Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 197: 197 I want to make money every day


Most people may not know the words "life base" when they hear it, but Dr. Luo, who has attended classes and signed a confidentiality agreement, will naturally know it.

This is the last defensive base left to the world by the Federation for a rainy day.

There is a copy of everything about life sciences in the world.

Dr. Luo only knew that the life base was on an island, and he had heard some lectures from the teacher.

But Dr. Luo really didn't expect that one day he would actually see a report card from the "Life Base".

"Mr. Luo?" Next to him, the director of T City Hospital glanced at Dr. Luo and asked in a low voice, "Is this really detected?"

The director of T City Hospital also saw the words "life base", but he didn't know the meaning behind these four words.

"Well," Dr. Luo waved his hand directly and handed the report to Dean T City, "Go to the pharmaceutical department. Mr. Jiang pushed him to the intensive care unit. Did you just monitor him?"

"Yes, I'll call it." Dean T City took it and sent the electronic file to the Pharmaceutical Department.

But he was still looking at the door, and he was still very shocked. This was the first time he had seen an operation that combined traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine.

The two most difficult levels were passed, and Dr. Luo was no longer needed. He sat directly in front of the computer to watch the monitoring.

While Meng Fu moved the knife, he inserted three needles into the acupuncture points on Mr. Jiang's body.

In their judgment, Mr. Jiang's body could never withstand this kind of surgery. The only change was the three needles inserted by Meng Fu.

Dr. Luo watched the three acupuncture points that Meng Fu inserted intently, and wrote them down for study.


Outside the emergency room.

Other doctors are still inside to monitor the situation.

Meng Fu came out first. As soon as she came, everyone in the corridor gathered around her.

"The doctor just said your grandpa is fine?" Jiang Quan asked first.

Meng Fu said "hmm", she pressed her temples, her face turned pale.

Jiang Quan, Jiang and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" Su Cheng came over and raised his head.

When he was talking, Jiang Quan and Yan Langfeng also noticed that Meng Fu's face was unusually pale, and Yan Langfeng frowned.

"Have you not had a good rest?" Jiang Quan stepped aside and let Meng Fu sit on the plastic stool. "Have a rest."

"It's okay," Meng Fu didn't sit down and just looked at the others, "I want to go back and have a rest."

Everyone in the corridor knew that Meng Fu was dug out from under the mountain just yesterday. At this time, she was not feeling well, so they all advised her to rest quickly, "Can the doctor take a look at you?"

Jiang Quan's eyes lit up knowing that Mr. Jiang was fine.

"No, I'll go back." Meng Fu held the phone in his hand and asked Zhao Fan to go back with her.

She left, and Su Cheng and Su Di didn't stay anymore and left together.

After they left, the nurse also pushed the old man out of the emergency room.

Although the old man looked pale, the heart rate on the display screen was normal, and everyone in the corridor breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Langfeng was also surprised. No one in the corridor had forgotten that Mr. Jiang had originally declared that he was hopeless. After Meng Fu mentioned the federation, the hopeless old man was saved.

Thinking about this matter with his toes, he also knew that it had something to do with Meng Fu.

"The Federation..." Yan Langfeng was also surprised. Does his disciple know anyone from the Federation

Who doesn't know that no matter which force is involved with the Federation, it will not be simple, not to mention that the headquarters of several major international leaders are in the Federation.


On Meng Fu's side, Zhao Fan and others sent her back, and she went back to her room to sleep.

In the past few days since she disappeared, the news on the Internet has been blocked. Later, the old man also came out. Zhao Fan didn't have time to deal with the news about Meng Fu on the Internet. Now that the old man's life was not in danger, Zhao Fan went back to announce Meng Fu's death. messages, and schedule work processes.

One sleeps and the other handles business.

"Master, where are you going now?" After sending Zhao Fan back, Su Di looked in the rearview mirror.

Su Cheng raised his eyes and said in a warm voice, "Go find Wei Jingke."

Wei Jingke and City Master Chen went to find the Chu family.

Su Di nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and turned to City Lord Chen.

Not long after, the car drove to the place where City Master Chen always worked.

Wei Jingke and City Master Chen had been waiting at the door for a long time. When they saw Su Cheng getting out of the car, Wei Jingke walked over and said, "Brother Cheng, Chu Xiao is missing."

Hearing this, Su Cheng opened the car door and paused.

In the driver's seat, Su Di also closed the door, shocked, "Chu Xiao is missing?"

The Chu family is so big, how could he just run away like that

The ancient martial arts world has its own rules. If Chu Xiao behaves like this, he will be expelled from the ancient martial arts world and will not die. However, if he offends the Painting Association and the Su family, no one will dare to stand up for Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao's behavior of detaining the dean will result in imprisonment. With Chu Xiao's current situation, he must know that the old man is fine, so he will do his best to ensure that he is fine.

In any case, he should not abscond. This would be too unbecoming of a family leader.

"Yes, it's very suspicious," Wei Jingke also frowned, "When we went to Chu's house, Chu Xiao's confidants said that Chu Xiao was in the study, but when we broke in, there was no one in the study, and even the study was closed."

The strange thing is here.

This Chu Xiao really ran away.

Wei Jingke and City Master Chen searched for four hours, but couldn't find any information.

"Weird..." Su Di frowned and glanced at City Master Chen.

The three people were talking, and the sweat on City Master Chen's back almost wet his clothes, "Young Master Su, I..."

He really has never protected Chu Xiao, and he even went out of his way to arrest Chu Xiao with Wei Jingke. Who knows how such a thing could happen...

Is this Chu Xiao still flying? !

Su Cheng frowned, and while going inside, he said, "Give me all the information."

There must be something wrong somewhere.


Meng Fu's side.

After everyone left, she opened the door and walked through the opposite door with ease.

The neighbor across the door has obviously not been back for months, and dust can be clearly seen on the furniture in the room.

Meng Fu turned a blind eye and saw a key on the table. She took it directly and closed the door.

This is the key to a Volkswagen. The car is parked downstairs. Since no one has driven it for several months, the car has a layer of dust and dead leaves on it.

Meng Fu got directly into the driver's seat and drove out.

At the gate of the community, the security guard saw the car driving out from a distance. He hurriedly opened the door, stood up and let the car drive out.

The Volkswagen slowly drove into traffic.

The cell phone in his pocket rang. Meng Fu lowered his head and saw that it was Wei Jin.

From "Best Idol", Wei Jin, Chu Yue and others even opened a small group. Meng Fu usually lurks, but the four of them have a good relationship.

Meng Fu was hacked twice, and all three of them came out to speak.

Meng Fu pressed the Bluetooth headset.

"I saw your manager's Weibo. Just be fine," Wei Jin sighed, "Don't rush forward if nothing happens in the future."

"I know." Meng Fu raised his eyebrows.

Wei Jin: " know it, you know it, how dare you do it next time?"

Meng Fu: "..."

At a red light, Meng Fu stopped the car.

"You should pay attention." Wei Jin was still busy recording the program. At this point, he was about to hang up. "You had an accident two days ago. Yueyue was so anxious that she even bought a plane ticket to go to M City. Please stop recording. After one episode, her variety show is going to terminate her contract..."


When the light turned green, Meng Fu stepped on the accelerator and tapped the steering wheel slightly, "What show?"

"We are friends," Wei Jin said a few words to Meng Fu, then hung up the phone after making sure Meng Fu was okay. "Hang up. After you recover from your injury in two days, we will go have hot pot."

The two hung up the phone, and Meng Fu kept what Wei Jin said in his heart.


T City, an abandoned warehouse.

The black van parked at the door.

Two tall young men stood beside the car.

If there are people from the capital here, they will definitely recognize that these two people are the two vice-presidents of the Capital Military Association, Yu Wen and Yu Wu.


Yu Wen's communicator rang.

It's his boss.

"Has anyone arrived yet?" M Xia's voice was calm.

Yu Wen looked at the intersection and shook his head: "Chu Xiao caught him, but your friend hasn't arrived yet."

"That should be soon." On the other end of the communicator, M Xia stopped the car. "When people arrive later, please show some respect to me, brothers."

"The boss I know, who is here? Is it Mr. Mask?" Yu Wen looked at the end of the road.

Except for mask, the big boss of the past few centuries, Yu Wen couldn't think of anyone who could make M Xia fight like this.

"Your dad." On the other end of the phone, M Xia picked up the takeaway.

M Xia had only described one person in this way. Yu Wen immediately remembered it and exclaimed: "A boss who wants to make money every day?"

The one who turned Skynet upside down a few days ago, and then they couldn't catch him? !

Why is this person so much more outrageous than their boss? Why not stay in the Federation and live in a small T city? !

Does the T City police know that there is a big shot in the top ten most wanted list of Skynet

Are you unhappy that the Chu family in T City is looking for that person because their brains have been confused? !

At the intersection, a dirty car drove towards this direction.