Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 122: 122 Meng Fu’s calligraphy (first update)


The role of Yan Li is inherently difficult to control, and she has a reader base online. When casting, the crew focused on the actresses in the circle who were suitable for this role.

"Meng Fu is a little bad at acting." Director Gao had seen Meng Fu's acting skills, and it was too difficult for him to give up on Meng Fu. "Okay, you won't change if you don't change."

Director Gao estimated that during the filming, the camera should focus more on the supporting actors around him. Meng Fu should give more close-ups of expressions and a few more fixed actions, and leave the rest to the stuntman.

The two talked in the studio.

Outside the crew, Qin Hao, who played the male lead, also arrived. He got out of the nanny car. Originally, the crew only needed two assistants to accompany him.

After all, Qin Hao's scenes will all be put in a week's time. Before that, he came here today to shoot an opening scene for Director Gao.

But the manager still followed him down, and before Qin Hao joined the group, he carefully warned him, "You remember everything I told you. This time, the heroine Meng Fu will bring money to join the group. I know you know Jiang Li." , please pay attention to this matter."

"I just can't understand why Director Gao compromised." Qin Hao turned to his agent with a faint gaze and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He has been in the film and television industry for five or six years. He became famous in a drama when he was eighteen years old, and he has some foundation in the industry.

"It's useless to talk about this matter, but fortunately the second female lead is replaced by Jiang Li. The crew is supported by the two of you, so it doesn't ruin the show, but it is impossible to get angry." The agent glanced at Qin Hao and said in his heart It was a pity, but he didn't say anything more, "There is one more thing you must pay attention to. Stay away from Meng Fu if you have nothing to do. Don't get caught in the scandal. But you only have one show today."

Meng Fu has indeed become very popular on the Internet recently, but that is only temporary.

She is a typical phenomenon-level celebrity nowadays. She has no works. If the hype is gone in another year, who will remember her

Only those like Qin Hao and Jiang Li who have won the Newcomer Award for their representative works will leave traces in the circle.

Seeing Meng Fu's potential to be on trending searches all day long, Qin Hao's manager was worried about Qin Hao joining the set this time. Qian warned him not to be alone with Meng Fu except when he was on the set during filming.

There is no need for the agent to tell this matter, Qin Hao also knows about it.

"Don't worry, I'll start the group first." Qin Hao waved his hand to the agent, and then led two assistants into the group.

The agent stood at the door and watched for a while, thinking that the problem was not big, so he left first.

Here, Qin Hao and his assistant arrived on the set. He and the second female lead, Jiang Li, were the most influential people in the entire set.

Upon hearing the news of his arrival, Director Gao and the producer came out to greet Qin Hao.

The two have also collaborated in the industry, and they invited each other to dinner before filming.

"You came just in time. Meng Fu and Jiang Li have just arrived. They both went to the dressing room to put on makeup." Director Gao looked at Qin Hao, "Go and change quickly. The first scene at eight o'clock will be with you. Jiang Li, I’m troubling you today.”

As we all know, the first scene of the crew is very important and cannot be delayed, because it is related to the fate of the subsequent filming, so the first scene of each crew will be given to experienced actors.

Although Director Gao has seen Meng Fu's personal stage, he still doesn't know her performance during the filming process. After all, the personal stage is different from the overall filming process. Many newcomers don't know how to find angles and lenses for their first filming.

Not to mention that Zhao Fan had just told her about Meng Fu's fight scene. Director Gao was thankful that he had given the first scene to Qin Hao and Jiang Li early.

These two people are quite cooperative.

After Qin Hao said hello to Director Gao, he went to the dressing room to put on makeup.

This dressing room is very small, with only four makeup positions. It is the dressing room for the protagonist. Currently, Jiang Li is the only one.

Jiang Li and Qin Hao are also old acquaintances. They have collaborated on a drama and have attended various major events in the entertainment industry on the same stage.

Qin Hao was sitting at the dressing table next to Jiang Li. His assistant handed Qin Hao the script of the scene that Qin Hao was going to shoot today, and then looked at the entire makeup artist, "Didn't Director Gao just say that the heroine is here too? Where is she?"

"Are you talking about Meng Fu?" Jiang Li said nothing. The manager next to her glanced outside the door and smiled: "We haven't seen it either. I just heard the staff say that she has a separate dressing room. ”

Separate dressing room

Hearing this, Qin Hao frowned subconsciously, and did not mention Meng Fu again, but discussed the script with Jiang Li.


Powder room next door.

Zhao Fan watched the makeup artist applying makeup to Meng Fu and couldn't help but tell her some things to pay attention to, "You have to follow me to visit Brother Hao and Sister Jiang Li later. These two are your seniors."

Zhao Fan has always been good at handling these matters. When he first joined the group, he had someone buy several boxes of water and distribute them to the staff and extras.

"Okay." Meng Fu lowered his head and flipped through his phone.

On the phone, Teacher Zhou was sending her a message—

How did you calculate this step


Meng Fu took a look and saw that the makeup artist was straightening her hair. She then spoke to Zhao Fan, "Sister Fan, help me get a pen and paper."

"Okay." Zhao Fan looked at Meng Fu and knew that she must be writing math problems again, so he went outside to get paper and pen.

"Brother Cheng prepared a notebook and a black pen for you in advance." Zhao Fan came back within two minutes, holding a gold-plated notebook and a black ink pen. Not only did he bring back these, but also today's The script said, "This is today's script. Your scenes are all gathered today. There are fifteen scenes in total. Take a look first."

A large-scale production like "The Spy" has forty episodes, and the entire filming time takes more than two months.

It is impossible for everyone on the crew to have time for such a scene every day, so when the director arranges the scene, he will try his best to concentrate all the scenes of the protagonists.

Meng Fu doesn't have time to take weekend breaks, so her scenes are mainly from Monday to Friday.

Zhou Hao is going to attend an awards ceremony and watch a catwalk show abroad this week, so his scenes will mainly be concentrated next week. Today he came here specifically to give face to Director Gao, and for the first scene.

Therefore, Meng Fu’s solo scenes will basically be filmed this week. Director Gao arranged this to give Meng Fu time to adjust. After all, as soon as the filming started, he would be starring opposite award-winning actors like Qin Hao and Jiang Li. Director Gao Filming also delayed the process, so I let Meng Fu start her solo scenes. I hope she won't make too many mistakes when she meets Qin Hao and Jiang Li next week.

Meng Fu took both notebooks.

Instead of giving Mr. Zhou a question first, he first brought over the scenes to be filmed today.

She reached out and flipped through the script. There were many lines for her in the script.

Meng Fu patiently turned it over little by little.

She flips through books three times faster than the average person.

Behind her, the makeup artist who was helping her style her hair was a little surprised to see Meng Fu flipping through the pages so quickly. She didn't even finish reading a page so fast. Was Meng Fu looking at how long the script was

The makeup artist thought lightly, but did not dare to make any mistakes in the movements of his hands.



Qin Hao and Jiang Li also put on their makeup and came out to prepare for the first scene.

Jiang Li plays the female officer who is opposed to Qin Hao.

She was wearing a dark military uniform, holding a gun in her hand, and her hair was all tied into a military cap. She looked indeed very imposing.

Over there, Director Gao is already arranging today's shots.

Jiang Li and Qin Hao are both veteran actors. They had a scene today. They had mastered the scene as early as when they were putting on makeup. Now they were standing in front of the camera, waiting for Director Gao to finish planning all the camera positions.

"Today we will take you to the first scene, which will add up to 16 scenes?" Jiang Li crossed her arms and saw the director's plan on the table.

The production of TV series is not as meticulous as that of movies. Under normal circumstances, the minimum number of scenes that can be shot every day is 25 scenes and 15 scenes. This is also the time set by Director Gao for Meng Fu. There will always be some situations when he takes on the leading role for the first time. Director Gao It was also to give Meng Fu time to adapt to the camera.

Qin Hao also saw the fifteen scenes on the table, all of which were Meng Fu's personal scenes.

He glanced briefly and then turned away.

"Okay, okay," Director Gao clapped his hands and stood in the middle with a loudspeaker and shouted, "Every camera is ready, lighting technicians pay attention, the first scene of "The Spy" - Showdown in the Wind, begins!"

He played each board, Jiang Li and Qin Hao stood in the middle and quickly got into the state.

In the lobby of Nuo University, Jiang Li pointed her pistol at Qin Hao.

This is the scene where the male protagonist and the female lead break up, and it is also a turning point for the entire drama.

Meng Fu slowly walked towards the director and looked at the enlarged expressions of Jiang Li and Qin Hao in the camera.

Their acting skills are indeed relatively good in the industry. Director Gao is very satisfied with them, "Okay, not bad! Qin Hao, Jiang Li, you are both in perfect condition!"

There is no glitch in the whole process, just one shot.

Qin Hao and Jiang Li didn't join the set all week. They went to change clothes after filming.

Director Gao saw that Meng Fu next to him was looking very seriously, so he brought up the scene just now and showed it to Meng Fu, and pointed out, "Look at their expressions, especially Jiang Li's eyes..."

Meng Fu nodded, listening and watching carefully.

Seeing that she was quite eager to learn, Director Gao unknowingly said more, "And here," he called out Jiang Li, "Look at Jiang Li's way of holding the gun, you will also have this role later, pay attention. Jiang Li has acted in many war movies, and she is very skilled in holding a gun... "

"Yeah." Meng Fu glanced at it and then stood up. Over there, Zhao Fan asked her to meet the two seniors.


Qin Hao and Jiang Li had both finished changing their clothes, and they were about to leave after saying hello to Director Gao.

Not far away, the steward was holding a walkie-talkie and was anxious: "Where's the substitute? The second act is about to start. Let her change her clothes first. Also, set the table quickly! Director Gao will ask for it later." Swearing!"

"Substitute?" Jiang Li couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Other actors and field managers may ignore it. Jiang Li is the second female lead. The manager wiped the sweat from her forehead and explained, "The next scene is the opening of the scene where Yanli helps her father write big characters for a group of children. This character is the opening The essence of the play must be given close-up.”

So they're looking for a replacement.

"Oh, no wonder." Jiang Li waved her hand and told the field staff to go about their business, and then walked outside with Qin, laughing as they walked, "We filmed the opening scene, I hope the rest will go smoothly."

Just as he was talking, Zhao Fan had already brought Meng Fu to meet the two seniors.

"Brother Hao, Sister Li," the entertainment industry talks about qualifications. Meng Fuhong is famous but has no qualifications. She also greeted these seniors very respectfully, "I am Meng Fu."

"Hello, Meng Fu." Jiang Li nodded slightly towards Meng Fu.

Beside her, Qin Hao said nothing, only said to Jiang Li: "I'm leaving first, see you later."

He almost didn't look at Meng Fu.

Seeing Qin Hao leave, Jiang Li smiled at Meng Fu and Zhao Fan: "I'm sorry, Qin Hao has to catch a flight to attend the film festival award ceremony abroad today. I'm sorry to be with you. I hope you guys can get started."

Outside, Jiang Li caught up with Qin Hao and teased: "Why, don't you go get in touch with your heroine and watch her first scene?"

"There's nothing interesting to see." Qin Hao shook his head.


After both of them left, Zhao Fan turned to Meng Fu, paused, and said: "The entertainment industry is like this. In fact, there are not many seniors as kind as Teacher Li. When you become a celebrity, there won't be anymore." ”

Meng Fu walked towards Director Gao. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows: "How is that possible? I think Yi Tong is also very polite."

"You mean Yi Tong?" Zhao Fan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Let me tell you this, he is notoriously difficult to get close to in the circle. If Yi Tong were here today, he would let the director shoot first. No one dares to say no to his role. You will know when you become famous in the future. "

Meng Fu was wearing a smart student uniform today, and Zhao Fan couldn't help but pat her head and smile.

Not far away, Director Gao's roaring voice came, "How do you do everything? We're about to start filming, but we can't find anyone?! Huh?!"

On the crew, the director would get angry and yell from time to time, and others were used to it.

"How is it? Did the other party agree?" Director Gao was holding a loudspeaker and asked the screenwriter anxiously.

The screenwriter put down his phone and said, "He doesn't have time at the moment. The second act will be moved back and filming will start from the third act."

Zhao Fan came over with Meng Fu and stopped a few steps away. She lowered her voice and said, "What's going on, Director Gao?"

She is the manager of the female lead, and everyone on set knows it.

In particular, Zhao Fan had given everyone water before. Meng Fu was not as arrogant as other artists and was very humble. The staff explained to Zhao Fan in a low voice: "The second scene requires a stand-in. Start watching now. Before The person I was looking for left an hour ago because he had something to do at home and forgot to say hello to us. "

"Hand substitute?" Zhao Fan grasped the key point, "What hand substitute?"

"For the large-character scene in the second act, the four words 'Guotai Minan' need to be close-up." The staff explained to Zhao Fan carefully, "The screenwriter is contacting the understudy he knows."

Zhao Fan understood it as soon as he heard it, close-up of the big characters.

She knew that Meng Fu's handwriting was beautiful, and Zhao Fan had no research on calligraphy, but in so many years in the entertainment industry, she had never seen anyone whose handwriting was more beautiful than Meng Fu's.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fan looked at Meng Fu.

There is nothing to say about Meng Fu's hard-pen calligraphy, but Zhao Fan didn't know how her soft-pen calligraphy was.

Because Director Gao was furious, the staff at the scene did not even dare to drink water loudly. In the silence, Meng Fu raised his hand to break the atmosphere that was almost condensed because of Director Gao: "Director Gao, I have practiced Chinese calligraphy for several years before, and asked If it’s not high, I should be able to.”

"You?" Director Gao had also seen Meng Fu's signature and knew that his signature looked good. He had just guessed whether Meng Fu had practiced his name before.

Now Meng Fu said that she had practiced calligraphy for several years, and Director Gao was moved.

The table, pen and ink, and the scene were all set up. If we don’t shoot this time, we will have to set up the scene again next time for reshoots. Director Gao glanced at Meng Fu, pondered for a moment, and then said: "You try it first, if it doesn't work, we will fix it later." ”

When he gave the order, the people at the scene immediately breathed a sigh of relief and started to move.

The on-site instructor didn't take Meng Fu's words to heart. After all, the other party was from the entertainment industry and was just an eighteen-year-old girl. How could the big characters be easy to read

The on-site instructor told her about the precautions for the camera position. As for how to write these four words, he didn't say anything.

The screenwriter glanced at Director Gao, frowned, and said nothing.

Meng Fu has already begun to take part in the scene—

In the original work, Yan Li came back from studying with her uncle and happened to encounter her father writing large characters for others, so her father asked her to try the pen.

Meng Fu was wearing the student uniform of that period.

When the camera started, the laziness in her body disappeared, replaced by a fresh student atmosphere.

Yanli at this time—

I haven’t experienced any loss of family members yet.

The screenwriter, who was sitting casually next to Director Gao with frowning eyebrows, was stunned for a moment. He finally sat upright and looked directly at the camera: "Her temperament..."

"Is it the same as Yan Li?" Director Gao raised his eyebrows.

Meng Fu's scene was quick, but he was a bit unfamiliar with finding the camera.

In the camera, she is already writing big characters.

The screenwriter's expression had improved a lot, and he had a vague idea of changing the play for Meng Fu. He watched Meng Fu start writing, pointed at her and said: "She is indeed very spiritual. She is so charming." Her temperament is the same as that of Yan Li in the later stage, but she needs to be repainted in the later stage. "

He didn't care much about the big characters written by Meng Fu. He didn't care whether the characters looked good or not. The four characters "Guotai Minan" were written in traditional Chinese at that time!

The on-site instructor didn't think Meng Fu could write well just now, so he didn't mention to her that there were two characters that needed to be written in traditional Chinese. Does Meng Fu know which two characters needed to be written in traditional Chinese