rewards every day, and the protagonist card can be upgraded and advanced again...

Probability of getting a card: I got together another ten consecutive draws, so I should be able to get a good card this time...

Virtual property: I have already spent hundreds of dollars in this game, the perfect lineup, now you let me retreat

At this stage, the impact of ip has been minimal.

These three firmly bind players to this game, and recharge activities are constantly tricking you into recharging.

It’s okay if you don’t recharge, anyway, it’s to keep you, as long as you are still in the game, there will always be a day to pay.