Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 82: interview


"Players love this game from the bottom of their hearts, and they feel the sincerity I convey to them in the game, so they willingly pay to support me, hoping that I can make more and better games in the future. In this regard, I always remember the love of the players, never dare to slack off, and will definitely develop more fun games to repay everyone.”

In the experience store, Wen Lingwei recited Chen Mo's press release aloud.

Su Jinyu: "Spicy eyes! I really can't see them."

Jia Peng: "Shop manager, are you sure you won't be killed by players like this?"

Wen Lingwei said: "I advise you to go back to school these few days to avoid the limelight, so as not to be affected."

Chen Mo was speechless: "What's the matter, what's the matter, isn't this well written? Look, every word and every word is the players' true feelings for me."

Su Jinyu: "Manager, are you really not afraid of being struck by lightning when you say this..."

Jia Peng said: "Shop Manager, has your shop installed a lightning rod?"

Chen Mo was speechless: "Okay, everyone is almost done, there is still an interview today, don't scare away the students who come for the interview."

Jia Peng asked, "Interview? Do you want to recruit new people?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I may have to recruit a plot and a value. Otherwise, in the future, I will only be busy with Jinyu and I when we make large-scale games."

Wen Lingwei said, "Tsk, that means there will be another cute girl soon, right?"

"Really!" Jia Peng also cheered up.

Chen Mo was speechless: "What do you think about all day? It's a man."

Wen Lingwei said: "A man? Why are you recruiting a man? Hurry away."

Chen Mo: " you want to turn my experience store into a kingdom of daughters?"

Wen Lingwei rolled her eyes: "Don't tell me you don't think so."

Chen Mo: "...Forget it, let's not talk to you guys, that buddy should be here soon."

Not long after, Zheng Hongxi arrived.

He was a very young guy, tall and thin, he looked quite quiet and polite. Chen Mo shook hands with him and brought him into the conference room.

Wen Lingwei said to Su Jinyu: "Well, I've changed my mind, this handsome guy is not bad."

Su Jinyu was speechless: "You have a bit of morality, okay! Who you want to hire depends on whether you can meet the requirements of the store manager!"

In the meeting room.

Chen Mo poured a glass of water for Zheng Hongxi: "This is not a big company, the interview is just to chat casually, don't be nervous."

Zheng Hongxi nodded: "Well, I'm not nervous. But I'm quite surprised, you are much younger than I thought."

Chen Mo smiled: "It's been more than a year since I graduated from university."

Zheng Hongxi said: "Then you are one class earlier than me, and I graduated less than a year ago."

Chen Mo had already read Zheng Hongxi's resume before.

Zheng Hongxi, 24 years old this year, has just graduated from a key university in Shanghai, majoring in literature. After graduating, I worked for a media company in Shanghai for a period of time. I resigned because I didn't like the job. I wanted to change careers, but I haven't decided yet.

There are some personal works, and Chen Mo looked through them roughly. They are mainly short and medium stories, and there are various fanfiction. In addition to western fantasy, they also write about fairy tales, martial arts, and oriental fantasy themes.

The work is not particularly brilliant, but the basic writing style and plot concept are qualified. The most important thing is that no matter what themes are written, there is basically no sense of disobedience, which makes Chen Mo quite satisfied.

Chen Mo asked, "Have you considered what to do next?"

Zheng Hongxi said: "I didn't think too much about it. Personally, I don't like the kind of interpersonal relationship in traditional work. I thought about writing online articles full-time before, but my current level is not very good. It is very likely that life is not guaranteed. There will be more pressure.”

Chen Mo asked, "Have you considered making a game?"

Zheng Hongxi said: "Think about it. But relatively speaking, the current domestic games don't pay much attention to the plot, and my interest is mainly in the plot."

Chen Mo nodded: "Okay, this way, I have prepared a test question, you can write whatever you want."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he took out a printed test question.

Zheng Hongxi took it over and looked at it. There were not many questions in the test, only five questions in total.

The first question is to design a world view background and two professions for a fairy-like massively multiplayer role-playing game {mmorpg}, and briefly introduce the characteristics of the professions.

The second question is to write the names and descriptions of five props for a Three Kingdoms theme strategy game. The props are required to be of the same type, and the quality is from low to high.

The third question is to briefly describe the relationship between Draenor and Azeroth based on the content in "Azeroth Universe".

The fourth question is to choose a small event in the "Azeroth Universe" and simply write a task line. No specific task text is required, just a brief description.

The fifth question is to write a complete task text, that is, what the npc said to the player. The outline of the task is as follows: "Fordin invites you to retrieve the Hammer of Tyran." The character setting follows the relevant content in "Azeroth Universe". It can also be changed, but the character settings need to be rewritten.

Chen Mo said: "Don't worry about this, just write slowly, one hour is definitely enough."

Zheng Hongxi nodded: "Well, that's enough."

Chen Mo turned and went out: "Call me when it's finished."

Chen Mo walked out of the conference room, and everyone asked in a low voice, "How is it, store manager?"

Chen Mo said: "It feels okay. I gave him a written test, and if he can answer the written test well, then it's ok."

Su Jinyu asked, "Huh? What kind of written test questions?"

"Are you going to do it too? I'm afraid of hitting you." Chen Mo said.

Wen Lingwei said: "Goldfish is a top student after all, you are too contemptuous of others."

Chen Mo said: "Okay, then you can show it to you, and do it if you want to do it."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he found the test questions on Su Jinyu's computer.

Everyone read the entire test paper and dispersed silently.

Su Jinyu looked at Chen Mo speechlessly: "The store manager, what's all this? Is it too difficult? You can make up the first and second questions. What's all this after?"

Chen Mo said: "You don't pay attention to these, of course you find it difficult. Okay, everyone go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers. This shows that you are not suitable for the job of a plot designer."

Wen Lingwei said: "Well, three seconds of silence for this plot brother."

Su Jinyu said: "Don't be so pessimistic, maybe he can answer it?"

In fact, the question Chen Mo asked was relatively simple, and it was nothing more than a test of his basic qualities as a plot designer.

Things like item names, item descriptions, worldviews, occupations, quest lines, and quest texts are the basic tasks of a plot designer.

As a plot designer, the primary ability is to package a game well, so that players can feel that this is a complete and self-consistent world, at least not to make players feel inconsistent and affect the game experience.

As for the advanced ability, it is to coordinate the relationship between the plot and the setting, so that the world view can be integrated with the gameplay, and even move the players through some special plot tasks.

For Chen Mo, now he only needs Zheng Hongxi to reach the first point. As for the follow-up, it can be cultivated slowly. 5646