Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 120: 120 connections in the entertainment industry, teacher Zhou Jin (three updates)


"Ahem..." Teacher Ge said, and Zhao Fan on the other side of Meng Fu couldn't help but cough twice.

While coughing, he couldn't help but look in Meng Fu's direction, his movements a little stiff.

Not only her, but also Li Qingning and his manager couldn't help but look at Meng Fu. These people obviously didn't know that Meng Fu had such a history.

When they heard that Teacher Ge still had a master, the group began to be shocked. After all, there were no more than five honorary chess players like Teacher Ge in the country, not to mention his achievements in Go.

But hearing that Meng Fu almost became Teacher Ge's senior sister, these people almost burst into tears.

"Teacher, how is he doing lately?" Teacher Ge didn't think what he said meant anything. He turned his gaze to Meng Fu and asked about the recent concern, "I called him last time and he said that he had met someone recently. Smelly chess basket."

"Everyone of them is a bad chess player." Meng Fu knew that the village chief must be talking about Xu Bochuan and couldn't help laughing.

Teacher Ge nodded, "That's good."

He met Meng Fu this time because he and Meng Fu hadn't seen each other for several years. He originally wanted to ask her why she couldn't get through her cell phone for two years, but there were so many people, so he didn't ask so many questions.

"By the way, there is an endgame," Teacher Ge said something, "I'll send it to you later, it's interesting. I sent it to the teacher before, but he doesn't use WeChat very much, so he probably didn't see the picture. "

"Okay." Meng Fu nodded.

Teacher Ge and Li Qingning had a glass of wine and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so good now."

He and Meng Fu had known each other for a long time. When the village chief came back from retirement, he followed the village chief and begged him to accept him as a disciple. The village chief was annoyed by the noise, so he pointed at Meng Fu who was herding cattle and said he won. He would take her as a disciple.

At that time, Meng Fucai was only a young cowherd boy in elementary school, so Teacher Ge thought the village chief was giving him welfare.

Who knew, he was almost tortured to tears by a child.

Then the next day when he went to see the village chief, he saw the cowherd boy reading the British version of "Game Theory" at the village chief's house.

Teacher Ge's mood at that time can only be described as indescribable.

So from then on, when he went back to see the village chief, he would feel shadowed when he saw the cowherd boy, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

It can be said that Meng Fu witnessed the most humiliating and depressing moments of Teacher Ge's life.

As a result, Teacher Ge was not mentally prepared when he saw the "shadow" of Meng Fu yesterday and almost lost his temper.

Regarding today's meal, Teacher Ge also knew that Meng Fu probably wanted to introduce him to Li Qingning. After knowing Meng Fu for so many years, except helping Meng Fu ask for leave from her class teacher, Teacher Ge had never done anything to help Meng Fu.

When I was drinking with Li Qingning, I was very happy.

"Brother Li, Brother Li" shouted.

In the middle of the meal, Sheng Jun called Li Qingning's agent again.

The manager left the box and answered the phone in the corridor, "Brother Li has something to do here and cannot leave early."

"That's it." On the other end of the phone, Sheng Jun, who had already left the party, was a little surprised. He had called Li Qingning before. Li Qingning was obviously very moved. Why did he feel something was wrong after finishing the meal? "Then there will be another chance next time. ”

"Okay." Li Qingning's agent hung up the phone.

He didn't go back to the box immediately. He just stood outside the corridor and looked at the door of the box for a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief.

I felt in my heart that Li Qingning had really stepped on shit this time. The only time he wanted to support a junior in so many years was to support a public-level "old brother".

No matter what happens in the future, Li Qingning can be regarded as someone in the officialdom.

Over the years, Li Qingning has developed well, but most of them are friends in the industry, and he knows a few investors, but he really doesn't have any official connections.


Meng Fu and his group ate for nearly two hours.

Li Qingning and Teacher Ge also talked about their relationship, and the meal didn't end until Che Shao had to catch a plane.

"Be careful on the road." The group of people sent Teacher Ge off first, and then saw Che Shao off downstairs in the hotel.

It was his team that came to pick up Che Shao.

After Che Shao finished leaving, only Li Qingning, Meng Fu and their manager were left.

Li Qingning breathed out and looked at Meng Fu. Just when he was about to speak, Meng Fu took his mobile phone, raised his head and smiled, "Ah, my assistant's car has also arrived, and I have to rush back at night."

Next week "Bourne" will join the cast.

As she said that, across the road, Su Cheng's car had stopped.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Li Qingning still had a lot to say to Meng Fu.

Meng Fu sighed, "I don't want to rush either. Maybe you can discuss it with my assistant."

Discuss with the assistant

Shouldn't it be discussed with the agent

Li Qingning was just thinking when he saw the car on the opposite side.

It was almost eight o'clock at this time, because the hotel was relatively remote, there were not many people here, the street lights were dim, and I could see a white car on the other side of the road.

Royal blue Porsche.

The license plate number is local.

You can see the man getting out of the driver's seat. He is tall and tall. From the way he opens the door, it is easy to think of a gentleman and a well-behaved son of a noble family.

"It seems you can't do it either," Meng Fu clicked his tongue, then raised his hand towards Li Qingning, "Teacher Li, I'll go back then. See you in the next issue."

She waved her paw towards Li Qingning. Li Qingning didn't say anything about keeping her, he just looked at her and followed Zhao Fan to the opposite side.

Got in the car.

After the car drove away.

The agent next to Li Qingning looked at Li Qingning and was surprised: "Meng Fu doesn't seem to be a local, right?"

"Yeah." Li Qingning looked away and walked slowly to the car.

"This assistant of hers..." the agent thought thoughtfully.

Li Qingning looked at him and said, "Don't ask so much."

The manager didn't mention Meng Fu's manager, but instead started gossiping about Master Ge around Li Qingning, "What do you think happened to Meng Fu and Master Ge? When we were in the box just now, I really didn't react. come over."

"Aren't you a pity that you didn't catch up with Sheng Jun?" Li Qingning got in the car and looked at his agent.

"Ha, don't you know that?" The manager clicked his tongue. Although Sheng Jun and Xi Nancheng were talking about Director Xu in the evening, Director Xu's matter was a big deal. Teacher Ge was serious. "If Xi Nancheng knew that we were having dinner with his teacher tonight, tsk..."

When the agent mentioned Xi Nancheng, he turned to Li Qingning and said, "I saw Xi Nancheng yesterday. Do you have any objections to Meng Fu?"

When Xi Nancheng was mentioned, Li Qingning frowned and did not answer.

The manager smiled and said, "He must not know that Meng Fu knows his teacher. Not only is he his teacher's noble person, but he almost became his teacher's senior sister."


at the same time.

T City No. 1 Middle School.

Principal Gu was asking Teacher Zhou about the schedule of the intensive class.

"I just assigned them three self-enrollment simulation questions from three continental universities. It was very difficult. It would take at least three days for them to give it to me. When I first came here, I saw the humanoid master in our class, and he did it After completing two questions, the last question is more difficult, and he estimates that it will take more than a day." Teacher Zhou, who was finally finished, said calmly, holding a teacup in his hand.

Principal Gu took the long newspaper, nodded, and asked the question that he was more concerned about recently: "Where is Meng Fu? Has she really never come to class?"

"Don't worry, after the monthly exam is over at the end of this month, she will come and teach me. Principal, for this monthly exam, you will ask ten schools across the country to jointly write the questions. The harder the better," Teacher Zhou took a sip of tea and said, "Meng Classmate, this kid is obviously very capable in mathematics, but he wants to go to the entertainment industry. "

Gu Xiao nodded, "I will discuss it with several other principals."

"I will give the questions for the math paper." Teacher Zhou thought for a while and said.

Principal Gu: "...don't scare those students."

The word "Zhou Jin" has become a nightmare for those in the ten schools across the country.

"I'm sensible. I'll tell the math groups of other schools about the math papers. You don't have to worry about it." Teacher Zhou put down the tea cup, squeezed his shoulders, picked up the phone in his pocket, and opened WeChat, preparing to convey it to teachers from other schools. This news, given his current status in the domestic mathematics circle, he said that if he wants to propose a question, the other nine schools may be eager to ask for it: "Meng Fu is just too easy to learn..."

Halfway through the conversation, Teacher Zhou suddenly stopped talking.

Principal Gu looked up from the newspaper: "What's wrong?"

Teacher Zhou still didn't speak.

Principal Gu, this is strange.

He put down the newspaper and walked around to see Teacher Zhou to see what he was reading.

Teacher Zhou’s phone stopped on a picture.

The picture is very simple, it is an analysis question of a math problem, and the words "intensive class" can be seen printed in the lower left corner.

Meng Fu's handwriting was easy to recognize, and she always had a very personal style. Principal Gu recognized the analysis written by Meng Fu at a glance.