Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 9: Is that why you're scoring points?


Lin Hai's speech was much more slippery, obviously not offending both sides. In fact, he did not have a particularly clear attitude.

The audience began to whisper.

Shi Huazhe's words still played a certain role. A senior designer opposed a work so clearly, and what he said was justified. Many viewers were also a little shaken, and began to doubt whether such a game was really worth recommending

While Lin Hai's speech seemed fair, it was actually useless. The audience would forget what he said, but what Shi Huazhe said would always be remembered by the audience.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lin Hai jumps out against "flappybird" again, he will be in an embarrassing situation. The attitudes of the two judges were enough to influence a large audience. Lin Hai took a neutral position, which was neither good nor bad.

Still, don't take it lightly.

It was the turn of the youngest judge, Qiu Hengyang. One of the other two judges was firmly against it, and the other was neutral. His attitude will determine the fate of this game to some extent.

Qiu Hengyang turned on the microphone and said after a moment of contemplation: "As for this game, I have a different opinion from Mr. Shi Huazhe."

Chen Mo couldn't help being taken aback, why, this buddy wants to speak for me? Could it be that his vision is more unique than those two, and can he see the special features of this game

Shi Huazhe also had an unbelievable expression on his face, staring at Qiu Hengyang, wanting to see what he was going to say.

Qiu Hengyang said: "Before I got the live data, I wanted to give this game an 8, but after I got the live data, I think I can give it a 9. Of course, this score is in line with The other nineteen games are compared."

"In other words, this first place is well deserved."

The audience in the arena was in an uproar!

What the hell, nine points? percentage system

Judging from Qiu Hengyang's tone and demeanor, it is obvious that this is nine out of ten.

There are quite a few fans in the audience who love to play "flappybird", but they love to play, and they also know that the game is crudely made. A score of 7 is very good, and a score of 9 is too exaggerated, right

Qiu Hengyang ignored the surprise of the audience, and continued: "Don't be surprised, everyone, this is the difference between the perspective of a professional game designer and an ordinary player."

"What you see is a small game with a simple style of painting and a single gameplay, but what I see is a sincere work with exquisite design and advanced thinking!"

"Why do I say that? Please listen to my explanation."

The audience present were all attracted by Qiu Hengyang. Many audiences were very curious. How did Qiu Hengyang play this game so miraculously

This competition will be broadcast live and recorded, if Qiu Hengyang talks nonsense, he will be ashamed in the game circle!

Qiu Hengyang said: "Next, I want to ask you a few questions. You don't need to answer, just think about it in your heart."

"The first question, you all said that the style of this game is very simple, so let me ask you, do you think this little bird is really ugly? Is it interesting to die?"

"Second question, has anyone roughly calculated the natural falling speed of the bird? How high is the bird flying up after the finger is clicked?"

"The third question, why after the gameover, just click the screen to start immediately? Why does this very simple game have leaderboards and networking functions?"

"The fourth question, have you noticed the advertisement bar on the gameover screen?"

"Everyone, think about these questions carefully."

After Qiu Hengyang finished speaking, he deliberately turned off the microphone to give the audience a few minutes to think.

The audience chatted immediately.

These people are all game lovers. They are interested in some aspects of the game and love to delve into it. In addition, most of these audiences are addicted to "flappybird". Therefore, Qiu Hengyang's few questions made the audience We all think about it.

Chen Mo was a little surprised, because Qiu Hengyang's questions basically hit all the key points of this game, which seemed incredible to Chen Mo.

After all, the game design concept in this world is very backward and full of prejudice.

Obviously, this Qiu Hengyang is not simple. He can put aside his prejudices and seriously study the factors of a game's success, rather than roughly attribute it to "luck". This is the most important thing for a game designer in Chen Mo's opinion. quality.

Based on this, Chen Mo has no doubt that Qiu Hengyang will still be a very good game designer if he is thrown into his previous life.

Qiu Hengyang felt that the audience had almost thought about it, and continued: "Everyone should have a vague feeling, so congratulations, you have taken the first step, and welcome to the designer's thinking field."

"The first question, is the style of this game really bad?"

"When you look at this little bird, what is your first impression? Stupid? Cute? Stupid? Stupid? Attention, everyone, this is a pixel game. The lines and colors used in the whole bird are very simple, but big eyes+ Sausage mouth + small wings, directly outlining the image of a stupid bird, this is not an easy task."

"Moreover, the image of this little bird is very consistent with the content of the game. The stupidity of the little bird effectively dilutes the frustration of the failure of the game, and even makes you feel that the bird is stupid rather than you, right?"

As soon as Qiu Hengyang finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the venue.

Qiu Hengyang continued: "The second question, why should I ask about the bird's falling speed and the flying height after clicking? It's very simple, these are two key numerical elements, which are directly related to the difficulty of this game."

"If the drop is too fast and the ascent is too high, then the game will be very difficult, and most people will not score more than double digits. Then, the frustration of this game is very strong, most people Won't play for long."

"But what about the other way around? This game will become too simple, and most people can score a few points. Soon players will realize that this game is very boring and boring, and they will also give up quickly."

"So, in my opinion, the numerical design of this game is very clever. It has grasped this balance point very well, making this game difficult and cruel, and preventing most people from getting high scores. Give you a little more hope, so that you can always have a fluke mentality to keep trying."

"The third problem is that the designer deliberately designed the gameover screen to be very simple, and it will restart after one click, in order to reduce unnecessary steps and allow you to restart the next round quickly. In the constant repetition, It makes you numb to the gameover, and even makes you not feel the passage of time."

"As for the networking and ranking functions, in my opinion, it is the finishing touch of this game. If there is no networking function, its data will be one-third of what it is now, or even less."

"Why? Because in this kind of game, your results are only meaningful if you compare them. Otherwise, even if you score 100 or 1000 points, what's the point if you can't show off to others?"

"What I'm talking about showing off is not showing off the phone to others, but showing it to all players who have played this game directly through the leaderboard - look, how good I am! Everyone here, how many of you are like me? scored?"

A large audience raised their hands.

Qiu Hengyang nodded: "This is what I said, networking and ranking functions are the finishing touches of this game!"

An audience member in the front row said loudly: "Teacher Qiu, is this why you scored 39 points and signed your name?"

The audience roared with laughter.