Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 147: 147 The Four Hegemons in Beijing (first update)


There are eighteen classes in the third grade of No. 1 Middle School, seventeen ordinary classes and one rocket class.

Jiang Xinran is in the Rocket Class.

No. 1 Middle School will conduct monthly exams every month. Jiang Xinran participated in the Painting Association Youth Competition this month. If she got this ranking, it would also give her extra points for the college entrance examination. However, she wasted too much time this month, looking for someone to take intensive classes. She didn't write down any questions. There was an exam this week. Before the exam, she remembered that Meng Fu was also in No. 1 Middle School, so she asked someone to ask which class she was in.

Who would have known that after asking, he discovered that Meng Fu was not in one of the seventeen ordinary classes.

As for the rocket class…

Jiang Xinran never considered it at all. Students in No. 1 Middle School, especially those in Rocket Class, naturally knew who the Rocket Class teacher was.

Zhou Jin is from the Department of Mathematics. University A has invited him many times to be an honorary professor in the Department of Mathematics, but he has refused. He has never left No. 1 Middle School and only occasionally gives lectures.

Everyone in No. 1 Middle School knows that Zhou Jin is mainly for the students in the competition class, and some people are guessing that Zhou Jin is here for this year's intensive class.

The quota for the special recruitment examination of the continental university is indeed much more challenging than struggling in the A university.

"Have you never heard of her name?" Yu Zhenling looked at Mr. Jiang subconsciously.

Jiang Xinran and Jiang Xinchen were both in No. 1 Middle School. She naturally knew that Meng Fu's name was not on any of the thirty-eight classes in the senior high school and seventeen of them. The result was obvious that Meng Fu was not in No. 1 Middle School at all.

Yu Zhenling wasn't surprised at all. Last time Meng Fu said she could get into No. 1 Middle School, she felt something was wrong.

On the stairs, Mr. Jiang pursed his lips. He didn't express his opinion. He just looked at Yu Zhenling and said, "Jiang Yu can't lie."

His expression didn't seem to change much.

Then he went upstairs with his cane.

This week, the Jiang family's situation in T City has obviously changed. After listening to the old man's words, Jiang Xinran just pushed her hair behind her ears and could no longer maintain the smile on her face.

"It's okay. You go back and take a shower first. You are tired these days." Yu Zhenling lowered her eyes and asked Jiang Xinran to go back to the room to sleep.

Jiang Xinran lowered his head and went upstairs.

Downstairs, Yu Zhenling watched the old man leave and called Yu Yong with her mobile phone.

Talked about what happened tonight.

On the other end of the phone, Yu Yong, who was discussing with Mr. Yu, paused for a moment. He stood up from his chair and said, "She rejected the Tong family's invitation? Even if she can't come in, it's still very rare to be able to come to Beijing. Your old man didn't persuade her. she?"

The capital is the hub. No family does not want to enter the capital. Entering the center of power is the ultimate goal of every family.

With so many families in T City, it was only the Chu family that settled in the capital and became a hidden family. It was on an equal footing with the city lord of T city. The Tong family was the next Chu family.

Because of the Jiang Family Incident, many people in T City are optimistic about the Jiang Family, but no matter how optimistic they are about the final development, they are only in T City. If Meng Fu takes this opportunity to enter the fragrance industry, the Jiang Family will be closer to the capital hub. step.

"No," Yu Zhenling shook her head directly, "In the entire Jiang family, he dotes on Meng Fu the most."

Yu Yong was silent for a moment, "Your old man... is indeed old."

Not as decisive as before.

“Xinran’s preliminary results will be out tomorrow.

"And Xinchen..." Yu Yong was very surprised when he mentioned Jiang Xinchen, "I heard that he followed his brother-in-law?"

Mentioning Jiang Xinchen, Yu Zhenling had a smile on her face: "Well, I asked Butler Jiang that although this child's grades are not as good as Xinran's, he is financially sharper than his father. Even the old man has been paying more attention to him recently. He is still in the company with his father.”

"He does have a bit of an old man's demeanor," Yu Yong was surprised, "I didn't notice it before."

In the past, Jiang Xinran was the center of the Yu family.

Yu Zhenling nodded, "I'm surprised too, but he's been at the company recently and his math scores have never been good. I'll talk to Xinran later and let her see if he needs tutoring."

"You can just do whatever you want. As for Meng Fu," Yu Yong didn't know the internal information of the Jiang family, but the last time Meng Fu solved MS did concern him, "She has been back for two years, you should also do something for her. During the banquet, I’ll find an opportunity to bring her to Yu’s house for a meal. The old man hasn’t seen her seriously yet.”

"And you, she had a lot of friction with us before. There is no big hatred between mother and daughter. Please contact her more."

Two years after Meng Fu came back, Jiang Quan had previously said that he would hold a recognition party for her, but Yu Zhenling changed the subject.

For more than two years, the Yu family has been pretending that this incident did not happen.

In the past two years, Meng Ful had never even seen what the Yu family's front door looked like.

This time Yu Yong said this, Yu Zhenling paused for a long time before she said, "Okay, I'll look for an opportunity."



Mr. Jiang returned to the study and did not read a book. Instead, he turned on the computer and logged on to QQ.

As an elderly man, as soon as he logged in, a 99+ message popped up on QQ.

This is all Meng Fu's support group he added. Because he has a good relationship with the president of the support association, he is even the administrator of the largest group.

Mr. Jiang read all the messages in each group, and everyone on the friend list found that he was online.

New messages popped up one after another—

Yin Binnian: Grandpa Jiang, is it true that you said last time that Brother Fu went to school

Yin Bingnian: Link: //%¥#&…

Yin Binnian: These are the people who are cheating on Brother Fu’s academic qualifications on the Internet. They find that they can’t cheat on their looks or variety shows, they can only cheat on their academic qualifications.

Yin Binnian: If it is true, we can organize a Weibo rebuttal.

Yin Binnian met Mr. Jiang. Not only did he meet Mr. Jiang, he also received a lot of express delivery from the old man, either signed photos of Meng Fu or Meng Fu's merchandise.

In short, anyone who has penetrated into Meng Fu's fan group knows that "Grandpa who loves hospitalization" is not only a rich man, but also knows a lot of inside information.

But except for Yin Bingnian, no one else knew Mr. Jiang.

Both of them were officially graded by Meng Fu, and they would always communicate with each other when encountering problems. After learning about Meng Fu in No. 1 Middle School last time, the old man vowed to tell Yin Binnian that there would be no problem with his academic qualifications in the future.

At this time, he silently looked at each other's messages: "..."

He was really, really distressed.

Mr. Jiang sent six points to Yin Binnian, then sent a message to ask Meng Fu about the matter, and then sent a message to ask Jiang Yu.

After posting, he minimized QQ, opened the webpage, logged into Weibo, checked in, and went to fight against the black fans for 300 rounds.


Meng Fu, on his side, was still preparing medicine for Tang Ze in the study.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Meng Fu stood by the table and mixed in three medicinal ingredients without raising his head: "Come in."

Zhao Fan came in. She brought a glass of milk and looked at Meng Fu, "Still busy, aren't you going to sleep? You have to go to the theater tomorrow."

The thing in Meng Fu's hand was strange. Zhao Fan had never seen it before, but he thought every instrument was very delicate.

"Wait a minute," Meng Fu shook her head. She mixed the medicine, then raised her head and looked at Zhao Fan: "Please contact director Gao for me. I want to finish filming this week's scenes in advance."

Meng Fu was always quick in filming, so Zhao Fan was not particularly surprised by her request. Meng Fu had finished the filming one day in advance before.

"Okay, I'll go and tell you," Zhao Fan nodded, "Brother Cheng has just printed out the new exercises for you from Teacher Zhou, and I've put them in your luggage for you, so you don't have to write them down tonight. "

Meng Fu gestured "OK" to her, looking very busy.

Zhao Fan watched her finish the glass of milk before going out with the milk cup.

She closed the door gently. Su Di on the other side had just come out of the kitchen and was wiping his hands with a paper towel. They were both preparing to leave. They would get up early to go to the set with Meng Fu tomorrow.

Su Di packed up the garbage bags and was about to open the door and go out.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the person outside raising his hand and about to knock on the door.

"You are..." Su Di raised his head and looked at that person.

The other person looked about sixty or seventy years old, with a short hair, wearing quite ancient clothes, and his aura was also very simple.

"My surname is Yan." The other party's eyes were very polite and he did not look inside, and his voice was extremely polite, "Does Meng Fu live here?"

Being able to find this place, Su Di knew that it must have been Meng Fu who signaled it. He quickly made room for the other party to come in and said, "Mr. Yan, please come in."

While making way, Su Di was also extremely curious. He had stayed with Meng Fu for three months and had never seen this person before.

Inside the house, Zhao Fan washed the milk cup that Meng Fu had just given, put the cup away, raised his head and asked, "Su Di, it's Brother Cheng..."

When I looked up, I saw the old gentleman entering the door.

"President?" Zhao Fan was startled, then realized what he was doing and quickly gave the old gentleman a tea cup: "Why are you here?"

Zhao Fan and Meng Fu went to the T City Painting Association and met the president of the painting association. Although they only had one meeting, the president's aura was so special that Zhao Fan remembered it.

"Meng Fu just told me her address. I need to see her for something." The president took the tea cup and looked around the room, looking a little anxious. "Where is she?"

"Wait, I'll call her." Zhao Fan knocked on the study door and called Meng Fu out.

Meng Fu was not surprised that the president of the Painting Association came to her at this time. He just raised his chin towards Zhao Fan and Su Di, "You two should go back and rest first."

Su Di glanced at the president. He originally wanted to stay, but when Meng Fu said this, he didn't force him to stay, so he left with Zhao Fan, "Okay, Miss Meng, call me if you need anything."

The two of them went out together.

After closing the door, Su Di took out the car keys from his pocket, turned his head and asked Zhao Fan: "Who was that just now? What president? From the Go club?"

President, that is also the president of some association.

Su Di thought of Meng Fu's chess skills that he had shown on variety shows before, and the Xuanyuan Game in Wanmin Village.

Zhao Fan also carried a bag of garbage and walked to the trash can downstairs. When Su Di asked her, she replied, "President of the T City Painting Association, she painted a picture of an old man with a dead tree before. The president of the Painting Association found out and asked her to join the Painting Association, but she didn't agree. More than a month later, he came to visit again and hoped that he would succeed. "

It's a pity that Meng Fu didn't let her stay to watch.

Speaking of this, Zhao Fan felt a little regretful. If Meng Fu had joined the Painting Association, it would have been much easier for him in the entertainment industry.

She said as she walked towards the car.

A month later, apart from regret, Zhao Fan no longer felt the shock at the beginning. After all...

Meng Fu could even refuse to join the Painting Association.

Zhao Fan was so shocked that he became numb and couldn't even bring up any emotions.

After taking two steps, he found that Su Di had not followed.

Zhao Fan stopped and looked at Su Di, "Aren't you leaving?"

Su Di raised his head. He didn't know what tone to use to speak to Zhao Fan, "Was that the president of the Painting Association just now?"

"Yes?" Zhao Fan nodded.

"He personally invited Miss Meng to the Painting Association?" Su Di asked again.

Zhao Fan still nodded, feeling a little pity: "She just doesn't want to come in."

Seeing Zhao Fan say this so calmly, Su Di didn't know what to say anymore, so he just let out a deep breath.

There are ten painting associations across the country. The main association is in Beijing, and there are nine other painting associations. The president of each branch association holds a high position in the main association of Beijing Painting Association, either as a senior manager or as a vice president.

These people are usually based in the capital.

The Capital Painting Association, because of its large number of people, is one level higher than the Xiang Association. The senior officials of the four major associations and the children of the hermit families dare not mess with it.

The status of the Si Xie in the capital is almost equal to that of the hidden family.

So when I just heard Zhao Fan talk about the president, Su Di didn't consider the Painting Association at all, because T City is too small, and the Painting Association is not big. After so many years, not many people in the T City Painting Association have been promoted. It is impossible for the president of a local association like the Beijing Painting Association to come all the way from the capital.

After listening to Zhao Fan's explanation, Su Di understood.

The other party must be here for Meng Fu.

The one who can make the senior people of Beijing Painting Association come to T City to invite them in person is not just as simple as joining T City Painting Association, but at least they have the intention to take them under their wing.

This was what shocked Su Di.

The disciples of the top four major associations are not comparable to the leaders of small families in the capital.

Su Di's usually unmoving and cold face was a little shaky, and his voice was broken: "Miss Meng, can you still draw?"

He has met several famous geniuses from the Beijing Painting Association several times, and each of them has at least one practice painting every day.

When had he seen Meng Fu Hua?

The mentality is broken.



"Really don't want to join?" During this period, Chairman Yan also investigated Meng Fu's information. He found very little information, and it was all information about Meng Fu's entertainment industry. Regarding the news about Meng Fu and the Yu family, Yan The president found not much information.

Meng Fu poured himself a glass of water, sat across from Chairman Yan, and shook his head: "No."

President Yan talked to her a lot. Seeing her say this, he was silent for a long time. He never talked much. At this time, he even tried to persuade her on foot. He only stood up and prepared to ask again when he had the opportunity.

"Then come to me when you understand." President Yan nodded towards her.

Meng Fu took the tea cup and went out with him.

Chairman Yan walked to the door and thought of another thing: "By the way, someone from the Beijing Painting Association has taken a fancy to your painting of the old man with dead wood and wants to buy it for 400,000. Do you want to sell it?"

Meng Fu is a newcomer, and 400,000 yuan is a sky-high price for a relatively unknown newcomer.

The most outstanding player in this Youth Championship only has 500,000, which is still under a lot of halo.

Meng Fu, who was lazy and was about to see President Yan out, was shocked when she heard the 400,000 yuan. She looked up at President Yan and seemed to wake up: "400,000?"

"Well, the price is average," Chairman Yan shook his head, "I refused for you. This painting of yours has its own style. If you continue painting, you will become famous in the future, and it will be doubled dozens of times. This person Buying your paintings now is just for collection investment.”

Chairman Yan said, and then mentioned Meng Fu's entry into the Painting Association, "It's just that you don't want to join the painting association..."

"No," Meng Fu suddenly grabbed Chairman Yan's arm, put the cup into his hand, then cupped his hand, bent down at 90 degrees, and said very respectfully: "Master, I am ignorant of Mount Tai, please The disciple once... no, bows three times!"

Chairman Yan, who had a teacup forced into his hand, had mentioned it to Meng Fu many times on WeChat before, and personally persuaded Meng Fu for half an hour: "...??"

Chairman Yan, what a serious person.

I have never been so confused.

He watched Meng Fu walk around the hall a few times, then made him another cup of tea, and began to think about why she suddenly changed her mind.

He gave his token to Meng Fu before. Although he didn't say it clearly, he had the intention to teach Meng Fu.

He looked at Meng Fu, thought for a long time, and only thought of one possibility -

Four hundred thousand.


Chairman Yan, who had been thinking about it for a long time and didn't know why Meng Fu didn't want to join the Painting Association, once again said: "..."

"Master, don't you want to drink it?" Meng Fu stood in front of him very obediently, without any trace of his previous perfunctory behavior. "After drinking this cup of tea, you will be my respected teacher!"

"No." Chairman Yan shook his head.

Meng Fu: "..."

Is there reincarnation in heaven

Does she, Meng Fu, also have this day

Chairman Yan looked at Meng Fu like this and knew what she was thinking. He took a sip of tea and then said calmly, "How can I, Yan Langfeng, recruit a disciple so perfunctorily?"

The Four Associations in the capital are all used to being arrogant. They don't set up a table and tell the world. How is this the style of the four hegemons in the capital