Amnesia Guide Of A Mermaid

Chapter 46


Standing opposite Zhuang Yan, Hou Litian has paid much attention to him since Zhuang Yan's comeback. He once went to the venue of the Sun Cup boxing match to watch Zhuang Yan's two matches, and also shared his past and present. After watching the video of the match many times, Zhuang Yan's boxing style is still as sharp and fierce as before, and his many advantages are even much stronger than when he was at his peak back then.

Although, since Zhuang Yan's comeback, there have been some voices saying that Zhuang Yan has old injuries on his waist and thinks that he won't be able to last long in the boxing ring, but that's just some people's guesses, and no one can guarantee that he can last. The moment Zhuang Yan's back injury recurred.

Hou Litian originally wanted to reach the finals this year, compete with Wu Lianshui, and win this year's Xiangwang Cup gold belt. Who would have thought that he would face Zhuang Yan in the first match.

He doesn't want others to destroy his prestige, but the current situation is really not optimistic. He was defeated by Wu Lianshui last year, and Zhuang Yan knocked Wu Lianshui to the ground within three rounds, making him completely incapacitated .

He may be stronger today than he was back then. Hou Litian has to play with the spirit of twelve points. He must take this game more seriously than every game in the past.

A referee wearing a blue shirt and black suit trousers came onto the stage and stood in the middle of Zhuang Yan and Hou Litian.

Zhuang Yan's eyes lingered on the opponent's white gloves for a moment, he didn't know what to think of, and there was a little smile on his face, but the smile disappeared immediately, his expression was serious, and he looked into the sight of Hou Litian on the opposite side Like a sharp sword bursting out.

The referee announced the rules of the game. After counting down to three two one, a ringing bell sounded, and the audience in the audience was seriously affected by the atmosphere. They were silent for a while, and everyone's eyes were focused on the small On the boxing ring, after the two people on the ring tried for a while, Hou Litian took the lead in punching.

Hou Litian's punching speed was very fast, like a cobra aiming at its prey, it was powerful enough to knock Zhuang Yan down.

However, Zhuang Yan easily dodged his punch, Zhuang Yan dived to the right, Hou Litian's fist hit an empty hole, and then Zhuang Yan raised his hand to make an uppercut, Hou Litian immediately raised his hand to block, but Zhuang Yan The fist was surprisingly powerful, and he blocked it well, but he couldn't help but lean back a little.

The atmosphere of the audience in the audience was gradually mobilized, and they began to shout loudly. They clapped their hands, and some people had whistles in their mouths. The sharp sound was mixed with other voices. Several cheerleaders Standing on both sides of the boxing ring, holding up the flower belts in their hands, everyone's silhouettes are clearly reflected on the glass around the venue. It seems that this place has not been so lively for a long time.

Hou Litian inexplicably felt that the atmosphere in today's competition venue was more enthusiastic than any competition he had participated in before.

Is this what Zhuang Yan brought

Such thoughts only stayed in Hou Litian's mind for a short moment. He looked at Zhuang Yan opposite. Zhuang Yan was not short, but when he raised his fists, he would try to put his center of gravity as low as possible, with his right hand in front. , the left fist is close to the chin, and the whole person is like a bow and arrow tensed.

Zhuang Yan rushed towards Hou Litian's jaw with a straight punch. After Hou Litian reacted, he endured the pain and swung his fist back at Zhuang Yan. Like him, Zhuang Yan hardly did any parrying. The two fists interlaced in mid-air However, with the rustling wind.

The audience in the audience stared intently at the contest between the two on the big screen. Qin Ruoshui was still sitting in the first row of the auditorium. His eyes fell on Zhuang Yan, and he did not leave from the beginning to the end.

Human beings seem to be shining at this time, and he really likes the sport of boxing.

Qin Ruoshui couldn't help but think of the match between Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli that he had seen on the Internet. He didn't believe that Zhuang Yan would make fake punches. It is not easy to come up with the monitoring in various places at that time.

He had the opportunity to personally ask the human beings what was going on.

People from the Qin family can't be bullied like this for nothing.

On the boxing ring, Hou Litian and Zhuang Yan came to the corner after a few fights. This place is very unfavorable to Zhuang Yan. After a while, Hou Litian raised his fist again and punched Zhuang Yan's head hard.

Zhuang Yan dived quickly, moved out from the left side, and at the same time punched Hou Litian's right rib, and successfully circled out.

Zhuang Yan quickly regained his own rhythm, and the two moved to the center of the ring. He broke Hou Litian's fist with a straight punch, and the fist landed heavily on his chin. At the same time, Zhuang Yan Yan quickly adjusted his steps, slid half a step to the right, and hit Hou Litian on the left cheek with another fist.

Hou Litian only felt that all the teeth in his mouth were about to be knocked out by Zhuang Yan's punch. His expression was in a daze for a moment, and a little confusion appeared in his eyes. In the blurred vision, Zhuang Yan's fist turned to him again. He rushed over, and he raised his hand weakly to block it, but he knew in his heart that it was useless.

With a bang, the bell rang at this moment. Zhuang Yan looked at Hou Litian opposite him, and retracted his fist in midair expressionlessly.

There was a disappointed sigh from the audience. The group of boxing fans who shouted for Hou Litian and wanted to cheer for Hou Litian felt sorry for Zhuang Yan's failure to get rid of Hou Litian in the first round.

These are some doggy boxing fans!

At the end of the first round, Hou Litian's coach came to the stage and asked Hou Litian how he was feeling now. Hou Litian shook his head. Being able to support this round had almost exhausted all his energy.

Hou Litian's coach knew that he was not in a good condition when he saw his expression. He helped him relax his muscles and replenish energy, and told him again and again: "Wait a little longer, try not to face him head-on,"

Hou Litian nodded. His only chance of winning now is to bet that Zhuang Yan's waist injury will not fully recover, and the long-term game may cause his waist injury to flare up.

Although this method is a bit contemptible, but at this time, all allowed means for victory are acceptable. This is a strategy.

Zhou Fei looked at Hou Litian on the opposite side, and said to Zhuang Yan: "You played well just now, Hou Litian and the others probably won't dare to run into you head-on in the next round. Take advantage of the opportunity and try to deal with him as soon as possible, yes Now, be careful hugging."

Zhuang Yan nodded, he knew all this.

While Zhou Fei was talking, he unzipped Zhuang Yan's belt again and again, stroked Zhuang Yan's stomach, and relaxed his muscles.

Qin Ruoshui in the audience narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, staring at Zhou Fei's back for a long time, with a chill in his eyes, what is that Zhou Fei doing

Zhou Fei was a little puzzled. His subordinates didn't stop moving. He turned his head to look down the stage, then looked away inexplicably, and asked Zhuang Yan, "Why do I feel that someone in the audience is looking at me?"

Zhuang Yan snorted and said to Zhou Fei, "Stop being so sentimental."

Zhou Fei thinks so too, what's so good about an old coach who hasn't appeared in him for several years, but he still has a feeling of being on his back, and every time he meets Zhuang Yan, this feeling becomes more intense.

Could it be that Zhuang Yan's girlfriend fan is still sitting in the audience

No way, I've never heard of Zhuang Yan having a girlfriend fan.

Zhou Fei's sixth sense clearly told him that his current job might be a little bit dangerous.

Let's hope he doesn't get acid thrown at him after the game.

After the break, Zhuang Yan and Hou Litian stood in the center of the ring again, and the ringing bell rang. The second round began. Hou Litian followed the strategy set up with his coach and tried to open Zhuang Yan as much as possible, but he didn't dare to be too obvious. Points will also be deducted for negative competition in the boxing ring, not to mention that he still needs to show face. If he is allowed to be chased around by Zhuang Yan in the ring, what face will he have to continue to hang around in the boxing ring in the future.

I have to say that Zhuang Yan's control of his steps is really awesome and precise. Hou Litian has no way to avoid him completely. He often gets punched or two on the body and head. He is full of strength and wants to fight back. As a result, the fist directly missed, Zhuang Yan dived and circled from his left side, and Hou Litian fell to the ground.

There were exclamations from the audience, everything happened so fast just now, they didn't see Zhuang Yan's actions clearly at all, why did Hou Litian rush to the street by himself.

Hou Litian quickly got up from the ground and continued to use free tactics, trying not to get close to Zhuang Yan. Zhuang Yan moved his lips, and looked in the direction of Qin Ruoshui in the audience, his fists were a little loose.

good chance! Hou Litian's pupils narrowed slightly, and he moved forward quickly, hitting Zhuang Yan's left rib with a fist. The corner of Zhuang Yan's mouth curled into a smile. He didn't block, and hit Hou Litian's jaw directly with a heavy fist. This beat Hou Litian into a daze.

He had a bad heart and wanted to run away, but just now he was hit by Zhuang Yan's full-strength punch, and now his whole body has become dull, and there is a thin and dense smell of blood in his mouth.

Zhuang Yan took advantage of the victory to pursue, smashing combined punches repeatedly, without giving Hou Litian the slightest chance to breathe. Hou Litian seemed to be stupefied, and he couldn't even stand up to block. The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, his mouthguard fell off, his whole body was unbearable, and finally fell heavily.

The entire competition venue was quiet for such a short moment, and then there was a burst of warm cheers and applause.

Hou Litian fell to the ground and was completely unable to stand up. Recalling what happened just now, it seems that in just a short moment, he remembered Zhuang Yan's absent-minded look before he punched. Although his eyes were a little distracted, his body It's been tense, never let up.

Hou Litian cursed inwardly, Zhuang Yan must have deliberately revealed that flaw just now!

The heart of boxing is black.

Zhuang Yan withdrew his hand, with an exceptionally calm expression on his face.

The referee came over and started counting down. Hou Litian, who fell on the ground, took a long breath. He had never really fought Zhuang Yan for various reasons. Now he finally understands why Wu Lianshui still fights Zhuang Yan after a long time. Zhuang Yan was very apprehensive, and gradually began to understand why boxing fans were so fond of Zhuang Yan.

Lightweight competitions have long been dubbed by boxing fans as a show of skill and tricks, while those heavyweight boxers in domestic heavyweight competitions are really mediocre, often like two bears embracing each other. The movements are slow, lack the skills that should be there, and always give people the feeling that something is missing.

Zhuang Yan always had an unstoppable aura, even his opponents were not immune to his influence, and his performance on stage was even more brave, as if he was going to risk his life.

This is a real boxing match.

The referee raised Zhuang Yan's right hand high. He is the winner of this match.

"Zhuang Yan! Zhuang Yan! Zhuang Yan!"

The boxing fans finally overcame their own psychological barriers and shouted his name. Thousands of voices gathered together, one wave after another, interlaced lights flashed across Zhuang Yan's face,

The boxing fans are very excited. Since Zhuang Yan quit the boxing world, the boxing world has been sluggish for so long. Today, they finally saw a passionate match. The only regret is that the duration is still too short. I hope After Hou Litian goes back, don't give up on yourself, but sum up your shortcomings and forge ahead.

Zhuang Yan stood on the boxing ring, where his gaze passed, there was one wave after another, and finally his gaze stopped on Qin Ruoshui.

Qin Ruoshui raised his hand, clapped his hands twice, and smiled a little satisfied at Zhuang Yan.

Zhuang Yan also laughed, his face appeared on the big screen, with a touch of joy in his gray eyes.

It's so beautiful.

After a long, long time, the boxers and referees on the boxing ring had all gone down, and the boxing fans calmed down a little, and began to reflect on whether the crane had made some small mistakes just now.

"Did you call Zhuang Yan's name just now?" Someone asked a question worthy of soul-searching.

Those people immediately denied Sanlian: "I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Looking at the other people around him, they all shook their heads, resolutely refusing to admit that they had betrayed the organization just now.

Then those voices just now were shouted by ghosts

"Did you call?" Someone asked the questioner.

"Of course—" the questioner saw the unkind eyes around him, his voice stopped abruptly, and he added, "No."

Those gazes returned to normal.

The boxing fans happily left the arena. Although Zhuang Yan's odds were not high, they made a small profit. The money was enough for them to eat several meals of pork with mustard.

The boss sat blankly in the arena, feeling a little dazed. The small coffers he had saved just now were all in vain. I can't even hear it. How many times is this? How many times? Why do I always have a bad memory and have to be deceived by those old dogs

And how did Hou Litian lose? How did he lose? Doesn't it mean that he is a strong contender for this boxing championship? Is it that powerful

The boss slapped himself, like a small flower that has been exposed to the scorching sun for a long time, and the whole person is about to wither. Thinking that his small treasury is really empty this time, the boss can't help but feel sad, and burst into tears .

After a while, the boss came back to his senses, turned on his mobile phone, ran to the forum, and complained about the bad behavior of these forum members.

After taking over this gang of bullshit boxing fans, they immediately said innocently, who bought Zhuang Yan? They all bought Hou Litian and won. Although Hou Litian lost and lost all their money, they are all worthy of their conscience.

These bastards said too righteous words, not only did the boss become suspicious, isn't this group of boxing fans in the forum the same group as these people in the stadium

And at this moment, he heard someone behind him say: "Look, there is really a fool here who bought Hou Litian to win, I have to answer him."

"Let me see how you replied to him?" The friend beside him stretched his neck, looked at the screen, and read word by word, "I also bought Hou Litian Ying, and everyone said who bought Zhuang Yan It's a grandson, who in the forum wants to be a grandson."

The friend took a deep breath: "Aren't you a liar?"

He said disapprovingly: "Grandson is grandson, anyway, it's not the first time to do it, and besides, who is not grandson of grandpa."

boss:"… "

He was a little moved by the friends in the forum just now, but now he only feels that he is a fool.

Why can't this unreasonable and cruel world consider treating him better

Although Hou Litian lost this match, he had already used all his savings to buy Zhuang Yan to win before the match, which means that no matter whether he wins or loses this match today, he will gain something.

But in comparison, he will get more if he wins this game.

The boxing fans made money and went out to celebrate. After returning, they continued to insult Zhuang Yan passionately in the forum with the help of alcohol.

They sat in front of the computer, with their ten fingers jumping rapidly on the keyboard under the influence of a little drunkenness, and within ten minutes, they wrote a large article eloquently. Ghosts and gods are simply literary giants of the time.

The boxing fan picked up the mouse and solemnly clicked the button.

They fantasize that as soon as this post of theirs is published, it will cause a storm in the forum. Countless people will worship him under his post, wanting to know how he can write such a good article, how can he come up with such an appropriate metaphor Come.

As a result, they watched helplessly as the post they had just sent disappeared. F5 refreshed it, but the post did not come back. Refresh it again, but it still didn't come back.

The boxing fans are puzzled and confused. Since their small forum has been established for so many years, there have been very few convulsions. What's going on today

Not long after, these boxing fans who posted all received a system notification: Your post has been deleted by the administrator due to pornographic violence.

Fuck pornographic violence!

The boxing fans were outraged, and they wanted to see which administrator's mind was full of yellow. When they excitedly opened the list of administrators, they found that there was an administrator codenamed R in the forum. .

Well, the one who deleted the post must be you, a newcomer.

Boxing fans have sent private messages to the altar owner, asking what happened to that R, and asked the altar owner to remove the R administrator immediately.

Poor boxing fans, they don't know anything about the power of money at this point.

The altar owner didn't expect that R would be Zhuang Yan's brainless fan, but he just signed a contract and gave R a lifelong administrator. If he breaks the contract, he will have to pay five times the liquidated damages.

Hey, I regret it now, I regret it very much.