Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 185: 185 I went through the entire T city several times, but he was the only one there!


There were many people at the main entrance of the General Painting Association. When she contacted Yan Langfeng, the other party had already told her.

Gave her a back door address.

Compared to the main entrance, there is almost no one on the road at the back entrance, and there is no guard room. You can only enter by swiping the access card.

Meng Fu opened the car door and asked Mr. Jiang to get out of the car. After listening to Mr. Jiang's words, she was silent for a moment: "... maybe."

Mr. Jiang got out of the car with a cane. Hearing this, he only glanced at Meng Fu suspiciously, not quite understanding what Meng Fu meant by "maybe".

The driver also quickly got out of the driver's seat and followed the two of them.

The back door of the Painting Association is a fence-style iron gate, which is usually where the logistics staff pass. Too many people gather at the main entrance inside, and only one car occasionally passes by the back door.

There was a cement road inside, and no one was seen on the road.

Mr. Jiang looked up and saw that no one appeared at the end of the road. Then he turned his eyes to Meng Fu and hesitated: "Your master is from the Painting Association? Isn't he in your village?"

He watched Meng Fu's variety show from beginning to end, and naturally knew that Meng Fu mentioned her master in one episode of Best Idol.

At that time, Mr. Jiang knew that Meng Fu had a master in Wanmin Village.

"That's not true. I have found a new master." Meng Fu had good eyesight and had already seen someone coming at the end of the road, so she stood up straight.

"Isn't he out yet?" Mr. Jiang continued to look into the back door.

At this time, both he and the driver could see someone approaching at the end of the road.

Mr. Jiang originally wanted to ask Meng Fu if he was her teacher, but when he saw that the leader was wearing a long robe, looking calm and powerful, and followed by several respectful subordinates, Mr. Jiang stopped asking.

Mr. Jiang is involved in business. Although he is related to the Yu family, he does not know anyone from the Painting Association, and he has never entered the Painting Association.

However, this does not prevent Mr. Jiang from looking at people. The leader looks like he is not comparable to Yu Yong in terms of momentum or other aspects, at least he is on the same level as Yu Yong.

"Move the car to the side," Mr. Jiang said to the driver, "and don't block other people's way."

There was no one at the intersection just now, so the driver parked the car by the door. Now that someone is coming out, it is inappropriate for the car to park here.

The driver also knew, he nodded, took the car keys and turned back to move the car.

inside the door.

Yan Langfeng walked in front, followed by two people holding notebooks, and behind him were three people from T City General Association.

He was instructing the two people around him, who were his assistants. At the moment, he was mainly talking about the speech he was going to give, "As for the outline I made, I also teach you those on weekdays, the video and the speech script are all In that USB flash drive, if there is an emergency, just connect with me.”

Although these two assistants are not Yan Langfeng's apprentices, they have learned a lot from Yan Langfeng.

His status in the Beijing Association is higher than that of other teachers.

In the past few years, when Yan Langfeng did not come to T City, his assistants held meetings for him. Their status in the T City Painting Association was comparable to that of the vice president.

Now that Yan Langfeng is leaving, these two assistants will naturally take over.

The group of people walked with a strong momentum, and the corners of Yan Langfeng's robe were lifted up.

When he was about to reach the door, the person behind him trotted quickly, took out the access card and opened the door.

"That's about it. When the order is maintained at the scene, ask the city lord to find a team of people to come over and maintain order." Yan Langfeng told the people around him as he left the door.

As for Mr. Jiang, with his eyesight, he could naturally tell that each of these people was different. When he saw Meng Fu standing still, he held a crutch in one hand and took Meng Fu's arm with the other, pulling her aside. He straightened his expression and lowered his voice, "Fu'er, these people should be senior officials of the Painting Association. Don't block the road."

The two of them were standing in the middle of the door, but they were pulled by Mr. Jiang and walked to the edge of the road.

Meng Fu wore a hat when she was outside. She didn't say a word when she heard Mr. Jiang's words.

The driver stopped the car at the intersection and trotted over.

After seeing Yan Langfeng's group of people leaving the door, they did not continue walking forward, but stopped at the door to talk.

"Sir, that's the director of the Cultural Bureau..." When the driver saw the face of the man holding the access card behind Yan Langfeng, he couldn't help but paused and whispered in Mr. Jiang's ear very quietly.

The Jiang family’s driver came to the Painting Association more than once to pick up people.

The more I came here, the more I came to know the several vice-presidents of the Painting Association, one of whom is the director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

In line with the principle of respecting strangers, Mr. Jiang did not look carefully. When he heard the driver's words, he glanced inadvertently.

The director of the Cultural Bureau of T City often appears in local news and newspapers in T City. Although Mr. Jiang has no contact with the Cultural Bureau, he reads the news and newspapers every day.

He squinted his eyes. This man appeared at the Painting Association. With such momentum, the driver said he was the director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. Mr. Jiang did not doubt it at all.

Thinking about the fact that the director of the Cultural Bureau had just jogged to open the door for the person at the front, Mr. Jiang glanced at the driver, and then took Meng Fu a step back.

You can ask someone from the Cultural Affairs Bureau to open the door for you.

Mr. Jiang was very careful. Apart from the city lord of T city and the president of the painting association from Beijing, there was no third person in T city.

Mr. Jiang looked solemn.

Although the Jiang family is now one of the top wealthy families in T City, it is just a "rich family". Unlike these "powerful people", these people may decide the life or death of a wealthy family as soon as they open their mouth.

"Wait until they leave." Mr. Jiang tilted his head and whispered in Meng Fu's ear.


"That's it, you can go back." After Yan Langfeng told the people around him, he waved his hand for them to go back.

He raised his head and looked around, and saw three people huddled in the corner by the door. Although Meng Fu was wearing a peaked cap, Yan Langfeng could recognize her at a glance.

He raised his eyebrows, waved to the people around him, signaling them to leave, then raised his feet and walked directly towards Meng Fu.

"Didn't you say you don't want to learn painting?" Mr. Jiang asked Meng Fu, still tilting his head.

Next to him, the driver didn't know what he saw. For the first time, he boldly reached out and poked Mr. Jiang's arm: "Old... Master..."

"What?" Mr. Jiang tilted his head and followed the driver's gaze.

Then they saw the man who had just been walking in front of the Cultural Bureau walking towards them. His face looked slightly older, his eyes were cloudy but sharp, and he had his hands behind his back, looking very imposing.

The other party's purpose is very clear, which is to come towards them.

Mr. Jiang didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly turned his head to look at Meng Fu.

This person won't...

Just as he was thinking about it, Meng Fu had taken off his hat and stood up straight. She was not surprised at all. She just waved to Yan Langfeng in a normal way and said hello: "Teacher, are you done here?"

"Well," Yan Langfeng smiled when he saw Meng Fu, and his eyes naturally turned to the old man next to Meng Fu, "This is..."

"This is my grandpa," Meng Fu pointed at Mr. Jiang and introduced him, then said to Mr. Jiang, "Grandpa, this is the master I worshiped some time ago. He taught me how to draw."

Yan Langfeng also guessed the identity of the old man in front of him, and was not surprised. He only extended his hand kindly, "Hello, Master Jiang. I am Meng Fu's master, Yan Langfeng."

Yanlang Peak.

Most people in the Painting Association and T City have never heard of this name.

But most people have heard the words "President Yan".

At least Mr. Jiang heard Yu Yong mention "President Yan" more than once.

Mr. Jiang had been guessing before that there was no other person besides Chairman Yan who could be accompanied by the Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

Mr. Jiang and the driver just stood next to the two of them. Listening to the two people talking, their minds suddenly exploded.

Mr. Jiang has been in the shopping mall for many years and has experienced countless ups and downs. He was able to handle Meng Fu's MS perfume incident last time.

This was the first time that he felt as if he had been hit by five thunderbolts. His mind was numb and he could not react for a moment.

Because no matter how he thinks, he can't think of Chairman Yan.

The Yu family has struggled for decades, and Yu Yong has only reached the stage of Vice Chairman of T City, but he is still far from the status of Chairman Yan.

Although Mr. Jiang had previously thought of letting Meng Fu become Yu Yong's teacher, this would give her more artistic points.

But Mr. Jiang and Jiang Quan both knew in their hearts that they saw Meng Fu always wearing a filter and asked Yu Yong to accept Meng Fu as his disciple. They also hoped that Yu Yong would agree because Meng Fu was his daughter.

After all, Jiang Xinran had been painting since primary school, but Meng Fu had never learned it.

It was a bit dangerous for Meng Fu to worship Yu Yongdu. Mr. Jiang never dared to think about it. She worshiped a teacher, and this teacher was Yan Langfeng.

Not to mention Mr. Jiang, even the driver beside him knew what this meant.

President Yan's apprentice, not only in T City, but even in the capital, no one dares to underestimate him.

The three words "President Yan" are the best signboards. Not to mention the future, right now, the five words "President Yan's apprentice" are enough to firmly put pressure on Yongtou!

Mr. Jiang's head was a little dizzy. When he looked at Yan Langfeng's outstretched hand, he felt a little unreal.

He also stretched out his hand tremblingly, and his voice sounded floating: "Hello, I am Meng Fu's grandfather..."


Jiang family.

After Mr. Jiang left, Yu Zhenling came back. Seeing that Mr. Jiang was not at home, she entertained Yang Hua.

"These are all Xinran's things." Yu Zhenling took Yang Hua around Jiang Xinran's room, and then took her to Jiang Xinran's painting studio. "The paintings here are all painted by Xinran."

Yu Zhenling pointed to the paintings hanging around and spoke calmly.

Yang Hua took a look.

She doesn't know how to paint, but she has seen a lot of paintings, but this painting is not as good as Master Meng Fu's.

Yang Hua looked at it, then withdrew his gaze and looked at the trophies and certificates surrounding him.

Seeing Yang Hua like this, Yu Zhenling did not explain to her that these paintings had been in art exhibitions.

No need.

"This is her top student since childhood. These are all the competition awards she has won. She just got an provincial grade three in mathematics last time." Seeing Yang Hua looking at the wall of awards, Yu Zhenling continued to speak, with pride in her tone. "Here are the first and second prizes she won for painting, and here are her fifth-level piano certificates,..."

Yu Zhenling said this to Yang Hua just because she wanted him to know how good she had trained Jiang Xinran.

Jiang Xinran was indeed well trained by her and the Yu family.

After saying that, she turned to Yang Hua, but Yang Hua just nodded, with no pride or excitement on his face, not even the slightest bit of surprise.

What's the reaction

Yu Zhenling was too lazy to say anything more. When she heard the noise downstairs, she took Yang Hua downstairs and said, "Xinchen and Xinran are back."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Hua paused.

Downstairs, it was indeed Jiang Quan who brought Jiang Xinran and Jiang Xinchen back.

"Aunt Yang." Jiang Xinchen glanced at Yang Hua. She was dressed differently than he imagined. She was not facing the loess and her clothes were clean and tidy.

Jiang Xinchen put down his book and greeted him politely.

Jiang Quan had met Yang Hua before and said hello to her before turning to Jiang Xinran at the end and said, "Xinran, call someone."

Yang Hua looked up at Jiang Xinran.

Jiang Xinran was not wearing her school uniform today. She was wearing a plaid sweater underneath and a custom-made coat on the outside. Her straight hair was hung behind her head with a crystal hairpin on each side.

From the hair to the soles of the feet, everything looks noble.

Yang Hua, who stood in front of her, seemed to be from two different worlds.

Jiang Xinran pursed her lips and said, "Aunt Yang."

This was the first time the two met, and they were also very alienated.

Jiang Quan left space for them, "I'll go up and see Fu'er's cousin."

Yu Zhenling couldn't help but squeeze her palms. She sat on the sofa and talked to Yang Hua with a smile: "Last week, Xinran just got the notice of the rematch of the Youth Competition of the Painting Association."

Yang Hua had never studied painting, and Meng Fu didn't like it before. Naturally, she didn't know, so she subconsciously asked: "Painting Association, Qing Sai?"

I don’t even know about the Youth Competition of the Painting Association.

Jiang Xinran pursed her lips tighter and said no more.

Yu Zhenling, on the other hand, picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, covered the sarcasm in her eyes, smiled, and explained, "It's a competition held by the Painting Association, a national competition for young people, and those who performed well in it, Can be favored by teachers from Beijing Association."

Yang Hua has been in Wanmin Village and has almost never been out. She has never heard of the Youth Competition of the Painting Association.

But she could slightly hear Yu Zhenling's tone, which made Yang Hua feel a little uncomfortable.

Yu Zhenling looked at Jiang Xinran's expression. She didn't seem to like Yang Hua very much. Her goal was achieved.

Yu Zhenling didn't say anything. She put down her teacup and looked at Jiang Xinchen: "Xinchen, I'm taking your sister to attend a class at the Painting Association. The president of the Painting Association is here today. This class only happens once in a few years. I've already told you Grandpa said, you can tell your father when he comes down later."

Jiang Xinchen didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing these words, he just raised his head and said, "But Aunt Yang..."

"This is President Yan's class. Your uncle Qian Dingzhu Wan gave instructions." Yu Zhenling took the bag and left directly with Jiang Xinran.

Jiang Xinran took her schoolbag directly. She glanced at Jiang Xinchen and bit her lip: "Brother, I will give you a lecture next time."

Before seeing Yang Hua, Jiang Xinran still had a bit of luck. Seeing Yang Hua, Jiang Xinran was filled with disgust and impatience.

As for the cousin upstairs whom she had never met, Jiang Xinran didn't want to take another look.



Meng Xun was doing the exercises given to her by Meng Fu. When Jiang Quan came in, she stood up and said hello to him, neither condescending nor overbearing, "Uncle Jiang."

These two people met two years ago. At that time, Yang Hua didn't want to see them because Meng Xun was busy.

A girl who is a freshman in high school is very organized and not afraid at all when meeting the Jiang family.

Jiang Quan also admired her very much. Thinking of Meng Fu, his voice became several times gentler, "You continue to do the questions. I will ask the servant to call you down after dinner."

I saw Meng Xun, but I didn’t see Yu Zhenling when I went downstairs.

Jiang Quan frowned.

Jiang Quan was unhappy when he heard Jiang Xinchen's explanation, but he didn't show it when Yang Hua was there. He and Jiang Xinchen took Yang Hua outside to visit the Jiang family garden, and waited for Mr. Jiang to come back.

It was getting late now, and the lights in the garden were as bright as day because of the guests at home.

The Jiang family garden is taken care of by gardeners, and there are many famous flowers in it.

Jiang Yuan was willing because he didn't want Yang Hua to be restrained, but he didn't expect that when Yang Hua was restrained at first, Jiang Quan lowered his attitude, and her subsequent chat with him became smoother, "The Spring Gladiolus is well taken care of."

The gardener was repairing the flower garden. When he heard Yang Hua's words, he was surprised and then pleasantly surprised, "Mrs. Yang, you also know this flower."

In the entire Jiang family, except Mr. Jiang, who loves orchids, no one knows that the orchid he took care of carefully was bought by the old man for hundreds of thousands.

The gardener knew that he had met an expert, so he talked to Yang Hua about the precautions for raising spring gladioli.

The two people were chatting. Jiang Quan and Jiang Xinchen looked at each other and couldn't say anything.

Jiang Quan was also surprised. He knew the details of Yang Hua. How did she know Spring Gladiolus

Jiang Quan didn't have time to think too much. There was a car horn honking outside.

"Grandpa must be back," Jiang Xinchen finally cheered up. He walked towards the door and said, "I'll open the door."