Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 171: 171The five giants of the Federation!


In the International Federation, no one wants to climb up.

If you want to climb up, in addition to your own strength, you need to accept missions from the stronghold, or go to the mercenary association to accept missions and get meritorious service.

Su Xuan is guarding the ferry at the airport here in the International Federation.

The Su family is almost the only one in the capital, but in terms of the federation, it is almost nothing.

Su Cheng sent Su Xuan to take charge of the federal ferry.

Ding Mingcheng is Su Xuan's right-hand man, while Ding Mingjing only assists Ding Mingcheng in every task.

This black market racing competition is rare in almost a hundred years, because no one thought that the new round of market division would be divided by black market racing.

Charlie originally came from black market racing, and he has been with racing since he was a child. His strength is not even that of Ding Mingjing's men. Just because they are both racing, Ding Mingjing pays more attention to him and wants to develop Charlie.

For someone like Charlie who is not very strong but wants to make a great contribution, this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

If Charlie really gets a favorable ranking this time, then the Su family's status in the Federation will definitely rise to another level!

And Charlie will definitely be transferred to the ferry elite, or to the core group of the Su family in the domestic capital.

After hearing Ding Mingjing's words, Charlie just looked up at him, his expression still serious, "This is the first time Mr. Mingcheng asked me to do something, and there are people from Qingbang, one of the five giants in the federation, We are just a noob among them, we can't even get into the top five..."

Since the first day Charlie joined Su Cheng's stronghold, the first order he received was to obey.

"That's why I asked you to work hard to improve yourself in the past two days. Don't be a driver! You are so... Kuchiki! You don't know how to adapt!" Hearing what Charlie said, Ding Mingjing was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He took a deep breath, Seeing that Charlie was still like this, he didn't want to say anything else. He got up and walked upstairs: "It's up to you."

Charlie looked at Ding Mingjing and scratched his head, "Oh."

He thought to himself that he was not telling a lie. The Su family's crossing in the Federation was not large, but the Su family also knew that the Su family could easily be dispersed by other forces in the Federation, so they placed their stronghold in the place of the great god Louis.


Here, Su Xuan found Su Di in the kitchen.

Su Di was washing the casserole. Su Xuan paused for a moment before walking over and slowly speaking, asking cautiously: "Should I send a car of people to follow you tomorrow?"

In the past, Su Di could walk around the slums without anyone following him.

Ever since he was injured half a year ago, Su Cheng had removed him from his position in the capital, and his strength had dropped sharply. Finally, he followed Su Cheng to T City to do some miscellaneous work.

Su Xuan was talking to him, and he was also thinking hard not to open Su Di's wounds.

"It shouldn't be necessary." Su Di put the casserole aside and washed the bones and chicken pieces, speaking in a calm tone.

Su Xuan was stunned, "No need? But Miss Meng and Sister Fan..."

Su Di glanced at him, "Didn't you send a driver?"

"He is not strong enough." Su Xuan explained.

Su Di said "hmm", his face still cold, and he didn't answer again.

He put the washed bones and chicken pieces into the casserole, lowered his head again, looked at the phone, and said to the chef on the other side of the phone: "Do you think this is the case?"

There is a time difference between China and here.

It's nine o'clock in the evening here, but it's five o'clock in the morning in China. The chef was bleary-eyed and kept his spirits up, "That's right, Mr. Su, let it simmer overnight and you can use the soup to make porridge tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Su Di knew what slow fire was. He turned around and asked Su Xuan, "Is there a stove here?"

Su Xuan: "...??"

Ten minutes later, Su Xuan found Ding Mingcheng and Charlie and built a small stove in the garden that was not particularly beautiful.

Charlie looked up the picture online.

Finally, several bosses in the villa gathered around the small stove and thought it was okay.

Su Di took a photo of Xiaozao and sent it to Moments.

Two minutes later, Meng Fu clicked a like.

Five minutes later, Su Cheng gave a like.

"No one needs to follow her," Su Di put the casserole on the small stove to stew, then turned to Su Xuan, "Miss Meng doesn't like anyone following her."

Seeing that Su Di was sure, Su Xuan didn't force himself. He followed Su upstairs: "Then take this." Su Xuan handed a communicator to Su Di. "If you need anything, contact me directly."

"Yeah." Su Di made a OK gesture with him.

Meng Fu's room was on the second floor, and Su Di and Zhao Fan's rooms were on the third floor. After he returned to his room, he opened his package and carefully took out a cardboard box.

"What is it?" Su Xuan leaned against the door frame and was about to leave when he saw Su Di taking out a low-quality cardboard box.

"Miss Meng gave me the incense." Su Di searched the room, found the right place and lit the incense.

After listening to Su Di's words, Su Xuan pursed his lips and said nothing more, "Okay, you have a good rest."

Outside, Su Xuan closed the door and sent a message to Su Tian—

Skynet Blues, any news

Su Xuan is in charge of the federal ferry, and Su Tian is in charge of intelligence.

Ever since Su Di was injured, Su Tian and others have been looking for medicine and spices that can cure him, but there has been no news.

In the room, Su finished lighting the incense and sat cross-legged on the bed.

He has been following Meng Fu's instructions for this incense, burning one incense every week. After every time he lights the incense, he will find that the meridians are no longer blocked, and the blood and internal energy in the veins are very smooth.

Su Di tried to use his body's inner strength and found that he could already use three-tenths of it.

Two hours later, Su Di slowly opened his eyes, then looked at the burning incense next to him, and confirmed again that this incense...

There is definitely an energy utilization rate of more than 30%!

He had only heard of this kind of highly utilized incense at underground auction houses, a blues-based incense.


The next day.

Federal eight o'clock in the morning.

Meng Fu was sitting at the dining table drinking porridge. Su Cheng was sitting next to her. Su Cheng had already finished eating and was reading a book: "Brother Cheng, what are you going to do today?"

"Go purchase things to be transported back to the capital," Su Cheng turned over a page of the book and told Meng Fu, "Don't run around in the federation, the rules here are very strict."

The Su family's stronghold in the federation was still too light. Su Cheng had always disapproved of the Su family's positioning in the federation at this time, but the Su family insisted. The elders of the Su family forcibly assigned this position to his parents. Su Cheng didn't want to at that time. Never mind.

I originally wanted to leave the Su family, but finally...

So now he has begun to take over some matters again. Every time the Su family wants to make a purchase, he will personally keep an eye on the pit that his parents were forced to share.

Otherwise, people like the Su family would not even be able to cope with the people in the federal slums.

Su Cheng thought lightly without showing any expression on his face.

"Purchasing?" Meng Fu glanced at Su Cheng in surprise.

She remembered that the last time she asked Su Di to help her transport things, the result was that the other party was very slow, not even as fast as M Xia.

"Some medicinal materials from the International Federation, as well as high-end spices," Su Cheng explained to her, seemingly speaking too much, "the Su family will use them."

Meng Fu nodded and said nothing more.

What federation, what procurement, what high-end spices, Zhao Fan looked confused.

But she just sat next to Meng Fu with such a calm expression, looking very unpredictable.

Su Xuan stood aside and looked at Zhao Fan. He remembered what Su said. Zhao Fan was Su Cheng's agent chosen by Meng Fu out of thousands of people. Thinking of this, Su Xuan changed his expression.

"Oh." Meng Fu took a sip of porridge, raised his head and asked Su Di, "No buns today?"

Su Di came out with a shovel, "They didn't buy it. Let's go out today and go to the supermarket to buy some flour later."

Meng Fu was satisfied.

Ding Mingcheng and Ding Mingjing were standing at the door, listening to the conversation of several people. Ding Mingjing couldn't help but glance at Su Di. It seemed that Mr. Su Di, who was similar to Su Tian back then, was completely gone.

After eating, Su Cheng put Meng Fu into the car, and Charlie got into the driver's seat and drove the car steadily.

Su Chengcai took Ding Mingcheng, Su Xuan and others to the federal procurement market.

Here, Meng Fu is in the car.

Su Di was in the passenger seat, and Meng Fu and Zhao Fan were sitting in the back.

In the driver's seat, Charlie looked at the rearview mirror and introduced himself to Meng Fu, "Ms. Meng, I'm Charlie, a member of the Ferry Team 3. I used to help record the financials..."

He drove steadily and slowly, knowing that Meng Fu was here for the first time. When he encountered famous buildings, he introduced them to Meng Fu and others.

There was a green light ahead, but all the cars were waiting in the left and right lanes, and no one was walking in the middle two lanes. The scene was very spectacular.

Zhao Fan looked out the window and was surprised: "What is going on?"

Not to mention Zhao Fan, even Charlie couldn't help but poke his head out and said very seriously: "I don't know who it is. In the International Federation, the law of the jungle always preys on the strong. When encountering strong forces, other traveling cars will give way to avoid bumping into others. However, most forces rarely travel with signs. I have followed Mr. Ding to the Federation for two years, and this is the first time I have seen them traveling. I don’t know who they are. Miss Meng, you are so lucky to meet them on your first visit. them!"

Hearing what Charlie said, Zhao Fan and Su Di couldn't help but look out the door.

Charlie's car blended into the traffic and waited for about three minutes before a black modified car roared past.

The logo on the front of the car is a red stick with a black skull in the middle.

It flashed by and Zhao Fan didn't see it clearly, but Charlie and Su Di did.

"It's from Qingbang!" Charlie took a deep breath. Even though it was just a car, he felt unprecedented pressure. "It should be for this market differentiation. I didn't expect to see Qingbang's people like this." Team!"

Charlie and Su Di both stuck their heads out to take a look, but Qingbang's motorcade could no longer be seen.

Zhao Fan didn't understand Qingbang very well, but she looked at the calm Meng Fu and then asked Charlie, "Charlie, what is this Qingbang?"

"Everyone who is resident in the Federation knows that Qingbang is one of the five giants." Charlie did not mean to look down on Zhao Fan. He withdrew his gaze and continued to drive in with the other cars. "The other four are the Investigation Bureau, Xie, Tianwang, underground auction house.”

Bureau of Investigation

Four Associations


Zhao Fan had never heard of these, but she could understand the auction house.

The car continued to drive forward, and further forward, there was an open space, separated by a large lawn, not far from the road. There were two rows of armed people guarding the gate, and a building behind could be seen.

No other cars dare to stop here.

When Charlie drove here, he also accelerated his speed. After passing this place, he breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down the car, and explained: "The one just now is the FBI headquarters building, where the Bureau of Investigation headquarters holds prisons." After killing five of the world's top criminals, there was a Mafia serial bomb prince who was caught by Louis himself. The Mafia did not dare to break into the headquarters to save people. "

Land is at a premium in the federation, and housing prices are far beyond what can be measured in the capital.

In the Federal Center, there is a building so big that only the five giants can build it.

Zhao Fan was completely numb now. She was already confused when she got off the plane yesterday and saw the townhouse, let alone the pile of things she saw today.

She had no idea what the FBI was, but had heard about the Mafia online.

Of course, not to mention Zhao Fan, Su Di also came to the Federation for the first time. Before, he was assigned to the armory in the Su family. Hearing what Charlie said, he also took a deep breath.

Qingbang, the Bureau of Investigation, Louis, the Four Federation Associations... these all appear in the legend of Skynet.

No wonder the four major families in the capital are trying their best to join the Federation, and the Su family has suffered serious injuries in order to enter the Federation.

Compared to the Federation, the four major families in the capital are no more than a speck in the ocean.


After another half an hour, Charlie's car finally arrived at the Federal Royal Conservatory of Music.

The Federal Royal Conservatory of Music is in the Federal School District.

There are many schools here, the Federal Conservatory of Music, the Chinese Academy of Music, and—

The world's undisputed number one university, Continental University.

Charlie parked the car at the gate of the Federal Conservatory of Music, with a longing look on his face, and then explained to Meng Fu, "The school districts here are very difficult to pass the exams. Zhouda University only accepts 299 students in the world in a year, and the Federal Conservatory of Music Only 500 students are accepted every year. These schools in the Federation are protected and managed by Tianwang talents. These students have the protection of the schools. In the Federation, even if Qingbang sets fire to the slums, as long as you have the school’s student ID, these people will not touch you. You. Miss Meng, I didn’t expect you to be able to film a program at the Conservatory of Music. Your program team is so awesome.”

Before this, Zhao Fan, Su Di and others did not know what the continental university and the Federal Conservatory of Music meant.

Domestic netizens only know about the Royal Conservatory of Music, but they have never been to the Commonwealth. They don’t know how difficult it is to get into the Conservatory of Music, and they don’t know what it means to be a student who can enter this school.

After all, on the domestic network side, not even Skynet and Si Xie know about it.

Hearing this, Su Dicai looked at Meng Fu and nodded: "No wonder, Su Xuan and the others thought you were studying at the Royal Music School yesterday and were very surprised."

Zhao Fan was even more shocked, and she murmured, "I originally thought that Che Shao was a student from the High School Affiliated to the High School, so he was good enough, but I didn't expect that he from the Royal Conservatory of Music is even more powerful. He is worthy of being the number one boy band in Asia..."

Two years after his debut, he has become a top figure in the entertainment industry. Che Shao is indeed not an easy person.

It's rare that he still respects Li Qingning so much.

If she were Che Shao, she would definitely go sideways in the entertainment industry!

Hearing Zhao Fan's words, Charlie was stunned, "Is there anyone from the Royal Academy of Music?"

"Yes," Zhao Fan nodded, and she pointed at Meng Fu, "That's the one who claimed to be Meng Fu's brother on the show."

Charlie turned to Meng Fu with more respect in his eyes. He took a deep breath. Although he didn't see Che Shao, he already admired Che Shao from thousands of miles away: "No wonder you can enter the Royal Academy of Music to film a show. It turns out there are The boss of this school, where is this boss?”

Charlie has been in the Federation for five years, and like Ding Mingjing and others, he has never met anyone from the five major power centers.

"I don't know." Meng Fu reached out, buckled the hood behind his head, took out the program team's last pass from his pocket, and after being reviewed by the guards, entered the Royal Conservatory of Music.

"Oh." Charlie was a little regretful, but he didn't care. After all, you can't just meet this kind of person if you want to.

As for Zhao Fan and others, they couldn't go in because they didn't have passes.

"How about... you go buy flour?" Meng Fu held the pass between his two fingers, put it against his chin, and looked at the three of them.

Su Di hesitated, "But your safety..."

Charlie smiled and said, "Second brother, don't worry. The people in the three major colleges will almost all be people under the five giants in the future. Anyone who doesn't have brains dares to touch them, don't worry."

"Okay, let's go to the supermarket to buy flour first, and then wait for Miss Meng after buying it." Su Di decided immediately.

After they left, Meng Fucai turned to look at the Royal Academy of Music.

After a long while, I took my pass and entered the school gate.

after an hour.

Meng Fu came out of school. She made an appointment with Su Di, but she didn't see Su Di and others at the door.

Meng Fu stood there, reading WeChat messages.

It was sent by Li Qingning—

We'll arrive tomorrow.

Meng Fu was polite—

Do you need me to pick it up

Li Qingning: Yeah.

Meng Fu immediately withdrew the above sentence.

Li Qingning:…

Li Qingning: Che Shao and I didn’t book a room this time. Rich lady, you have to prepare a room for us, otherwise we won’t record (smile)

Meng. Rich Po. Fu: “…”

She had to go back and beg her little assistant.

Meng Fu replied "oh" and raised his head. Not far away, Charlie's car happened to drive over.

Seeing their car, Meng Fu's casual expression suddenly froze.