Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 134: 134Have you returned to your old business? (Third update)


Yu Zhenling didn't ask you if you know how to mix perfume.

Instead, just say, "You know how to make perfume?"

Subjectively, Yu Zhenling somewhat believed that Meng Fu could do it. After she finished speaking, she quickly said: "Don't hang up on me yet. The Hong Kong Association is an association in Beijing, and its international influence is even more difficult for the Painting Association to handle." If you can get into the Hong Kong Association, you can't change it even if you stay in the entertainment industry for ten lifetimes..."

Perhaps because of the Tong family and Yu family's fear of Meng Fu in the past two days, as well as Meng Fu's resolution of MS, Yu Zhenling's tone of voice when speaking to Meng Fu became better.

"No, I have to film tomorrow." Meng Fu hung up the phone without waiting for her to finish.

Then he turned off the phone and finally looked at Zhao Fan, "Sister Fan, don't answer this woman's calls from now on."

This side of the phone.

Yu Zhenling listened to the busy signal on the phone, stunned, and finally pursed her lips.

"Mom, sister, what did she say?" Jiang Xinran looked at Yu Zhenling with a smile, holding her clothes tightly with her hands on both sides.

Yu Yong also looked at Yu Zhenling.

Yu Zhenling shook her head, "She doesn't know how to mix perfume at all. I told her to mix perfume, and she said she would be filming tomorrow."

Hearing this, Jiang Xinran relaxed.

Yu Yong was not surprised. When Mr. Yu called Meng Fu before, Meng Fu also said that he wanted to film.

He shook his head and stopped asking.


The next day, Meng Fu continued filming with the team.

Zhao Fan went to the Shengyu headquarters early in the morning to help Meng Fu negotiate for the next resource.

The person who came to the crew to pick her up was Meng Fu.

Along with Su Cheng was his follower Su Di.

Meng Fu's dressing room was private. As soon as she entered, she saw Meng Fu and Su Cheng inside, as well as Su Di who was putting down a fresh-keeping box.

"Grandpa Jiang contacted me this morning and said that your mobile phone couldn't be reached." Su Cheng was sitting on the sofa in the dressing room, holding a Lizi computer in his hand. He was probably at work. His tone was slow and he didn't even look up when he spoke: "He Say someone from the Hong Kong Association is looking for you."

"No." Meng Fu sat down at the makeup station and asked the makeup artist to play with her hairstyle for today's filming.

By the way, she lowered her head and turned on her phone. After she turned it off last night, she never turned it on again.

She turned on her phone and sent another WeChat message to Grandpa Jiang, then leaned back on her chair, picked up the math problems she had not finished yesterday, and continued to do them.

Su Di had never been to the set before, so when he came now, he followed Meng Fu as a bodyguard. After Meng Fu finished putting on his makeup, he handed breakfast to Meng Fu.

Because there is no kitchen here, Su Di’s breakfast is bought and the packaging is very exquisite.

Outside, Director Gao called Meng Fen to take today's script.

Meng Fu has more scenes today than yesterday.

Jiang Li and Qin Hao were also there. Seeing Meng Fu coming over, Director Gao directly handed her the key script that Meng Fu was going to shoot today.

When Meng Fu took the script, Director Gao looked at Meng Fu's hands -

Most female artists' hands are well maintained, but Meng Fu is different. Her thumb and index finger have a thin layer of calluses.

Director Gao paused.

Qin Hao also looked at Meng Fu, took the initiative to say hello to her, and exchanged Weibo posts with her, "You did a great job filming the last scene yesterday."

"Thank you." Meng Fu took over his role, waved to Qin Hao, and continued back to his dressing room to do the remaining exercises.

After she left, the assistant beside Qin Hao couldn't help but look in Meng Fu's direction, "She's so weird."

"Why is it weird?" Qin Hao and Director Gao both looked at the assistant.

"Look at the clothes she was wearing when she came in the morning. The shirt and jeans are obviously from street vendors," the assistant seemed to be very concerned about Meng Fu, "but the food she ate was from Yushanfang."

The breakfast at Yushanfang is limited in supply. Not only is it difficult to buy, but you also need a membership card to buy it.

Meng Fu was wearing street clothes, and the mobile phone he was using was not a mobile phone commonly used by ordinary people on the market, but a very old second-hand product, and the food was so expensive. It was really a complex of contradictions.

At this point, the assistant couldn't help but mutter, "Didn't you say that she brought money to join the team? I don't know how she brought money to join the team..."

He has good acting skills and strength, and he is not arrogant on set.

It's not like bringing money into a group and having a backend.

It's not like what was said on Weibo. The assistant studied Weibo specifically in the evening. The black information about Meng Fu shown on it was completely different from his understanding of Meng Fu.

As soon as Meng Fu left, Director Gao followed her into the dressing room.

I want to ask her about the gun and the chandelier.

As soon as I entered the dressing room, I saw two other people in the dressing room.

Su Chengsong, who was processing the documents, started. He raised his head, looked at Director Gao, and greeted Director Gao politely: "Director Gao."

Director Gao: "Hello, Mr. Su."

The temperature in the room was several degrees lower than outside, and with Su Cheng present, Director Gao instantly forgot what he was doing here. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, and let Meng Fu familiarize himself with the script quietly. He left Meng Fu's dressing room.

Su Cheng was still sitting on the bench, behaved and cold. After seeing Director Gao leave, he reopened a document.


As soon as Jiang Li and Qin Hao finished filming, the screenwriter came over with the script.

"Qin Hao, Jiang Li, there is a scene that needs to be changed here. You two have a look. This is the line that you will change later." The screenwriter showed the changed scene to the two of them.

Below is the scene between Qin Hao and Meng Fu.

The staff went to call, and Meng Fu happened to come out of the dressing room with Su Cheng.

"Meng Fu," seeing Su Cheng next to Meng Fu, the screenwriter's voice became much softer, and then said: "Your next scene has been changed, come and take a look."

It is common for scenes to change lines on the spot.

Because of Meng Fu, the screenwriter added a lot of scenes to her.

This kind of thing is not uncommon on the set in the past two days.

"Look, this is the line you're going to say later." The screenwriter first showed the script to Meng Fu.

Meng Fu took it and looked at it. Not many scenes had been changed. She took a look at five lines and then returned it to the screenwriter, "I understand."

"Okay," the screenwriter was no longer surprised. He gave the script to Qin Hao and Jiang Li, "You guys read it together and take note of it."

Jiang Li and Qin Hao both nodded.

Meng Fu walked towards the small wicker chair again.

Su Cheng was waiting there with a thermos cup in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

Although he was wearing a mask, he could not hide his handsome temperament. Apart from Meng Fu, he was the most eye-catching person in the entire filming scene.

Seeing Meng Fu coming over, he slowly looked away, "Don't you want to take pictures now?"

"The lines have been changed." Meng Fu sat on the wicker chair, then pointed to the chair on the side and motioned for Su Cheng to sit down.

Su Cheng looked at the chair next to Meng Fu and frowned slightly.

The chairs on the set were a little dusty from the filming yesterday.

Meng Fu opened his eyes, reached out and patted the chair next to him to shake off the dust. He half-leaned on the wicker chair and said lazily, "Being poor is important."

Hearing this, Su Cheng pursed his lips, said nothing, and sat down with a frown on his face.


"Who is he?" Jiang Li was memorizing lines with Qin Hao, and naturally she also saw Meng Fu.

Su Cheng's whole face couldn't be seen, but his eyes were beautiful, like stars on a winter night. He had good bones and a bit of the temperament of a young man from an aristocratic family. Even if he was wearing a mask, he could not hide his temperament.

Jiang Li's assistant didn't know, but Qin Hao's assistant found out, "It's Meng Fu's assistant."

"Assistant?" Jiang Li raised her eyes.

This kind of momentum doesn't sound like an assistant.

But she didn't ask any more questions and continued to memorize lines with Qin Hao.

The screenwriter changed this scene quite a lot, and the two of them memorized it for twenty minutes before they could barely remember it.

"Is it almost done?" Director Gao raised the speaker and asked Qin Hao if he had remembered his lines.

Qin Hao nodded, he remembered almost twenty minutes.

Director Gao nodded, "Okay, let's get started. The prop team, lighting engineer, and photographer are ready!"

When he heard that he was ready, Meng Fu, who was reading math exercises, got up and walked this way.

"Director Gao," Director Gao looked like it was about to be filmed. Qin Hao quickly reminded Director Gao, "The script has just been revised by the screenwriter. It has been with me. Meng Fu hasn't memorized it yet."

Jiang Li also closed the script in her hand and was about to hand it to Meng Fu, "I almost forgot, and Meng Fu didn't read it either."

Qin Hao thought that Director Gao had forgotten Meng Fu, so he reminded Director Gao.

After all, Meng Fu made a mistake later and was scolded by Director Gao, which was very innocent.

Unexpectedly, Director Gao just waved his hand, "She doesn't need to carry it, let's get started."

No need to carry it

What does it mean

Qin Hao didn't get what Director Gao wanted. The screenwriter had just changed the lines. Qin Hao not only had to remember his own part, but also Meng Fu's part, so that he would know where to pick up the lines when the two of them were filming.

So it took me twenty minutes to memorize it.

Director Gao...

Qin Hao didn't understand what Director Gao was doing, but he remembered it very clearly. Meng Fu also changed a lot of lines, no less than him.

While frowning, he entered the set with Meng Fu, and entered the state when Director Gao said "start".

After Meng Fu finished speaking his first line.

Qin Hao was a little surprised.

Meng Fu finished speaking the second changed line.

Qin Hao almost lost his expression.

After Meng Fu said his third line.

Jiang Li, who was standing next to Director Gao and holding the script, stopped smiling.

Meng Fu finished speaking all the changed lines.

After Qin Hao finished shooting, he fell silent.

He looked up at Director Gao and found that Director Gao and the screenwriter were not surprised at all. Instead, they were getting together to discuss the next plot.

Qin Hao: "..."

Director Gao turned around and realized that he was standing aside silently. He paused and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Hao, "The screenwriter just revised the script in front of us, and I added two lines."

"So?" Director Gao was surprised.

Qin Hao responded with a somewhat difficult tone: "... I just watched Meng Fu for less than a minute. Not only did she remember her lines, she even knew where I stopped."

Director Gao suddenly realized, "Isn't it just a photographic memory? There's nothing surprising about it."

Director Gao, who had practiced this sentence several times, finally had the chance to say it. He waved his hand, as if he was disdainful.

People can walk through Yangdu City in a hundred steps.

Qin Hao: "..."


He is a very well-educated man who has received more than ten years of education. The Three-Character Sutra almost jumped out of his mouth.


Meng Fu always does his filming over and over again.

Everyone on the crew is used to it.

She returned to her little wicker chair. Su Cheng was still holding a book and reading. When he saw her coming over, he looked at her and said slowly: "Someone just sent you a video."


Meng Fu reached out and picked up the phone. It was the village chief.

The crew was noisy.

She took the earphones and put them on herself while dialing back again.

The village chief was still feeding the ducks in his yard, holding a mobile phone in one hand and corn kernels in the other: "What have you done recently?"


"There are four waves of people, check Wanmin Village." The village chief scattered another handful of corn.

Four waves of people

Meng Fu knew that the Jiang family, Yu family, and Tong family would definitely investigate him, so who were the other groups of people

She raised her eyebrows and flipped through the script on her phone, "Don't worry, I won't be able to find out."

"That's true. If it's found out, then I can still stand here and send you a video?" The village chief hummed. He paused and then asked: "I received the incense. Are you going back to your old business?"

Meng Fu fell silent and didn't speak.

Just at this moment, someone from the village chief's side entered the yard.

It was Director Xu who was filming here.

"Xiao Meng," Director Xu came over when he saw the video between the village chief and Meng Fu, showing his big face, "When will you come back? Our crew has finished work, and the press conference is about to begin."

"There's a chance." Meng Fu smiled.

"Okay," Director Xu felt a little regretful and then remembered something, "By the way, the village chief said that you made all the incense in his house. I didn't realize that your craftsmanship was so good. Yi Tong and I both thought it was very good. Do you still have some? Yi Tong and I both want to buy some."

Meng Fu leaned on the back of the wicker chair and thought seriously: "When I have time, I will call you when I finish it."

She thought about Li Qingning.

Use the incense she mixed to exchange places with Director Xu.

"Okay, the press conference of "Encountering the Immortal" is coming soon, and I want to ask you to be a special guest," Director Xu's eyes lit up, "Also, I pushed your postcard to Yi Tong, you can add him too ”

"Special guest? No Director Xu." Meng Fu now also knew about Xu Bochuan's career in the film and television industry. He was the originator in domestic film history.

This press conference is a film conference after many years of silence.

The scene was definitely shaking.

Meng Fu is very self-aware. She has not reached this level yet for this kind of press conference.

Li Qingning, on the other hand, with Li Qingning's status, going to this kind of press conference is pretty much the same.

Meng Fu was thoughtful.

"Okay." Xu Bochuan was a little regretful. Previously, the crew asked him to be careful not to be hyped by Meng Fu. Now that he has troubled Meng Fu so many times, Xu Bochuan was eager for Meng Fu to make him popular, but he gave her a leg, and she didn't Don't want to hug.

The two of them didn't say a few words before the video ended.

It just so happened that there were messages added by new friends on WeChat.

Meng Fu looked down and saw that the applicant was Yi Tong.

It was the actor from Wanmin Village last time. Meng Fu casually nodded in agreement.


Meng Fu only stayed on the "Bourne" crew for less than four days this time.

Because she had to catch up with the weekend recording of "A Day in the Life of a Star", and there was also a movie role that Li Qingning said she wanted to give Meng Fu, so Meng Fu had to rush.

Originally, I was supposed to go to Lai Ching Ning's set after filming "A Day in the Life of a Star" last week.

Only last week, due to unexpected events, "A Day in the Life of a Star" was not broadcast as usual, and Meng Fu naturally did not see Li Qingning.

Sheng Jun, Meng Fu and Li Qingning's special "A Day in the Stars" has been aired.

This episode was supposed to be a two-day live broadcast featuring Che Shao, the last member of the four-person group.

Che Shao is based in Beijing. He previously graduated from the International Royal Conservatory of Music.

"A Star's Day" has not yet been able to rent the International Royal Conservatory of Music and is communicating with foreign countries, so this issue is still in China. The Royal Conservatory of Music is the place that netizens are most looking forward to. There are many nobles there, so it is difficult to open the right , the program team is already working hard to communicate with foreign countries.

So the location of this episode is a glass villa set up by the program team.

"Hello everyone, we meet again." The four people gathered together again with their suitcases in hand. Li Qingning came to the camera and greeted everyone with a smile.

Then he brought over a camera and said, "Okay, the next guest we see is Meng Fu. She has already got out of the car. She is carrying a black suitcase today."

haven't seen you for a long time!

I finally saw Teacher Li, so excited!

It feels good to be able to speak freely.

Where are you going today? Going to Che Shao's house? Or the Royal College of Music? look forward to!

Someone was guarding the live broadcast early in the morning.

Li Qingning, Meng Fu, Che Shao, and Sheng Jun have all arrived.

"Everyone, be quiet," the director's voice rang out as the four people gathered together with their suitcases in hand, "Everyone had a hard time in the first three periods, right?"

Meng Fu glanced at the director and replied slowly: "It's not hard."

Director: "..."

Director, I stopped Meng Fu, please speak up quickly!

Hahahaha, tear things apart

The director was silent for a moment and said to himself: "So, our program team has prepared benefits for everyone. In this episode, the four guests will have activities together. They can meet relatives, friends and family members inside and outside their own circle. Of course, there are many unknown challenges waiting for everyone in this process.”

Damn it, no way, no way, Sheng Jun seemed to have said last time that she knew Director Xu!

I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited

The four of us went to visit together. Anyway, it would allow Teacher Li to visit the class. The ranking shouldn’t be too low, right

The three guests all have good connections in their circles, but if the program team finds one, wouldn't it be embarrassing for one of them? She has become popular recently, but her qualifications in the circle are very low. She can't find anyone who can let the four of them go to visit the class together, right