Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 146: President of the 146 Art Association I sent your painting to the Youth Competition (third update)


Meng Fu is now very popular in the Jiang family.

Regarding the matter of Tong Eryu and Jiang Xinran, the Tong family and the Yu family not only hid it from Meng Fu, but also hid it from the Jiang family.

"Grandpa, I have a show tomorrow," Meng Fu stood up and said goodbye to Mr. Jiang, "I'm going back to rest first."

She never stayed at Jiang's house. Mr. Jiang knew that, and he didn't say anything else. He just stood up and said, "I'll take you back."

At the door, Yu Zhenling and her group also reacted.

Say hello to Mr. Jiang in turn.

After Mrs. Tong finished speaking to Mr. Jiang, she turned her eyes to Meng Fu, paused, and still didn't say anything.

Mr. Jiang sent Meng Fu into the car.

Both of them were sitting in the back seat. Meng Fu leaned against the car window, opened WeChat, and was messaging Director Xu—

Give me an address and I'll send you the sandalwood.

Meng Fu had been planning Tang Ze's medicine for two months. From the first day she gave Tang Ze the bottle of medicine, she had already envisioned a way to treat Tang Ze's throat.

She mixed the two medicines together today, which was almost a mess, but she had to mix it before going to the set.

However, Director Xu has already completed these tasks. After she returns, the incense should be condensed and can be sent away tomorrow.

Director Xu: So fast? wait.

Two minutes later, he sent an address.

Meng Fu took a look, wrote down the address, and was about to turn off his phone.

Another message has been sent -

I sent the painting you put in the library to the Qingsai University.

Meng Fu: "..."

She was replying to WeChat. Next to her, Mr. Jiang, who had been thinking about it for a long time, finally said, "What do you think of Tong Eryu? I heard that he is in the capital now and may enter the Hong Kong Association."

"I don't have any opinion." Meng Fu didn't even raise his head.

Mr. Jiang glanced at Meng Fu's expression before patting her head and saying, "Okay."

After that, he never mentioned the matter of Tong Eryu, and began to babble again, "Don't save money outside. If you don't have enough money, just say, whenever the Jiang family is behind you," Mr. Jiang narrowed his eyes at this point. "If anyone in the entertainment industry dares to bully you, just tell Assistant Jiang."

"I know." Meng Fu nodded.

No one in the entertainment industry dares to bully her now.

The two arrived at Meng Fu's residence. Mr. Jiang waited until the lights in Meng Fu's study came on before asking the driver to drive back.

Upstairs, after Meng Fu went back, he didn't sleep. He packed the incense in the box he bought from Su Di last time. He also took out some medicinal powders he bought in the medicine store, put on his headphones, and started mixing it again.


This way.

Mr. Jiang has returned to the Jiang family.

Mrs. Tong has not left yet. She is talking to Jiang Xinran, "I asked someone to find out your ranking. There should be no mistake. You won't perform well in the rematch..."

Looking at Jiang Xinran, Mrs. Tong became more and more satisfied. The Yu family was indeed good at training people.

Although Meng Fu was not very accomplished in this area, Jiang Xinran exceeded her expectations. She had already had a good impression of Jiang Xinran before, not just because of Jiang Xinran's own excellence.

Halfway through, Mr. Jiang came back.

Mrs. Tong stopped talking, looked at Mr. Jiang with a smile, and stood up, "Old man, has Meng Fu gone back?"

"Yes." Mr. Jiang nodded towards her, politely, but it could be seen that there was already some resentment.

Mrs. Tong remained the same as before. She smiled and said, "Old man, I came here tonight actually to find you about Meng Fu."

"Fu'er?" Mr. Jiang sat on the sofa, paused with his hand holding the tea cup, and looked up at Mrs. Tong.

"That's right," Mrs. Tong sat down again and looked at the old man, "You should have heard of the Beijing Hong Kong Association. Every year, the Hong Kong Association recruits new apprentices. As long as you pass the entrance examination, you can join as an apprentice."

When they heard the two talking about this, Yu Zhenling and Jiang Xinran paused, stopped talking, and listened carefully.

These are all outside their news.

"I heard from people in the circle that Meng Fu knows how to make incense." Mrs. Tong said the purpose of coming today. "My father has a way to get a place for the Hong Kong Entrance Examination, so Meng Fu can give it a try."

When Mrs. Tong talked about this, on the sofa, Jiang Xinran's fingertips were already deeply embedded in her palms.

If it were anything else, Mr. Jiang might not listen to it again.

But it’s about the Hong Kong Association.

He didn't speak, just thought for a moment, and sent a message to Meng Fu asking about Meng Fu.

Mrs. Tong just bowed her head and drank tea in peace.

A minute later, Mr. Jiang received the reply. He took a look at it and then smiled, "It's time to work. Fu'er has to go to the studio to film tomorrow and doesn't have time."

"Master, this is a rare opportunity!" The smile on Mrs. Tong's lips froze.

Mr. Jiang lowered his head and took a leisurely sip of tea. He looked at Mrs. Tong calmly and shook his head, "I will not stop her from whatever she wants to do. She likes to be in the entertainment industry, so I will support her from behind."

Mrs. Tong glanced at Mr. Jiang and said nothing more, "In that case, I will reply to my father when I get back."

She shook her head secretly in her heart. After all, Meng Fu didn't want to go to the Xiang Association. He was still hanging around in the entertainment industry. If he didn't take this opportunity to enter the Jiang family, it seemed that the counselor's judgment was wrong. Meng Fu didn't know how to mix incense at all. There must be other reasons for what happened last time.

Mrs. Tong stood up and said goodbye to the Jiang family.

Jiang Xinran, who had been nervous, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned around and looked at Yu Zhenling who lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. Then she looked at Mr. Jiang. Jiang Xinran pursed her lower lip: "My sister has to go to the crew tomorrow. Friday is the monthly exam, and..."

Yu Zhenling raised her head and asked absently, "What's wrong?"

Mr. Jiang was about to go upstairs. When he heard Meng Fu, he couldn't help but stop and look at Jiang Xinran.

Jiang Xinran opened a WeChat message on her phone and showed it to Yu Zhenling: "My classmate said that she asked about the head teachers of seventeen classes in No. 1 Middle School, and none of the teachers had heard of my sister's name."