An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 31


Two seconds later, YiZhe quickly lowered his head.

Xu Tangcheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but saw that he raised his hand and poured himself a whole glass of beer.

He suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he also felt distressed because of a look in YiZhe's eyes. It was also winter. The difference was that that night he wanted to accompany him because of that look, so he wanted to invite him to dinner.

How uncomfortable the beam of the bicycle was, and how beautiful the moonlight was on the path, he still remembered it very clearly.

"Senior, what are you thinking? Are you going back home, or drinking?"

"Huh?" Xu Tangcheng hurriedly recovered, "I don't drink, I'll go home later."

"Then eat quickly," Yu Yan, who was sitting on the side, said immediately and thoughtfully, "The weather is bad tonight, and the forecast says there may be snow. If you want to go home, leave early."

"Yes, yes," Lu Ming agreed, "Senior, eat quickly."

Xu Tangcheng had no thoughts at all, and after YiZhe lowered his head, he never raised his head again. Even if someone spoke to him, he turned his head to answer, completely avoiding Xu Tangcheng's direction.

After the most anticipated large plate chicken came up, someone tasted it and said it was cold. Several people were discussing whether to let the waiter warm it up. But there were too many people in the store at the moment, Lu Ming stood up and called twice, but no one came, so there was a junior who said it was okay, it wasn't particularly cold, so he could make do with it.

Xu Tangcheng also stretched out his chopsticks and was about to take a bite, but was interrupted by a voice that suddenly inserted into the discussion.

"Let's be hot." Yi Che calmly looked at the people at the table, and his eyes swept over Xu Tangcheng, "I'll call the waiter."

After he finished speaking, he got up on his own, called the waiter, and took the chicken away.

Xu Tangcheng held his chopsticks and watched him sit down and continued drinking, as if the episode just happened didn't exist at all.


He finally called him out.

YiZhe stopped for a while, then raised his head to look at him.

"Don't drink too much, you will have to take a car later."

The boy opposite pursed his lips, nodded, and put the beer bottle in his hand back on the table.

The big plate chicken was brought up again, along with one of the shop's signature features, the lump soup. The waiter placed the bowls one by one on the table, and when he picked up the third bowl, he said, "This is without cilantro."

Xu Tangcheng's heart beat one more beat.

He looked in the direction of the waiter, but heard Lu Ming casually say, "Oh, mine."

The waiter handed the bowl to Lu Ming, Xu Tangcheng didn't know why, so he sighed in relief. But before the breath was relieved to the end, the waiter said again, "There is another bowl without cilantro."

In the brief silence on the table, YiZhe raised his hand: "Here."

Hearing his thanks, Xu Tangcheng felt that he didn't have the strength to look over there. He propped his head up, smashed the potato wedges on the plate, bit his lip and lost his mind. After the scene on the table became lively again, he turned his attention to YiZhe.

YiZhe noticed that he was looking at him, and met his gaze unnaturally.

Only the two of them knew what was going on with this bowl of soup.

When ordering, he didn't say it was for Xu Tangcheng, because he thought that if he sat next to him, he would just change it with him without making a sound. But he didn't dare to give it to him when he took over the bowl of soup just now. Now that the two of them are separated by another table, he couldn't pass it secretly.

Xu Tangcheng finally couldn't stand the atmosphere of this meal. Others didn't notice anything, but he knew that he had been wrong from the time he chose the seat. When everyone had almost eaten, and the focus changed from eating to chatting, he proposed to leave first. Yu An took the lead and repeatedly agreed, Xu Tangcheng got up, called Yi Zhe, and walked out with him.

When I went out, I realized that it was really snowing.

On the way back, Xu Tangcheng played relatively brisk music, but he still felt that the space was cramped. Instead, the music played a contrasting role, making his mood even more depressed. He really wanted to apologize to Yi Zhe, and even desperately wanted to apologize to him. But as soon as he apologized and mentioned the reason, it was bound to involve a question that he was afraid to answer.

Compared to him, YiZhe was very calm, and he gently reminded him that the road is not easy to walk, so drive slowly.

It is also snowing at home, and it seems to be a little bigger than Beijing. Xu Tangcheng drove into the yard and saw ruts printed on the snow. Because the snow was relatively large, after a car drove by, the snow covered another layer, and another car drove by, leaving new traces. In this way, the ground looks messy and has no beauty.

Passing by the door of the unit, he found that there was no parking space in front of his building, Xu Tangcheng stopped the car, let YiZhe go down, and then found a place to park by himself.

"I'll follow you," YiZhe said before getting out of the car, "There are so many cars, it's hard to stop, I'll help you watch it."

"No, let's go first," Xu Tangcheng lowered his voice, especially wanting to make YiZhe feel a little better when this bad night was about to end, "It's snowing and it's cold."

YiZhe still didn't move.

Xu Tangcheng urged him again, and Yi Zhe put his hand on the door. But soon, it came back.

"Brother Tang Cheng."

He inhaled, exhaled, and turned to him again.

"Huh?" Xu Tangcheng squeezed out a nasal response.

"I have two things I want to tell you."

Xu Tangcheng listened and unconsciously clenched the steering wheel. At that moment, he realized that he was actually very afraid of YiZhe's showdown with him, and he also found that he was immature in this matter, he didn't want to hurt YiZhe, and he couldn't take that step to accept his Mind. Apart from pretending not to know, and pretending that nothing happened, he had nothing else to do.

But tonight's failed dinner showed him that it was despicable to do so.

He can't really be the same as before, even if he pretends not to know, some subconscious thoughts that are not under his control will always sting that sincere heart.

The blizzard outside is still there, and it seems to be able to pass through the car window, disturbing the fragile calm inside the car.

"Brother Tang Cheng," YiZhe didn't wait for him to speak, he took care of himself and said what he had prepared for a long time, "If I did something wrong before, I hope... you can forgive me once."

He bowed his head, holding the fabric on the other sleeve with one hand.

"I used to be naive, sorry," he looked at Xu Tangcheng, his eyes calm, and even smiled, "I really won't be in the future, I promise."

Yi Zhe kept thinking, maybe Zheng Yikun was right too, if nothing happened, whitewashing the peace is the most peaceful solution in most cases. In this way, no one has to peel off that hot emotion and scrape it off bit by bit. Even, as long as he has a thicker skin, he can still rely on him, relying on his soft heart, secretly ask him for the warmth he wants. But Yizhe didn't want this, he didn't want any fake relationship between the two of them, even after he said it, Xu Tangcheng would only have one-tenth of the kindness he used to be in the past, and he also hoped that this kind of goodness would be his step. Genuinely given to him.

If they have to pretend to each other, he is afraid that he will never realize what is true in his life.

He swore to always be by his side, not just literally. Not to mention thousands of mountains and rivers, even if they were separated by a layer of gauze, even if their heads were bleeding, he would have to pierce the gauze.

He said he had two words to tell him, but he really only said two.

Apologies, promises, no superfluous explanations.

The "I'm sorry" that he didn't say was just said firmly by YiZhe.

Xu Tangcheng watched him open the car door, the black figure melted into the heavy snow, and it took almost all his reason to restrain himself from holding him.

He was still wearing the down jacket he had given him, and when he lowered his head and rubbed it, Xu Tangcheng also followed his gaze. Probably because it has been worn too many times, the cuffs of the down jacket have been worn out with signs of old age, and the fabric on the edge is opened a little, revealing the softness of the plush.

Xu Tangcheng suddenly felt very cold.

He looked at the front quietly, the snow in the sky was lit up by the car lights, and the falling posture was so beautiful, but it still wanted to fall to the ground and finally disappear.

Frustration made him lose his strength completely. After one night, he couldn't hold on anymore and lay on the steering wheel silently. Until a car came from behind, shaking the headlights and honking the horn, urging him to drive away quickly.

After parking the car, Xu Tangcheng really didn't want to go upstairs.

He strolled around the flower pond in the yard, and when he turned to the third circle, the black cat came over with light steps. It stopped two steps away from Xu Tangcheng and made a "meow".

Xu Tangcheng had nothing in his pocket, thinking that it was probably hungry, so he went back to the car to find out if he had anything to eat. But after searching for a long time, only one packet of biscuits came out.

He is probably really confused now, he actually took the biscuit back, pinched a biscuit with his frozen red fingers, and placed it in front of the black cat.

The black cat came over and sniffed, and then retreated with some disgust. Only then did he seem to take back his brain, and he thought silently, how could cats like to eat biscuits.

There is nowhere to buy ham at this time. Xu Tangcheng squatted down, stretched out a hand in the direction of the black cat, and beckoned: "Come here."

The black cat barked again and turned around in a circle before rubbing past Xu Tangcheng's persevering call.

Xu Tangcheng touched its head and said, "I'm sorry."

But the black cat couldn't understand the apology. Probably only felt that this person was comfortable touching it, so he relaxed his vigilance and closed his eyes.

After saying "I'm sorry", Xu Tangcheng felt even more uncomfortable. He stood up, took out a pack of cigarettes, and walked to the side to take a breath. But just after the fire started, he saw the black cat silently following.

Xu Tangcheng turned off the lighter, put it aside, looked at his cat on the ground, and said, "Go over there, I'm going to smoke."

The black cat tilted its head and then barked at him.

Xu Tangcheng also emphasized: "You can't smoke second-hand smoke, go to the side."

Unfortunately, the persuasion again was ineffective. Xu Tangcheng had to walk to the side again, but when he turned around, the black cat was still following him closely. He looked up at the sky, and finally accepted his fate.

"I'll go to my house to find out if you have something to eat, but there's definitely no ham sausage you like. Let's discuss it, you can make do with it, okay?"

As if he was finally satisfied this time, the black cat took a step back in the darkness.

Zhou Hui helped him find some other intestines, and also gave him some small crucian carp stewed by herself. Xu Tangcheng went downstairs to feed the cat, and seeing that it was delicious, he went to the side to smoke.

Going back again, Zhou Hui brushed off his clothes, which had become wet from too much snow, and asked him why he came back so late.

"It's a little late for dinner."

"Oh," Zhou Hui wiped his down jacket with a dry towel, and hung it up to dry, "Yizhe came back with you?"


"It's good. You used to run back and forth by yourself. I'm not at ease. You two are safer together."

Xu Tangcheng didn't answer, he drank a glass of water and said that he was tired and wanted to wash and sleep.

Zhou Hui, who kept looking at him, asked, "Are you in a bad mood?"

"Huh?" Xu Tangcheng immediately smiled habitually and denied, "No."

"Impossible." Zhou Hui looked at the down jacket hanging over there, "The clothes have become like this, your hands and face are red, you don't know how long you have been downstairs. Besides, I'm a mother, you are It's not that I'm in a bad mood, I can see it at a glance."

Xu Tangcheng laughed and shook his head, not knowing what to say.

"If you're in school, I don't understand, and I can't help you. But if you have any discomfort, you can talk to me." Zhou Hui sighed, "You are a child who likes to hold back since he was a child. Don't say anything. In the eyes of others, it is stable and can handle things, but I'm afraid you will be suffocated."

Zhou Hui'ai's way of thinking, thinking of many consequences from one thing, probably represents many elderly mothers. Knowing that she likes to think wildly, Xu Tangcheng was afraid that she would not sleep well tonight, so he quickly said, "I'm really fine, but I'm a little tired recently."

Zhou Hui was skeptical about his explanation. She stared at Xu Tangcheng's expression for a while, and finally nodded reluctantly: "Well, you'll be fine. If you're tired, take a good rest. I've cleaned up the house this year, and you don't have to do anything."

Xu Tangcheng agreed and went to take a bath. Hearing the small sound from Zhou Hui behind him, and after taking two steps, he suddenly had a tempting idea.

"Mom." He turned around, stopped Zhou Hui, and tried to cover it up in a relaxed tone, and asked, "If I don't get married, what do you think?"

Zhou Hui straightened up, and immediately frowned upon hearing this: "What nonsense are you talking about, how can you not get married?"

After speaking, she thought of something, and suddenly realized: "Did you have a problem with that girl?"

Xu Tangcheng was stunned for a while, not knowing who Zhou Hui was talking about.

"It's Wanzhi, I've been holding back and not asking you, how are you and her?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Tang Lima felt that the current dialogue was a bit absurd. He lowered his head and sighed, "She and I are really ordinary friends."

Zhou Hui chased after him and wanted to ask, but Xu Tangcheng quickly took his pajamas and hid in the bathroom. But when she was undressing, Zhou Hui was still standing outside the door and said worriedly: "You can't fool around, you have to talk if you don't know how to fall in love. Besides, if you don't get married, I will ask Cheng Cheng's mother to introduce you to someone. "

"Okay, okay, got it."

In fact, he knew better than anyone what his own family was like. This is a very traditional big family, not only my parents, but also other elders. Just throwing out someone who is not married is enough to completely lose the balance of the family for a long time.

Xu Tangcheng supported the sink and washed his face with cold water. He turned on the shower, but he looked at the person in the mirror and didn't move for a long time.