Amnesia Guide Of A Mermaid

Chapter 58


He called Butler Qin up, "You can change Zhuang Yan's room."

"Where does the master want to change him?"

Qin Ruoshui thought for a while, and said to Butler Qin, "Find him a better room."

The rooms in the Qin family manor are not bad, and the better one is probably the room of the husband.

Even if the two of them are deeply in love with each other, it's still not good to live in the same house at such an advanced age.

Butler Qin hesitated for a moment. The third floor next to Mr. Qin seemed to be vacant. He would find someone to clean it up later to see if there were still people living there.

Zhuang Yan, who was sitting in the garden thinking about life, had no idea that he was about to move again. The next morning, he went to the hospital without eating, and took three tubes of blood for examination.

In the end, it would take two hours to come out. Zhuang Yan had nothing to do during this period, and ran to the doctor he registered with yesterday, and asked the doctor with the film: "What do you think is here? Is it solid inside?"

The doctor shook his head, "It's solid, the distribution of the material inside seems to be quite uniform, after all, it shouldn't be impossible for X-rays to see through this thing."

Yesterday, Qin Ruoshui also told him that taking an X-ray would not affect the development of the fetus inside, so maybe X-rays really can't see through.

What a strange kind of mermaid!

Zhuang Yan tried to ask the doctor, "Could there be a life being conceived inside?"

The doctor looked up at Zhuang Yan, and Zhuang Yan felt in a daze that the doctor's look might mean that he needed to go to the psychiatrist for a look.

"Mainly because he still jumps sometimes?"

The doctor looked up, a little surprised, and asked Zhuang Yan, "When?"

"Just press it a little harder."

"I'll try."

Zhuang Yan lifted his shirt, and the doctor came over and pressed it hard several times, but he still didn't feel the beating that Zhuang Yan said, so he shook his head, "No."

Zhuang Yan: "..."

what happened? Does the big brother in his belly still admit his birth

The doctor understood that the young man in front of him was probably too anxious and had hallucinations. He comforted him and said, "Don't worry, it shouldn't be a terminal illness."

Yes, of course it is not a terminal illness, what kind of terminal illness can pregnancy be

Zhuang Yan called the doctor, went out of the consulting room dejectedly, and sat on the bench outside the door. Now he felt more and more that he might be really pregnant. Last night he had a very illusory dream. In the dream A small fish came out of his stomach, and he screamed in fright, but he didn't wake up from the dream. He pulled the small fish up with shit and pee, and one day Going to the vegetable market, my fish son was abducted by a fishmonger.

He ran to the police station and asked the police uncle if he had seen his son. The police asked him what his son looked like. Zhuang Yan said that he was a mermaid, and then the very classic scene in the movie "Mermaid" was played out in front of him. up.

This is obviously a very funny thing, but in the dream he was so anxious that he was about to cry, like ants on a hot pot, running around in circles, and then he had no choice but to come to the Qin family's manor to ask Mr. Qin for help , Mr. Qin told him that as long as he gave birth to a child for him, he would help Zhuang Yan find his fish son.

Zhuang Yan has been messed up since he woke up. In his dream, he and Qin Ruoshui were in the garden, in the pool, making children on the desk. They tried all kinds of shameful poses. He patted himself Face, why is he the one below every time he does that kind of thing with Qin Ruoshui in his dreams? Is the self in the dream so unbelievable!

If this continues, he has to suspect that he is a number 0 in his subconscious mind, no wonder the mermaid stabbed him when he caught him.

Zhuang Yan cosplayed as a thinker in the corridor for a long time. After two hours, the results of the hormone test came out. His estrogen level was a little bit above the standard, but everything else was normal.

The doctor looked at the results of the examination and couldn't think of a reason, but Zhuang Yan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this time it was over, he might really be a hero mother.

Seeing that Zhuang Yan's face was very heavy, the doctor patted Zhuang Yan's shoulder and said comfortingly, "Young man, although I don't know what's going on with you now, but medical technology is very advanced today, and there are many difficult and complicated problems. In fact, it is very easy to solve the symptoms, we will hold a meeting later to study, do you want to go through a hospitalization first?"

Now that medical technology is so advanced, it is impossible for a man to become pregnant!

Zhuang Yan hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said to the doctor, "I'll go home and discuss it with my family first."

The doctor said yes to the doctor and told him, "You need to treat your disease as soon as possible. I'm not sure if it will develop into a malignant tumor or something."

Zhuang Yan hummed, and after he came out of the consultation room, he took out his mobile phone and checked on Baidu that the man was pregnant. Unexpectedly, such a thing actually happened, but the person concerned was a transgender person with a normal uterus before, so this is not considered a case. Ordinary men get pregnant.

He rubbed his stomach, and after coming out of the hospital, Zhuang Yan went to the beach, sat on the huge reef, looked at the blue sea in front of him, layer after layer of white waves hit the beach one after another.

Zhuang Yan raised his head and looked into the distance. In the distance, the water and the sky were the same color. There was a ship coming indistinctly in the mist. The name of the seagull was long and high-pitched.

He called out to the sea twice, hoping to see the mermaid again, but the mermaid never appeared.

At dusk, Zhuang Yan's voice became a little hoarse, and the tide gradually came up, clearing away all the traces left by the tourists on the beach during the day, as if nothing had happened.

Zhuang Yan sighed lightly, feeling that most of the children in his belly really couldn't find their father, so he put his hands on his belly, and when he was free, he said to the egg in his belly, "You If it's really an egg, let's dance."

He said that he couldn't help laughing afterwards, he must have been stunned, even if it was a mermaid's child, how old is he now, what can he understand! As a result, not long after his words fell, he felt the skin under his hands being gently pushed against.

Zhuang Yan: "..."

Can you really understand? He tried to change his words and said, "Twice?"

The fish egg inside jumped twice again.

"How about three times?"

Zhuang Yan kept trying five times, and then he was silent for a long time to digest the fact that he really had a mermaid egg in his stomach.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! Not only was he pregnant with a mermaid child, but this child was also a little genius, who could understand human language and count even before he was born! This is the real way to let children win at the starting line!

Zhuang Yan put down his hand on his stomach, and sighed a long time. It looked like he was really pregnant, and the child in his stomach was still conscious, so he couldn't beat him.

That's it, let's take one step at a time, if he can really give birth to a mermaid child, it will be more fulfilling than winning the title of boxing champion.

Now Zhuang Yan could only comfort himself against his will.

He jumped off the reef, and after he jumped, he remembered that he was pregnant now, and there was a child in his belly, so he couldn't do such drastic movements. He rubbed his stomach, and felt the fish eggs in his stomach move, as if they were rubbing against each other. the palm of his hand.

It's kinda cute.

The heroic father, Zhuang Yan, took a taxi back to the city from the beach. This was his first pregnancy, and he was pregnant with a human child. He had no experience at all, and he didn't know whether the child in his stomach was healthy or not.

Yesterday Qin Ruoshui was able to see that he was pregnant at a glance, so he probably knew something about it. Zhuang Yan walked slowly to the third floor, knocked on the door and went in. After seeing Qin Ruoshui, he asked him, "Mr. , I have never been pregnant, what should I do with the child in this belly?"

Qin Ruoshui raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhuang Yan who was standing at the door, and asked him what he was doing here? Could he have been pregnant

Zhuang Yan looked at Mr. Qin with an ugly expression. He could fully understand what Mr. Qin was thinking. After all, judging from what happened before, he could have a thicker skin and think that Mr. Qin had some meaning for him. In all fairness, If he now finds out that Mr. Qin is pregnant with someone else's child, he probably won't feel well either.

And even if Qin Ruoshui didn't have any thoughts about him, he was just being self-indulgent. As an ordinary employee, he became pregnant within a few months after being recruited, and he couldn't be happy if he put it on any boss.

But pregnancy is something that no one thinks about. Now that it has happened, there is no way to do it.

Qin Ruoshui took a look at Zhuang Yan, and asked him calmly, "You want to keep him?"

Zhuang Yan nodded. He hesitated before when he was not sure whether he was really pregnant, but now he found that he could count the egg in his stomach, so he was reluctant to let him have it removed directly.

How to say it is still a life, I don't know what it will look like, he was born by hybridization with a mermaid, as far as she is currently carrying an egg in her stomach, not a normal fetus, in comparison, it is still a mermaid gene Tough, the egg in his stomach will probably be in the form of a mermaid when it breaks its shell.

Is it still necessary to buy an aquarium earlier? Zhuang Yan began to think about this question seriously. He should pay attention when he goes to the furniture store these two days.

A fire burned in Qin Ruoshui's heart, and his heart and lungs ached. Don't let him know which mermaid made the human stomach bigger. When he knows, he must throw that mermaid into the pot and make soup to drink.

I can't take my anger out on Zhuang Yan. After all, this human being has done nothing wrong so far except wanting to seduce me. Qin Ruoshui said: "It will mature in about five months. As for how to give birth, I don't know. .”

But in that place, maybe when the time is up, he can come out after going to the toilet.

Zhuang Yan snorted, if Qin Ruoshui hadn't been cheating on him, then the eggs in his stomach would come out in two months, and it wouldn't delay him.

"Then is there anything I need to pay attention to during pregnancy?" Zhuang Yan himself felt quite embarrassed when he asked this, and immediately lowered his head after speaking, looking at the floor tiles under his feet, his shadow was reflected in it.

A good young man, how could he get pregnant? It's really strange.

Qin Ruoshui recalled what he knew about this aspect, and replied: "There is nothing to pay attention to."

The X-rays didn't have any effect on him, so there was nothing else to pay attention to. Even if Zhuang Yan went to the boxing ring to fight now, there would be no problem.

Zhuang Yan felt a little relieved, he hesitated for a moment, and asked Qin Ruoshui, "How do you know so much, sir?"

Qin Ruoshui's heart was filled with bitterness. If he had known that what he knew would be used to raise children for other mermaids, he would rather not know anything.

I also blame Zhuang Yan, if he had practiced the things after page one hundred and seventy-third with himself earlier, would he have been able to treat the egg in his stomach as his own.

Qin Ruoshui came back to his senses, and suddenly realized that his idea was really too humble. If he really got along with human beings, human beings would not be so proud of being favored and climbed on top of his head.

"I saw it in a book." He replied Zhuang Yan.

It turns out that I am not the first human being to conceive a mermaid child, and there are still people who publish a book, which is awesome. I will write a biography when I get old, but I think most readers will not believe it.

"Sir, can you lend me the book?"

These things were all recorded in the mermaid's book, but Zhuang Yan probably couldn't understand the words on it, so he had to translate it before showing it to Zhuang Yan.

Qin Ruoshui calculated the time it would take him to fully translate the book, and said to Zhuang Yan, "I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

"Thank you sir."

Qin Ruoshui hummed, he didn't want Zhuang Yan's thanks at all, he just wanted to know how Zhuang Yan got together with another mermaid!

When he has adjusted his mood, he must question Zhuang Yanzai carefully.

Frivolous human beings, even if they are in bed, don't they know that they need to take protective measures! When you give him a book tomorrow, you can consider giving him an adult version of health education.

Zhuang Yan went out of Qin Ruoshui's bedroom, and not long after he returned to his room, Housekeeper Qin came to inform him that he could move to the third floor tomorrow.

If Zhuang Yan heard the news in the past, he would have woken up happily in his dreams, but now he has to think carefully about why Qin Ruoshui asked him to move to the third floor

Zhuang Yan was about to move to the third floor, and bodyguards A, B, and C all came to help. After moving, they patted Zhuang Yan on the shoulder one by one.

Bodyguard A: "A real person doesn't show his face, brother."

Bodyguard B: "In the past, our elder brothers were blind, but from now on you will be the eldest brother."

Bodyguard C: "Early... have a precious son early."

Zhuang Yan: "..."

He felt that the words of bodyguard C were familiar, and he seemed to have said the same thing when he was doing something last time. Now, when he recalled it, there was only a sense of vicissitudes.

Zhuang Yan hesitated for a while, raised his hand and patted Bodyguard C's shoulder as well: "By your auspicious words, you are also you."

Bodyguard C: "..."

Although he said this, why did Zhuang Yan react so strangely? Isn't he crazy with joy

After Zhuang Yan brought everything up, the sky outside was completely dark. Qin Ruoshui found a windbreaker from the closet and put it on, pushed the door and walked out. When passing by the door of Zhuang Yan's room, he heard After a while, the expression on his face didn't change. He quickened his pace and went downstairs to find Butler Qin.

"I'll go out for a while," Qin Ruoshui glanced back upstairs, and told Butler Qin, "By ten or eleven, if Zhuang Yan hasn't gone to bed yet, send him a midnight snack and let him go up by the way." He goes to bed early."

"Understood, sir, did you go out alone?"

Qin Ruoshui nodded. He put all the books in the Mermaid Clan under the sea. He had to take them out early, translate them and print them out.

Qin Ruoshui thinks that there is no male mermaid worse than him in this world. It's fine if the person he likes is pregnant with another mermaid's child. Now he has to help him translate the parenting book. Tears.

Qin Ruoshui translated the book, entered it into the computer, and then printed it out. After finishing a series of procedures, it was already the night of the second day, and he gave Zhuang Yan a health education copy of this book at the same time.

Zhuang Yan expressed his gratitude to Qin Ruoshui, and then left with two books.

What's the difference between this person... and a scumbag who just picked up his pants and left

The reason why Zhuang Yan left so quickly was mainly because he was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would not be able to help but want to stay in Qin Ruoshui's bedroom like before, but the situation is really not suitable for him now.

Zhuang Yan could feel that although Qin Ruoshui changed the room for him and found him to write these two books, his attitude towards himself had changed a little, and he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

He originally wanted to confess to Mr. Qin, but when something like this happened, he was really ashamed to say those words.

If Qin Ruoshui really looks at him as an eyesore, why don't he consider resigning

Zhuang Yan felt that Qin Ruoshui's attitude towards him was strange, and Qin Ruoshui also felt that Zhuang Yan had lost his enthusiasm for him recently.

pregnant man...


To a certain extent, Qin Ruoshui is the company's mascot. Although he only collects money regardless of things, he still needs to show his face for things like the company's anniversary.

Since Zhuang Yan was studying the parenting book in his room during this time, and rarely even went out, Qin Ruoshui didn't look for him, and took the old housekeeper to the banquet together.

Cheng Lixue saw that the person behind Qin Ruoshui today was not Zhuang Yan, and she really had such a smile on her face. No bodyguard could stay by Mr. Qin's side for long.

He came in front of Qin Ruoshui and asked casually, "Mr. Qin, where's your new housekeeper? Why didn't he come out with you?"

"He has something to do." Qin Ruoshui replied lightly.

It's just something wrong? So that bodyguard named Zhuang Yan hasn't been fired yet? Cheng Lixue didn't think it was possible, he had to burn another fire in Mr. Qin's heart, making that Zhuang Yan an asshole immediately.

So Cheng Lixue said to himself: "Speaking of which, the housekeeper next to me asked me to fire him a few days ago. He relied on his own rights to bully the maid who just arrived, and threatened her to submit. I didn't expect to be arrested by me. So, although he has been with me for a few years, I still dismiss him immediately, and Mr. Qin should also pay attention to it."

Qin Butler looked at Cheng Lixue with a smile.

Cheng Lixue suddenly remembered that it was not good for him to say this in front of Butler Qin. He just wanted to smear Zhuang Yan, forgetting that these words would also displease Butler Qin.

Qin Ruoshui's eyelids drooped, Cheng Lixue's words gave him new inspiration, maybe Zhuang Yan was coerced, he would go back and ask what happened between Zhuang Yan and that mermaid!