Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 203: A closed disciple of 203 Painting Association! I've offended the master!


Su Tian has always been very stable in his work.

It was Su Cheng who kept him next to Ma Cen and acted alone.

Even though Su Di was injured before, he was still taken by Su Cheng by his side. Only Su Tian was almost left alone all the time.

After all, I grew up with Su Di, so everyone in the group basically understands everything.

So Su Di directly asked Su Tian, who was passing by, to bring Meng Fu over to gain favor in front of Su Cheng. Su Di also realized that using Meng Fu to gain favor was more effective than anything else.


Su Di really didn't expect that Su Tian would have a bug at this time. He pursed his lower lip and didn't explain any more. His eyes turned cold. He just stretched out his hand and said concisely: "Give me the key."

Although Su Di didn't like to talk on weekdays, his tone of voice had never been so cold.

Su Tian handed over the key, frowning slightly, not understanding: "No, I have told her to come by car by herself, why hasn't she arrived yet?"

Ma Cen suddenly fell ill, and everyone in the Su family panicked.

Doctor Feng finally got out of seclusion. The Su family thought again and handed the message to Doctor Feng. Su Tian happened to meet him when he was driving by the traditional Chinese medicine base, so he drove him back.

But he was also very considerate in his work. While picking up Dr. Feng, he also notified Miss Meng and asked her to come by herself.

Su Tian didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this.

No matter what, Meng Fu was just an artist in Su Tian's eyes. No matter how important she was, she was still more important than Miss Feng.

No matter who this matter is placed in, they all know who is taking it lightly and who is taking it seriously.

Originally, Su Tian thought that Meng Fu should have arrived early when he came over, but who knew that there was no one there yet...

Su Tian was still thinking, Su Di had already driven away his car and said nothing else.

Su Tian stood there and watched the car disappear, then frowned slightly and entered the hotel.

He opened the pearl curtain and went in, and saw Su Cheng and three people sitting at the table in the corner.

Su Cheng was still talking to Zhao Fan about the variety show. Wei Jingke was playing with his mobile phone and drinking tea. When he saw Su Tian, he was stunned for a moment, "Where is Miss Meng?"

He looked behind Su Tian.

No one was seen.

Su Cheng, who was holding the program plan in his hand, also looked up at Su Tian, his eyes still chilling.

When facing Su Di, Su Tian took it for granted, but when he met Su Cheng, Su Tian felt a little flustered for no reason. He straightened his expression, handed Su Cheng the latest news about the Chinese medicine base in his hand, and then explained it.

After the explanation, the three people present did not speak.

Even Wei Jingke didn't speak.

About two minutes later, Su Cheng lowered his head again, his tone still warm and cool, and there was no hint of emotion or anger: "I understand, you can go back."

No one can figure out Su Cheng's temper.

Su Tian went out hesitantly.

From behind, Wei Jingke followed up and frowned, "Why did you leave her where she was?"

Why are both like this

First it was Su Di, then Wei Jingke.

Su Tian didn't understand. After all, the other party was just a star actor. He asked the doubts that he had not heard just now: "Young Master Wei, she won't leave on her own?"

This shelf is really big, someone must pick it up

"What's going on if you don't go in the first place and then send a message in the middle to let people go?" Wei Jingke looked at Su Tian and didn't know what to say at this time. He was a veteran and had suffered a loss. Already awakening, "If I ask you to go to Miss Jie Feng today, and something like this happens in the middle, how will you choose?"

"How can this compare?" Su Tian frowned.

How can these two be compared


This way.

Su Tian didn't come to the Medicinal Materials City in the capital, so Meng Fu wandered around here for a while.

The medicinal materials here in the capital were generally more expensive than those in southern Hunan, so Meng Fu bought some without mercy.

But one advantage here is that there are street stalls on the first street. Meng Fu squatted in front of a street stall: "Boss, how much does this pile of medicinal materials cost?"

The stall owner was a middle-aged man. He opened his eyes and his eyes lit up when he looked at Meng Fu.

Of course, he didn't know Meng Fu, but Meng Fu looked young and seemed to be a rich man who was easy to kill.

"One price, two thousand." The old boss is here.

Meng Fu raised his eyebrows and discussed with the boss seriously: "Money grass, it's not so expensive, right? Five hundred, maybe."

The boss didn't expect such a young girl to be able to negotiate the price: "One thousand and eighty, no more."

Before Meng Fu could speak, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

It’s Chairman Yan.

She picked it up casually, "Master, is something okay?"

"Well, your results for the semi-finals are out." Although Yan Langfeng is usually calm, when he said this now, he was a little excited, "On the honor list outside the Painting Association, you are number one!"

The gold content of winning the first place in this youth competition is almost the Rookie King this year.

Even He Xiyuan was very excited when he got this result.

Meng Fu came second in the preliminary round and came first in the semi-finals. This was something that Yan Langfeng never expected. As soon as he got the result, he couldn't wait to share the news with Meng Fu.

He waited for Meng Fu's excited voice, but he didn't expect that Meng Fu actually spoke, just saying -

"Boss, seven hundred, I really don't have any money."

Yan Langfeng: "... Disciple, you are first in the rematch, first. Do you know what this means?"

"I know, first. Master, if nothing happens, I'll hang up." Meng Fu said a few words to Yan Langfeng and then hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Yan Langfeng: "..."

The assistant next to him also heard Meng Fu's voice. Thinking about the group of newcomers outside who were very happy to get the top ten, and then look at Meng Fu's reaction...

Even the assistant thought it was so irritating.

Here, Meng Fu finally got the herb for a thousand and two dollars.

Su Di had already driven to the medicinal street.

He had already called Meng Fu on the way here. As soon as the car drove over, he saw Meng Fu holding the medicinal herbs and lowering his head as if in deep thought.

Thinking that Meng Fu was angry, Su Di quickly parked the car, got out of the car, opened the door for Meng Fu, and apologized.

"Why are you apologizing to me for nothing?" Meng Fu got into the car and heard the meaning of Su Di's words.

Su Di also sat in the driver's seat. Hearing this, he tilted his head and said, "Miss Meng, weren't you angry just now?"

"No, there's nothing to be angry about. I can go by myself," Meng Fu took off his mask, leaned back in his chair, and thought back to the bargaining process, "I just... think I did my best in bargaining. It’s not very good. If my mother were here, I would definitely get 1,000 yuan.”

Meng Fu sighed.

She will definitely perform better next time.

Su Di: "..."


When Meng Fu arrived at the hotel, Su Cheng and Zhao Fan had almost finished watching the variety show they were going to record tomorrow.

""We Are Friends" is a variety show without a script," Su Cheng pushed the document to Meng Fu, "actually there is a little script. You will travel to the ancient streets together, and you will be at a foreign street vendor. Everyone has to paint a painting within five minutes. If the painting is chosen by a vendor, the money you get will be your next consumption of food, clothing, housing and transportation. But just now the program team took the initiative to call and said that they want to change this arrangement. Change the tourist destination to the mountain city."

"That's it," Zhao Fan pointed at the table and explained, "I know that you are here for Chu Yue this time, so I agreed to the program team to change this arrangement."

She didn't know how long it took for other people to draw a painting, but she had seen Meng Fu paint a tree in two minutes that Zhao Fan couldn't understand but felt was very profound. Of course, Meng Fu claimed to be a stream of consciousness.

Everyone arranged by the program team must draw. If they don't draw, netizens will be blackmailed again.

But if you draw it...

Yan Langfeng's close disciple, a member of the Beijing Painting Association, if she really starts painting, then there will be nothing else to do with anyone else in this issue.

Meng Fu has been in the limelight recently, and Zhao Fan doesn't want the audience to think that she is "creating a character", nor does he want Chu Yue to have no sense of existence in this episode.

So I directly agreed to the arrangement of the "We Are Friends" program team.

"I can do it." Meng Fu was still wondering if he had lost two hundred yuan just now. Hearing this, he waved to Zhao Fan and said, "You make arrangements."

"Then I'll go and reply to the program team." Zhao Fan called the director with his cell phone.

"What did you do just now?" Su Cheng poured her a glass of orange juice and asked.

Meng Fu took the cup and told Su Cheng what had just happened, "Brother Cheng, if I had told him that just now, he would have sold it to me for 1,000 yuan. I will definitely remember it next time."

While calling the "We Are Friends" program team, Zhao Fan said: "..."

As expected of you, Meng Fu.

"You can pretend to leave." Su Cheng thought for a while.

Meng Fu took a sip of the drink and nodded: "Yes, my mother was like this before."

"By the way, this show has Xi Nancheng and Ye Shuning," Su Cheng closed the computer and explained to Meng Fu again, "Because Ye Shuning and Chu Yue debuted in the same show, they were invited to this variety show. "

"Understood, I won't cause trouble." Meng Fu raised his hand.

She just wanted to prevent the director from firing Chu Yue.


at the same time.

On Ye Shuning's side, her assistant also received a notice from the director, "We have to leave an hour early tomorrow. Why?"

The directing team explained that because the program was changed to the suburbs and no longer in the city center, they had to start early.

"Change it to suburbs?" Assistant Ye Shuning was stunned.

But he didn't ask any more questions. With Ye Shuning's current status as a celebrity, she could only follow the arrangement of the show crew, not to mention that Ye Shuning's popularity has been declining recently, and some people said that she was adding insult to injury.

But fortunately, the talent was maintained well enough, so the character didn't collapse.

"Sister Shuning, it's a pity that the paintings you have been copying for a week will not be put to use this time." The assistant hung up the phone and looked at Ye Shuning regretfully, "If the location is changed to the suburbs, then this arrangement will be No, you were sure to win a lot of fans this time."

"Forget it." Ye Shuning also knew that it was a matter of fortune.

The next day.

The recording of the variety show "We Are Friends" has begun.

Ye Shuning has always maintained her character very well, and she always arrives early. The crew meets at seven in the morning, and she arrives at the meeting place at six-thirty.

Ye Shuning's assistant knows how to handle things and has a good relationship with the crew.

"Xiao Fang, I heard that there is a mysterious guest joining this issue," Ye Shuning dragged her suitcase over and sat down in her lounge first. Her assistant was talking to Ye Shuning's photographer on the side, "Who is it?" ah?"

Everyone on this variety show has a photographer.

If the photographer's angle is not good or something else, the effect of the variety show will be greatly reduced.

So as soon as the show started, Ye Shuning's team gave the photographer a lot of benefits.

Because he usually received too much attention from Ye Shuning, the photographer did not hide anything from them and lowered his voice: "It's Meng Fu."

Ye Shuning was holding a mirror to touch up her makeup. When she heard this, her hands stopped.

Hearing that it was Meng Fu, Ye Shuning's assistant was also stunned: "Why did the program team invite her?"

"I don't know." Many photographers didn't know the inside story, but he knew something else. After checking that there was no one else around, the photographer spoke again, "This time, they changed the ancient street to a mountain city in the suburbs. That's what they asked for. of."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Shuning's hand shook and her lipstick touched the corner of her mouth.

There was a chill in his eyebrows.

Not talking about her, Ye Shuning's assistant was furious: "Why? In order to please her, the program team changed it to a mountain city? I know, because Meng Fu grew up in the mountains since he was a child. The program team must be trying to flatter her!"

Ye Shuning tightened the lipstick, then took out a napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth bit by bit.

The entire lounge fell into silence.

Xi Nancheng saw this scene when he came.

He looked at Ye Shuning and couldn't help but laugh, "What's going on? You're so serious so early in the morning."

"Not yet..." Ye Shuning's assistant opened his mouth.

Ye Shuning pursed her lips and closed the lid of the small mirror, "Shut up."

Then he turned to Xi Nancheng and said calmly: "Teacher Xi, nothing's wrong."

It's just that his eyebrows are a little mocking.

They say it's okay, but a discerning person can see that something is wrong.

Ye Shuning has always been proud and arrogant. Xi Nancheng has never seen her like this. He narrowed his eyes and turned to Ye Shuning's assistant: "Just say it, don't worry about her."

"It's just that this time the itinerary was suddenly changed from the ancient street to the mountain city, and the process of the ancient street was no longer there."

"I know. The director told me that it was a time conflict. Your painting is indeed beautiful. There will be a chance next time." Xi Nancheng nodded, he knew this.

"Where is the time conflict? It's just because the guest this time is Meng Fu. In order to suppress our sister Shu Ning and create a personality for Meng Fu, we went to the mountain city in the suburbs." Ye Shuning's assistant sneered, very angry : "The director doesn't dare to tell you the truth!"

"Meng Fu?" Xi Nancheng was dazed for a moment when he heard Meng Fu's name, and then heard the next words.

The smile on his face faded little by little.

"It's nothing, the entertainment industry is like this, you have to accommodate whoever is popular," Ye Shuning put away the compact, "I'm used to it."

Xi Nancheng pursed his lips and glanced at Ye Shuning, who closed his eyes as if he didn't want to say anything more.

Xi Nancheng turned around and walked out, saying simply: "I'm going to find the director."


Nearing the starting point, the director was in a meeting with other people at this time.

Xi Nancheng came in and looked at the director directly, "Did you temporarily change the variety show script this time for Meng Fu?"

Seeing Xi Nancheng's gaze, the director was stunned. He did change the script for Meng Fu in the first place.

After all, Meng Fu now has phenomenal traffic.

And Zhao Fan also agreed.

"This, Teacher Xi..." Xi Nancheng has a deep background in the circle, and the director did not dare to offend him, so he only spoke cautiously.

"Ye Shuning practiced painting for a week for your previous script this time. You changed this script just to flatter Meng Fu?"

Xi Nancheng sneered.

"I..." The director wiped the cold sweat from his head.

He didn't expect that Xi Nancheng would come out at this time.

"Teacher Xi, how about our next issue..."

"That's it for this issue," Xi Nancheng said firmly, "Since you were able to change the script yesterday, you can naturally change it today."

He couldn't afford to offend Xi Nancheng, and the director Meng Fu couldn't afford to offend him even more.

The director is about to cry.

"You call Meng Fu now," Xi Nancheng said without giving in at all. He glanced sharply: "Did the unspoken rules sneak up on me?"

His face was ashen.

The director had no choice. He was indeed the one who decided to change it in the first place. Under Xi Nancheng's watchful eyes, he could only take out his mobile phone and call Zhao Fan.

Over there, the phone rang and was answered.

The director stuttered a bit: "Sister Fan, our program may have to be moved to an ancient street temporarily. Is there any problem with Sister Meng Fu?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Fan was sitting in the back seat. Hearing this, he sat upright and asked, "Why do you want to change it suddenly at this time?"

We have to record the show today.

The director was miserable and couldn't speak. Xi Nancheng took the mobile phone from his hand and said coldly: "What? Do you know how angry and wronged you are? Why do you want the program team to change the script? That's why we have to change it. What do you want? To create a character for Meng Fu, you can go to other variety shows. This episode won’t be in the mountain city, it can only be in the ancient street. You tell Meng Fu that eating farewell is too ugly.”