Always with the Old Attack

Chapter 55: eunuch


"Are you there?" The candle had been burning for too long, Xu Jinyi flicked the wick, and the dim light suddenly lit up three points, coating his handsome face with a layer of warm golden light, but it made this person more noble and holy , not close.

A man wrapped in black suddenly appeared under the light. He knelt on one knee, looked down at the ground, and said with great respect, "My subordinate is here."

"What happened to the emperor?"

"... Your Majesty is fine."

Xu Jinyi took off the jade pendant around his neck and showed it to the hidden guard, "What happened to the emperor?"

Sure enough, it was like I came in person, the dark guard bowed down and bowed, but after paying the big gift, he still insisted, "The emperor is fine."

Xu Jinyi glanced at him, his eyes flickered coldly, "Okay then, go get ready, I'm going into the palace."

The hidden guard didn't move, and remained silent for a long time, finally bent down and put his head on the ground, "The emperor won't let his subordinates tell you, and won't let you enter the palace."

After Xu Jinyi heard this, he clenched his teeth and clenched his hands into fists unconsciously, not even knowing that the jade pendant in his hand was touching his palm.

A few days ago, Jingyao would come to Cheng's mansion every other day. Even though he was busy with business, the two of them never separated for more than three days.

But I don't know what happened to him during this time, five days have passed since the last time Jing Yao came to Cheng's mansion.

Cheng's father has not been in court these days, saying that the emperor has just been in court recently.

Even though the secret guard sent a few letters from time to time, Xu Jinyi was still very worried, and would even be so flustered that he couldn't sleep at night, feeling that he had forgotten something.

The dark guard was originally Jing Yao's old man, so it's not surprising that he turned to him, but Jing Yao had no choice but to find a way by himself.

Suddenly, he remembered something, hurriedly found out the system and looked through the plot of this world, tens of thousands of words, he read it word by word, not even missing ordinary punctuation marks.

"In the fourth year of Guangyao, King Chen was imprisoned by Emperor Guangyao in the clan mansion due to the plague case."

Plague case, plague

Now is the fourth year of Guangyao!

The memory of the original owner is only the fifteen years before Xu Jinyi transmigrated, and there is only the simple word "plague" in the plot. Xu Jinyi was anxious, and read Guangyao's four-year plot description back and forth three times. The only thing that was sure to have something to do with Emperor Guangyao this year was the bare "plague" case.

plague! Xu Jinyi clenched his fists, suddenly lowered his head and approached the hidden guard, and hurriedly asked: "Is the emperor in good health? Is he sick... suffering from the plague?"

The dark guard was startled, and a few traces of panic flashed in his eyes very quickly.

Xu Jinyi straightened up, no need to ask any more questions, the performance of this hidden guard was already very obvious.

He hastily wrote two lines and pressed them under the table, then pulled the hidden guard by his collar and pulled him up with a firm voice, "I want to enter the palace immediately."

"Master won't allow—"

"I know medicine, and I can cure him. You must know who cured the old lady's heart palpitations."

Seeing that the hidden guard didn't move, Xu Jinyi's expression became very cold, "I'm not a fool, I'm sure I can cure him. Don't be a fool either, if you delay for a moment, your master will be in more danger!"

The dark guard thought for a moment, gestured towards the dark place, and then bowed to Xu Jinyi, "Yes, Master Cheng, please come down with me."

A hidden guard showed up and entered the palace smoothly without Xu Jinyi taking out the jade pendant carriage when passing through the palace gate.

The carriage drove all the way, and finally stopped in front of the Qianqing Palace. Xu Jinyi hurriedly jumped out of the carriage before it stopped, and ran towards Jing Yao's bedroom.

After entering the inner hall, Xu Jinyi ran towards the dragon bed, only to realize that Jing Yao's situation was no longer optimistic.

His face was ashen, his eyes were closed, his forehead was hot, and even slight spots appeared on his skin!

Xu Jinyi immediately reached for his wrist, Jing Yao's pulse was very weak.

"Bring a pen!" Xu Jinyi looked at the servants in the house, and his aura of power without anger attacked everyone like overwhelming the sky.

Xu Jinyi once worked as a young eunuch in Qianqing Palace for a day, and the relationship between him and the emperor is well known to these palace people. Coupled with the majestic momentum that rushed to their faces, the originally panicked people seemed to have found their backbone, and immediately took it out in a hurry. Here comes the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the imperial case.

Xu Jinyi wrote quickly, and after writing the prescription, he quickly read it from beginning to end several times, and finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the prescription, so he quickly handed it to the hidden guard at the side, "Go to the imperial hospital to get the medicine, and find a reliable imperial physician to follow the instructions. Boil out the medicinal soup according to the method in the prescription, and serve it while it is still hot."

"Now the air in the hall is very dirty, open the windows immediately, and the inner hall must be kept ventilated during the day!" Xu Jinyi pointed to the tightly closed windows and instructed the palace servants.

"Has the clothes worn by the emperor in the past been burned?"

"Burn it." The eunuch saluted Xu Jinyi sincerely. In the past, the emperor doted on this young master Cheng. Although he agreed in his heart, he would also unconsciously regard him as the emperor's concubine, thinking that he was a man, but after all, he still served the emperor with color. Now that Young Master Cheng was able to come to the palace without hesitation regardless of his own safety, he respected the life and death for the emperor.

As for Young Master Cheng's medical skills, the emperor had praised him several times when he was in the palace. Now that the emperor is seriously ill and the hospital is helpless, it is better to let the calm and calm young master Cheng have a try.

After all, the emperor was not the only one infected with the plague in the palace, and the emperor did not need to come in person to test the medicine.

"Very good, all objects that have been contaminated by the emperor must be burned or buried deep, and the clothes worn by the palace people also need to be changed every day, and they must be boiled in hot water before cleaning."

"Yes, the old slave will give orders immediately."

"En." Xu Jinyi nodded, then sat down on the edge of the dragon bed, and held Jing Yao's hand, which was visibly skinny after not seeing him for a few days.

With the system in place, unless the original owner was already sick before the transmigration, he would not be easily infected by small germs.

In his previous life, there would be a new virus raging around the world for several months every ten years or so. As one of the most skilled doctors in China, it is his duty to research treatment methods and virus vaccines. But those few infectious diseases that caused the death of tens of thousands of people, which made the posterity change their faces, didn't affect his body in the slightest, because of the powerful preventive function of the system in the body.

Feeling the movement, Jing Yao opened his eyes with difficulty. When he saw Xu Jinyi sitting in front of the bed, he immediately widened his eyes, "Bao'er? Why are you here?"

Before Xu Jinyi could answer in the future, Jing Yao had already come to his senses, and the joy in his eyes suddenly turned into anger. For the first time in his life, he yelled at Xu Jinyi, "Go back quickly! Go back to your house, no, go to another place quickly, I'm afraid it won't be more than two days You can’t go out in Tianjing City, you should escape quickly!”

"I won't go!" Xu Jinyi clenched his hand tightly and promised, "I'll see you, don't worry, I'll be fine, and I'll cure you!"

"Bao'er, this is a plague, a plague! Go away, don't come in front of me again!" Jing Yao shook his head again and again, and hurriedly pulled out his palm, but he himself had no strength because of the plague, and Xu Jinyi practiced martial arts to be able to carry However, these big palms were clenched in Xu Jinyi's palms all the time, and he couldn't pull them out.

"Bao'er, hurry up, Anyi, send Young Master Cheng away immediately!" Jing Yao sternly ordered to the hidden guard behind Xu Jinyi.

"I won't go, I can cure you!"

But Jing Yao never listened to Xu Jinyi's words. With a cold face, he snapped angrily, "Cheng Zishi, I order you to leave the palace immediately! Don't stand in my way here!"

The palace people and subordinates did not move, Xu Jinyi still sat firmly on the side of the bed, holding his hand tightly, Jing Yao closed his eyes, and when it started again, his eyes were full of chills.

"Cheng Zishi, think about your parents and grandmother, if you refuse to obey my order, I will immediately send someone to imprison them in the clan mansion!"

That's enough, Bao'er, you can come to me at this moment regardless of the danger of your life. If I can't make it this time, I can't grow old with you, and I have no regrets.

Bao'er, don't blame me, I love you.

"Jing Yao, you stubborn old man!" Xu Jinyi gritted his teeth angrily, and when he saw the love hidden deep in those black eyes, he fell silent again, and rushed forward to bite Jing Yao's chapped lips.

While he was in a daze, the little tongue stuck in. Jing Yao wanted to push the little tongue away, but he was afraid that his tongue would infect his Bao'er with the plague. Before he could think of a suitable move, his tongue had been caught Bao'er's tongue was entangled.

Jing Yao immediately became flustered. The taste between Bao'er's lips and teeth was too sweet. At this darkest moment in his life, he was reluctant to give up the sweetness in front of him. Bao'er's skills were also very superb. Even if he wanted to pull out his tongue, he would always be with But his Bao'er was getting tighter and tighter.

The two kissed for a long time unknowingly, the people in the hall didn't dare to look over there, they just pretended to lower their heads to do things, but the shameful tsk-tsk sound continued, making their hearts thump wildly.

Xu Jinyi left Jing Yao's lips, and when he raised his head again, he found that his lover's expression was very fragile, with a bit of despair, and his eye sockets also turned red.

"What are you worried about? Worried that I will also get this disease?" Xu Jinyi lowered his head and rubbed his lover's forehead, "My medical skills are much better than you imagined, and I am even hundreds of times better than the best doctor in the imperial hospital! It’s just a small plague, how can it stump me?”

To be honest, the plague is indeed quite troublesome for him who does not have the advanced medical equipment of modern times, but his Chinese medicine is as good as Western medicine, and he is 70% sure of curing his lover's illness.

What's more, in the plot, the lover did not have any accidents in the "plague case", which made Xu Jinyi very confident!

"Little villain!" The kiss was all kissed, and it was still a deep kiss that lasted for half a quarter of an hour. Maybe Bao'er had already been infected by him. If he drives Bao'er out of the palace again, where can Bao'er find a doctor who is even more skilled than the imperial physician? More perfect and precious medicinal materials than those in the imperial pharmacy of Taitai Hospital

It's better to let Bao'er stay in the palace. If there is a bowl of medicine for him, there will be a bowl for Bao'er.

"Little villain! Now you are so bold that you don't listen to me!" Jing Yao took Xu Jinyi's hands instead, pressed them to his lips, and kissed him reverently, "If you don't want to leave, you won't leave. I will always be with you I!"

"Yeah!" Xu Jinyi raised his lips, with a bright smile on his face, "I'll be with you."