Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 174: 174 Lane Killer! The second fleet of the black market and dark night!


The car behind was very close, and Charlie kept staring at the car coming from behind.

He is a racing driver. He may not remember people very much, but he remembers the details of each driver of each team. He did not see the person who hit his car yesterday, but he remembers the details of the crash of this group of people, using the same method as the one who hit him yesterday. The cars are exactly the same.

While looking at the approaching car from behind, he tried to stay calm. He didn't have time to think about why Meng Fu asked this question. He stared at the curve in front and replied directly, his voice trembling: "Yes, they are the first in the black market." Second team!"

"That's good." Meng Fu nodded and glanced at the two cars that had reached the rear of the car on both sides. His face was not as careless as what Charlie had seen before, and a pair of almond-shaped eyes showed a cold light.

The convoy behind was heading towards Charlie today.

Black market racing is different from ordinary car racing. Black market racing has always been without rules, bloody and full of violence.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

They came here today to force Charlie's car down the cliff.

In the rearview mirror, of the two nearest cars, a curly-haired man leaned out from the back seat with a cold face, and the gun in his hand was pointed directly at the tires of Meng Fu's car.

Meng Fu glanced over and pressed the accelerator to the bottom. The car, which had already reached the speed limit on this curve, accelerated to the limit again. With the roar of the wind, her voice was cold and calm: "Sit tight!"

This road is close to the track that will be raced in the evening. In front of it is a 180-degree hairpin turn, and on the right is a stone pillar guardrail.

Just outside the guardrail is the cliff.

At the hairpin turn, even racing drivers would be careful in this turn to avoid overturning and running off the track. Just now, Charlie slowed down and was hit twice by the car behind him.

Meng Fu accelerated, and the car rushed directly towards the guardrail.

Charlie looked at the speed of 180 on the dial, his hand directly holding the handle, his eyes widened, "Ms. Meng, brake, slow down! The brake is on your left!"

In the back seat, Su Di's communicator rang because Meng Fu turned off the communicator that Charlie connected to the Bluetooth in the car.

Su Xuan, Ding Mingcheng and others quickly connected to Su Di's communicator.

As soon as the communicator was connected, Charlie's terrified voice was heard.

On the other end of the communicator, Su Xuan's expression suddenly changed, "Second brother, across the street is the second team of the black market team. They have knocked down three small-power racers in the past two days. You and Miss Meng, jump out of the car quickly!" We're already heading this way."

"Why is she so good at grabbing Charlie's steering wheel?..." Ding Mingjing's voice was furious.

The wind rushed in suddenly. Su Di watched Meng Fu close the car window. Meng Fu's speed did not slow down at all. When he saw the cliff ahead, Su Di's expression was not as calm as before. At this time, he was annoyed by Ding Mingjing's voice and pinched his head directly. The communicator link was broken.

Charlie said to slow down, but Meng Fu had no intention of slowing down at all.

The speed indicator has been moved from 180 to 190.

The car that was chasing after him had been thrown far away, but the car was getting closer and closer to the cliff. Charlie, who had just given up the driver's seat to Meng Fu without any grudges, also changed his expression, and his fingers holding the handle were straight. Bai, "Miss Meng!"

Meng Fu's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the car in the rearview mirror. His hands on the steering wheel didn't even tremble. He turned the steering wheel with his left hand and put the entire center of the car's weight on the left tire. The tires were obviously modified by Charlie. , bearing the weight of the entire car body, making a "stinging" sound, drifting 180 degrees and passing this hairpin bend smoothly.

After passing this corner, Meng Fu slowed down.

The road was very wide. The four cars behind had no idea that Meng Fu's car would go through the hairpin bend so fast. They thought they could not catch up with Meng Fu, but they didn't expect that Meng Fu was waiting for them slowly in front.

"Damn it, drive, hit it!" There was a distance ahead with no curves. Seeing that they were still waiting, the four cars behind them directly commanded the four cars to increase their accelerator to catch up.

As we all know, the speed on the racing track is determined by the curves. The difference is almost invisible on the straight road. After passing several curves, you can see the difference in the fingertips of each racing car.

The four cars behind were almost side by side, just to force Meng Fu's car to stop.

On the straight, it suddenly came over again.

Meng Fu looked at the four cars rushing towards him from behind without slowing down at all, and just narrowed his eyes, "You have custom-made tires?"

Charlie was still in the thrilling hairpin bend fight just now. When he heard Meng Fu's words, his head was the first to react and nodded.

Meng Fu smiled, "Okay."

She spotted a speed bump ahead and slammed on the brakes -


The two wheels at the back of the car lifted up out of thin air and turned almost 360 degrees in place!

The four cars behind her didn't expect her to suddenly change direction. The first car tried to hit Meng Fu's car and hit the brakes.

Meng Fu looked at the car, sneered, and stepped on the accelerator again. The car's entire weight shifted to the right, the left wheel lifted up, and the car passed sideways between the two cars that were approaching.

at the same time.

“Bang bang bang bang—”

The four cars that wanted to hit Meng Fu's car didn't expect Meng Fu to suddenly hit the brakes and hit her directly. And because the first car hit the brakes, they didn't have time to change direction, and the four cars collided in a series. , all collided together.

Meng Fu, who was slowly passing through four cars, turned the car around again, holding the reverse wheel with one hand and opening the window that had been closed just because of the strong wind with the other hand.

She drove the car next to the four cars that had been badly hit and stepped on the brakes. The car stopped next to the four cars. She pressed the steering wheel with one hand and put her other arm casually on the car window, tilting her head lightly. , looking at the people crawling out of the four cars in a panic.

The people in the four cars were obviously not kind people. Seeing Meng Fu and the others stop the car, they quickly took out their weapons and rushed over.

In the back seat, Su Di, who had regained consciousness, got out of the car as quickly as possible before Charlie. He was very fast. The eight people in the four cars were not agile due to injuries. Su Di was also very quick. He was the strongest person in the Su family besides Su Tian. He spent almost no effort to deal with these racers and disarmed them one by one.

In the passenger seat, Charlie, who was about to get out of the car, still put his hand on the door in a daze, maintaining the posture of getting out of the car.

Whether it was Meng Fu taking over the car halfway or Su Di extending his hand, he couldn't recover.

Miss Meng, this fairy, drifts around corners—

Su Di’s mysterious skill.

While he was thinking, he also saw clearly one of the tall men in the eight-person team, and his eyes widened.

Meng Fu remained calm, and did not appear surprised by Su Di's hand. She opened the car door, got out of the car, walked up to the eight people who were subdued by Su Di, lowered her head, and touched her chin.

She had an extremely cold face, but eight people knew that she was the murderer who had just walked on the road! He obviously shrank back, "What do you want to do?"

The leader, who was hit on the head, wiped away the blood that almost covered his eyes and asked in a rough voice.

But from his steps back, it was obvious that he was scared.

After all, they couldn't beat Meng Fu's racing, nor could they beat Su Di, so they had no choice but to be slaughtered.

"Nothing." Meng Fu said this and waved to Charlie in the passenger seat.

Charlie was looking at Meng Fu with more fanaticism than yesterday. He got off the passenger seat and his voice was trembling, "Miss Meng."

Meng Fu said "hmm" and said nothing, seeming to be thinking about something.

After about two minutes, she turned her attention to the eight people: "Fifty thousand."

The eight people who were frightened to death were stunned, and the leader paused, "W-what fifty thousand?"

"You hit our car yesterday, don't you plan to pay compensation?" Listening to the other party's words, Meng Fu narrowed his eyes slightly and his voice became colder.

Lose money

Just fifty thousand federal coins

The eight people were all in the same team, and they started each race with a million dollars. When they heard this sentence, they thought they had heard it wrong. After confirming Meng Fu's words, the leader quickly said, "Compensation, of course!" I don’t have so much cash with me, can I transfer it via Skynet bank?”

Almost all people in the Federation use Skynet Bank.

Meng Fu's voice softened three times. She turned sideways and raised her chin towards Charlie, "Your Skynet bank card."

Charlie: "..." He silently reported a list of account numbers.

The other party quickly took out his mobile phone and transferred one million federal coins to Charlie.

Skynet Bank has a large amount of liquidity, because federal transactions often involve funds exceeding six figures, especially transactions involving the Hong Kong Instrument Association, where funds below tens of millions are transferred quickly.

As soon as the other party transferred it, within three seconds, Charlie received the payment notification.

"Ms. Meng, received it," Charlie said.

"Is it enough for you to fix the car? Yesterday plus today."

"That's enough, he turned a million. Yesterday, the front end of the car was repaired for less than 50,000, and four tires were replaced today for less than 50,000." Today's car is not Charlie's usual racing car, and the tires are also medium-sized sand tires. , this 180-degree curve causes high wear and tear on the tires, so they must be replaced.

Charlie can also calmly tell the price.

Meng Fu said "Yeah" and glanced at the eight people again, "Don't hit the car I'm riding in again if you have nothing to do."

The eight people looked at their modified precious racing car, which was smashed to pieces.

Such a fierce evil spirit, they slightly flattened the front of her car yesterday, and today the car they spent millions to modify has become like this. The key is that her car is almost unharmed, except for the tire wear.

However, they did not dare to say anything.

She couldn't beat the man in black in a fight, and she couldn't outrun her in a dragster, and she wasn't afraid of them either.

The eight people lowered their heads in humiliation, "...I don't dare anymore."

"That's good," Meng Fu clapped his hands, "You can go."

As soon as she spoke, the eight people looked at each other, this... can they leave now

Just lose some money and you can leave

Why don't you have a life and death battle

Doubts turned into doubts. As soon as Meng Fu said let's go, the eight people limped forward and took out their mobile phones to call someone and asked others to pick them up.

Before leaving, the tall man at the head paused. He turned around and took a deep look at Meng Fu, "Who are you?"

Meng Fu didn't look back and walked back to his car. Hearing this, he just waved his hand back and said without looking back, "Not a very important person."

The tall man narrowed his eyes when he heard Meng Fu's answer, but finally said nothing and left with the other seven people.


at the same time.

On Ding Mingjing's side, they drove in the direction of Meng Fu. Ding Mingcheng sent a message to Charlie, but Charlie never responded.

However, I received news from Su Xuan's investigation, "The leader of the other team is Bertram."

Ding Mingjing's face turned pale when he heard the word "Bertram".

"Get out of the way, I'll drive!" He squeezed out of the way of the person in the driver's seat, took over the steering wheel again, and pressed the accelerator to the floor without saying a word.

They could hear from the voice of Su Di's last call that it was Meng Fu who snatched Charlie's steering wheel.

Su Xuan and others had actual contact with Meng Fu for less than an hour.

But I also know that she is a star, seems to be very popular in the country, and can come to the Federation to film a program.

It’s just that I’ve never heard anyone say that Meng Fu can drive.

Seeing Ding Mingjing's obviously wrong expression, Su Xuan in the back seat frowned, "Who is Bertram?"

He didn't know much about racing, and he only came into contact with racing because of the recent market division. In every industry, the most famous person is naturally the first person. He knew that the most famous racing driver was Louisa, the car king in the first half of the year.

"The captain of the second black market team of Dark Night," Ding Mingjing pursed his lips, "His strength is no worse than Louisa's, but the black market racers don't race for fame, only for money, so he is very famous in the racing world, and he has accumulated a lot of fame. Even Louisa can't compare. I didn't expect Qingbang to invite him, but it's not surprising, it's Qingbang after all. "

Ding Mingjing has many professional terms that people who don’t know about car racing don’t know.

But as soon as he compared Louisa, Su Xuan and others who had studied Louisa knew the dangers involved.

"Bertram started racing in the black market when he was 14 years old. Whenever he participated in the competition, he would do whatever his employer told him to do. How could Charlie and the others be targeted by Qingbang?!" Ding Mingjing stepped on the accelerator without saying a word. , and set off forward as fast as he could.

After passing a hairpin bend, the scratches left on the driveway are clearly visible.

Even if you don't see the scene, the marks left by the car's tires are enough to remind people of the original danger.

For a moment, everyone in the car was worried and didn't say a word.

After passing the hairpin bend, there is a straight road ahead. Everyone can see the crash scene not far away. Ding Mingjing and others' hearts sank: "There are signs of a crash ahead!"

After listening to Ding Mingjing's explanation, Su Xuan pursed his lips and said, "Hurry up and open."

The Su family's motorcade rushed to the scene as quickly as possible.

From a distance, they saw the tragic car crash. The group was very anxious, not knowing the current situation of Su Di and others.

Not to mention Bertram, Meng Fu and the other three are all weak in combat. If Su Di was still in its heyday, Su Xuan would not be so eager. Now I heard that they were from Qing State. Su Xuan was holding his mobile phone. His hands were shaking.

For Qingbang, the Su family is something that can be solved with one finger.

The car drove closer and closer.

The four hit cars could already be seen clearly.

The closer the distance was, the more Su Xuan's heart sank. No one in the motorcade said a word, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

The scene was indeed a bit tragic. Almost all four cars were scrapped, and the front of the car was shattered into pieces.

Ding Mingcheng, who was very anxious sitting next to Su Xuan, couldn't help but frown, "Second brother, why do I feel that something is wrong?"

While he was talking, Su Xuan also saw these four cars.

The Su family's fleet has a special brand.

Although some of these four cars could not be seen as prototypes, the brand and color numbers were obviously not the one Charlie drove.

The scene of the four-car collision was still very heroic. Ding Mingjing got out of the car, checked the scratches around it, and then looked at the intact stone pillars on the edge of the cliff. It was obvious that there was no impact, and Charlie's car did not roll over the cliff. Down.

The car didn't overturn, which was the best result for them.

But where did Charlie's car go? !

While Ding Mingjing was still thinking, the communicator next to Su Xuan's ear rang.

Su Xuan pressed directly. Opposite was Su Di. Su Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said directly, "How are you? I saw four cars colliding in a row on the road."

"Oh, then drive 800 meters further, we are at the gas station." Su Di was obviously very calm.

Su Xuan was stunned: "Gas station?"

He was surprised by the result, but Su Di and the others were the most important right now. With a wave of his hand, everyone got on the bus directly.

Ding Mingjing, who sat back in the driver's seat, was very puzzled, "Charlie could actually escape from Bertram's convoy?"

Two minutes later, they arrived at the gas station Su Di had mentioned.

Su Xuan and the others got the accurate news that it was Bertram's motorcade, and Bertram's motorcade had crashed so badly.

They originally thought that Charlie and the others, who were surrounded by Bertram, should have escaped death even if they escaped, which was terrible.

Who knows, as soon as the car stopped, they saw Charlie who had already filled up the gas tank. Not only was the person intact, but the car was also intact, calmly waiting for them on the side of the road.

Seeing Su Xuan and others' car approaching, Charlie had already calmed down and said politely to Su Xuan who got out of the car: "Third brother, do you want to fill up with gas? Miss Meng said it's cheaper to fill up here."

Su Xuan: "...?"