Amnesia Guide Of A Mermaid

Chapter 55


Zhuang Yan's performance today was also better than in the past. His fists were faster and heavier, hitting Wu Lianshui's body like hailstones, but Wu Lianshui seemed to have lost his sense of pain, and the expression on his face became more fierce. Dodging, he greeted Zhuang Yan with his fist.

Wu Lianshui couldn't feel the pain, but Zhuang Yan still felt the pain. He felt that his strategy might need to be changed. If he continued to fight Wu Lianshui so head-on, even if he could win the match, the price he would pay would not be small.

Zhuang Yan swayed to the right, avoiding Wu Lianshui's uppercut, and at the same time retreated to distance himself from Wu Lianshui. In the next match, his skills completely suppressed Wu Lianshui. Wu Lianshui's fists frequently missed, and Zhuang Yan's score was also far over him.

If this continues, even if Wu Lianshui can persist until the last round, he will undoubtedly lose.

Wu Lianshui probably also understood this, so he punched more fiercely. He wanted to knock Zhuang Yan to the ground directly on the ring and make him lose all his fighting power. A feeling of being played on. Zhuang Yan withdrew his fist, turned around and walked towards the side of the ring. Wu Lianshui behind him stared at his back viciously, his sanity was completely gone.

At the beginning of the match, the referee read out the regulations, prohibiting the boxer from hitting the opponent's lower body and the back of the head, and it is also forbidden to continue to attack after the round.

Wu Lianshui, however, seemed to be insane, completely forgetting about this, taking advantage of Zhuang Yan's turn, he rushed towards him, and swung his fist towards the back of Zhuang Yan's head.

When Zhuang Yan realized that Wu Lianshui's fist was already in front of him, he quickly dodged to the right, but he still couldn't completely dodge Wu Lianshui's punch. He staggered forward, lost his balance and fell on the ring .

The boxing fans in the audience stood up and scolded Wu Lianshui after seeing this scene. After watching so many games, they have never seen any boxer dare to retaliate so viciously on the stage. Hitting the back of the head may kill people. Wu Lianshui Are you crazy

Qin Ruoshui frowned tightly, and stared at Zhuang Yan on the ring. Although the distance was not very close, he could still clearly see every expression on Zhuang Yan's face.

The commentator was also taken aback by Wu Lianshui's sudden attack, the commentary got stuck, and then he sighed: "Wu Lianshui's performance today is a bit abnormal."

After Zhuang Yan fell to the ground, Wu Lianshui wanted to continue to beat him.

Fortunately, the referee came over at this time and hugged Wu Lianshui tightly from behind. Wu Lianshui was like a mad buffalo, his eyes were red. If the referee was not too strong, he could have pulled the referee over and beat him up now. .

It took him a long time to calm down completely. The scolding from the audience made his face even uglier. He looked down at Zhuang Yan, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Fortunately, Zhuang Yan dodged most of Wu Lianshui's strength just now. Although the back of his head was still a little dull, it shouldn't be a big problem. After Wu Lianshui was dealt with, the referee came to ask about Zhuang Yan's situation.

Qin Ruoshui's eyes were deep, looking at Wu Lianshui on the boxing ring, his face was as cold as ice. Qin Butler at the side saw Qin Ruoshui's expression and sighed silently in his heart. Wu Lianshui might be able to make Mr. Qin angry with this expression this time It can't be better.

Zhuang Yan shook his hand at the referee, said that it was all right, and then got up from the ring with his hands on the ground. He was a little confused, and the audience in the audience became blurred, and he blinked vigorously. Only then did the center return to normal. Fortunately, this round is over.

Wu Lianshui was warned by a red card. If he commits another offense next time, he will be directly disqualified from the competition.

Zhuang Yan was sitting in the resting place next to the boxing ring. While Proust relaxed his muscles, he asked him, "How is it? If it doesn't work, don't fight this match."

Proust has passed the age of passion and impulsiveness. He understands that the life of a boxer is more important than the victory of the game.

"No problem, you can continue to fight."

Qin Ruoshui under the stage suddenly stood up from the auditorium, got up and walked towards the aisle on the side, Qin Butler was stunned for a moment, and asked Qin Ruoshui: "Sir, where are you going?"

Qin Ruoshui didn't look back, nor did he answer.

Sitting on the seat, Butler Qin was hesitant to follow, but if the husband was going to the bathroom, it would not be very good for him to follow.

As a result, not long after, Butler Qin saw Qin Ruoshui appear on the ring.

"Are you okay?" Qin Ruoshui's voice rang in Zhuang Yan's ears.

When Zhuang Yan saw Qin Ruoshui, he thought he was hallucinating at the first moment. He was sure that the Mr. Qin in front of him was real, not just a fantasy caused by his brain being broken. Zhuang Yan shook his head, said that he was fine, and then asked Qin Ruoshui: "Why did you come up, sir?"

"Come and see you." Qin Ruoshui held Zhuang Yan's wrist and felt Zhuang Yan's current internal condition. The injuries on his body were not too serious, most of them were skin injuries, which had little effect on the next game.

Zhuang Yan actually wanted to ask Qin Ruoshui how he got on the ring, after all, the staff probably wouldn't just let a spectator in.

Proust analyzed Wu Lianshui's current situation for Zhuang Yan, and pinched Zhuang Yan's arm by the way, but Qin Ruoshui came over to take his place, "I'll do it."

Proust was pushed aside with a dazed expression. He thought that Qin Ruoshui was making trouble for no reason, but he didn't expect Qin Ruoshui to be doing it right now.

Zhuang Yan didn't expect to get this kind of treatment today, Qin Ruoshui patted his stomach twice, then pulled his arm, from the upper arm to the forearm, relaxing the muscles was originally a matter for Zhuang Yan This is a very common thing, but thinking that the person who is doing this for him now is Qin Ruoshui, it's easy for people to imagine something wrong.

But fortunately, Zhuang Yan's face is redder now, and he can see something. Zhuang Yan's heart is itching badly. The back of the head that was hit by Wu Lianshui just now doesn't seem to hurt so much. Now he wants to get the golden belt and propose on the spot .

"Be careful later in the game." Qin Ruoshui was worried and told him again.

Zhuang Yan hummed, and felt that one word seemed a little perfunctory, so he nodded: "I will."

The audience watched Qin Ruoshui get up from the auditorium, and ran to the ring in a short while, and was able to have intimate contact with Zhuang Yan.

The audience was also very envious. They were all boxing fans. What he could do, he should be able to do, so the boxing fan also got up quickly, but was blocked by the staff of the boxing gym without any surprise.

The boxing fans were very unconvinced, and pointed to Qin Ruoshui on the ring and asked the staff, "Why did he go up?"

The staff replied, "That's the deputy director of our boxing center."

The boxing fan: "..."

You, the deputy director, are not sitting in the guest seat, why are you running to the auditorium? Experience life

The boxing fans returned to their seats indignantly.

The few people on the ring were completely unaware of what happened off the stage, and the rest time was about to end. Qin Ruoshui straightened up and said to Zhuang Yan, "I'm going down first."

Zhuang Yan said, Qin Ruoshui looked at him, the corners of his mouth under the mask slightly raised, and was about to turn around and walk off the stage, when he suddenly remembered that he still had a very important job to do, so he sighed softly In one breath, he returned to Zhuang Yan's body, knelt down on one knee, and lowered his head to fasten the belt on Zhuang Yan's abdomen again.

Zhuang Yan felt that Qin Ruoshui had done nothing to relax his muscles just now, but now his muscles seemed to be even more tense, he leaned forward a little, and called out in a low voice, sir.

Qin Ruoshui responded, and after fastening his belt, he raised his head and stood up. The two of them were too close, and Zhuang Yan's lips brushed gently against the corners of his eyes.

Zhuang Yan froze for a moment, a trace of confusion flashed in his gray eyes, as if he was not sure what happened at that moment just now.

The noise from the audience was still the same, the fans' scolding and cheers came to the stage at the same time, and the referee urged the irrelevant personnel on the ring to leave quickly.

There was a hint of sweetness in the air, like some kind of drink mixed with the aroma of candy. Qin Ruoshui's expression didn't seem to change significantly, but a ray of unknown emotion flashed across his dark blue eyes. He raised his hand and patted Zhuang Yan's head: "Come on."

Zhuang Yan's eyes sparkled, he turned his head and watched Qin Ruoshui disappear from the ring.

When the break time came, Zhuang Yan and Wu Lianshui stood in the center of the ring at the same time again. Through the large screens on both sides of the arena, boxing fans could clearly see any changes in the expressions on Zhuang Yan and Wu Lianshui's faces, and then they started Confused, Zhuang Yan was attacked by Wu Lianshui just now, and after two rounds of hard fighting, why does he feel like he has been soaked in some kind of spatial spiritual spring after a short rest, his whole face is radiant and energetic .

Butler Qin was also very puzzled, why did Mr. cover his face when he got off the stage? Could it be that he was slapped by a girl who wanted to attract his attention? No, sir, he is still wearing a mask.

Butler Qin endured and endured, but he still couldn't hold back his curiosity. He asked Qin Ruoshui, "Sir, what's wrong with your face?"

Qin Ruoshui tilted his head to Qin Butler, but did not answer, and felt that Qin Butler was a little too talkative today. Zhuang Yan rushed towards Wu Lianshui, and without waiting for Wu Lianshui's reaction, he continued to punch a set of punches, a straight left, a straight right, an uppercut left, and the last straight right, and then quickly dodged with a sliding step. The commentator's tone There was amazement in it, not only for Zhuang Yan's performance just now, but also for Wu Lianshui's still not falling down after being so seriously injured.

Wu Lianshui counterattacked at Zhuang Yan. After Zhuang Yan dodged, he lured Wu Lianshui to the corner of the ring, and then slammed his jab on Wu Lianshui's body. Wu Lianshui's block had completely lost its effect.

There was already a strong smell of blood in his throat, Wu Lianshui felt that his body could no longer bear it, but his body still refused to fall down, as if he was completely controlled.

Like a tumbler, Wu Lianshui endured Zhuang Yan's heavy punches one after another. From the third round until now, he was completely suppressed by Zhuang Yan on the ring, and his body strength could not be exerted at all. It's about to fail.

Wu Lianshui couldn't help his sluggish brain to start thinking, whether he took the stimulant or Zhuang Yan took the stimulant!

Zhuang Yan slammed Wu Lianshui's left rib hard with his fist. This punch was too heavy. Even though Wu Lianshui's pain was not as obvious as before, he couldn't help but hunched after receiving Zhuang Yan's punch. Zhuang Yan Seeing his fists spread apart, it seemed that there was a hole in the outer protective shield. Zhuang Yan seized this hole and launched a more violent attack on Wu Lianshui.

After repeated beatings, although Wu Lianshui had taken an overdose of drugs before, and the hormones secreted in his body were dozens of times higher than usual, at this moment, fear arose in his heart, and Zhuang Yan on the opposite side seemed to have just come down the mountain Wu Lianshui was stunned by the fierce tiger, his most brave moment had passed, and now, facing such a Zhuang Yan, for some reason, he didn't even have the energy to raise his hand.

Wu Lianshui's internal organs seemed to be blown out. Zhuang Yan was very gloomy this time. There was a guardrail behind Wu Lianshui, so he couldn't even collapse and admit defeat now.

Zhuang Yan played very well. In his eyes, Wu Lianshui was like a rag doll who couldn't resist. Seeing that time had passed and this round was about to end, Zhuang Yan finally hit Wu Lianshui hard on the chin. With an uppercut, the mouthguard in Wu Lianshui's mouth flew into the air and fell on the ring. After bouncing the mouthguard twice, it finally stopped.

At this moment, the ringing bell rang, and Wu Lian fell to the ground with a bang, foaming from his mouth.

There was a short moment of silence in the audience, and then there was a louder cheer than before.

Zhuang Yan withdrew his fist. Unlike Wu Lianshui, he has his own bottom line as a boxer. Even though he hates Wu Lianshui as much as Wu Lianshui hates himself, he will not do things that violate the rules on the ring.

That's an insult to myself.

Zhuang Yan retreated to the center of the boxing ring. Thousands of boxing fans and the referee counted down for Wu Lianshui, "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven..."

Wu Lianshui tried his best to open a gap in his eyes, and the referee in his eyes became blurred. He struggled to get up from the ground, but after a twitch of his limbs, he lost all his strength. If he hadn't taken the bottle of excitement before the game In fact, he should have collapsed earlier, but now the pain he endured far exceeds the limit he can bear.

When the effect of the stimulant gradually passed, the previously shielded pain swept over thousands of times.

"... Three! Two! One!"

Wu Lianshui finally failed to get up from the ground again. His face was pale and his breathing was weak. It was the rescuers below who helped him up from the ring.

The referee announced that Zhuang Yan was the winner of the boxing championship. Miss Manners handed the golden belt to Zhuang Yan. Yan cast his eyes down the stage, but did not see Qin Ruoshui in the auditorium.

Where is sir? Obviously he was still there just now.

Qin Ruoshui found a quiet place in the background, and dialed the phone to the boxing center, "I want to check whether Wu Lianshui has been injected with stimulants."

"This..." This is not the first report received by the boxing center. After receiving the report, they immediately contacted the medical examination center, but the result was: "There is no one in the physical examination center today."


"Yes, we have urged many times."

Qin Ruoshui hummed, and after hanging up the phone, he will find someone to directly contact the higher level of the medical examination center for accountability.

The moment he got the gold belt, Qin Ruoshui couldn't see it with his own eyes. Zhuang Yan always felt that today's ending was not perfect. He got off the ring and walked into the backstage, but he didn't expect to see Qin Ruoshui here.

He stopped and asked softly, "Why are you here, sir?"

Qin Ruoshui raised her head, looked at Zhuang Yan who was not far in front of her, and replied, "It's nothing, it's a bit noisy up front."

"I thought Mr. went back first."

"What's up?"

The palms of Zhuang Yan's hands holding the golden belt he just got were a little wet. His heart, which had just calmed down a little after the game, started beating violently again. He took a step forward, holding the golden belt in front of Qin Ruoshui, and at the same time He said, "I want to give this to Mr.

Qin Ruoshui glanced down, but didn't make a move, just asked him: "Why did you give it to me?"

"Thank you sir for your care and help during this time." Zhuang Yan replied calmly.

"Other than that?" Qin Ruoshui asked him lightly.

What else? In addition, he also wanted to confess, to propose marriage, and to practice the things beyond the 173rd page of the book with the Mr. Qin in front of him. This place speaks out.

He is a coward, and he is always hesitant when dealing with the relationship with Qin Ruoshui. He is afraid of this and that, and he doesn't know when he will be able to embrace a beautiful woman.

"I accept it." Qin Ruoshui raised his hand to pick up the golden belt in Zhuang Yan's hand, looked at Zhuang Yan who was standing still, frowned slightly, and urged him, "What are you doing in a daze? Go change your clothes."

"I'm going right now!"

As soon as the game was over, Wu Lianshui was taken away by the people from the medical examination center. Although he was a little curious why this development did not go as they expected, he was not worried. banknotes.

After the media learned that Wu Lianshui was taken away by the people from the medical examination center, they rushed to the outside of the medical examination center and waited for the first time to get the test results.

Looking at the unfamiliar face in front of him, Wu Lianshui suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. The place where he was hit by Zhuang Yan felt even more painful.

"Mr. Wu Lianshui did take stimulants, and we detected these substances in his blood samples far exceeding the standard."

Wu Lianshui, who was following the director, never expected that the director would disclose the results so recklessly. His facial features became extremely ferocious in an instant. He wanted to snatch the blood sample analysis form from the director, but was caught by other staff. Holding it firmly, he could only stare at the director viciously, and asked through gritted teeth, "What did you say?"

The reason why he dared to be so unscrupulous in the boxing ring was because the Wu family had checked him in the physical examination center in advance, but now they actually showed the real result.

How can this be! How can it be!