Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 200: 200 Yu Zhenling regretted that Brother Fu wanted to take Jiang Xinchen to fly


With that said, Jiang Yu opened the door and let City Master Chen in.

"I'm here to see Mr. Jiang," City Master Chen looked past Yu Zhenling towards the door and greeted Meng Fu very politely, "Miss Meng, is Mr. Jiang okay?"

Just as a disciple of President Yan, Meng Fu could afford to be called "Miss Meng" by him.

Because Jiang Yu didn't introduce Yu Zhenling to him at all, and City Lord Chen didn't know Yu Zhenling, he didn't talk to Yu Zhenling and walked directly past Yu Zhenling inside.

Meng Fu also came to see Mr. Jiang's condition today.

As soon as Yu Zhenling arrived, she called Zhao Fan and asked her to help contact Chu Yue's variety show, "We Are Friends."

"We Are Friends" is moderately popular online, far less popular than "A Day for a Celebrity".

But when he heard that it was Chu Yue's show, Zhao Fan didn't refuse and went to help Meng Fu contact Chu Yue's agent.

After she called Zhao Fan, she heard City Master Chen calling her.

"City Master Chen," Meng Fu put down his cell phone, stood up, and offered a seat to City Master Chen, "He is out of danger..."

"That's good." City Lord Chen breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the room without sitting down. Instead, he started chatting with Meng Fu.

The key is that the tone in which he spoke to Meng Fu was that he treated Meng Fu as an equal.

Yu Zhenling stood at the door, still not reacting.

Jiang Yu didn't speak just now. She only thought that the middle-aged man at the door looked familiar, but she didn't think much about it. After all, she had been in the Jiang family for so many years and she knew all the connections the Jiang family had.

But after hearing Jiang Yu's words, Yu Zhenling had already thought of who this person was...

In the entire T city, apart from the Chu family and the Chen family, these two families are considered the two giants in T city.

Although the Tong family has already shown its prominence, Tong Eryu has just entered the ancient martial arts world and is still just an ordinary wealthy family, ranking below these two families.

There is an unbridgeable gap in the middle.

Before coming, Yu Zhenling and Yu Yong discussed how the Jiang family escaped.

But I never expected that when I came to the hospital to see Mr. Jiang, I would see City Master Chen

Yu Zhenling could no longer bear this kind of gaze and planned to leave, but now, her feet seemed to be nailed to the spot and she could not move.

Jiang Yu took the water back, then walked to the door without looking at Yu Zhenling, and closed the door with a bang.

All the sounds of City Lord Chen and Meng Fu talking were shut behind the door.

Yu Zhenling turned back stiffly, feeling even more terrified. Not to mention Meng Fu, Yu Zhenling's hands began to tremble when she thought of the way Jiang Xinchen looked at her just now.

She didn't know how she got out of the hospital, let alone how she got back to Yu's house.

When she returned, the Yu family servant poured her a cup of tea.

Upstairs, Yu Yong had already pointed out Jiang Xinran's final painting. He held a scroll in his hand and followed Jiang Xinran while saying: "As long as you can get top five in this rematch, you will definitely reach the minimum threshold of the Beijing Painting Association. , I will send your painting to the Painting Association first."

"I will work hard, uncle." Jiang Xinran straightened her expression.

"Brother," Yu Zhenling held the tea cup unconsciously and looked at Yu Yong blankly, "I just came back from the old man's place..."

Hearing Yu Zhenling mention the old man, Yu Yong and Jiang Xinran also stopped.

Yu Yong looked at her and pursed his lower lip, "How is he?"

"It's not life-threatening, and..." Yu Zhenling's hand holding the teacup tightened. She paused at this point, "When I left, I saw City Master Chen also going to see the old man."

Yu Yong took Jiang Xinran's paintings and prepared to go out.

Hearing Yu Zhenling's voice, he casually said "hmm".

After taking two steps, he realized what he was doing. He slowly turned his head and looked at Yu Zhenling, "Who are you talking about?"

"City Master Chen." This time, Yu Zhenling said without hesitation.

Everyone knows the status of the Chen family in T City. Except for the Chu family, no one can have a relationship with the Chen family.

Hearing "City Lord Chen" mentioned again, Yu Yong also forgot about going to the Painting Association. He only tilted his head and moved the corner of his mouth, "Are you serious?"

"There is absolutely no mistake." Yu Zhenling also confirmed this matter several times. When she came back, she even searched for the photos of City Lord Chen by accident.

If Mrs. Tong said that the Jiang family had escaped disaster in the morning, Yu Yong just regretted that he had acted too hastily. At that time, he should not have been so impulsive and instigated Yu Zhenling to divorce.

Now that Yu Zhenling said this, Yu Yong finally doubted himself.

Chen family.

Yu Yong's position in the Painting Association has reached its peak now, and there is no room for improvement. If he works hard for another ten years, he may not be able to establish a relationship with the Chen family. Everything he does is just for the Yu family to climb up.

He couldn't understand why the Jiang family, which had been so inconspicuous before, got to know the Chen family

Thinking of the previous incident between the Chu family and the Jiang family, the Yu family had stood by the Jiang family and turned a blind eye to Jiang Xinchen's phone calls. Yu Yong understood that given Mr. Jiang's character, there was probably no way he could reconcile with the Jiang family.

When the Chu family faced off against the Jiang family, both Chu families were slightly defeated.

Now with the support of the Chen family, it is only a matter of time before the Jiang family becomes a wealthy family in T City.

Thinking of this, Yu Yong felt that his intestines were turning green and twisted into a ball.

"Uncle..." Seeing the ever-changing expression on Yu Yong's face, Jiang Xinran knew what he was thinking and couldn't help calling him in a low voice.

Hearing Jiang Xinran's voice, Yu Yong came back to his senses.

He glanced at Jiang Xinran, then took a deep breath and patted Xinran on the shoulder: "I'm fine. Xinran, whether our Yu family can move to the capital in the future depends on you."

He worked hard to train Jiang Xinran, just so that she could pass the Beijing Painting Association and stay in the capital.

Fortunately, Jiang Xinran was also very good, and passed all the way to the semi-finals.

Thinking of this, Yu Yong felt a little better. If the Jiang family is on good terms with the Chen family, they should be on good terms with the Chen family. Their vision of the Yu family and the Tong family has never been about T city, but the capital city.

Seeing Jing Xinran, Yu Yong regained his composure.

It doesn't matter if Jiang Xinchen and Meng Fu are missing. Of these two, Jiang Xinchen has poor grades and no talent for painting. As for Meng Fu, he is similar to Jiang Xinchen, except that Meng Fu is a little weird about the perfume.

But Meng Fu has always been in the entertainment industry, and Jiang Xinchen's qualifications are not high. Even with these connections, it is difficult for these two to become successful in the future.

Yu Yong has trained a Jiang Xinran in his life. For Jiang Xinran, it would not be a bad idea to break up with Jiang Xinchen and Meng Fu.

"Let's go." Yu Yong took Jiang Xinran away.

Jiang Xinran followed Yu Yong, lowered her head, pursed her lips, and sent Jiang Xinchen a WeChat message—

Brother, I found another math problem from my classmates in the intensive class last week. Do you want to take a look


Jiang family.

Jiang Xinchen received this WeChat message from Jiang Xinran, lowered his eyes, pursed his lower lip, and replied lightly "No".

No matter what Jiang Xinran said.

"Really?" Jiang Yu, who was pouring water for Jiang Xinchen, saw this and shook his head.

Jiang Xinchen's grades were indeed not good. His grades in the No. 1 Middle School were mediocre, far behind Jiang Xinran. In the past, his grades were tutored by Jiang Xinran.

"Well," Jiang Xinchen put the phone away and turned to Butler Jiang who was parked aside: "Butler Jiang, find me a math tutor."

After this big setback, Jiang Xinchen has deeply realized that he is useless.

His other grades were pretty good, but in math, he was lagging behind many others in the class, and he was always lagging behind.

In the past, he was tutored by Jiang Xinran in math. Fortunately, he has had little contact with Jiang Xinran in the past month, and he has been at Jiang's. In the last monthly exam, his math score was less than 90, out of 150.

It's no wonder that Yu Yong never looks at him. If this continues, he will probably be eliminated from No. 1 Middle School.

In front of Jiang's house, Meng Fu was waiting for Jiang Yu to drive and take her back to the rental house.

She was almost rested and was about to start work. "The Spy" was still filming the last bit, and the last episode of "A Day in the Life of a Star" was also postponed. This time she asked Zhao Fan to contact her about a variety show. "We are friends".

Hearing the conversation between the two, she played with her phone and raised her eyes, "Math tutor? I'll find one for you."

This was the first time that Meng Fu took the initiative to talk to him. Although he was still very cold, Jiang Xinchen raised his head and his eyes seemed to be a little bright, "Okay."

Steward Jiang stood aside and couldn't help but look at Meng Fu and frowned.

Butler Jiang went home some time ago because the old man didn't use him. He only came back this morning when he heard something happened to the Jiang family.

Little did he know that so many things had happened to the Jiang family in just a few days.

However, people in the Jiang family now respect Meng Fu very much. Butler Jiang didn't say anything. After Meng Fu left, he turned to Jiang Xinchen and said, "Master, let me help you contact Miss Xinran. She has participated in many competitions and knows what Hello math teacher.”

Meng Fu couldn't even care about himself. What teacher could she introduce to Jiang Xinchen

"No need." Jiang Xinchen shook his head.

Seeing that Jiang Xinchen was so sure, Butler Jiang didn't say anything and just frowned.

After returning to the room, he called Jiang Xinran to tell her about the incident, and finally said: "Miss, please find a math tutor for the young master."


Meng Fu's side.

After she finished talking to Jiang Xinchen, she opened Zhou Jin's profile picture—

Teacher Zhou, please help me.

Zhou Jin was surprised. He usually gave Meng Fu some questions. This was the first time she called him and called her directly to ask her something.

Meng Fu said it clearly.

"He's not very smart, but he should be able to be saved." Meng Fu crossed his legs and spoke calmly.

Zhou Jin smiled when he heard this, "You are the only one who dares to let me be a tutor."

The cost of hiring Zhou Jin is almost astronomical. The Mathematics Union has to think twice about asking Zhou Jin to give a mathematics report every year. The reason why Zhou Jin can teach in No. 1 Middle School is actually to strengthen the class.

"Well," Zhou Jin told Principal Gu to be silent and tapped his fingers on the table, "I agree to your request, but I also hope you can agree to one thing."

"You said it." Meng Fu was very polite.

"Zhou University's independent admission examination will be held in three months. We have two of the ten places in the country." Zhou Jin pondered for a moment, "I want you to go too, so in these three months, you have to Receive intensive training in the other three subjects.”

Ranked first among the ten schools, Zhou Jin felt that it would be difficult for her not to go.

However, in addition to mathematics, physics and chemistry at Continental University are also particularly difficult.

"Self-taught exam?" Meng Fu also remembered this matter. She leaned back in her chair and pondered for a moment before saying, "Then let me try?"

The two talked for a few more words before both parties hung up the phone.

Meng Fu sent Jiang Xinchen a message that she would go to school to find him tomorrow.

Zhou Jin’s side.

Principal Gu looked at Zhou Jin in surprise, "Are you sure? But Meng Fu doesn't want to come to the school for training. She only does questions..."

Principal Gu was worried.

Zhou Jin folded his hands and shook his head: "There are only 81 candidates in the world. As long as you can get into the top 50, you can get the admission qualification. I think it will not be a big problem for Meng Fu to get into the top 50. If he can get into the top 50, ten… "

Forget it, Zhou Jin couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, not knowing what he was thinking about.


The next day, evening.

The entrance to No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Xinchen did not go to Jiangshi after school, but waited at the school gate. Meng Fu said that the teacher who was tutoring him would find him later.

Jiang Xinchen looked for it at the school gate and saw Meng Fu's car.

His eyes lit up and he walked over quickly, "Sister."

"Well," there were not many people at the campus gate. Meng Fu came out wearing a mask and a windbreaker hood on his head, looking down at his phone, "People will be here soon, just wait."

Zhou Jin is still assigning homework for the intensive class—

Come out immediately.

The two of them were standing on the roadside, waiting for Zhou Jin, when a car slowly drove over not far away.

This car is the Yu family's car.

In the car were Yu Zhenling and Yu Yong.

The two got out of the car. Meng Fu still lowered his head and played with his mobile phone without speaking.

Jiang Xinchen was not a particularly polite person. He glanced at Yu Yong and said nothing.

The whole scene was very awkward.

Yu Zhenling didn't seem to feel the weird atmosphere. She called the two of them with a smile, pushed her hair behind her ears, and then said: "Xinchen, the housekeeper said last night that you wanted to find a math teacher. You will take the monthly exam this time." His grades were not good, and I was afraid that he would be eliminated by the last-place elimination system next time. I was a little worried and asked Xinran to find a good competition teacher for you. "

"No need," Jiang Xinchen frowned, "I have already found the teacher."

"Brother, mathematics is no joke." Jiang Xinran also came out of the school gate and happened to hear Jiang Xinchen's words. She pursed her lips, "My teacher is Teacher Li from my previous competition class. He is a member of the Mathematics Union. Listen. The housekeeper said you wanted to find a math teacher, so I contacted him for you. "

"Teacher from the Mathematics Union?" Yu Yong has never cared much about Jiang Xinran's studies, only caring about her painting. Now when he heard her talking about the competition teacher from the Mathematics Union, he was a little surprised, "How did you hire him?"

Because Mr. Yu is the principal of T University.

Yu Yong also knows a little about academic affairs.

It is not easy to hire someone from the Mathematics Union as a private tutor. Even if the old man of the Yu family comes forward, it will be nothing more than that.

"Well, it's because I got provincial three in the math competition before," Jiang Xinran nodded, smiling as if she didn't care, and then turned to Meng Fu who was next to Jiang Xinchen, "Sister, if you don't mind, you can also study with Teacher Li. You’re so busy filming, and you’re going to take the college entrance examination next year, so why not study hard on math?”

Although Yu Yong and Yu Zhenling don't care on the surface, they are actually very concerned about the current attitude of the Jiang family.

Hearing Jiang Xinran's words, Yu Zhenling also raised her eyebrows, turned to Meng Fu, and finally focused on Jiang Xinchen: "Yes, this opportunity is rare. Xinchen, don't be willful. Your future is the most important thing."

Hearing that it was Butler Jiang who said this, Jiang Xinchen frowned even more, "No, sister has already found a teacher for me. Thank you for your kindness."

The sister he was talking about was naturally not Jiang Xinran.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Xinran's smile froze.

She looked at Jiang Xinchen and pursed her lips.

Jiang Xinran didn't know what was going on. In the past two months, Jiang Xinchen's attitude towards her had changed. It seemed like they were two people. For a while, she was so angry that she didn't teach him math properly, and his math scores plummeted.

Butler Jiang called her yesterday. She originally thought Jiang Xinchen had compromised, but she didn't expect such a scene.

"Xinchen, have you thought clearly?" Yu Yong frowned and looked at Jiang Xinchen.

He was not optimistic about Jiang Xinchen before, and even more so now.

Anyone else would know the benefits of having a good relationship with Jiang Xinran.

Jiang Xinchen nodded, quite politely, and repeated again: "Thank you for your kindness."

"Uncle, forget it, maybe my sister has found a better teacher for Xinchen than Teacher Li." Jiang Xinran couldn't help it. How had she ever been so angry? But I still adjusted the atmosphere for a few people.

Can Meng Fu find a better tutor than Teacher Li

How can she find it

Her connections are all in the entertainment industry.

Looking for an acting teacher for Jiang Xinchen

Hearing Jiang Xinran's words, Yu Yong just frowned slightly and stopped caring, "You guys continue to wait, Xinran, let's go to the Painting Association."

Jiang Xinran didn't leave, she just stood there, "Let me see which teacher my sister has found for her brother."

At the school gate, a middle-aged man wearing glasses walked slowly towards this side.