Always with the Old Attack

Chapter 51: eunuch


Jing Yao sat in front of the imperial case for a long time, but he didn't even turn over a single page of the open book in his hand. After about a quarter of an hour, his face finally showed impatience, "Where's that little eunuch?"

"Xiao Dezi went to see it just now, and said that it was tidying up in the side room."

"What side room do you live in? Tell him to come to the front room with his luggage." Jing Yao casually pointed to a small cubicle next to him, "Let's arrange it there, so that I can serve me."

The cubicle Jing Yao pointed to was only a few feet away from his dragon bed. The eunuch glanced at Jing Yao's finger, then quickly lowered his head, without any fluctuations in his tone, "Yes, my slave Just do it."

The chief eunuch was quite tactful, leading Xu Jinyi into the gate of the main hall and never showing up again.

Jing Yao was taught martial arts by his grandfather's old department since he was a child. He knew that the only people who really treated him well were people from his grandfather's side. Therefore, he studied very seriously. In addition, he was also talented. Now he has made some achievements, and his five senses are sharper than ordinary people. hundred times.

Even though Xu Jinyi's movements were very light, Jing Yao could still clearly hear the rustling of fabrics in the cubicle, the rustling of his hands brushing the sheets, the creaking of drawers being opened and closed...

It was, it was making him upset!

Jing Yao casually threw aside the single page that he hadn't read since he opened it, and stepped into the cubicle.

Even though it was just a small cubicle, because it was in the Qianqing Palace and it was next to the emperor's dragon bed, the conditions were very good. The tables and chairs were well-made, and the bed against the wall was also very spacious.

The little eunuch was on this big bed, with his back facing him, kneeling on one knee at the head of the bed, he was doing something in his hand, leaning slightly forward, poking up a hair that was quite flattering under the big eunuch uniform. Round little butt.

Seeing that round little butt, the sparks in Jing Yao's eyes suddenly exploded, and a cluster of flames burned violently. He licked his lips subconsciously, and stared straight up along the small buttocks. The contrast between the strength and weakness at the junction of the slender waist and the round buttocks was incomparably sexy. His back is very narrow, the distance between his two delicate and round shoulders is almost no match for his big palm, his white and slender neck is as fragile as a phoenix, and he has two small ears...

The scorching gaze behind him was very familiar, Xu Jinyi knew that it was his lover, so he was not in a hurry, he didn't look back until he finished packing the clothes in his hand.

The burning flames in those faint black eyes startled him.

Jing Yao walked over step by step, stood by the bed, looking down at the little eunuch on the bed.

"Your Majesty—" Before he could finish speaking, the emperor in front of him raised his chin with two warm fingers. He opened his eyes wide, and looked at the Nine-Five Lord.

Jing Yao didn't speak, and lowered his head without warning, and licked the two round black colored glasses.

Jing Yao was born in the Yuan Dynasty, and he was the eldest prince of the first emperor, so he was always in the way of the eyes of the first emperor and his successors. But since the death of the Empress Yuan, except for a few elderly empress Yuan who can be counted on one hand, the harem is almost completely dominated by the first emperor and the successor.

He has only just become a governor, so he knows how to hide his strengths and bide his time, otherwise, once he gets the slightest bit of limelight in front of the third prince, he won't even be able to eat enough for the next few days.

This depression lasted for a full twenty years, and it was not until the late Emperor died and Jing Yao successfully won the position that he finally felt elated. Because of the 20 years of aggrieved, Jing Yao, who has ascended to the throne of God and holds great power, will never wrong himself, he will do whatever he wants immediately, and grab what he wants immediately!

Just now in the Compassionate Ning Palace, he seemed to be licking these two glazed beads. Now that people are right in front of you, what are you waiting for

Why is the taste so good!

Jing Yao became addicted to licking, his thin lips followed the warm eyelids all the way down, reached the tip of the nose, licked, reached the bead of the lips, licked...


Lick the pearl-like teeth just exposed.


"Don't move!" Jing Yao exerted a little force with his two iron arms, and the white and tender little eunuch who was moving under him was held in his arms.

Jing Yao was finally able to concentrate, he had two soft and slippery lips in his mouth, dissatisfied. Then he stuck his tongue into the little eunuch's mouth and licked it around the little eunuch's white teeth, but he was still not satisfied. He stuck his tongue out and touched the little eunuch's upper jaw, causing the little eunuch's eyelashes to blink happily, but he was still not satisfied. Until he entangled with the little eunuch's tongue and danced with it, Jing Yao seemed to have finally found his destination, and sighed in comfort.

Messy and slippery! Fragrant and sweet! Numb and crispy!

Jing Yao was fascinated, until the little eunuch under him blushed and couldn't breathe, he let this useless little idiot go.

This person was his lover, but it was the first time they met in this world. He directly leaned forward for a kiss, but Xu Jinyi didn't know how to react.

He tugged the cheek of the little eunuch with three points of anger in his eyes, "I want to write, come and grind the ink for me."

It's very convincing! Xu Jinyi snorted invisibly, and followed behind Jing Yao. Walking to the imperial case, he poured some water into Yanzhong, held the sleeve with his left hand, and picked up an ink block carved with exquisite dragon patterns with his right hand, and gently and slowly circled it vertically on the inkstone.

Even the gesture of rubbing the ink was so moving, Jing Yao took a deep look at Xu Jinyi, and when the ink was thick enough, he took a lake brush and lightly dipped it, and wrote a few lines of wild cursive script in one stroke.

The air is clear and the orchid is fragrant, the skin is moist and the muscles are rich. Powerless to move the wrist, how tender and tender. A little bit of sweat, hair messy green onions.

Xu Jinyi glanced at it out of the corner of the eye, and sneered secretly, old pervert!

Jing Yao shook the paper lightly, and when the ink was dry, he casually threw the paper into Xu Jinyi's arms, "Your reward."

Xu Jinyi spread out the piece of paper, folded it horizontally and vertically in two, his face was neither happy nor angry, but Jing Yao couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Jing Yao didn't want to deny that the words he wrote just now were a bit tentative.

Jing Yao, who was associated with the Palace of Compassion and Peace, felt that he was incompatible. For example, the eunuch surnamed Li, who was loved by the old woman, saw Jing Yao and wanted to break his dog's legs and dumb his dog's mouth.

But seeing this little eunuch in the Palace of Compassion and Peace today really made him happy from the bottom of his heart. This kind of sudden bright moon like a warm moon had never appeared in his life before, and he didn't want to. Let it go, let people move to Qianqing Palace directly.

The kiss just now was completely accidental.

Who made this little eunuch so alluring? From the black hair to the slender soles of the feet, everything hooked him, and he couldn't help but bully him.

The face is also fragrant, the tender lips are soft, and the tongue is slippery, making him kiss for so long without knowing it!

The prince is almost fifteen now, Jing Yao can't deny that he has had sex with women before. But apart from spending two days with his wife on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year to complete his mission, he rarely spends the rest of his days with women, and since the queen passed away, he no longer needs to go for those two days.

In recent years, he has become even more ascetic, and he is very bored whenever he sees a woman. He has never stepped into the harem, and he has become a real loner.

And in the few times Dun Lun counted over the past few years, he never kissed those women once. One was that those women wore thick or light lip balm even at night in order not to lose their appearance in front of the imperial court, which made him feel disgusted. The second is that even if those women wiped off their lip balm, their lips are still very beautiful, but he has no consciousness of kissing those women.

But the moment he put the lips on the little eunuch's lips, he suddenly understood, as if enlightened, and as if enlightened, how to lick, how to hook, how to suck, self-taught, extraordinary talent.

And have fun! If it wasn't for the fact that the little eunuch couldn't breathe, he would have kissed even longer!

At first, I thought it was because I had a lack of sexual desire, but until now, the desire to meet the little eunuch, which had been suppressed for more than ten years, suddenly burst out. finally understood.

It's not that he is pure-hearted, it's that he hasn't met anyone who makes his sexual desire soar.

Obviously, this little eunuch is the one who can make his libido go up.

When you come into contact with something new, you will always be curious, and so is Jing Yao. He was curious about the wonderful feeling of kissing, he missed the taste of the little eunuch's lips and teeth, and he longed to kiss the little eunuch until he suffocated again.

If he could, he even wished he could do more than just kiss...

This kind of eagerness, feeling, curiosity, and a bit of shyness made Jing Yao, who was as noble as the 95th, retreat three points in front of the little eunuch.

Broken sleeves and divided peaches, Long Yang is good, Jing Yao is familiar with history, how can he not know how different he is now? Maybe he was born to like men

But what's the point? He is now the emperor of Daliang, the only ruler of Daliang, and the power in his hands is extremely huge, he likes men and no one dares to say no.

Jing Yao didn't care what the people of the world thought, nor what the civil and military officials thought, but he hesitated when faced with this white and tender little eunuch in front of him.

Subconsciously, he didn't regard this little eunuch as a slave who could be bossed around, and he didn't regard him as a shameless pamper who could be played with at any time.

Maybe it's because this little eunuch is the only one who makes him feel happy from the bottom of his heart, maybe it's because this little eunuch is the only one who makes him desire to kiss or even London, maybe it's just because of the little eunuch's pair of eyes Eyes as bright as glazed black.

So he wrote such a picture, showing his desire for the little eunuch naked in front of him.

Did he like it? Still angry

But the little eunuch was neither sad nor happy, his face was so calm that Jing Yao couldn't see through it.

Seeing that the little eunuch folded the words and tried to stuff them into his sleeves, Jing Yao cleared his throat and hurriedly said, "What do you think of this picture?"

Xu Jinyi's first salute "The emperor's characters are flying like dragons and phoenixes, exquisite and exquisite."

"I'm asking about these two lines of poetry!"

Xu Jinyi bowed solemnly again, "These two poems are from Yuan Zhen's "Thirty Rhymes of Huizhen Poems", which falsely describe Zhang Sheng, but actually allude to the love affair between Yuan Zhen and Cui Yingying. Yuan Zhen and Cui Yingying are the love of his life, However, Cui Yingying and Yuan Zhen had an affair."

After a moment of silence, Xu Jinyi glanced at Jing Yao from the corner of his eye, and slowly smiled with irony in his lips, "This poem is a fun thing Yuan Zhen used to show off among his friends, but it ruined Cui Yingying's reputation .Yuan Zhen is a person with a small heart!"