Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 85: There is no poker in this world


Chen Mo searched online, and suddenly, he slapped his forehead.

"Yes, there seems to be no Texas hold'em!"

"However, how could there be no Texas hold'em? It's unscientific!"

Chen Mo has been wondering just now, which game is missing, but after looking around, there is no Texas Hold'em in this world? Isn't this nonsense

Chen Mo continued to browse, and even searched for many foreign websites, but finally found that there were none! There is really no such thing as Texas Hold'em in this world!

"Sure enough, I just felt like something was missing. There really is no Texas hold'em!"

"Okay, the last piece of the puzzle of Lei Ting Chess has finally been found."

Chen Mo was also a little excited. Finally, the framework of the entire chess and card game was complete.

Texas Hold'em is not considered a popular game in China. If you only count the number of users, it is not as popular as Doudizhu and Mahjong, and its popularity is much worse.

However, Texas Hold'em is extremely popular in some small circles, and the water is unbelievably deep.

The founders and CEOs of some big companies in IT circles, entrepreneurial circles, and investment circles are all very keen on Texas Hold'em. Kai-fu Lee, Liu Chuanzhi, Ma Yun, etc. are all Texas Hold'em enthusiasts.

In the world, Texas Hold'em can be said to be popular all over the world, especially in the United States. If someone says he plays poker, then he is probably playing Texas Hold'em.

In the World Series of Poker (WSOP), the Texas Hold'em game bonus and the first prize even reached 10 million US dollars. There was once a chef from Sweden who won the championship and became rich overnight.

Many people may be very puzzled, why is Texas Hold'em so attractive

If you use one sentence to summarize the difference between Texas Hold'em and other poker, it is: Texas Hold'em is a poker game that can be stably profitable.

Yes, it sounds fanciful, but it's true.

Other chess and card games, such as Doudizhu, Mahjong, and Zajinhua, all have a strong gambling nature. Skill is important, but luck is more important. If you use Doudizhu or Mahjong as your career, your profit and loss depend largely on luck, which is tantamount to gambling.

The characteristic of gambling is that if you gamble for a long time, you will lose. No one can guarantee that this thing can maintain stable profits.

But Texas Hold'em is a game that can maintain stable profits. If you keep losing in Texas Hold'em, it can only prove one thing: you are too good.

Overseas, there are many Texas Hold'em professional players, such as Phil Ivey, who has won 24 championships in various events, made more than 100 cashes, and won more than 20 million US dollars in total bonuses throughout his career.

In China, there are also many professional Texas Hold'em players with a stable monthly income of around 100,000. Due to various reasons, the promotion of Texas Hold'em in China is limited, but even so, there are as many as 60 million domestic Texas Hold'em players.

Why poker is a game that can make a stable profit? Because the rules of poker are more complicated than most poker games, you can choose to quit at any time, or you can raise wildly to double your chips directly.

Moreover, when playing poker, you can judge the opponent's hand according to the opponent's behavior (raise, flat call, etc.), and play with different strategies.

Unlike poker, poker is completely dependent on the cards in your hand. You will win if you get a super card, but the final win or loss of poker depends on five public cards. In theory, even if your hand is The smallest different suit 27, it is also possible to win the largest hand with a pair of aces.

To play poker, you need to be proficient in probability calculations, good at hiding your expressions, know how to guess their hands through the behavior of the opponent, and maintain a good attitude. The proportion of luck in winning or losing can be said to be minimized.

Like a master playing with a rookie, maybe every hand of the rookie is better than that of the master, but it is not an exaggeration that the master can beat the rookie to pieces through playing psychology.

In games like Dou Dizhu and Mahjong, a rookie may be able to win one or two big hands by luck, but in Texas Hold'em, a rookie will never have such an opportunity.

After the big framework was decided, Chen Mo started to write the design document.

The rules of the chess and card game are relatively clear and simple, and it is much faster to do than "My name is mt". This time, Chen Mo plans to roughly complete "Thunder Game Platform" and "Thunder Chess" within a month, and then spend another week to adjust , and go live directly.

next morning.

Chen Mo sent a design outline to Su Jinyu.

"The outline is finished, and you can add the specific rules. Don't touch anything related to the plot. Let Zheng Hongxi take charge when he arrives. Doing this game together, the two of you, is equivalent to testing his plot design ability." Chen Mo said.

Su Jinyu received the document from Chen Mo, and she was a little surprised that the design document was very small, only one or two hundred words.

"Lifeline? Text adventure game?" Su Jinyu asked in surprise.

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, it's mainly for you and Zheng Hongxi to practice. I've marked out a few points that need to be paid attention to in the document. How far this game can go depends on the two of you. gone."

Su Jinyu said, "But, store manager, doesn't this game look too simple?"

Chen Mo smiled: "Simple games can also be done very well, don't be too high-handed. You can think about adding a few new gameplays under this framework."

Su Jinyu nodded: "Well, good. I see."

After handing over the design of "Lifeline" to Su Jinyu, Chen Mo put all his thoughts on Thunder Game Platform and Thunder Chess.

"Lifeline" is a text adventure game. Chen Mo also wanted to give Zheng Hongxi this game to practice and test his plot design ability.

When "Thunder Chess" and "Lifeline" are finished, Chen Mo will start planning the first big game.

For the next two days, Chen Mo was mainly refining the design documents.

The three products on Leiting Chess, Happy Landlords, Happy Mahjong, and Thunder Poker (that is, Texas Hold'em in the previous life), the user groups of these three are not completely overlapped, so three different games have to be made, but this Many art resources of the three games are common, such as character appearance, item icons, playing cards, etc.

For these resources, Chen Mo directly threw them to the outsourcing company. Because there are chess and card games in the parallel world, these resources are all over the place, you can use them as you like, and you don’t need to be too strict on the quality of art, so Chen Mo’s only requirement is to be fast, and it must be completed within two weeks. All the art resources are released.

Chen Mo's main work in the design of chess and card games focused on two aspects. One was to refine the relevant rules of the novice guide, and the other was to create a set of rules for the playing field that other chess and card games did not have.