Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 87: poker


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Experience the store.

Su Jinyu and Zheng Hongxi are busy making "Lifeline".

Others are doing their own thing, and Wen Lingwei is chasing dramas on a tablet computer on a massage chair in the experience store.

Now the experience store has become the most frequent gathering place for Wen Lingwei and the others. Come and see if you have anything to do, and urge Chen Mo to make a new game by the way.

Chen Mo said: "Everyone take a break, let's play a game."

"Huh?" Su Jinyu was a little confused, "Playing games? What games?"

Zheng Hongxi raised his head with a dazed expression. His plot idea is stuck in a rather tangled place.

Jia Peng said: "Okay, store manager, I just have nothing to do, what kind of game is it?"

Chen Mo took out a deck of playing cards: "Poker."

Jia Peng: " talk, I'll go first."

Chen Mo laughed, "It's okay, you can watch from the sidelines, or you can be the dealer."

Wen Lingwei said lazily: "Shop manager, don't say you are fighting the landlord, there are seven or eight of us here."

Chen Mo said, "It's not Doudizhu, it's a type of poker that none of you have ever played before."

Chang Xiuya was surprised and said, "We haven't played before? Isn't it so?"

Chen Mo said: "Come on, there are eight of us now, and Jia Peng will deal the cards. If this is the case, we will play at a seven-handed table."

Su Jinyu asked, "Is there a requirement for the number of people?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "There is no requirement, 2 to 9 players can play, and the rules support it."

Su Jinyu asked, "What about the nine or more people?"

Chen Mo said: "Oh, in theory, more than 9 people can play, but there will be no room for the poker table."

Su Jinyu: "... That's quite convenient."

Chen Mo said, "Come on, everyone, come to the conference room, I'll teach you how to play."

Wen Lingwei said: "What's so interesting about poker... Is there a reward for winning? If there is no reward, I won't come."

Chen Mo said: "Of course there is. The first prize will be rewarded with a gift within 5,000 yuan, and everyone can choose."

"Five thousand dollars?"

"Choose a gift?"

"Fuck, it's different when the store manager is rich!"

Everyone stood up in unison and swarmed into the meeting room.

Zheng Hongxi: "..."

Everyone sat down around the long table in the conference room.

Chen Mo got a set of chips from somewhere, and packed them with special chips.

Su Jinyu was surprised and said, "Manager, what is this?"

Chen Mo said: "Chips, um, can be understood as money. But we can't play money. Playing money is a gathering of people to gamble, so we use chips instead."

As Chen Mo spoke, he distributed chips to everyone.

A chip is a small round sign slightly larger than a coin, with different numbers and colors written on it.

Chen Mo gave everyone 1 500 chip, 3 100 chips, 6 25 chips and 10 5 chips.

"In this case, it is equivalent to 1,000 chips per person. Whoever wins everyone's chips in the end wins. There will only be one winner in the end." Chen Mo explained.

Su Jinyu played with the chips in his hand curiously: "Shop Manager, are we really not going to be arrested for gathering a crowd for gambling?"

Chen Mo: "...No, as long as you don't throw money on the poker table."

Wen Lingwei played with the chips in her hand and made a "crash clatter" sound: "Is this something necessary to play? Isn't it like fighting the landlord?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, chips are required to play. Alright, everyone sit down, so, Jia Peng, you sit here, in the middle, yes, you are in charge of dealing the cards."

Wen Lingwei raised her hand and said, "I protest. I feel that if he comes to deal the cards, everyone's luck will be worse."

Jia Peng: "...Sister, please take my feelings into consideration."

Chen Mo said, "It's okay, anyway, it's fair for everyone to lose luck together."

Jia Peng: "... I didn't feel comforted at all!"

Everyone sat down.

Chen Mo held the poker cards in his hand, and spread them out on the table with the back facing up: "Let's play privately, and the rules will be a little simplified. Each person draws a card, and the one with the highest card is the banker."

Su Jinyu asked, "What's the use of Zhuang?"

Chen Mo said: "The banker's position is more favorable. Come on, let's draw cards."

Everyone drew cards one after another. Wen Lingwei originally drew a K and thought it was the biggest one, but Zheng Hongxi actually drew an A.

Jia Peng said: "It's all Emperor Ou... trembling."

Chen Mo put a doll in front of Zheng Hongxi: "This represents the banker, and after each hand is played, it will be given to the next person, and it moves clockwise."

"Let's preview it first."

Chen Mo began to introduce the relevant rules of Texas Hold'em to everyone.

Texas Hold'em itself is a game type that is easy to learn but difficult to master. It is very simple to get started, and it basically doesn't even take five minutes to understand the rules.

Under Chen Mo's guidance, everyone quickly played decently.

Half an hour later, Chen Mo looked at two more hands of cards. After confirming that everyone had mastered the rules, he went back to the second floor to continue sorting out the design documents.

Chen Mo taught these people to play Texas Hold'em, mainly to confirm how acceptable Texas Hold'em is in this world. This is also equivalent to a preview of the promotion game.

The rules of Texas Hold'em are extremely complete, because countless games have been verified in previous lives, and it can be said that there are no loopholes. However, how to use its characteristics to promote "Thunder Chess"? This is what Chen Mo is mainly thinking about.

The popularity of Texas Hold'em in foreign countries is mainly due to the fact that some professional poker players can make stable profits in Texas Hold'em. In the final analysis, it is because of money, which is the most effective stimulus.

But Chen Mo can't do this. First, playing money is a gathering of people to gamble, which is illegal. Second, gambling is harmful to society. Chen Mo doesn't want to ruin some people's lives because of a game he made.

Therefore, Chen Mo's idea is to cut down the gambling attributes in poker as much as possible, and promote it in the form of competitions. Let players experience the fun of poker by playing Happy Beans.

Just like Dou Dizhu and Mahjong, without the gambling attributes, they are good board games.

In the previous life, many bigwigs in the technology and investment circles liked to play poker, and it was not all because of money. These people were all worth over 100 million yuan, so they would not make money by playing poker.

For them, poker is a puzzle game, similar to starting a business or investing. It is all about judging the opponent's behavior, deciding on a strategy for the opponent, and stopping losses in time when danger is discovered.

After verifying that Texas Hold'em is also very attractive to people in this world, Chen Mo already has a preliminary promotion plan in his mind. Get a taste of Texas Hold'em and stay with it.

Day by day, the development plans of "Lifeline" and "Thunder Chess" are also steadily advancing.

In the first poker match, Zheng Hongxi finally defeated Wen Lingwei by relying on his heaven-defying European emperor attributes, and won a prize of 5,000 yuan.

Chen Mo also specially made a small trophy, engraved on the trophy: "Champion of the First Thunder Poker Internal Tournament".

Since then, everyone's interest has been aroused. Several people play poker in the conference room every day when they have nothing to do.

To everyone's amazement, the deeper they played, the more hidden doorways they discovered, a veritable "easy to learn, hard to master" game.

And after two weeks, most people are already addicted to this kind of poker.

Of course, this is under the premise of incentives.

Without these thousands of dollars in prizes, these people would lose interest.

As for the plot of "Lifeline", it is also being continuously improved. Zheng Hongxi doesn't know how many drafts he has changed, but it is true that the more changes he makes, the more complicated and interesting he becomes.

Chen Mo sorted out the timing of all the conversations, basically ensuring that the rhythm of the entire game was the same as in his previous life. Of course, the specific text content must be different, but the impact is not great.

The two games this time are very simple for Chen Mo, so including the art resources, they were completed in a month, and the next step is to constantly tune and modify some user experience and details .

In this month, the seemingly calm mobile game industry actually has an undercurrent brewing.

According to what Chen Mo heard through various channels, at least three or four game companies are developing card games similar to "My name is mt".

This is only what Chen Mo has heard, and there are probably more people who have not heard of it. In terms of progress, these games will be developed within two months at the earliest, and within four months at the slowest, and will be launched one after another.

The mobile game market is very likely to usher in a wave of card games like Chen Mo's previous life, and players will once again experience the fear of being dominated by card games.

These card games may have different artistic performances and different themes, but one thing is definitely the same, that is, their profit model and numerical structure must be highly borrowed from "My name is mt".

However, Chen Mo didn't care at all. For him, this wasn't entirely bad news.

"My name is mt" has firmly occupied the first-mover advantage, and the subsequent card games will always live in the shadow of "My name is mt", and it is impossible to shake the "My name is mt" status.

On the contrary, these games will objectively have the effect of "expanding the user base of card games".

Of course, these fast-handed game developers will inevitably make a lot of money, but this is inevitable. For Chen Mo, if you make money, I will make money, as long as I make more money than you.

Moreover, the flood of card games just distracted the attention of the game circle, and Chen Mo had more space to pave the way for his future plans.

The real threat to "My name is mt" is "Legend of the Dota", which is a game that is completely innovative in gameplay and surpasses the original domestic card game, but Chen Mo predicts that other designers want to achieve "Legend of the Dota". At the fastest level of design, it will take a year at the fastest.

Because the first generation of cards was originally a type of game that made money lying down, under the stimulation of this strong profitability, most designers would lose their aggressiveness and even fall into the "comfort zone", unwilling to make changes to the gameplay of the first generation of cards. innovation.

Only when the players are tired of playing and completely bored, the designers will seek new ideas and changes to reform the gameplay of the first-generation cards.

Within this year, Chen Mo could do too many things. For mobile phone users, please visit m.reading for a better reading experience.