Always with the Old Attack

Chapter 14: Only Reading Lang (14)


Zhao Chengli specially sent someone to monitor Guan Xiaoting, but it was strange that after a few days, those subordinates didn't notice Guan Xiaoting's little tricks.

Guan Xiaoting just often went to C University to look for Xu Jinyi, even if Xu Jinyi didn't want to talk to him, every time he turned a blind eye and passed by him, he persisted.

Although it was harmless, seeing Guan Xiaoting's embarrassing face every day made Xu Jinyi really annoyed.

"Jin Yi, I just want to treat you to a meal." Guan Xiaoting specially changed into a clean white shirt and trousers, looking fresh and sunny. I can't bear to refuse.

Xu Jinyi looked at him expressionlessly, then nodded for a while, "Where are you going?"

"It's in the hotel where I live, and the restaurant inside is still very good." Afraid that Xu Jinyi would change his mind, Guan Xiaoting patted his chest and said: "The dishes you like are also very authentic, and there are desserts and so on. , all delicious—”

"Let's go."

Guan Xiaoting, who was talking non-stop, shut his mouth in embarrassment, and took two quick steps to lead the way.

Xu Jinyi stared at the stiff Guan Xiaoting, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

Xu Jinyi would never believe that Guan Xiaoting had endured for half a month just to treat him to a meal. Just when his patience was about to run out, those people from Zhao Chengli sent some photos yesterday.

Guan Xiaoting unexpectedly mixed up with Meng Zijie.

Xu Jinyi sneered, Meng Zijie has already been sentenced, and he still refuses to settle down. That's okay, if he really did something this time, the two-year probation would be forfeited.

Maybe Meng Zijie had a better life in prison than now. After all, since being abandoned by Song Tiancheng, Meng Zijie had no financial support, so he simply gave up on himself and used the apartment Song Tiancheng gave him as a red-light district, doing some kind of shady business.

His benefactors were not even comparable to Song Tiancheng, and their sexual fetishes were brutal and cruel. It was hard for Meng Zijie to endure it for so long.


Xu Jinyi slowly raised his lips, but his dark eyes were shining sharply, like sharpened ice picks, which could pierce the enemy's heart at any time!

He had guessed three points about Meng Zijie's plan. Immediately, Xu Jinyi took out his phone and pressed it a few times. While the sane course is to stay out of danger, he doesn't like being stared at by a mad dog that bites. What's more, Zhao Chengli will protect him.

Thinking of someone, Xu Jinyi smiled, and his mood changed from cloudy to sunny.

"Jin Yi, come, let's eat some food." Guan Xiaoting graciously brought food to Xu Jinyi, "These are all your favorite food."

Xu Jinyi glanced at him, and put the food in his mouth.

"Jin Yi, I offer you a toast." The smile on Guan Xiaoting's face faded, "I was very surprised when you confessed to me at the time, and I told my friends in a panic. You don't have to leave your hometown for the past two years!" Guan Xiaoting clenched his fists and hammered the table hard, "I don't regret it for a day, but I miss you all the time, Jin Yi, seeing how good your life is now, I also You don’t have to feel guilty all day long.”

After finishing speaking, Guan Xiaoting raised his neck and swallowed the contents of the cup in one gulp.

Xu Jinyi glanced at him, but didn't answer.

Guan Xiaoting was very embarrassed, but still forced a smile, "Jin Yi, why don't you drink? Are you still blaming me?"

Xu Jinyi stared at him for half a minute, until a layer of sweat oozed from Guan Xiaoting's forehead, and then he picked up his glass and took a sip.

"Jin Yi, you once said that you liked me for ten years, but I trampled on your feelings. I'm really sorry." Guan Xiaoting raised his head and drank another glass, "Now that you have started a new life, your feelings for me must have faded. After a lot of time, I was a little relieved."

Guan Xiaoting drank half a bottle of wine in a short while, turned his mouth upside down, and said the most was that he didn't cherish Xu Jinyi, who had liked him for ten years.

After a while, Guan Xiaoting's face was flushed, his mouth was hot, and his hands unconsciously dragged his shirt.

In this situation, the fool also knows that there is something wrong with the wine.

Xu Jinyi suddenly stood up.

Why didn't he know there was medicine in the wine, which was obviously a Hongmen Banquet that Guan Xiaoting participated in? What about Meng Zijie? Why hasn't he shown up yet

Originally, he thought that Guan Xiaoting was responsible for bringing him to this box in this scene, but what Meng Zijie wanted to do was to bring a certain guest he had found, so that the person who might be addicted to drugs or had some infectious disease My benefactor took advantage of his drunken fascination...

After all, the lower the person who had a relationship with Xu Jinyi, the more hostile Zhao Chengli felt. Even if he felt pity for Xu Jinyi at that time, this matter would become a thorn in the way between the two in the future. If Xu Jinyi got sick because of this, Zhao Chengli would be even more bored.

Xu Jinyi patted his forehead, until now, he understood everything.

Meng Zijie was even more gloomy than he thought.

Guan Xiaoting's whole body seemed to be on fire, and when his eyes were blurred, he suddenly saw Xu Jinyi, who looked like a beautiful woman, and rushed towards him unconsciously.

Xu Jinyi hurriedly hid aside, grabbed the wine glass on the table and patted Guan Xiaoting on the head. At this moment, someone broke into the door suddenly.

When Xu Jinyi turned around, it was Zhao Chengli.

Suddenly relieved.

At this moment, Guan Xiaoting saw the opportunity and rushed towards Xu Jinyi. Zhao Chengli was furious, pulled Xu Jinyi behind him with his left hand, and kicked him.

Zhao Chengli used all his strength to kick that kick, Guan Xiaoting rolled back and forth clutching his stomach, screaming "Ouch, Ouch".

Seeing that he couldn't get up anymore, Zhao Chengli hurriedly turned his head and pulled the boy up and down, scolding him non-stop, "Why didn't you wait for me to come? What if something happens—"

Thinking of that situation, Zhao Chengli clenched his teeth in horror, his eyes were scarlet, and he turned around and kicked Guan Xiaoting twice.

Knowing that this person was really scared, Xu Jinyi put his arms around his waist.

Zhao Chengli stopped the movement of his feet, turned around suddenly to protect the boy, his iron arms were tightly wrapped around him, it seemed that the little villain in his arms would disappear as soon as he let go.

After a long time, Zhao Chengli's panic finally dissipated a little, and he rubbed his head buried in the boy's neck, feeling puzzled, stuck out his tongue to suck a piece of soft flesh on the boy's neck, and bit down bitterly.

Xu Jinyi squeezed his hand and let him move.

"Go home and see how I punish you!"

"Wait a minute." Xu Jinyi shook Zhao Chengli's big palm, led him around the box, and finally found a camera in the spider plant in the corner.

"What's going on here?" Back home, Zhao Chengli hugged the little villain, let him sit on his lap, and asked while pinching the jade-white skin around his waist.

"Guan Xiaoting probably wants me to admit that I have liked him for ten years, and also wants to take a picture of the scene where I admit that I like him." Xu Jinyi patted the heavy palm on his waist, "As for the purpose, I will probably use this video Send it to you, so that there will be a rift between you and me."

Xu Jinyi continued with a sarcasm, "Unexpectedly, Meng Zijie was the praying mantis. He knew that a mere video wasn't enough to make you despise me, so he drugged the wine privately, intending to make me and Guan Xiaoting—" the expression on someone's face Already as deep as ink, Xu Jinyi leaned up to touch his face, and then continued: "Even if you didn't see that scene with your own eyes, the camera prepared by Guan Xiaoting will capture it. At that time, Meng Zijie can not only use it to anger You, you can also put it online to slander me."

This is where Meng Zijie's scheming is deep. If the person who had a relationship with Xu Jinyi was a dirty benefactor, when Zhao Chengli felt sorry for Xu Jinyi, he would definitely find out the truth about this matter, and even deal with the people involved in it one by one. , to give Xu Jinyi a comfort.

And if Xu Jinyi and Guan Xiaoting got together, plus the fact that Xu Jinyi had liked Guan Xiaoting for ten years, then this matter was so deep that he couldn't help it. Xu Jinyi, as the cheating party, not only has no chance with the proud Zhao Chengli, but also will be hated and loathed by Zhao Chengli like never before!

Zhao Chengli is the only person he loves deeply in this world. Xu Jinyi can't help but feel a little bit afraid when he is angry. Fortunately, he still has a "game equipment" that can store various items in another world. Half a sip of wine was put here by him.

Zhao Chengli narrowed his eyes, as if a storm was brewing in it, and after a while, he hugged the boy tightly, "Who is the oriole?"

Xu Jinyi sighed, "Maybe if you don't believe it, it's probably Li Mengxin."

"Her?" Zhao Chengli frowned, and after a while he figured out why, "She wants to marry into the Zhao family?"

"You know what she's thinking?" Xu Jinyi stared at the chubby cat pupils, and pinched Zhao Chengli hard. Since he knew what Li Mengxin was thinking, why didn't he shy away from it at parties? Why didn't he get rid of that rotten peach blossom immediately after the relationship between the two was confirmed

Zhao Chengli hurriedly begged for mercy, rubbing the young man's wrist fawningly, "I didn't pay attention to her at all before! Just now you said it was Li Mengxin, the Li family's foundation is weak, and their little plan has nothing but to climb up to the Zhao family."

Xu Jinyi snorted, jumped off Zhao Chengli's legs, and walked to the bedroom, "Until you deal with your rotten peach blossoms, you can only sleep on the single sofa outside, or go back to your house!"

Xu Jinyi didn't deny that he admired a strange woman like Li Mengxin very much, and even looked forward to Li Mengxin's demeanor in the mall. But this time, Li Mengxin's game of chess played out of her own cleverness, seriously crossed his bottom line!

Zhao Chengli rubbed his nose, knowing that he was right, frowning, thinking about how he managed to crawl back to the little villain's bed at night, and then remembering Li Mengxin, his eyes suddenly turned cold.