Amnesia Guide Of A Mermaid

Chapter 48


After the training in the afternoon, Zhuang Yan returned to the room and immediately contacted the two computer gurus according to the contact information on the business card given by Qin Ruoshui.

The other party was very talkative, so Zhuang Yan even wondered whether Qin Ruoshui had already taken care of it for him at a certain moment, but he quickly expelled this unrealistic thought from his mind.

The other party said that the deleted files in the network disk could be recovered, but it would take a while, Zhuang Yan was not particularly anxious, he had waited for such a long time, and it was not too short of time now.

Wu Lianshui watched the video of the match between Zhuang Yan and Hou Litian several times. Zhuang Yan's last punch was obviously on Hou Litian's jaw, but it made Wu Lianshui's own jaw hurt too. On the boxing ring where he fought Zhuang Yan a long time ago, Zhuang Yan threw a punch at his head, Wu Lianshui closed his eyes tightly in fright, and then he woke up from the dream.

When he woke up, Wu Lianshui's pajamas were almost drenched in cold sweat. He sat on the bed stiff for a long time, and the ferocious appearance of Zhuang Yan in his dream seemed to appear before his eyes again.

The next day, he found Zhao Wei, pointed to Zhuang Yan who had knocked Hou Litian down with a punch on the screen, and asked Zhao Wei: "Look at his game, does he look like he has a waist injury?"

Zhao Wei didn't dare to speak, he didn't see Zhuang Yan at all, and the injury on his waist was just something he made up for Wu Lianshui based on Zhuang Yan's hand condition back then.

However, Zhao Wei still does not believe that Zhuang Yan's back injury will fully recover. They had already consulted all experts and doctors at home and abroad at that time, and they all said that Zhuang Yan was hopeless. Are you up

If this is the case, he would jump into the sea now, maybe the thumb that was chopped off can grow back again.

Knowing that he couldn't get any useful information from Zhao Wei, Wu Lianshui returned to his boxing gym and asked his coach, "Has Ke Hongli entered the preliminary round?"

The coach nodded: "Go in, I specially arranged a weaker opponent for him."

To be honest, Ke Hongli's ability is not particularly outstanding among many fighters, and his fame is entirely due to defeating Zhuang Yan that year.

When the news of Zhuang Yan's counterfeit punches came out, boxing fans also suspected that Ke Hongli was also involved in this matter, but Ke Hongli came forward and said that he used all his savings to buy Zhuang Yan to win. Although he won the first game, he lost all his money, and in the next game, Ke Hongli behaved very ordinary, and finally lost under Wu Lianshui's hands, and got nothing.

The boxing fans probably came to the conclusion that this match was completely a deal between Zhuang Yan and the capitalists, and those boxing fans who bought Zhuang Yan to win were directly treated as leeks.

The leeks were especially angry. They trusted Zhuang Yan so much, but he failed them without the slightest conscience.

Pooh! Scumbag!

Wu Lianshui thought for a while and said to the coach: "Let Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli fight in the next match. If Zhuang Yan can beat Ke Hongli, we can only let the boxing center come out and disqualify Zhuang Yan."

The coach nodded, patted Wu Lianshui on the shoulder, and said to him, "Don't worry, Zhuang Yan won't make it to the finals."

Wu Lianshui hummed, lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

"During this time, don't miss out on your training."

"I know." Wu Lianshui nodded, then walked to Li Qiu and started his training today.

Proust is quite satisfied with Zhuang Yan at present. He is obedient and can bear hardships. Even if such a boxer is not very talented, he can still score one or two points under his training.

It was the way that Mr. Qin looked at him that made him feel a chill down his back from time to time.

Hey, I don't know what they are thinking.

Qin Ruoshui found that since Proust came to the manor, the number of times Zhuang Yan came to look for him on the third floor every day has decreased significantly, and sometimes he did not come once a day. Qin Ruoshui had to reflect on whether he had made a mistake. Decide.

That pair of red shorts was still obediently and neatly in Qin Ruoshui's drawer, but occasionally when he woke up in the morning, he would find that these shorts ran into his bed inexplicably.

Qin Ruoshui feels that she is gradually becoming less like herself, and it is not yet possible to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

It's a pity that Zhuang Yan has been playing games recently, otherwise, he should have implemented the book "One Hundred Ways to Get Out of Singleness" after page 173. After thinking for a while, Qin Ruoshui took that book from the shelf. I took the book down, and continued to study where I saw it last time.

No, he is not studying, he is called planning for a rainy day.

After reading a few pages, Qin Ruoshui felt that it was not interesting, so he put it down, and took another book from the shelf. The name of this book was "How to Be a Good Boxing Coach". Yan and Hou Litian immediately placed an order to buy it after the match.

Qin Butler thought that Qin Ruoshui's book was for Zhuang Yan, but he would never have thought that this book was for Qin Ruoshui to study.

"The roster for the rematch is out." Zhou Fei's voice on the other end of the phone sounded inexplicably heavy.

Zhuang Yan asked, "Ke Hongli?"

"Did you see it?"

"No, I can hear it from your tone."

Zhou Fei sighed lightly, feeling very sad in his heart. Ke Hongli's level is indeed not to be feared, even inferior to Hou Litian, but he is afraid that he will leave a shadow on Zhuang Yan and cause Zhuang Yan to perform abnormally in the boxing ring After all, this kind of thing has happened to other boxers before.

"It's nothing." Zhuang Yan's voice sounded pretty good, and he didn't take this matter too seriously, as if he had never been defeated by Ke Hongli before. "Just calm down and treat it normally."

"It's best if you think like this." Zhou Fei felt relieved a little, and he asked Zhuang Yan, "Is the training okay during this period of time?"


Thinking about it, it wouldn't be too bad to have Proust as Zhuang Yan's coach, so Zhou Fei was completely relieved.

When they saw that Zhuang Yan's opponent was Ke Hongli in the rematch, the boxing fans also became restless like Zhou Fei.

In the past, they shouted in the forum that whoever buys Zhuang Yan is the grandson, whoever buys Zhuang Yan is an idiot, but they bought Zhuang Yan decisively in every competition, but this time they were really confused.

Why is it so unfortunate that Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli ran into each other directly.

For Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli, Zhuang Yan must have played better, but the problem is that they thought the same way last time, and then they lost all their money and went bankrupt.

And no one can guarantee that Zhuang Yan won't make false punches this time, and maybe Zhuang Yan also has a psychological shadow on Ke Hongli. It's very possible.

So what should I buy this time

Because there is an administrator R in the forum, boxing fans have no way to discuss this issue in the forum. In the end, they really have no choice but to seriously analyze Ke Hongli.

It is obvious that Ke Hongli's chances of winning against each other are very slim, but even if it is less, it is not completely impossible.

The more the boxing fans analyzed, the more confused they became, and the more confused they became, the more they couldn't make a move.

Since the boss of the company bought Hou Litian Ying last time, his pockets are now completely empty. Some time ago, the boss wife checked whether he had hidden a small treasury in private, and checked him from head to toe inside and out. He didn't even find any cash, and seeing the boss's frank attitude and a clear conscience, he knew that he probably didn't hide any money on him now.

The proprietress was very satisfied and rewarded the boss with 200 yuan.

Therefore, if you lose your horse, you will know that it is not a blessing.

Two hundred yuan was bought by the boss yesterday for a bouquet of flowers to give to the boss wife, and they had a wonderful night.

Today, during the lunch break, the boss came to the employee’s computer screen, looked at the official website of the sports lottery center on the computer, and asked the employee: “Who do you plan to buy to win?”

The employee shook his head. After careful consideration, he made a decision, and said to the boss: "Don't buy this game, let's see it."

"Ah?" The boss blinked, looked at the employee with some doubts, and asked him, "Don't buy it?"

"I won't buy it."

Now many boxing fans and employees have the same idea. Since they don’t know what’s going on with Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli now, they should save the money and wait for the next match. Anyway, they have been in Zhuang Yan recently. I made a little money on my body, which is not bad.

In order to know Zhuang Yan's opponent in the next match, Proust watched all Ke Hongli's matches that he could find online, including the match between him and Zhuang Yan.

After watching that match, Proust frowned tightly. As an upright boxing coach with a bit of moral cleanliness, he couldn't accept the fact that his fighter might have punched fake punches.

But Proust has always been a straightforward person. After Zhuang Yan finished training, he asked him directly: "Did you punch fake?"

Zhuang Yan shook his head: "Never."

Proust nodded, apparently believing what Zhuang Yan said.

"Then do you have confidence in the next match against Ke Hongli?"


Proust was satisfied, his requirements were not high, just two points, the fighters he trained should not make false punches, and then they could win the match.

The match between Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli is about to start, and a large group of trolls flooded from nowhere on the Internet, frantically dissing Zhuang Yan in the forum, even if Qin Ruoshui is the forum administrator, he can't handle so many by himself navy.

Qin Ruoshui frowned, and was so angry that he couldn't eat for a day. If it wasn't for the lack of authority of the administrator, he could have blocked the accounts of these people together with their IPs. If he added a time limit to the ban, he hoped It is ten thousand years.

But these sailors dissed too much, even some boxing fans couldn't stand it, if you attack Zhuang Yan, attack Zhuang Yan, what's the matter if you step on it? How could Ke Hongli beat Zhuang Yan under normal circumstances? If he can beat Zhuang Yan, will Wu Lianshui still be the champion last year? Spoiling people also pay attention to a basic law ah!

Boxing fans took out their keyboards and started to help Zhuang Yan backspray.

Occasionally, the altar owner came back from work and logged on to the forum to take a look, and he also blocked a few troll accounts, but he could not seal them all by himself, but he did not dare to distribute the extra rights to other people in the forum. Administrator, after all, these people are hidden fans of Zhuang Yan, maybe one day they will suddenly become dominant like R, so it's better to be cautious.

Wu Lianshui and the others recruited this gang of sailors, in order to be able to defeat Zhuang Yan first on the spiritual level, but they didn't expect that Zhuang Yan didn't go to the forum very much now, and their laborious performance was almost unbelievable. Show it to the blind.

And what Wu Lianshui couldn't understand the most was that the group of fans in the forum had been scolding Zhuang Yan endlessly before, why now they all changed their mouths and began to praise Zhuang Yan.

damn it! Why!

The match between Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli was scheduled for the afternoon. In the morning, he came to the competition venue to weigh himself. Zhuang Yan's weight has been maintained well, with fluctuations of no more than half a kilogram. However, one player who entered the semi-finals was not so lucky. His weight was half a kilogram higher than the lightweight requirement. The Xiangwang Cup boxing match is different from the Sun Cup. This half kilogram can make him withdraw directly from the next match.

This player's competition is about to start. It is not an easy task to lose half a kilogram before the competition. It is possible to take some diarrhea medicine to succeed, but the consequence is that his performance in the boxing ring will be affected. .

However, none of this had anything to do with Zhuang Yan. A competent boxer would at least strictly manage his weight during the two days of the match, so he shouldn't make such mistakes.

The two games in the morning were barely passable, and boxing fans were still looking forward to the match between Zhuang Yan and Ke Hongli in the afternoon. When they saw Zhuang Yan coming out of the backstage with a foreigner in the afternoon, it was like a pot of hot oil. A drop of cold water dripped into the water, and the whole venue boiled up. Everyone stared at the middle-aged man next to Zhuang Yan with wide eyes.

The audience at the back actually couldn't see it very clearly, but they also made surprised expressions like the audience in front, until the face of the foreign man appeared on the big screen, and the voices in the venue suddenly jumped to the highest point.

Many people held a skeptical attitude, found Proust's photos from the Internet and compared them, and finally confirmed that the person was Proust.

How could this legendary coach suddenly appear in Pinghai City? appear here

Then something even more unbelievable happened. After Proust separated from Zhuang Yan, he sat in Zhuang Yan's coach seat.


Proust is Zhuang Yan's coach now? Is it so awesome

Which club did Zhuang Yan join? So powerful that he can invite Proust to be his coach

Awesome! Awesome!

The boxing fans racked their brains, but they never thought of any club in Pinghai City with such great energy to invite Proust. Moreover, since Zhuang Yan's comeback, they have never heard of him signing a contract with the club. up.

It's shocking how this all happened.

Could it be that Proust accidentally saw the video of Zhuang Yan's match, and thought that he was a natural boxer with amazing bones and a gifted spirit

Damn, what kind of Jack Su starting point novel is this!

No matter how hard boxing fans think, they would never have thought that this Proust was specially hired by Qin Ruoshui, Zhuang Yan's current employer, from abroad.

After confirming that it was Proust himself, the boxing fans felt a little regretful. If they had known that Proust was staring at Zhuang Yan today, they would have bought him to win.

But the game hasn't officially started yet, so it doesn't seem too late to buy a bet.

All of a sudden, countless boxing fans in the auditorium took out their mobile phones, opened the boxing lottery app, and started buying Zhuang Yan in unison, confirming the payment.

The boss didn't know what was going on at first, so he could only ask the boxing fans around him. After knowing that Zhuang Yanxin had changed to a special coach, the boss also felt a little itchy to see it, but his pockets were empty, not even a dime.

The employees are still working in the company, so there is no way to come and watch the game.

Before the game started, the boss sneaked into the bathroom and called the staff to tell the story.

The employee on the phone groaned, almost deafening the boss's ears, followed by a series of crackling sounds of tables, chairs and benches being overturned.

The employee sent out a series of hasty words, and then hung up the boss's phone immediately after saying something.


It seems that the employees are too stimulated, and they don't even want the year-end bonus.

On the boxing ring, Ke Hongli stood opposite Zhuang Yan. He was not sure about defeating Zhuang Yan at all. The reason why he was able to completely trample Zhuang Yan last time was completely blind. Hit a dead mouse.

During the match that day, Zhuang Yan was in a very bad state, probably because he drank fake wine in order to make fake punches more realistic.

No boxer would drink those messy things even though he knew he was about to fight. If Zhuang Yan was framed, he should take a blood test at the hospital and come out to clarify.

But Zhuang Yan never did.

Because of this, boxing fans were so disappointed in him that they turned into black fans. The words scolding him in the forums could go around the world three times.

Ke Hongli glanced at the expressionless Zhuang Yan opposite him. At this time, he looked completely different from the one who drank fake wine in the ring last time.

Before the boxing match started, Ke Hongli's heart had already started to feel weak.

It's amazing for a blind cat to bump into a dead mouse once, and he really doesn't think he has that kind of luck to bump into a second time.

I hope I don't lose too badly.

The referee walked between the two, read out the rules of the game, then raised his hand to count down to three two one, and the bell rang, marking the official start of this high-profile game.