An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 22


It seemed that after coming out of the dormitory, Yi Zhe finally entered the excited state of a freshman.

Seeing him looking around, Xu Tangcheng introduced him to some related histories of school buildings. However, YiZhe soon discovered that Xu Tangcheng didn't seem to know very well about the school, especially when it came to the year. What year are you here?" But even with such a chaotic explanation, Yi Zhe listened quietly, without asking questions or interrupting, he just laughed when he laughed, and responded when he needed to.

He stopped suddenly when he reached a teaching building.

"Is this the building where you take classes?"

"It's the building of our department," Xu Tangcheng corrected his words and added, "but most of the undergraduate courses are not in this building. Some of our teachers work here, and some of our laboratories are also in this building."

YiZhe nodded, still standing quietly and watching.

Like half a year ago, that winter.

The two ate in the cafeteria and swiped Xu Tangcheng's meal card. After the meal, Xu Tangcheng took Yi Zhe to a larger supermarket near the school. YiZhe didn't bring anything but two clothes, he had a lot to buy.

In the afternoon, there were a lot of people in the supermarket. Xu Tangcheng pulled a car over at the entrance, and YiZhe immediately reached out his hand to support him: "I'm coming."

Xu Tangcheng didn't argue with him, he let go and walked beside him.

"Buy toiletries, towels, paper, shampoo, etc. What else?"

The people around him kept breaking their fingers, while YiZhe kept staring at him blatantly. He suddenly turned back to ask him, making him speechless for a while.

"No, it's nothing."

Come to think of it, YiZhe had no experience in accommodation, and of course he wasn't a person who was good at staying at home. He probably had no idea about these things, let alone thought them through. Xu Tangcheng simply didn't ask him any more, and just took him to pick them from shelf to shelf.

"Soap, what flavor do you want?" Xu Tangcheng asked, bending over in front.

YiZhe pushed the car and stood in the back, without any intention of picking something for himself.

"It's all right." After saying this, he tapped the shopping cart with his index finger, "What do you use?"


"Then I want lemons too."

Xu Tangcheng laughed, squatted on the ground and looked up at him: "Can you be a little more assertive?"

Having said that, he threw a bar of lemon-scented soap into the cart. The soap rolled halfway around and lay down on a blue towel.

The first time we went to the supermarket together, he pushed the cart and he threw things into it.

When it came time to wait in line to check out, YiZhe felt that the corners of his mouth were stiffened by himself - he always wanted to lift it up, but he always forced him to pull it down.

Naturally, it was easy to carry things. He didn't even give Xu Tangcheng the opportunity to contribute his energy by carrying a bag of toilet paper. When he went out, Xu Tangcheng helped him pull the door, and he was still a little uncomfortable. Not to mention going to the supermarket with his family, even if he usually goes shopping with Chengxu, most of the time he can't bear to let Chengxu who is much thinner than himself carry it.

Looking at the back of YiZhe walking steadily, he sniffed and thought, it's good to be tall.

Freshmen will go through a week of training and lectures. In the huge auditorium, Yi Zhe listened to a teacher say, "Everyone is the favored son of heaven".

This word, he has heard more than once these days. The seats in the auditorium were narrow, and for a long time, he sat uncomfortable and slid forward, but his knees pressed against the seat in front. Hungry and tired, he looked at the ceiling and thought, if he got good grades in the test, is he the "Pride of Heaven"

Suddenly, Xu Tangcheng, who was chatting with a group of schoolmates on the day of school, appeared in his mind again.

Just like when he was a child, the uncles and aunts in the corridor liked him the most, he seemed to have a magic power that made those who spoke to him smile at him unconsciously. Even if he just stood there and nodded lightly, you still think that at this time, he should nod lightly like this.

The September wind is pulling the intestines.

He is in the shade and in the sun.

The front of the eyes seems to be covered by such a semi-transparent picture, and the bright lights on the ceiling of the auditorium are softer.

College life is basically the same as what YiZhe imagined. The only difference is that he and Xu Tangcheng don't live in the same dormitory building. Even after the official class, he discovered that the two of them's activity area is almost completely two pieces that can be separated by a line. Even the cafeteria, according to the principle of proximity, does not go to one. In addition, the campus of University A is very large. I wish that all students had to buy a bicycle to be able to exercise. All the encounters in the fantasy suddenly turned into an unrealistic fantasy.

After class this day, he held his mobile phone and walked all the way from the classroom to the dormitory without thinking of any reason to see him. The bed was still the sheet Xu Tangcheng gave him. Even though he had washed it once, he still secretly pretended to have forgotten and dragged it and didn't return it to him.

Lie down on top and take a deep breath.

In melancholy, a loud noise suddenly came from the corridor, like the sound of a stool hitting the door. YiZhe was stunned for a while, raised his head to listen carefully, and immediately heard a scolding sound.

The voice is very familiar, it should be from the dormitory next door.

I was playing with my mobile phone boredly, when a message popped up on the desktop. Seeing the sender, he sat up abruptly, causing the bed board to shake.

"let's have dinner tonight?"

After only one step, YiZhe jumped out of bed and quickly washed his face before going out.

The turmoil in the corridor hadn't subsided yet, when YiZhe went out, he saw a boy standing on the stairs, scolding in the direction of the dormitory next to him. There were a lot of people coming and going, but no one dared to step forward to dissuade them. Even the boys on the stairs blocked the way with their legs on their legs, and those who needed to go downstairs chose to go around to other stairs.

YiZhe glanced at it and walked straight towards the boy.

"Get out of the way, I'll go downstairs."

For the person who suddenly came over with a sullen face, the boy quietly looked at it for a while, but did not move.

Several dormitories stuck out a few more heads, and while holding their breath, they saw that the boy suddenly tilted his head and laughed. Then, he withdrew to the side and leaned against the wall.

YiZhe didn't even look at it, he walked past him.

"Hey," the boy suddenly called him from behind, "I'm Zheng Yikun."

YiZhe has no interest in this mess. Who is right and who is wrong, or who has problems, is not his concern. Of course he didn't care what the boy's name was, but this self-introduction still made him stop.

He had already turned down a flight of stairs and looked up silently, his eyes swept across the few people who seemed to be still, and then he saw a very thin-looking boy standing at the door of the next dormitory, with red eyes at this moment.

He frowned slightly.

When he ran downstairs, Yi Zhe heard Zheng Yikun continuing to scold upstairs: "I said you didn't wean, didn't I? Tell the teacher, oh, this trick can be used, is it awesome?"

Business was booming in the grilled fish shop. Fortunately, Xu Tangcheng called in advance to reserve a seat. After entering the door, the waiter led the two of them to a window seat.

"how are things?"

"is acceptable."

"Are you going well with your roommate?"

The first specific question to ask when caring about others is a very important thing to do. YiZhe didn't expect Xu Tangcheng to ask him this. After thinking for a moment, he still said, "General."

Pushing a glass of warm water to Xu Tangcheng, he continued, "To be honest, I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

In fact, two of the three roommates were fine, but this last one made YiZhe very speechless in just a few days. In addition to the wardrobe and desk, their dormitory is also equipped with a luggage rack. There are four floors in total, and each person occupies one floor. YiZhe didn't actually have any luggage, but when he came back from the supermarket that day, he didn't have a place to put the toilet paper he bought, so he put it on the luggage rack.

It was originally placed at will. As for the number of floors, it was just a smooth process. He never deliberately chose. Unexpectedly, that night, the roommate suddenly suggested in the dormitory, saying that the luggage rack should be wiped. The other two people in the dormitory were busy with their own affairs on the bed, one said "wait a minute", and the other felt there was no need to wipe. YiZhe was going to the toilet, but the man kept chasing him and asking, he had to say, "You can do whatever you want."

But when he came out of the toilet, he saw that the paper he had placed on the second layer had been moved to the top layer.

At that time, Yi Zhe was so helpless that he didn't know what to do to respond well, and even felt that he couldn't understand it. In fact, it doesn't matter what floor it is placed on. If the roommate came directly and told him that the fourth floor was too high, and wanted to change it with him, he would definitely agree. He just really didn't expect that someone would go to great lengths and care about such trivial matters.

"You've never lived in a dormitory, and living in a dormitory in the future will definitely make you feel uncomfortable." Xu Tangcheng didn't ask about specific things, as if he had completely anticipated it, he just smiled lightly, "Here you come here. Well, it can be said that they are all tops. The champions, the first in the grade, are everywhere, almost all of them are proud from childhood to big. In terms of personality, there may be some students who are more difficult to get along with than the classmates you have been in contact with before, and it is not even ruled out that There is that kind of person who only cared about studying in the past, and didn’t know how to get along with people at all.”

Xu Tangcheng looked at YiZhe: "But no matter what others do, you, don't be impulsive when you encounter anything in the future. Seriously, you fought like that before, it really scared me, don't fight with others if you don't deal with it. stand up."

"No." YiZhe quickly assured.

"As you are now, first feel the temperament of your roommates and classmates, and try to get along with them as much as possible. If you really feel that there is a problem and you can't get along, just hide for a while and just ignore it."

YiZhe nodded, curious again: "Have you ever met someone who is not easy to get along with?"

"Undergraduate is considered to have met." Xu Tangcheng recalled the past, took a sip of water, and said with a smile, "I used to have a roommate, and it was not difficult to get along with, I thought he was very special and interesting. If you want to be the first to leave the dormitory, you must be the last to come back at night. Every morning, whenever someone makes a move, he will sit up from the bed in a jiffy, touch his glasses, and rush out of the dormitory without washing his face.”

Yi Ze was stunned, blinked for a long time, and then asked, "Why is he?"

"I want to be the one with the longest study time." Xu Tangcheng suddenly laughed, "The most funny thing is that sometimes we don't go back to the dormitory because of study. Send us a message to ask if we have gone back, we said we were watching a movie and persuaded him to go back to the dormitory, but he still didn’t believe it.”

There are really what kind of people. YiZhe thought that this person was funny, he couldn't help laughing, and suddenly felt that what he encountered was nothing.

"So, all kinds of people will meet, maybe like my roommate, he just makes you feel incomprehensible in a certain way, people are not bad..."

As he said that, a group of people suddenly came in at the door. YiZhe saw Xu Tangcheng glance over there, and immediately said "Hey" in surprise. He looked back, and a boy came over in between.

It looked familiar, but when he got closer, YiZhe remembered that this was the one he met in the parking lot last time.

A group of people, it was Xu Tangcheng who spoke first.

"Senior, why are you here?"

"They have a student union dinner, and they insisted on dragging me here."

At this time, another boy came over and shouted at Xu Tangcheng: "Okay, Brother Cheng, you refused us and went out to eat with others."

A certain word in this sentence made YiZhe slightly unhappy, he raised his eyes lightly and glanced over.

"I have an appointment first. Who told you to call me when it's time to eat."

The man Xu Tangcheng called his senior looked at Yizhe.

"This is? The brother you said last time?"

Xu Tangcheng nodded and called out to Yi Zhe, "This is Senior Yu An."

After that, he patted another person on the shoulder: "This is the current student council president and your senior, Lu Ming."

Similarly, he introduced Yi Zhe to Yu An and Lu Ming, saying that he was a freshman in the Department of Electronic Engineering and his younger brother.

It's also strange, it's obviously two people, but YiZhe only meets Yu Eu when he sees the past.

"Looking at your brother is not bad," Yu An met his gaze and raised the corner of his mouth, "Hey, Lu Ming, you haven't recruited people into the student union."

I couldn't tell what the discomfort was, but Yi Che frowned slightly as he looked at Yu An.

"I think it's fine." Lu Ming put on Xu Tangcheng's shoulder and replied with a smile.

After a few simple chats, someone over there greeted the two of them. Before leaving, Lu Ming also asked Xu Tangcheng if he wanted to take Yi Zhe to eat with them. Xu Tangcheng hurriedly waved his hand to refuse, the reason given was that they were too noisy.

After everyone left, Xu Tangcheng asked Yi Zhe, "Do you want to go to the student union?"

YiZhe didn't feel anything about it. He had never been in the student union, so he didn't know anything about it, so he couldn't say whether he wanted or didn't want to. But seeing Xu Tangcheng and them being so familiar, and thinking of the look in Yu An's eyes just now, I don't know where the anger came from.

He said, "You can try."

"Then try it, it's quite fun."

For Yu Yizhe, this day's encounter was just an episode, and when it came to the student council, it was only because he smelled a little bit of hostility for no reason, and he was angry for a while. But he didn't expect that he would actually be recruited into the student council in the end.

On the day when the club was recruited, the road to the school was crowded with people. When he came back from the cafeteria, he would be stopped by a person every two steps on average to promote his club to him. In the noisy environment, the people who came were so enthusiastic that they almost moved towards him. Ear roar. The most exaggerated time was when he was surrounded by several senior sisters from the anime club and asked him if he was interested in cosplay. YiZhe stood in the middle, unable to move forward or backward, and was frozen in place without daring to move.

"Hey, hey," a girl's voice sounded behind her. She squeezed to YiZhe's side, grabbed his arm and dragged him out, "Old Liu, don't steal anyone, this is ours."

It was the girl who was sitting at the table during the new year's orientation that day.

YiZhe was pulled by her and walked under an umbrella. Before he had time to say anything, he was suddenly pushed gently.

"Someone rescued you."

He looked back from the pulled arm, raised his head, and unexpectedly met a familiar sight. Xu Tangcheng's smile had a playful taste: "It's very popular."

The girl just now neatly took a form in front of him: "Come on, YiZhe, you are welcome to join the Literature and Art Department of the Student Union, fill out the form, leave your contact information, and we will notify you for the interview."

"There is no distinction between style and style, and there is no division between style and style." I don't know when, a boy with a flat head also stood beside him, and took a table on the table, "What kind of literature and art department are you going to, you are so tall, come here. The sports department is just right, our sports department are tough guys."

"You can pull it down, I tell you, don't listen to him, the sports department is doing manual work and moving bricks."

"Bah! The Department of Literature and Art is doing errands."

As they talked, the cut-headed boy and the straight-haired girl quarreled like a joke.

Looking at the two forms in front of him, while the two of them were not paying attention, Yi Zhe looked at Xu Tangcheng inquiringly. Xu Tangcheng realized that, quietly, he turned his chin towards the form of the Ministry of Literature and Art.

YiZhe silently touched the pen and filled out the form.