An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 29


After often failing to get through to Xu Tangcheng's phone calls, YiZhe also began to reflect on whether he was acting too nervous and long-winded. Afraid of disturbing Xu Tangcheng's normal study and work, he stopped calling and only occasionally sent text messages to remind him to pay attention to eating. Xu Tangcheng sometimes replied quickly, sometimes he came back after a long time, telling him that he had already eaten and was just reporting to the teacher without looking at his mobile phone.

YiZhe has not paid much attention to the delay in replying to this paragraph. He understood it plainly and plainly. It was nothing more than that Xu Tangcheng had rested a while ago, so he had to step up and finish the work that should be done before the winter vacation. For him, the deepest and deepest thing I can think of is to send him a text message back and ask, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

It was not until that day when they went to the supermarket together again that he knew that it was an escape.

I don't know what's going on, but it's the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, but the weather suddenly rises a few degrees. It was a lot warmer, and there was no wind. YiZhe felt that the weather was very suitable for going out for a walk. In particular, Xu Tang's body was weak, and he had to stay in the laboratory for a week, which was really bad for his health. After some planning, he ran to the laboratory to wait for him when he was about to eat lunch.

He stood at the door, looked sideways, and saw Xu Tangcheng sitting in the row farthest against the wall, with headphones in his ears, watching the computer screen seriously. A boy next to him touched him, and Xu Tangcheng immediately stretched out his earphones. The boy said something to his screen, Xu Tangcheng tilted his body and grabbed his mouse.

"Who are you looking for, classmate?" A girl who had just returned from a cup of hot water saw him and asked kindly.

YiZhe said Xu Tangcheng's name, the girl nodded and said thoughtfully, "I'll call you."

His eyes followed the girl's back, and he saw Xu Tangcheng glance at him. Before he could smile at him, he stood up and packed up his seat.

"What's wrong?"

The corridor was very quiet, and Xu Tangcheng's voice flashed very close. YiZhe moved his feet slightly and took out the excuse he had prepared.

"I want to go to the supermarket and buy something. Will you come with me?"

Xu Tangcheng looked at him and slowly wrapped the earphone cord in his hand.

YiZhe's eyes followed the earphone cord, and when a neat ball passed through Xu Tangcheng's fingers and was held in his hand, he felt that this scene was very familiar.

The corners of his mouth twitched upwards, and he didn't even notice it. Xu Tangcheng saw it all.

"I... my lab... "

Xu Tangcheng's first reaction was to refuse, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that he couldn't tell a lie to deceive him. He squeezed the earphone in his hand, met his expectant gaze, and said, "Go, it's alright."

Later, in retrospect, the first compromise was probably called soft-hearted, and soft-hearted was more like the doomed ending from the beginning.

He couldn't deceive him then, and he couldn't deceive himself in the end.

When we got to the supermarket, he was still pushing the cart, and he was walking on the side.

Coming here was originally an excuse for him to find Xu Tangcheng, and Yi Zhe didn't really need anything. The two of them turned around, only a few packets of snacks and a toothpaste were thrown into the shopping cart.

Yi Zhe looked at Xu Tangcheng and asked him, "Don't you need to buy anything?"

"No," Xu Tangcheng shook his head, "I'll go home in two days, I have nothing to buy."

After checking out, there were pastries from Daoxiang Village near the door. Yizhe noticed that Xu Tangcheng took a second look and asked him if he wanted to buy them. But Xu Tangcheng still shook his head and said no.

Yi Zhe felt a little strange at this time. They usually go to the supermarket together. Xu Tangcheng also likes to buy some snacks such as plums and biscuits, but he didn't buy anything today. He thought for a while, then turned slightly to his side and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

Xu Tangcheng was startled: "No."

YiZhe looked at him suspiciously, and then nodded reluctantly. Xu Tangcheng wanted to explain a little more, but what came to his mind continued to remain silent.

After saying these two words, I have already walked to the stall in Daoxiang Village. YiZhe stopped, took a step back, and looked in through the glass window: "I haven't eaten Daoxiang Village yet, is it delicious?"

"It's okay, I just think the green tea cake is delicious, but nothing else."

"Then let's buy a few dollars."

All dim sum is placed behind the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, with layers of lattice, rising from the ground.

YiZhe bent down, looked around, and found the green tea cake that Xu Tangcheng was talking about. But when he turned around and wanted to confirm with him whether it was like this, he saw Xu Tangcheng standing behind him looking at him.

"What's wrong?"

He straightened up unconsciously, unable to take his eyes off his eyes. The boss was asking him what kind of dessert he wanted through the glass window, but he suddenly panicked for some reason. When he came back to his senses, Xu Tangcheng had already whispered to the boss that he wanted five green tea cakes.

When he looked at Xu Tangcheng again, the complicated eyes just now seemed to be his illusion.

Yi Zhe's original plan was that after visiting the supermarket, it was noon, just in time to say to Xu Tangcheng to have a meal by the way. He had long settled on a restaurant that specializes in shrimp dumplings and wontons, and heard from the girls in the class that the taste was very fresh.

In the past, Xu Tangcheng took him to various delicious restaurants to eat. It was the first time that he discovered a place and brought him here.

They found a spot near the corner and ordered one shrimp dumpling, one wonton, plus two dishes, one quicksand bun. YiZhe opened the bag of green tea cakes after the waiter left. He squeezed out a piece and handed it to Xu Tangcheng first.

Xu Tangcheng shook his head gently and looked at him: "I won't eat it."

"Why?" YiZhe still didn't let go, "I think your appetite is still not good."

Xu Tangcheng naturally knew that it wasn't because of his appetite, but when he explained to Yi Zhe, he just avoided the important and said that he actually only liked the crust of this cake, and the filling was too sweet, so he didn't like it.

"Then eat the skin." YiZhe smiled across from him, "Just right, you take two bites first, and I'll eat the rest."

In fact, these words didn't mean much. Xu Tangcheng recalled that it seemed that after Yizhe went to college, he didn't know when they started to eat. What he couldn't eat and what was left, Yizhe would also pull over to eat. Just like when he took him to the station that day for breakfast, Yi Zhe kept eating slowly, waiting for him to finish it first. He also joked that it seems that the difference in height between the two is not without reason.

I didn't think there was anything before, but now that I think about it, it seems to be really close.

It wasn't that Yi Zhe acted flawlessly, it was just that he was slowly getting used to this rhythm and didn't realize why Yi Zhe did this.

In the end, he still shook his head and rejected the man who had been waiting for him.

"No, just eat it."

This was the first time they had eaten out since Xu Tangcheng was sick. Yi Zhe wondered if it was because they hadn't eaten together for a long time. The atmosphere of the meal seemed a little strange all along.

He has been pondering what is wrong, but has not been able to analyze anything. When he was about to finish eating, he asked Xu Tangcheng when he was going home, but Xu Tangcheng didn't seem to hear it. He kept looking at the bowl and didn't give him any response. Only then did Yi Zhe realize that the embarrassment of this meal was that Xu Tangcheng rarely spoke.

YiZhe guessed many reasons, guessing that Xu Tangcheng was in a bad mood, guessing that there were too many unfinished things in the laboratory, guessing that he encountered something that took his mind. After guessing so much, he didn't even guess it was on his head. After all, he is already trying to suppress his own thoughts now, trying to make himself face him with pure and magnanimous concern.

Although YiZhe tried his best to find a topic to make Xu Tangcheng happier, it didn't seem to work very well. Xu Tangcheng would respond to him as before, chatting with him at will, but YiZhe still didn't feel quite right. In the end, still in a somewhat awkward atmosphere, the meal ended.

When the two walked to the door together, it was Xu Tangcheng who was in front. But YiZhe habitually passed over him to help him push the door, and the two hands collided on the doorknob.

There was nothing at all, but he didn't expect Xu Tangcheng to withdraw his hand immediately. The speed with which he avoided and the expression on his face made YiZhe froze in place.

It was obviously an instinctive reaction, and Xu Tangcheng in the past was not like this.

The door did not open, and Xu Tangcheng was caught between him and the door.

Dodging, being silent, this series of things was wrong, and YiZhe suddenly had a terrifying guess. But until the two of them went back to school without a word, he didn't dare to ask for evidence. Even, the huge panic enveloped him, and he couldn't even open his mouth.

"I heard that you are quitting the student union?"

Just as he walked into the school gate, Xu Tangcheng suddenly asked him this.

"Well," YiZhe was still in a trance, and answered his question too politely, "retreat."


Xu Tangcheng tried to make the relationship between the two return to the way they used to be, but when the question was asked, he felt that these three words had been said bluntly by himself, and even his expression was like an examiner doing a routine questioning. In the final analysis, he is not so powerful yet, able to act calmly in front of YiZhe.

YiZhe didn't even bother to pay attention to these details. His breathing was chaotic, and his answers to his questions were intermittent and illogical.

"I can't stand it, I can't stand their way... Well, it's quite boring." He found that he didn't say any specific reasons, so he cheered up, and continued, "Teacher can't wait for everyone to nod and bow, And some people I don't either..."

The last two words were kept in his mouth, because they were too sensitive, causing some associations that made him feel weak.

There are others that I don't like either.

The return trip that day was like a nightmare. He knew that Xu Tangcheng must have discovered it, but he was pretending not to know anything.

In the last few days before the vacation, he didn't go to him again, and he didn't even know when he was leaving school and when he was going home. It has already entered the stage of the Spring Festival, and it is impossible to buy a train ticket home at this time. Yi Zhe has made a plan. After a few days, he will go to his laboratory for a sneak peek. If he leaves, he will go to the passenger station by himself. Row the long-distance bus.

But before he could take a peek, Lu Ming suddenly asked in the student council group if there were any younger brothers and sisters who were still staying at the school. Immediately, many people in the group said that he was hypocritical, and that he wanted to treat guests when everyone had left. Yi Zhe took a look and closed the QQ window, pretending not to see it and not responding. But Lu Ming is very powerful, and he didn't know how he knew that he was still in school, so he would soon come to chat with him alone, so that he must go even if he wanted to quit the club. In the end, he also said something along the way, and he also invited Xu Tangcheng to come.

Ben Du refused two sentences. After Lu Ming threw out "Xu Tangcheng", Yi Zhe stared at the screen for a long time, but typed a word.

it is good.

Closing the computer, he had to face up to a question that he had been avoiding—since that day, Xu Tangcheng had not contacted him.

The green tea cakes I bought that day were still sitting there, but Yi Zhe didn't eat them. Because I dare not.