Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

Chapter 99: 099 Just ask Meng Fu


She is also doing this for Teacher Li’s benefit, so don’t talk anymore.

Can I be forgiven just for the sake of Teacher Li

Hearing that it could stop bleeding, Li Qingning nodded and stared at his fingers in wonder.

"What is this? Can it stop bleeding? It won't affect Teacher Li's wound healing, right?" Beside him, Sheng Jun looked at Li Qingning's hand. Following her camera, she could clearly capture Li Qingning's hand.

His wound had been covered by a ball of fluff held by Meng Fu. It was difficult to see the wound clearly, so the director did not move the camera away.

"This is the hair on the root of the golden retriever, a plant in the family Clamaceae. Its scientific name is Jin Mao Dog Ridge. It is a good medicine for stopping bleeding." Meng Fu looked at Li Qingning's hand and explained to Li Qingning very patiently, "Teacher Li's hand bled too much, and the wound The patch won’t necessarily stop the bleeding, so I use this first as a first aid.”

Meng Fu talked about some other astronomy and geography, and Li Qingning might be able to talk to him, but he didn't understand it at all when she talked about it.

He looked down at his fingers and was surprised to find that the fingers that had been bleeding just now were no longer bleeding.

He raised his hand and put it in front of the camera in surprise, "It really doesn't bleed anymore!"

Barrage was stunned for a moment.

Golden retriever? Not a dog

Someone cut the split screen while Meng Fu was talking and searched on Qiandu, and found that what Meng Fu was talking about was indeed a kind of Chinese herbal medicine: Meng Fu was right, this kind of Chinese herbal medicine really stopped bleeding. Take a look, it's behind her. The sickle-shaped blades about ten meters away and serrated are golden retriever dogs.

Damn, that’s awesome!

Can you please stop arguing? Meng Fu grew up in the mountains. Isn’t it strange that she knows that some herbs can stop bleeding

Suddenly it felt like Meng Fu knew a lot. If it were me, I would definitely not know.

Meng Fu grew up in the mountains. Isn't it surprising that she knows that some herbs can stop bleeding

She knows a lot, maybe it’s a character design created by the program team for her. Just watch this kind of variety show.

Is there anything wrong with the previous barrage? ? ? The character design created by the program team, the program team had to be so bold that it could make Teacher Li injured and set up the character for Meng Fuli. Did you see that the staff were panicking just now

The persona of the talented lady in the last issue of your master’s painting has collapsed. Stop using your own ID to bring trouble to your master.

The barrage is still noisy.

Meng Fu was not surprised at all that Li Qingning's wound had stopped bleeding. She said "hmm" with her expression still calm, "Teacher Li, your hand is injured, so that's all. Leave your share to me."

"No, I'll take care of Teacher Li's share." Che Shao also came to his senses. He glanced at Li Qingning's fingers magically, and then spoke quickly, how could a man shrink back at such a time.

Meng Fu glanced at him and paused, "You finish processing your share of rapeseed first."

Che Shao: “…”

The two of them were talking, and Li Qingning waved his hand, "It's just that my hand is injured, but it's not that I can't move. I can still continue to work."

As he said this, the director was holding up a notice board with a black mark written on it - Teacher Li, we will take you to get a tetanus shot.

Li Qingning's hand was cut by a sickle, and the director team would not be at ease without a tetanus shot.

Meng Fu also saw it. She picked up the sickle, thought about it, and did not stop the director team. She helped persuade Li Qingning, "Teacher Li, you go to the health center first. When you come back, we will have finished dealing with the rapeseed. If you If you feel bad, you can come back and cook and we can help."

Li Qingning felt that his hand was fine, but he couldn't defeat them. He thought about it and went outside with the director to get a tetanus shot first.

Wanmin Village is really a bit remote.

It takes two hours to go to the health center in town and back.

The director team has already checked the route.

Li Qingning felt that it was a bit far away, so he did not get in the car immediately. He just stayed by the car and refused to leave. He discussed with the director, "Director, ask the villagers if there is a place closer, a small clinic, too. Far away, my child is still in geography, I can’t bear it, director, are you cruel to separate our blood?”

Director: "...Teacher Li, you are still live broadcasting in split screen."

Li Qingning crossed his arms across his chest. He looked at the live broadcast camera, clearly feeling confident, "Viewers, do you think I did this right?"

Damn it, hahahaha, this is just one episode, and Teacher Li is already taken advantage of by Meng Fu.

Yes, yes, you are Teacher Li, everything you say is right

Director, can you still bear it? !

Director hhhhh, please help me and ask!

I burst out laughing, brothers

"Give me the lens, and I'll ask." Li Qingning took the lens of the photographer on one side and pointed it at the other side, "There are several elder sisters over there, I'll ask her."

With that said, he walked towards the eldest sister at the entrance of the village.

This eldest lady was about forty or fifty years old. She was wearing a floral apron and holding an iron basin with rice in it. She was chatting with someone under an osmanthus tree.

Seeing the camera, these people were not afraid of the camera at all. Instead, they looked at the camera curiously. They all gave up their seats and greeted Li Qingning warmly to sit down.

When Li Qingning saw that they all wanted to be on camera, he gave them all the camera.

"Sister, you're welcome. I'm not going to sit down. I'm just here to ask if there is a clinic nearby? I want a tetanus shot." Li Qingning said the reason for his visit and explained the injury to his finger.

Several enthusiastic elder sisters immediately looked at his hands.

Then he chattered, trying his best to use Mandarin, but still with some local accents.

"It's a minor injury. It's okay." The eldest sister looked at Li Qingning's wound and replied directly, "Don't you live at Meng Wazi's house? Just ask her to take care of it for you."

Li Qingning was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Looking for her?"

Not only Li Qingning was surprised, but also the audience watching the split screen here.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Li Qingning and the directing team, the elder sister who spoke explained to Li Qingning, "Yeah, just look for her. She didn't even have such a minor injury. Our old man was injured in the town before. The health center didn't dare to accept her. If it weren't for her, our old man wouldn't know what to do. "

Li Qingning heard something about it. When Meng Fu calmly explained the golden retriever's spine just now, he had a guess, "Meng Fu, has she studied medicine?"

"Yes, she learned from her master, and the Taoist priest on the mountain..."

Is this... an exaggeration? These villagers must have been arranged by the director team, right

Okay, Teacher Li, let's go quickly, don't waste time.

The villagers have never seen the world, and they are regarded as gods even if they know a little about medicinal herbs.

The director watched the barrage over and over: "..."

He glanced at Li Qingning and was surprised by the villager's words. He planned to ask Zhao Fan later, but for now he still persuaded Li Qingning to get the injection.

After all, the live broadcast was on. If Li Qingning really didn't get the injection, Li Qingning's team would be in trouble.

Go to the health center in town for an hour.

The person who gave Li Qingning the injection was an old doctor. He wore glasses and was quite cold to others. He told them that Li Qingning didn't need to give the injection.