Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 176: 176 comes from the absolute strength of the car king!


"You?" Ding Mingjing was stunned.

This kind of racing car is different from other cars. When rally racing drivers are competing, they don’t know the conditions of the track at all. Only the navigator sitting next to them can run the track in advance to explore the path.

Before today's race, Ding Mingjing had already explored the road in advance. He had cooperated with Charlie so many times. In this race, others can rest assured about the safety of these two people. After all, this kind of racing has always been bloody, and some forces want to Not only the rankings, but also the death of other racers.

When he heard that Meng Fu was going to find Li's navigator, Ding Mingjing didn't know how he felt for a moment and only looked at Su Cheng.

"Must you go?" Su Cheng paused for a second and looked at her, "This ranking is not important."

Meng Fu tilted his head and said sincerely, "Charlie and I are destined."

Su Cheng: "..."


At the same time, Charlie just finished applying the perfume. Strangely enough, when the family doctor gave him the perfume from Feng Shen Doctor yesterday, he used it very well. After all, the development rate of the medicine in the perfume is More than 10%.

But now...

Charlie looked at his arm and could clearly feel the healing and itchy feeling on the wound. It was amazing.

Perfume was first introduced as a "future reagent" conceived by masters a hundred years ago from the General Association of Perfumers. From the time the first bottle of perfume came out, it had miraculous effects.

The most famous person in the domestic fragrance industry right now is the highly regarded Feng Shen doctor.

Charlie used it himself. He could naturally feel that the perfume Miss Meng gave him just now was much more effective than the bottle of perfume medicine yesterday...

Charlie quickly and carefully put the remaining bit into the box, then put down his sleeves and prepared to go out to question Meng Fu. As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Su Cheng looking at him lightly.

Su Cheng's eyes were always very indifferent and showed no emotion at all.

Charlie used to be quiet and soft-spoken, and rarely saw Su Cheng. Now when he stared at him, Charlie felt a little flustered for no reason.

"Young Master." Charlie shook his head and bowed respectfully.

"Well," Su Cheng spoke slowly, looked away, and said only once, "I will seek stability on the track later, not ranking."

"Not asking for ranking?" Charlie felt that his hand was no longer affected, and just now he had the idea of working hard this time. When he heard Su Cheng said that he was not asking for ranking, he couldn't help but become anxious, lowered his voice, and asked Ding Mingcheng, "Why don't you ask for a ranking? Look at the great elders..."

"Because the navigator has become Miss Meng," Su Xuan, beside Ding Mingcheng, clasped his hands behind his back, solemnly told Charlie, "This kind of black market racing is extremely dangerous. It is the first time for Miss Meng to participate in this kind of racing. As long as you do your best, Just keep yourself safe.”

On the radio, the stadium announcement has sounded, "All racers and navigators, please take your places in order."

"Let's go." Meng Fu took the hat, buckled it on himself, took his own sunglasses, and raised his hand towards Charlie.


The order of appearance is based on the ranking of each force.

Every racing driver who represents his or her own power appears with great momentum.

Charlie appeared at the penultimate moment. He and Meng Fu walked through the crowd and walked to his racing car. When the people around him saw a female navigator, they all took a second look at Charlie. After all, on the racing track, no matter whether it was Female navigators and female racing drivers are both extremely rare.

But after just one glance, he looked away.

There are cheers everywhere in my ears. Today's market is divided. Every force is trying its best to invite extremely famous racing drivers. As long as the famous racing drivers have their own fans.

Charlie sat in the driver's seat and ran onto the track, while Meng Fu sat in the passenger seat. She didn't speak during the process and only paid attention to other cars.

This game was not only for himself, but also with Meng Fu sitting next to him, Charlie was very energetic.

"How did you calculate the rankings this time?" Meng Fu put his hand on the car window.

"When something happened to the patriarch of the Cole family, all the markets under his name were divided. This competition was proposed by Qingbang. The top five will each get 50%, 20%, 15%, 10%, and 5% of the division rights. ." Charlie understood this and explained it to Meng Fu.

The Cole family is a medium-sized family in the Federation. The market they own is just a pile of side dishes in Qingbang's eyes.

The actual implementation of the 5% market division right is not as good as that of a small family in the Federation, but for new families like the Su family, it is the ceiling they can get at the moment.

"Well, drive as hard as you can and don't worry about me." Meng Fu nodded to express his understanding.

She looked out the window at the other cars.

There were always sixteen forces participating this time, and I don’t know how the Su family got the right to compete.

"Ms. Meng, the perfume you gave me this afternoon..." Charlie was distracted.

Meng Fu looked at him indifferently, "It's very precious, so give me a good game and don't waste it."

When Charlie heard it, it was true.

He had just guessed that the perfume Meng Fu gave him was not simple.

"Okay, Miss Meng, fasten your seat belt," Charlie took a deep breath and nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I will do my best!"


A shot was fired from the magistrate ahead.

All the cars left the car.

Charlie's car was black and blue. He heard what Meng Fu at the departure sign said to drive as hard as he could. When the gunshot rang out, he stepped on the accelerator and ran to the train in an instant.

Bertram's team was missing this time. The others were all racers on the black market. Charlie's car was always in the middle and upper reaches.

Soon, the first bend appeared -

Meng Fu calmly held the handle and said, "There is a sandy road after the bend. Slow down to 120."

In the car, the racer had absolute trust in the co-pilot, reducing the speed from 180 to 120, and drifted past the first corner on the outer road.


The car's tires left long scratches on the curve.

Just two meters behind Charlie's car, a fiery red racing car came close to Charlie's car.

At the same time, two racing cars could be seen in the rearview mirror being knocked out of the lane, and the cars were instantly scrapped.

This kind of racing is like this. It never talks about morality. Meng Fu's face did not change at all.

"Give it the way," she said directly as she looked at the car approaching from behind. "There are still thirteen turns in the back. His car has been specially modified so you can't collide with him."

After the first bend was a sandy area, Charlie listened to Meng Fu's words and gave way to the car that was about to hit him from behind, letting them roar away.

In federal racing, it is not uncommon for cars to crash and kill people on the driveway.

Charlie is an amateur racer, and although his car has been modified, it obviously cannot withstand the collision of a professional racer.

The car at the back cost tens of millions just for the body material. It was obviously not worth it to go head-to-head with it.

In the 105 lounge, on the balcony, Su Xuan and others could just see the first corner, their hands were sweating, "Charlie's position is safe now, tenth."

There were sixteen cars, two of which were scrapped. There were four more cars behind Charlie, which were far from the fifth place. Now the four cars behind him should not be able to crash, and it would be useless if they did.

The fierce competition now should be among the top six and seven.

Especially the first and second.

For Charlie and the others, it's safe now.

Next to Su Xuan, Su Di also had a serious face, "It should be fine."

When Meng Fu was racing before, he was in the car and couldn't see the entire car's trajectory, so he didn't have a particularly clear feeling. But now standing in the audience, he could feel the danger of this racing car.

Ordinary people would have to slow down to below 40 when passing this kind of hairpin bend, but the lowest speed for these racers is 120!


After the first corner, except for the racing platform at each fixed point, there are almost no racing cars visible here. However, when you look up, you can see the big screen. On the big screen, there are projections of the racing cars on each road section. .

The battle for first and second place appeared on the huge screen.

They fought fiercely to pass the second corner, drifting neatly and whizzing past, and the whole audience cheered again.

They passed the second corner, and the three, four, five and three people on the big screen came one after another, the six and seven people were not far apart, and after that, there were eight people.

The director basically cuts the top five scenes.

After eighth, there was almost no cut.

Because the cars after the battle for fifth place are not only not interesting at all, but their skills are definitely not as good as those of the top five.

Twenty minutes passed.

The results of the competition for first and second place came out, without exception. Even though Bertram of Qingbang did not come out, they still took first and second place.

In the first place car, the man in the driver's seat raised his hand as soon as he got out of the car, and all the spectators at the scene shouted.

The difference in strength is too big.

The first and second came over, and three minutes later, the third and fourth came one after another.

On the big screen, the competition between five, six, and seventy-three cars is quite fierce.

However, the skills of these three cars are not as good as those of the previous ones, at least when it comes to overtaking in corners, they are still a little behind.

As for the cars further back, the audience barely saw them from beginning to end, except for three cars that were crashed midway.

"No, my strength is still a little bit behind!" Inside the blue racing car, Charlie pursed his lips and a trace of sweat broke out on his forehead, "I can't compare to them!"

With Meng Fu's guidance, Charlie had reached eighth place as far as possible, but he could barely see the rear of the seventh place car.

This disparity in strength made him very frustrated.

Especially when Meng Fu and Su Xuan gave him such precious medicine before!

Meng Fu took his hand away from the car window and sat up straight, "You are already very good. Overtaking in corners, do you know what the core is?"

Charlie shook his head.

Meng Fu put his hands on the steering wheel, "Don't worry about your life. When the speed reaches 200, accelerating and turning will change the weight of the car body. Next, leave it to me, you can watch."


"Charlie and the others should be here too." Seeing that the top five cars had probably been calculated, Su Xuan looked at Su Cheng and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Charlie should still be around ten, not like before. , were pretended to be out of the track, young master, let’s go down to pick up Miss Meng and the others?”

Su Cheng didn't move, just looked at the big screen for a moment.

Su Xuan and Su Di looked at each other. Su Cheng was very strange here.

He didn't even watch the classic competition between the first and second place just now, but now he watched the competition between the three cars, No. 5, Six and Seven, motionless.

Not even going down to pick up Meng Fu and the others

"Do you want to leave?" Su Xuan gestured to Su Di with his eyes.

Su Di remembered the scene on the road just now. He shook his head at Su Xuan, "Let's take a look first."

On the playing field.

The first and second place riders have already walked to the stage and are ready to leave the scene.

Most of the audience came for them, the top four were decided, and the three cars behind were nothing interesting. Everyone waved the flags in their hands, cheered for the champion, and waited for the others to come back.

It was at this time that someone looked up and glanced at the screen inadvertently, and paused instantly—

On the screen, there was originally a competition between three cars. At some point, a blue car arrogantly approached behind the seventh car.

At the penultimate hairpin turn, the seventh place reduced the speed from 180 to 150, while the blue car increased the speed from 180 to 200!

This change caught the attention of quite a few viewers.

Just as the car was about to leave the track limit, at this moment, the blue car pressed to the left with all its body strength and made a 180-degree rotation at a speed of 200 degrees!


The blue racing car roared over and passed the seventh place with a score of 200 seconds directly on the racing track!


The entire audience who was cheering for the champion was shocked. They all stood up and stared at the big screen.

On the big screen, the blue car occupies the seventh position.

There are two cars in front of it, the fifth and sixth cars respectively.

The two cars are competing for the last 5% of the quota. The entire 5% is dispensable for Qingbang, but it is not available to other families.

Both of them tried their best, almost starting and finishing side by side, occupying the track position side by side.

The difference is only half a car body.

These two cars naturally noticed it. Why would they want to give up the last spot when the car behind them came from behind

No one gave way!

The last hairpin turn!

On the big screen, everyone can see that the five and six cars are obviously slowing down, and the blue car is still rushing over at a speed of 200, without any intention of slowing down!

The cameras on the track are all high-definition cameras dedicated to racing, which can clearly capture the shadow of each car even at high speeds.

Room 150.

Su Xuan and others who were about to go down stood behind Su Cheng, looking at the blue racing car without even daring to breathe.

None of them had seen the 200-speed cornering with their own eyes. Although Su Di had experienced it himself, he did not watch it from the perspective of a spectator. Seeing this rapid life-and-death curve with his own eyes, Su Di and Su Xuan had a layer of sweat on his forehead.

At the game site, the spectators who were about to leave stopped one by one, looked at the big screen in unison, and exclaimed.

"Overtaking a 180-degree, 200-speed curve!"

“Jesus, what the hell is this blue race car doing?!”

"It didn't slow down, it didn't slow down, and it was about to collide with the two cars from No. 56!"

Everyone held their breath as they watched this blue racing car drive towards the two cars in front at the hairpin turn. The speed of the car was still 200km/h without slowing down.

Inside Charlie's car.

Meng Fu was still in the passenger seat, with her hand on Charlie's steering wheel. At a speed of 200, the trees around her were passing by!

Her expression remained unchanged, "Step on the gas."

Charlie trusted her so much that he stepped on the accelerator. Meng Fu watched the pointer stop at 210 and turned the steering wheel. The entire car was pressed against the right tire in an instant!


On the big screen, two cars, five or six, one occupied the inner lane and the other occupied the outer lane. Everyone could see the blue car coming from behind. On the way over at a speed of more than 180, the entire body rolled over!

It was obviously a speed of 180, but in everyone's eyes everything seemed to have slowed down by 100. They could clearly see -

The left tire of the blue racing car slowly lifted up and slid sideways between the five and six racing cars.

The audience watching the scene was screaming, but when they saw this scene, everyone stopped in unison.


After passing through the gap between the two cars, the left wheel fell heavily. At the same time, the entire body pressed heavily on the left front tire, making a 180-degree turn.

At the last hairpin turn, the blue racing car left five or six cars behind with its overwhelming momentum!

There are surveillance cameras throughout the game, especially the fourteen hairpin turns. Each corner has six surveillance cameras.

After the last hairpin bend, we are almost at the finish line.

People on the finish line can see the road after the hairpin bend.

Everyone watched as the blue racing car slid past the two cars with great momentum and then disappeared on the big screen.

However, no one on the finish line made a sound, but focused on the final straight ahead.

30 seconds later.

The sound of the engine came, and in a few seconds, the audience could see that on the slope in front, the blue racing car just came flying arrogantly, crossed the finish line, made a 360-degree drift, and stopped steadily. In the fifth position!


The whole place was excited!