Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 198: The 198 boss’s saucy operation is truly someone you can’t afford to offend (1)


Yu Wen and Yu Wu were M Xia's confidants, and they happened to be investigating a case nearby these two days.

Meng Fu asked M Xia for help, and M Xia would not fool her casually.

Directly mobilized his two generals.

These two confidants also knew M Xia's circle very well. Mask and Enoki often cooperated with M Xia. When they went to the Federation, mask even invited them to dinner.

Louis is a little more aggressive.

A big money maker needs to be mysterious.

M Xia said that that person was "Dad", this money-making master who helped them. When M Xia was hunted down by a group of killers in the Federation, it was this money-making master who contacted the elusive ghost doctor, and M Xia had a chance to survive.

It was also from that time that M Xia also had a say in the Federation.

After all, there is a ghost doctor behind him.

Because of this, the people in the Beijing Military Association are more respectful to Mask who wants to make money every day than they often cooperate with him.

Yu Wen hung up the phone and looked towards the intersection.

He and Yu Wu both had very good eyesight and could clearly see the car at the intersection. It was a Volkswagen. It could be seen that it was not a modified car and the body of the car was a little dirty.

After looking at the car, Yu Wen and Yu Wu looked at each other.

That should be a passing car, isn't it a master

The two of them were thinking.


The not-so-clean car swung its tail and stopped steadily in front of them.

Yu Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

A young woman wearing a black windbreaker and blue jeans got out of the driver's seat. She held a box in one hand and took off the black sunglasses on her nose with the other. Her peach blossom eyes were filled with chill.

Seeing the two of them standing by the door, she raised her hand lightly, put her sunglasses on her collar, and walked directly inside, her windbreaker curled up: "Take me to see Chu Xiao."

The tone was unhurried, but the momentum was not weak.

Meng Fu took two steps, but when she saw that the two of them didn't follow her, she crossed her arms over her chest, tilted her head toward the two of them, and raised her eyebrows: "Xia Xia didn't tell you?"

Yu Wen and Yu Wu were also used to being around M Xia. They walked in dangerous areas all year round, and their bodies were so full of blood evil that ordinary people would not dare to look at them when they saw them.

The woman in front of them saw that they were not only calm and lazy, but also shocked them by saying "Xia Xia".

Dare to call M Xia "Xia Xia"...

Yu Wen and Yu Wu couldn't help but think of a possibility. These two people had seen all kinds of ups and downs. But when they thought of this possibility, they opened their mouths, but they still couldn't hold it back.

"Great God?"

Yu Wen reacted quickly, and he had basically confirmed his inner thoughts, "Master, I will take you in."

With that said, he took the lead and led the way.

This was an abandoned warehouse, and Chu Xiao was locked in a room, surrounded by people from the Military Association.

Meng Fu asked Yu Wen and Yu Wu to stop outside the door, and she opened the door directly and went in.


inside the door.

Chu Xiao was detained on the ground, and he was scared in his heart. Who caught him? When he heard someone opening the door, he looked up and saw that it was Meng Fu. He breathed a sigh of relief, "It's you? You're not dead after all." ”

Seeing that the other party was Meng Fu, Chu Xiao was no longer afraid.

"You took my grandfather's spices and added insult to injury, causing him to almost die?" Meng Fu squatted in front of him and looked at him calmly.

"Your grandfather is not dead yet? Haha, if this is the case, even if you catch me, the perfumer behind you will not stand up for you because of this trivial matter." Chu Xiao heard that Mr. Jiang was not dead, but He was no longer afraid and spoke in a coherent manner, "My father will come to protect me in an hour at most. I will find a few scapegoats at most for this matter. Do you know who our Chu family will be the day after tomorrow? The Feng family in Beijing!"

"Beijing Feng Family?" Meng Fu pointed at the box in his hand, looked at Chu Xiao with a smile, and raised his eyebrows, "Awesome."

"I know the Su family is behind you, but the Feng family is not weaker than the Su family now. Do you know who Miss Feng is? Do you think the Su family will offend a growing perfumer for you?!" Looking at Meng Fu's tone seemed to be weaker, and Chu Xiao's tone became more confident.

This time he kicked the iron plate and fell down.

After hearing this, Meng Fu also laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Chu Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing," Meng Fu threw the opened box in front of him, still smiling, "Don't you want the sandalwood from our Jiang family? I have more here, do you still want it?"

What does Meng Fu mean by this

Chu Xiao was stunned, and looked down at the sandalwood in the box. They were all very new fragrances, slightly different from the previous ones, "Do you want to reconcile with me now?"

Why did she suddenly show him this

"Reconciliation? Head of the Chu family, please look at the sandalwood base first." Meng Fu crossed his hands and reminded him kindly.

Chu Xiao's eyes focused on the base of the sandalwood. This sandalwood was different from the ones sold on the market. There was a section at the end of the sandalwood that was slightly thicker and circular. If you didn't pay attention, no one would notice this detail.

Chu Xiao looked at the sandalwood base carefully. After Meng Fu reminded him, he finally saw a small "blue" character on the protruding ring.

Chu Xiao sneered and before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly remembered something. He moved his eyes away from the sandalwood and looked at Meng Fu in fear, "You... this..."

This is…

Blues fragrance!

"Master Chu," Meng Fu looked at Chu Xiao and smiled gently, "I forgot to tell you that the MS fragrance blending does have something to do with me, because it was the result of my own work."

Chu Xiao's brain exploded with a "boom", and he collapsed to the ground.

Blues fragrance has not appeared in underground auctions for two years.

But in the ancient martial arts world, no one doesn’t know Blues.

Although it has not appeared in the past two years, it has always been a legend in the world. It has been the number one perfumer on Skynet for three years, and no one can replicate it.

Chu Xiao also listened to these as legends.

He never thought that he would see Blues Fragrance again, and he would see it in an unknown wealthy family in T City!

Chu Xiao, who had never been worried about himself, finally began to be frightened at this time. He looked at Meng Fu, his eyes lost confidence, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Meng Fu took out a silver needle and traced it on Chu Xiao's body with a smile: "Do you know what it feels like to have a cardiac arrest?"

She was smiling, but Chu Xiao felt that the person in front of him was a devil!

A silver needle was inserted into an acupuncture point on the top of his head, and Chu Xiao's heart felt like it was being shattered. He had never been afraid in his life, but the second the silver needle was inserted, he really felt what death was.

"As for me, I have always been a good and law-abiding citizen. If you collect my grandfather's things, send people to M City honestly, and don't find anyone to touch my grandfather, then everything will be easy." Meng Fu said, and then He took out a silver needle and gestured with it.

It's a pity that the Chu family has always been domineering and has been rushing to kill everyone from the beginning.

Chu Xiao had already felt the pain of broken bones. He couldn't help but scream, his face turned pale, and the sweat on his head poured down like a waterfall. It was obvious that he had no injuries on his body, but this kind of pain made him want to die.

Meng Fu clapped his hands, stood up, and looked at him condescendingly, "Enjoy yourself, you still have a long life."

After saying that, she turned around, opened the door and went out.

Outside the door, Yu Wen and Yu Wu were both there.

Meng Fu looked at the two of them and said, "Take him back to Xia Xia."

"Yes." Yu Wen and Yu Wu were respectful.

Meng Fu's face was abnormally pale. She put her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose and left.

After she left, Yu Wen and Yu Wu sent her directly out of the warehouse. After the car left, the two looked at each other.

Yu Wen called M Xia directly.

On the other end of the phone, M Xia was still experiencing life. She had just been given a bad review because she didn't smile when delivering food.

M Xia endured the matter of picking up a knife and going to the client.

When she smiled at mask, mask was scared.

Why are there still people asking her to laugh

When she received the call, she sat on the electric donkey and said, "Have you seen anyone?"

"Ah," Yu Wen responded, his voice a little weak, "Boss, do you know that the great master... she is just a girl under twenty years old..."

Hearing this sentence, M Xia was happy on the other end of the phone.

She wasn't that surprised, and she calmed down about being criticized negatively. She raised her eyebrows and said, "I know, she will take the college entrance examination next year."

Yu Wen: “…”

"Then, Mr. Mask and the others also know?" Yu Wen said silently.

"They don't know." M Xia rode on the donkey and continued to look for the next house.

Those people in the group who want to sleep every day are the best to M Xia, but they are just average to others, so much so that even Louis didn't find out who the person who wants to sleep every day is.

After all, it is extremely difficult to detect a hacker who can disguise himself.

Yu Wen felt a little better. He would also make money if he took it to Mr. Xia Xia Mask one day. "Boss, the master wants to put people in our place."

"Bring it back and I'll have someone pick you up." M Xia said straightforwardly.

After the two hung up the phone, Yu Wen ordered someone outside to catch Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao still had cold sweat on his head. After knowing that Meng Fu had the blue incense in his hand, he fell into panic. He didn't know Yu Wen and Yu Wu, but even looking at the attitudes of these people, he knew that they were not Easy to mess with.

Seeing that someone was arresting him, Chu Xiao was no longer as proud as the head of the Chu family at the beginning.

"Please let me see Miss Meng. I, I, Chu Xiao, are willing to surrender to her." At this point, Chu Xiao clenched his fists. "From now on, I will only serve her as my master! I am absolutely loyal!"

People in the ancient martial arts world who can say these words are already absolutely loyal.

After listening to Chu Xiao's words, Yu Wen only glanced at him lightly and did not respond.

I thought to myself that this "Miss Meng" should be a great god.

The great god didn't say her name. In the current situation, Yu Wen knew the identity of the great god with just a little research. However, out of respect for her, Yu Wen didn't ask anyone to check.

He ignored Chu Xiao and just let his subordinates continue to arrest people.

Chu Xiao was even more frightened. He was caught in the car. He looked at Yu Wen and Yu Wu and said loudly: "I will also convince the entire Chu family to surrender to Miss Meng. From now on, the Chu family will be loyal to Miss Meng. Heart!"

For Chu Xiao, these words were already putting aside his dignity.

But he also has his own considerations, and it would not be a loss if the entire Chu family can recognize one perfumer as the master.

Meng Fu admitted that she was a perfumer, and Chu Xiao had no doubt at all. In fact, Chu Xiao even suspected that Meng Fu was a disciple of the "Blues" perfumer!

Although the Chu family is nothing in the capital city, it is still a local leader in T city with a huge wealth. Chu Xiao originally thought that after he said these things, the two people in front of him would be shaken, but he found that Yu Wen and Yu Wu didn't seem to have anything at all. heard.

The situation was weaker than expected, and Chu Xiao knew that if he didn't seize this opportunity well, his future journey would...

"You two, please help me contact Miss Meng! I will definitely thank you deeply!" Chu Xiao narrowed his eyes, lowered his attitude again, and begged these two people through gritted teeth.

"Okay, stop talking," Yu Wu, who was looking down at his phone, finally couldn't help it. He turned back, glanced at Chu Xiao, and said in a calm tone: "Mr. Mask of the terrorist organization and the young master of the federal equipment invited Miss Meng to join She doesn't even bother to go, let alone your family, which I've never even heard of."

When mask was explaining this to them, he complained to M Xia, and Yu Wu heard it.

Yu Wu was not surprised. After all, great gods of this level did not like to be restrained.

The Federal Military Association also invited their boss to sit in, but their boss would rather deliver food than go.

Yu Wu said not caring much, but Chu Xiao looked at him in horror after hearing this.

He didn't know who the mask was.

But he has heard of terrorist organizations and federal equipment!

Federal equipment controls the world's largest arms trade!

A terrorist organization, an organization that even Skynet can't do anything about!

If either of these two forces stomps their feet, the world will be shaken. Those who can come into contact with these two forces are almost all people of the same level.

Meng Fulian is too lazy to go to these two places? Who is she? Do you even know people from Federal Equipment