Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 151: 151 is confident and arrogant, handing in the paper in advance (second update)


"Test?" Zhao Fan, who had been following Meng Fu to No. 1 Middle School, realized that Meng Fu came to No. 1 Middle School today not to go to school or to meet the class teacher, but to take an exam.

No wonder Meng Fu ended the scene in "The Spy" early and rushed back in the middle of the night.

"Well, the monthly exam for the first year of high school." Meng Fu took the admission ticket Zhou Jin gave her and looked at it in her hand.

Explain to Zhao Fan unhurriedly.

The monthly exam system for No. 1 Middle School is strict. Admission tickets are issued with student IDs written on them. However, because it is an on-campus exam, there is no electronic photo on the admission ticket.

There is only a string of student numbers.

Meng Fu looked at it. The first one was her enrollment year, and the last four digits were 3651.

Last time when Principal Gu and Zhou Jin decided to place Meng Fu in Zhou Jin's class, they entered Meng Fu's student status and naturally had a student number.

Zhou Jin watched Meng Fu take the admission ticket, then turned around and led Meng Fu and the others outside: "You are taking the exam in the last examination room, so your exam number is very late."

The first middle school examination system is based on grades.

The candidate’s last four-digit examination room number and seat number.

Meng Fu had no previous results, so he was naturally assigned to the last position in the last examination room, 3651.

36 represents the 36th examination room, and 30 represents the last seat.

He took Meng Fu out, and Su Cheng also nodded slightly to the principal and followed him out.

As soon as he left, Su Di and Zhao Fan would not stay and followed him out.

Meng Fu glanced at the admission ticket, put it in his pocket, and pulled down the brim of his hat again.

Cover your eyes.

She is very popular online now. She is often recognized when walking on the street. When she comes to school for exams, Meng Fu also wears a hat and mask to avoid trouble.

Zhou Jin knew that Meng Fu was very popular now, so it was not difficult to understand seeing her like this. This was why he wanted to take Meng Fu to the examination room in person.

The invigilator in the examination room did not know that Meng Fu was in his class. When the time came, he would force Meng Fu to take off his hat and mask. When someone recognized him, there was another chaos.

"It's in the lecture theater in front." Zhou Jin introduced the layout of the entire No. 1 Middle School to Su Cheng as he walked.

Su Cheng listened quietly.

After Zhou Jin finished the introduction, he started talking about Meng Fu again.

This month gave him the determination to put Meng Fu into the intensive class.

No one knows better than Zhou Jin why intensive classes exist.

"Meng Fu is really good at math." Because she is not yet completely confident that the students in the intensive class will take part in the continental university's independent admissions exam, these are still secret plans, so Zhou Jin can only say this.

After hearing this, Su Cheng just smiled lightly and said two words: "Naturally."

Zhou Jin: “…”

He thought for a while, then lowered his voice, "Don't waste her talent on this. If she calms down and attends class with peace of mind, she can strengthen it in the future, and maybe... her future achievements will definitely not be low."

"Look at herself." Seeing Zhou Jin say this, Su Cheng couldn't help but look at him more.

He had investigated Zhou Jin and naturally knew about his achievements in the field of mathematics.

Unexpectedly, he was so optimistic about Meng Fu.


The two were chatting in front, and behind, Zhao Fan and Su Di were also talking to Meng Fu.

"You don't have to go to class, and you still have to take the monthly exam?" Zhao Fan knew that Meng Fu was good at mathematics. He had seen Meng Fu do other subjects on the crew before, and she was also very good at it. Zhao Fan thought, she Other subjects should be OK, but I'm still a little worried, "You haven't taken classes in No. 1 Middle School before..."

No. 1 Middle School is jointly named with ten schools across the country. Although Su Di did not spend time in No. 1 Middle School in T City, he knows that the Middle School Affiliated to Capital A University is one of the schools co-branded with No. 1 Middle School.

Su Cheng and the others were in the affiliated middle school before, and he was very aware of the standard of classes in such schools.

Hearing this, he also said, "Ms. Meng, the questions in the joint examination of the ten schools are very tricky. Don't be too stressed. Once, Young Master Wei cried during the last math test in the joint examination of the ten schools. ”

Meng Fu and Zhao Fan both knew who Mr. Wei he was talking about.

Especially for Zhao Fan, she had met Wei Jingke and knew that he was a young man from a certain family. Wei Jingke had always been conceited, and she couldn't imagine what it would be like for him to cry when he was tested.

I didn’t expect that an exam in these colleges and universities would be so difficult. “Is the monthly exam in No. 1 Middle School so difficult?”

Can a person like Wei Jingke still be judged for crying

"It's difficult," Su Di said seriously, "Young Master Wei never passed the biology and chemistry exams during the monthly joint examination."

Are all these colleges and universities working hard like this

Zhao Fan was thinking while talking to Meng Fu, wanting to comfort her, but unexpectedly he turned around -

Meng Fu put his hands in his pockets and followed Su Cheng.

He didn't hold a book or a pen in his hand. He didn't look like a student who was about to take an exam, but more like he was rushing to make an announcement.

No worries at all.

Zhao Fan stopped when he wanted to comfort him.

As the group said this, they had already arrived at the last examination room. There were still five minutes left before the exam. Everyone in the examination room was already seated, except for one or two people who wanted to go to the toilet outside the classroom door.

Zhou Jin stood at the back door of the classroom and had already attracted the attention of the students in the last examination room.

Zhou Jin is a legend in No. 1 Middle School.

Every student respected and feared him because of his achievements in mathematics.

Fear is because every time Zhou Jin gives out a test paper, it makes countless candidates want to cry.

In front, the invigilator holding the test paper also saw Zhou Jin, quickly put down the sealed test paper and walked to the back door, "Director Zhou, why are you here?"

Zhou Jin stretched out her hand and pointed at Meng Fu beside her, "I'm here to send this student to take the exam. She has some special reasons."

"Oh, okay, come in quickly, the exam is about to start." The teacher quickly made way for Meng Fu and let her in.

When Meng Fu saw the two invigilators, he took off his hat and said "teacher" politely before putting his hat back on.

"Take your time," when she was about to enter, Su Cheng, who was standing on the other side, looked back at the classroom, turned sideways, paused, and then continued: "It's difficult to get the first pass in the paper, so don't worry."

"Yes," Zhou Jin also knew the difficulty of this test paper, especially under his secret operation, it was more difficult than every previous test. Thinking of this, he felt a little guilty for Meng Fu. Before she went in, he comforted: "You It’s difficult, and it’s difficult for others.”

"Don't worry." Meng Fu raised his hand towards them.

She said it nonchalantly, as confident as ever.

Zhou Jin knew that these geniuses were always confident, just like the first in their class, so Zhou Jin held back her words of comfort.

Geniuses who are not afraid of anything these days will have a long memory after being taught a lesson.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jin put her hands behind her back and watched Meng Fu sit in the last row.

The exam bell rang in the corridor, and the invigilator had already handed out the test papers.

Zhou Jin looked away at Meng Fu. The first Chinese language test was two and a half hours long. He didn't need to invigilate the test, but he had to discuss the intensive class with Principal Gu.

He turned to leave, but when he turned around, he saw Su Cheng still standing there. He couldn't help but paused, "Mr. Su, there are still two hours left, aren't you leaving?"

Su Cheng also looked away. He shook his head slightly and replied politely, "I'll wait in the lounge in front for a while."

This was not a college entrance examination or an independent admissions exam, it was just a simple monthly exam. Although Zhou Jin didn't understand the reason for Su Cheng's excessive attention, he didn't say anything. After saying a few words to them, he left.

After Zhou Jin left, Su Cheng leaned against the window and looked at the last row. Meng Fu sat in the corner of the window, wearing a cap and a mask. Because of her weird outfit, the entire examination room couldn't help but look at her. She was in the Chinese test paper. After sending it down, this look disappeared.


The test papers were distributed by two invigilators.

Meng Fu took the test paper and the answer sheet from another teacher before starting to write his student number.

The order of exams is based on the order of the college entrance examination.

The first session is Chinese.

She wrote her name and her student number.

After finishing painting, I slowly started to do the reading comprehension of the first answer.

The first reading comprehension is very long. It is a difficult-to-read scientific article. It mainly talks about "Lunar Orbiter 3" and geostationary satellites. It contains a lot of professional terms. I didn't pay attention to it. After reading it three times, I may not understand what this reading is. What was written.

The three multiple-choice questions after the first reading are even more confusing, and the four answers are almost indistinguishable.

Meng Fu always read things at a glance, so she read this reading comprehension article seriously. She had a good memory, so she read it once and then read the three multiple-choice questions at the end, which made her somewhat comfortable.

It has been a long time since she took an exam. She was not used to it at the beginning, but now she is slowly getting used to it.

Soon I turned to poetry understanding.

Others found it difficult to read, and before they finished reading it the second time, Meng Fu had already filled in the poems.

Because she was sent by Zhou Jin himself, the two invigilators were also very curious about her and would come around to her from time to time to take a look. They were surprised when they saw her.

The others were still scratching their heads as they answered the first few multiple-choice questions, but Meng Fu had already turned to the poetry page.

The invigilator stopped next to Meng Fu and looked down at her as she wrote a line of poetry smoothly.

The handwriting she wrote on the test paper was not so sloppy. It was very neat and angular. The invigilator had taught so many students. This was the first time she saw such beautiful handwriting. She stopped moving forward.

With such beautiful words, which class is this student from

Why haven't you heard of it before

I paid special attention to the name of the student sent by Zhou Jin—

Meng Fu.

This name is somewhat familiar.

The invigilator looked at the girl who seemed to have no face in surprise.

Worried that the students would be too stressed, he watched Meng Fu write for a while before walking away, remembering the word "Meng Fu".

The first Chinese language test is from 8:00 to 10:30.

There are many words to write in Chinese, not just composition, but also reading comprehension, poetry appreciation...

There are words all over the page.

Unlike English and mathematics, even the fastest writer would take two hours to finish the Chinese paper. Meng Fu finished the last word of the composition at half past nine.

An hour and a half.

After she finished, some students present didn't even write their compositions.

Meng Fu raised his hand, handed in the paper in advance, and left quietly.

A few of the students at the back saw her leaving, but they had no time to be surprised, and instead hurriedly started writing their compositions.

Meng Fu came out with a pen and admission ticket. The corridor was quiet and there were no students.

Cell phones were not allowed in the examination room. She had given her cell phone to Zhao Fan before she came in. Meng Fu was not in a hurry, so he put it down at the stairs and prepared to walk back to the rental house.

The entire corridor was so quiet that only her footsteps could be heard, as if she was the only one left in the whole building.

Just turned a corner.

Then I heard a familiar voice, "This matter is not my responsibility."

Meng Fu raised his head and stood there.

At the entrance of the stairs, Su Cheng stood upright by the window, as if he was talking to someone on the phone. When he saw Meng Fu approaching, he turned sideways, waved to Meng Fu, and said calmly to the other end of the phone: "Hang up. "

He put away his phone and saw that Meng Fu hadn't left yet. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm back."

"Oh." Meng Fu responded slowly and walked towards Su Cheng.

"Did you do well in the exam?" Su Cheng asked slowly when he saw her lowering her head.

Meng Fu was spinning a black pen in one hand and holding the admission ticket in the other. When he heard this, he raised his eyebrows, confident and arrogant: "How is that possible?"

Judging from her tone, she did well in the exam. Su Cheng looked at her and gave a rare laugh. He took out his car keys and said, "Go back and get some sleep first. There are two exams in the afternoon."

There is only one day for the monthly exam in No. 1 Middle School.

Chinese in the morning, mathematics plus comprehensive science or comprehensive literature in the afternoon, and English test in the evening.

After the exam, all the test papers are collected into the system, and the ten schools jointly mark the papers, and the overall level is close to the college entrance examination.


The math test starts at one o'clock in the afternoon, and after the math test, the science comprehensive test will follow.

The math test will be from 1 to 3 o'clock, and the science and comprehensive test will be from 3:20 to 5:50.

Because he had to take the comprehensive science test next, Meng Fu didn't hand in the paper in advance after finishing the math test. He lay on the table and fell asleep out of boredom.

When it was time to take the comprehensive science exam, she got up again and continued taking the exam.

At half past four, Meng Fu finished writing the last genetic analysis question in the Science Comprehensive Science Examination, filled in the answers on the answer sheet, and quietly packed up his things and went out.

The two teachers who were invigilating the exam put away the answer sheets and glanced at them casually.

In such a short period of time, they originally thought that the student just now knew that he could not do it and handed in the paper in advance.

After all, the students in No. 1 Middle School have some idea of their abilities, and this is the last examination room.

But when they turned to the back, the two teachers looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes -