Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 135: 135 Dark Night Car King (first update)


The theme of this event has been changed due to the incident at Cheshao Royal Conservatory of Music.

However, this was also decided by the program team after careful consideration.

These four people, including Meng Fu and others, all have some status in the circle. Needless to say, Li Qingning is an old actor and has good connections in the circle.

As for Sheng Jun, let alone that. The incident she revealed in the last issue about Director Xu's comeback was also a hot topic. There is no doubt that she has a good family background.

Che Shao is now a well-known traffic figure on the Internet, but very little of his private life is exposed.

"A Day in the Life of a Star" has become a hit since it was first aired, ranking first among all variety shows. Because of this, everyone has gained a lot of fans.

Nowadays, short videos edited by "A Star's Day" can be seen everywhere on the Internet, as well as various jokes.

In just three periods, the Painting Association and the Go Club came out, and they also received support from the state.

Generally speaking, the audience is looking forward to what kind of trouble these four will cause today.

As soon as the director finished speaking, Sheng Jun was stunned for a moment and lowered his eyes, hiding the joy in his eyes.

"Director, just tell me, what are the challenges?" After hearing the director's last words, Li Qingning knew that things were not simple.

The director looked at Li Qingning, coughed, and then said: "Let's wait until you are sure about this. Now, the four guests can go to the room first to discuss who will call next. Remember, you have to visit the team one by one. Individuals must act together.”

The director team refused to say more, and Li Qingning couldn't ask. The four of them went to the house first, put down their suitcases, and sat on the sofa.

"Which one of you will call first?" Li Qingning, as the oldest one, turned his attention to the other three people, and finally settled on Sheng Jun. He paused and said, "How about you come first?"

As a professional actor, he can naturally understand what Sheng Jun sees.

"Then let me set an example for everyone first." Sheng Jun smiled. She took out her mobile phone, found a phone number on it, dialed it out, and changed it to hands-free according to the requirements of the program team.

I wonder who Sheng Jun called

So excited! So excited!

"Hello." There was a rich male voice on the phone from Sheng Jun.

Sheng Jun was very respectful to the person on the phone, "Uncle, I'm Sheng Jun. I'm recording a program now."

Sheng Jun's uncle seemed to pause for a moment before saying hello to the people outside the live broadcast through the phone.

Under the live camera, Sheng Jun remained calm: "That's it, uncle, didn't we make an appointment to meet tomorrow night to discuss Director Xu's incident? Can the time be moved now? I'll take Teacher Li and the others to see you?"

If the camera looks down, it can be seen that Sheng Jun's hands under the table are clenched tightly, indicating that he is nervous.

Li Qingning and Meng Fu were drinking water quietly, not disturbing Sheng Jun's call.

Hearing this, his hand holding the cup couldn't help but pause, and he looked up at Sheng Jun.

at the same time.

The live broadcast room is also full of questions about this.

Damn it, Damn it, Damn it, Director Xu is really going to make a comeback

Ahhh, I always feel like the entertainment industry is about to explode. Is the man who has dominated the entertainment industry for an era coming back

Is Director Xu really the Director Xu I know

You can see that Teacher Li is very excited. It must be true. The unanswered questions about the second issue can finally be revealed in the fourth issue.

Director team, what are you waiting for! Hurry up and go to see Sheng Jun's uncle first!

Director, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up

Of course, some people noticed something was wrong. Did no one find that Sheng Jun's uncle was cold

After about ten seconds, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Okay, I'll give you an address later."

When Sheng Jun heard the answer, he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the sofa.

"Director Xu you just said..." After Sheng Jun made the call, Li Qingning asked her a question that everyone at the scene was concerned about.

Sheng Jun looked up at Li Qingning. She didn't speak, she just smiled and nodded.

"Huh..." Li Qingning didn't say anything else, he just put down the teacup in his hand, and the excitement could be seen on his face.

As soon as Sheng Jun mentioned the words "Director Xu", the on-site staff and guests of the program team were a little excited.

Even Li Qingning put down the cup in his hand, and Che Shao also straightened his expression.

However, among the three people, only one was exception.

Meng Fu still held the tea cup, lowered his head and drank slowly, while starting to think about other things. The location chosen by the program team this time surprised Meng Fu. The program team was in Xiangjiang this time, and they did not choose a first-tier city, but Meng Fu knew that this place was rich in medicinal materials and was the largest medicinal market in the country.

It is a paradise for Chinese medicine practitioners and perfumers.

After the filming of the show is over, she may want to find an opportunity to go to the medicinal materials market.

Meng Fu was thinking about this, leaning back on the sofa with a lazy expression, as if he wasn't too interested in the explosive news that Sheng Jun had just brought up.

The program crew's shots were enough for everyone present, and the most shots were naturally focused on Sheng Jun.

But Meng Fu can also be photographed.

No, what does Meng Fu's expression mean? Doesn't she know Director Xu

If there are really people in the entertainment industry who don’t know Director Xu and his influence in the entertainment industry, I can only describe it as ignorance.

She has never read a book, how do you expect her to be successful

Here we go again, the weird trolls are here again. They are all live broadcast programs supported by the state. Can there be less trolls

The barrage started to quarrel again because of Meng Fu's attitude.

Li Qingning originally wanted to ask Sheng Jun about these details, but as soon as he saw these comments on the mobile phone barrage, he changed the topic calmly, "So now there is someone who Che Shao has decided he wants to visit?"

Attention immediately turned to Che Shao.

The reason why the director team sets these up, without exception, is to hope that the guests can get his intentions and call their friends in the industry who have been popular recently.

Of course, the director never thought that their friends would refuse, after all...

Now their show is so popular that many artists are trying to come in as guests, but they have no choice but to make reservations as guests for the next season.

Che Shao flipped through the address book on his phone and finally stopped at a person in their group who was equally as popular as him.

After Che Shao finished the phone call, Li Qingning and Meng Fu were left.

Li Qingning has been in the industry for decades, and the people he knows are all important, but he doesn't have any flashy ideas. He glanced at Meng Fu and pondered for a moment: "Everyone knows that I am filming a movie recently. In There happens to be a role that is very suitable for Meng Fu. Originally, after the filming of this episode, she was going to go to the set with me to fill in her role. This time the show team happened to have this request, so I will take her with me to our set. ”

Most of the netizens who watched the live broadcast had never seen the real shooting location. Now that they heard Li Qingning's words, netizens were still more curious.

I went directly to the crew to visit the cast. I didn’t know what the show was about.

Is it Dad Li who is taking his daughter this time? Dad Li is really very kind to his daughter.

If it were true that there was no Li Qingning in this live broadcast, I don’t know how Meng Fu would be able to stay.

Teacher Li came to Meng Fu's rescue again. He should have discussed it with the program team in advance. Otherwise, with his status as Meng Fu, who would he know

I originally wanted to see who Meng Fu would call. Jiang is still old and hot. Teacher Li is indeed Teacher Li.

Danmu's guess was correct. Li Qingning did intend to take Meng Fu with him.

Meng Fu was junior and knew almost no one in the circle. When the director mentioned this matter, Li Qingning thought about his movie and took Meng Fu to visit his director.

It kills two birds with one stone.

The director team turned a blind eye to Li Qingning's operation and said nothing else.

"Then I'll start making calls." Li Qingning skillfully took out his mobile phone, made a call, and turned on the speakerphone.

The phone rang a few times before being answered.

"Director, I'm filming a show." Before the director could speak, Li Qingning spoke first and explained briefly and concisely. Then he knocked on the table with his hand and said slowly, "So I'm going to take Meng Fu to visit you and the crew."

There seemed to be a pause before he remembered who Meng Fu was, "The character you introduced to me last time?"

Li Qingning nodded, thinking that the other party couldn't see it, he said "hmm" again.

"Yes, you can bring her to show me." The director over there agreed readily.

The two hung up the phone and Sheng Jun looked up. She opened the live broadcast page on her phone again, then turned to Li Qingning and sighed: "Teacher Li is so kind."

Everyone knows Li Qingning's status, and the crew he introduced are extraordinary, and they are here to win awards.

If he didn't have connections in such a crew, Meng Fu might not be able to get along in his whole life.

Sheng Jun's sigh was not groundless.

Reasonable and well-founded.

That's right, Meng Fu is really lucky to meet such a noble person as Teacher Li

Teacher Li has helped her so much, why doesn't she express her gratitude

The previous joke was joking, what can Meng Fu help Teacher Li

Li Qingning glanced at Sheng Jun and smiled coolly, with a rather gentle look on his face. "This role, because it is the beauty of the country in the script "Memories of Death", the director has never found a candidate. When I think about it, my child is not the perfect candidate. , everyone on the Internet said that she unified the aesthetics of the entertainment industry, so I introduced her to my children.”

"Teacher Li, it doesn't have to be so good." Meng Fu was listening quietly, but when Li Qingning said this, she spoke.

Li Qingning was stunned, "My child, what's wrong? There's something wrong with what I said."

"On the entire Internet, you are the only one who says the vase is so fresh and refined." Meng Fu looked at Li Qingning lovingly.

Li Qingning: "..."

hhhhh I knew it!

Teacher Li asked you if you regretted it. Do you regret asking one more question


My sister is very clear about her position hhh

I can sing and dance, and I also won a spot in the international group called 'Vase'. I also want to make a vase like this (Lemon)

Li Qingning: Next time you trouble me to speak, someone will help Meng Fu. Thank you.

"Then let's plan the itinerary now and see which one to go to for the appointment first." Li Qingning ignored Meng Fu. He took a piece of paper and asked for the addresses of Che Shao and Sheng Jun, and planned the journey, "Sheng Jun's Uncle is the closest to us, so let’s go visit Uncle Shengjun first?”

No one in the audience or present objected to visiting Uncle Sheng Jun first.

The "Director Xu" mentioned by Uncle Shengjun aroused everyone's curiosity.

The big base is there.

Less than an hour after it started, the popularity of the live broadcast has already reached 24 million.

A group of four people began to set off towards Uncle Sheng Jun under the live broadcast camera.

The program crew gave them a van.

When they were about to get in the car, they discovered that there were only cameras in the car and no driver.

At the same time, the director's voice sounded from the loudspeaker in the car: "This is our challenge this time. There is no driver this time. If you want to visit the class, you have to drive yourself."

The three locations for this visit were not together. The address Sheng Jun mentioned was on a mountain. I checked the map and found a dangerous road around the mountain.

The car is full of important people in the circle, so the driver must be careful.

Hearing the director's voice, Meng Fu frowned and said naturally, "Teacher Li, let me drive."

After she finished speaking, she realized that the three people present were looking at her expressionlessly.

Li Qingning glanced at her, and then discussed with Sheng Jun by himself: "You start the first section first, and I will do the rest."

He was worried that a few children would be able to drive on the winding mountain road at the back.

Meng Fu said, "Dad Li, give me a chance to repay you..."

Li Qingning seemed to have blocked Meng Fu and still talked to Sheng Jun: "If you get tired on the way, just switch with me."

Meng Fu blinked, somewhat confused.

She turned to the camera and asked seriously: "Viewers, there may be something wrong with my dad."

If you don't feel upright and don't feel strong enough to file a complaint first, you are the one to blame.

Damn hahahahaha

Sister, are you sure you want to repay your father

Dad Li: Thanks to my daughter for sending me revenge.

Hahahahaha sister, are you serious? Do you still remember a year ago when you said in a TV interview that you couldn’t drive because your hands and feet were uncoordinated

Guiding the Way "Entertainment Big Gossip" Issue 132

Sister, don’t cry. Although your hands and feet are uncoordinated, your brain is not good either!

Oh my God, sister, why did you just look like you knew how to drive? If I hadn't seen the interview, I would have almost believed it, really.

Some people, although they are good-looking, they can’t drive (dog head)

Meng Fu watched the entire barrage: "..."

She, Meng Fu, would one day sink to this point—

His hands and feet are uncoordinated and he can't even drive a car.


"Don't be discouraged." After Li Qingning finished discussing with Sheng Jun, he turned around and saw that Meng Fu seemed to be fighting hard. He patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Although you can't drive, you are good-looking!"

Yes, yes, I like women like you, sister, who are good-looking but not smart!

Meng Fu: "..."

She silently got into the back seat of the van.

Sheng Jun took the lead in driving.

Driving from the city to the mountainous area, Sheng Jun didn't drive very fast. She was still in the city. While driving, she explained to the three guests in the live broadcast room and the car: "My uncle is my father's friend. He was with me before." My dad has some connections.”

"How did he know that Director Xu was back?" When he mentioned this, the guests in the car and the live broadcast got excited. Li Qingning quickly grasped the key point.

Backstage of the program, the camera also showed Sheng Jun sitting in the driver's seat.

Sheng Jun smiled and finally revealed some information about her 'uncle': "I also know from my father that my uncle cooperates with Director Xu."

Damn, if you can directly cooperate with Director Xu, he must be a big boss in the industry, big boss 66666

I didn’t expect Sheng Jun to have such a relationship. Who is her uncle? I’m really looking forward to it!

How long will it take to arrive? Can the program team come out and say a word

No wonder Sheng Jun called her just now. Her uncle didn't seem to be familiar with her. It turned out to be her father's friend.

Halfway through the car, it was replaced by Li Qingning to drive.

Further ahead is a mountain road with eighteen bends. Under the cameras of the program crew, it is very dangerous.

The barrage was complaining about the show crew's lack of safety measures.

When Li Qingning was driving on the winding mountain highway, Meng Fu said quietly: "Teacher Li, give Mauritius: The King of Dark Night Cars some face."

Li Qingning glanced at the rearview mirror and raised his eyebrows, "Then I, the only car king in the Galaxy: Everlasting Night, don't have any face?"

"Sister, don't disturb Teacher Li while he's driving." Sheng Jun smiled and stopped Meng Fu from speaking again.

Meng Fu: "..."

I lost.

The ancestor in the car, Li Qingning, basically kept talking to his eyebrows and kept driving seriously. The other three people in the car didn't say anything.

Thousands of cliffs can be seen outside the camera.

Even though a few people didn't talk much, there were many viewers in the live broadcast room, and all of them were worried about these four people.

An hour later, the car finally arrived at its destination.

The people in the car and the audience in the live broadcast room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sheng Jun got off the car directly, then looked down at WeChat and confirmed the location, "My uncle is right here."

She led Meng Fu, Li Qingning and the others up.

This is not the top of the mountain, but halfway up the mountain. There is a large residential area and a viewing platform.

"The architecture here is a bit strange," Li Qingning looked at the surrounding environment and was surprised, "This is a scenic spot, why are there stands?"

Meng Fu held on to his hat and followed the others leisurely. When she heard Li Qingning's words, she raised her eyebrows, "As the only car king in the Galaxy: Everlasting Night, don't you know that this stand is for watching racing?" Did you use it when you were there?”

Li Qingning paused and glanced at Meng Fu. To be honest, he just said something casually.

He just said it once, and he didn't even remember what slogan he just said.

He was a little surprised when Meng Fu said it at this time, but he still took up Meng Fu's joke, "Didn't I know? I'm testing you, the Night Rider King?"

"Eternal Night Car King." Meng Fu replied politely.

"Oh, yes, that's it." Li Qingning reacted.

At this time, Sheng Jun also arrived at the hotel on the mountain. She stood at the gate and smiled to the back: "My uncle is inside!"

Damn, I’m so excited, who could it be

I don’t know who the boss will be.

There are a few exceptions to the screen-full of "aahs."

No one thinks that Meng Fu has a good memory, but Teacher Li just said something casually, and she actually remembered it

This barrage was submerged in the entire barrage.

The hotel is not crowded this season.

The waiter recognized Meng Fu and the others when he saw the group. Although he was excited, he did not forget his duty. Knowing that they were here to wait for someone, he led them to the restaurant downstairs.

The restaurant is quite large, with seats made of sofas and surrounded by transparent glass walls. You can also see the scenery of the mountains outside.

"Can I go to the restroom?" Meng Fu saw the restroom sign on the first floor.

Che Shao also drank a lot of tea just now, and he raised his hand as well, "I want to go to the toilet too."

"Go, go," Li Qingning glanced at the two of them, "There are many things to do."

Both of them touched their noses and went to the toilet, and a few others set up cameras to follow them.

Meng Fu looked at the camera and said seriously: "They all followed me when I went to the bathroom."

Hahahaha remember to wipe your mouth

Remember to wipe your mouth

Remember to wipe your mouth

Remember to wipe your mouth

Meng Fu was so angry that he closed the door of the women's bathroom without looking at the barrage.

Opposite, Che Shao said earnestly before entering the door, "Don't mess with girls, especially Meng Fu."

Outside, Li Qingning had already ordered some coffee and desserts before asking Sheng Jun to call.

Sheng Jun also took out her mobile phone at this time and found the phone number of her distant uncle. She sat in her seat and made a call. The main camera was always on her.

"Okay." Sheng Jun said something unknown and hung up the phone.

Then he stood up and looked out the door.

Seeing her like this, Li Qingning knew that her uncle was coming and followed her gaze.

At the gate, a man holding a briefcase was walking this way, with a bodyguard following him.

Sheng Jun's eyes lit up, "Uncle, here!"

In the toilet, Che Shao and Meng Fu also finished washing their hands and were walking out of the corridor when they saw Sheng Jun and Li Qingning heading towards them.

Che Shao was surprised: "Uncle Sheng Jun is here?"

Meng Fu wiped her hands slowly with a tissue. After hearing this, she also raised her head. She had good eyesight and saw the uncle Sheng Jun mentioned.

She paused and paused slightly on the tissue she was wiping her hands with.