An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 40


Zheng Yikun drank alcohol, so he threw the car in the restaurant after eating, and took Xu Tangcheng's car back. Along the way, he was in the back seat without hesitation, and Xu Tangcheng glanced at the rearview mirror several times, but it didn't play a role in restraining him. When Zheng Yikun got out of the car and hadn't hit the road on the left, Xu Tangcheng asked Chengxu, "Didn't you say you didn't like to stay with him, how come you two are so familiar?"

"Neither," Cheng Xu grumbled, and continued, "I didn't want to at first. But then I drank too much after eating with someone and ran into him in a restaurant. He rescued me and went back to his bed. One night, I thought he was fine."

"Drink too much? You don't drink much?"

"Well..." Cheng Xu said vaguely, "that time I was socializing with others."

Apart from helping Fu Daiqing all the time, Xu Tangcheng knew that Cheng Xu had not done any other part-time jobs or internships, so as soon as he thought about it, he probably knew what the entertainment was like. It's just that it was a little strange that night. Cheng Xu's alcohol intake might be worse than his, so why would he go to socialize with him

Soon after arriving at the south gate, Xu Tangcheng pulled over to stop, YiZhe unbuckled his seat belt but did not get out of the car immediately, but put his hand on the door and looked at him silently.

Chengxu didn't know the relationship between the two, so they didn't say anything when they were close to parting. Xu Tangcheng raised his hand on the steering wheel to his ear, and quietly made a phone call gesture.

Cheng Xu was still saying goodbye to Yi Zhe, and Yi Zhe secretly cocked the corner of his mouth towards the person in the driver's seat.

It is also strange that such sneaky little actions often give people a strong sense of belonging in love.

The reason why Yi Zhe was reluctant to give up was because Xu Tangcheng had promised him to go to the Blue Harbor tomorrow night to see the lights, but today he received a message from his teacher that he would only be able to stay in Beijing for one night when he returned from a business trip the next day. I was so busy that I had to take up everyone's rest time to hold a group meeting.

From 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm, one to five groups, each group for one and a half hours. Time is really rushing.

Xu Tangcheng was in the third group. In any case, it was impossible to fly to the blue harbor to see the lights with Yizhe.

After washing and lying on the bed, the two talked on the phone again to discuss the time. Naturally, it wasn't just to discuss the time, ramble, and some didn't. It took 40 minutes to make a phone call, and even Chengxu looked at Xu Tangcheng who was talking and laughing strangely until the end.

The phone that had been covering his ears was a little hot, and with Cheng Xu's increasingly unconcealed curious gaze, Xu Tangcheng finally entered the "bye bye" process.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Xu sat on the opposite bed and asked curiously, "Are you going to Blue Harbor?"



"Next week." Xu Tangcheng said.


Seeing Cheng Xu glanced at him tentatively, Xu Tangcheng was slightly stunned, and immediately understood that Cheng Xu also wanted to go, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

In normal times, he would definitely invite Cheng Xu to go with him immediately, but this time it was different, because they were going home in a few days.

Xu Tangcheng had to admit that he would have a more relaxed state of mind for this relationship in school. There will be many constraints in the environment after returning, and his family is always in front of his eyes. Many trivial things or words will inevitably make him frequently think about things that he will face sooner or later.

So this time to see the lights, it was actually a tacit date between him and Yi Zhe.

"Do you want to go together?"

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Tangcheng asked the same question.

Cheng Xu was changing the quilt, and shook violently. Before the force could move the bottom of the quilt, he asked carefully, "Is it alright?"

"Okay." Xu Tangcheng said with certainty, but then he immediately added, "But there is something, I think I still have to tell you."

Xu Tangcheng never talked to Cheng Xu about the matter with Yi Zhe, and he didn't have the right opportunity. If he mentioned it suddenly, he would feel a little awkward.

But he never likes to lie, especially to those who believe in himself completely.

"What's the matter?"

The light in the dormitory is at the door, and if you press the switch, you need to get out of bed to turn off the light. Xu Tangcheng walked down the ladder, Cheng Xu had already laid out the quilt with the quilt cover installed, and got into the quilt.

It's not a mainstream relationship, but when it comes to really speaking, Xu Tangcheng hasn't been in touch for a long time. It was the first time that he planned to talk to people about it directly.

Not in a hurry to speak, he first took a sip of water from the water glass, and then looked at Cheng Xu and said a word.

"I don't want to hide it from you, my current relationship with Yizhe belongs to..."

They looked at each other and paused slightly. Xu Tangcheng took a breath, exhaled softly, and said, "Free love."

His one confession, cautious and serious. A word is the choice he has thought about for a long time.

He has been observing Cheng Xu's expression, trying to find out whether he really minds or doesn't mind their non-mainstream. But after hearing his words, Cheng Xu kept staring at him blankly.

Not like disgust, not like approval, but like not understanding. Xu Tangcheng classified his reaction as a short blank period when he first encountered a thing. The judgment of right and wrong will be formed in the future, and complex emotions have not yet been expressed.

"I also hope that you can have a judgement by yourself. I have always had a good relationship with you. If you think I make you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me directly. I can understand."

He confessed to Chengxu, naturally hoping to get his understanding, but he also understood that any person will have his own likes and dislikes. So, he continued to comfort: "I won't change the way I treat you because of your thoughts, or if you feel awkward and want to transfer accommodation, I can also apply for you."

After finishing what he had to say, he decided to give Cheng Xu the rest of the time to digest it himself. Xu Tangcheng didn't take it seriously anymore, walked to the door, and put his hand on the switch.

He was about to turn off the light when Cheng Xu suddenly moved behind him, interrupting his movement with a quick sentence: "No."

Xu Tangcheng was relieved. It seemed that the tension he had accumulated just now was much more than he thought, and he was relieved and better than he imagined.

"I just suddenly..."

He looked up at him, waiting for him to finish. Cheng Xu was talking, but there was no sound, and he bowed his head and stopped for a while.

Xu Tangcheng waited patiently, the quilt on the bed moved, and after a rubbing sound, Cheng Xu raised his head again.

"Suddenly a little envious."

Xu Tangcheng was stunned by the trembling mixed in these words, and when he looked closely, he found red eyes under the thick lenses.

Even Cheng Xu squeezed a smile at him, and the corners of his lips trembled. But he insisted on repeating: "Just a little envious."

Xu Tangcheng wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he opened his mouth, and before he had time to speak, Cheng Xu had already pulled the quilt and lay down, covering his head. A word came out from under the quilt: "Turn off the lights."

The overwhelmed person became Xu Tangcheng. He bit his lower lip and looked at the bulge on the bed. He moved his fingers and turned off the light.

Moving to Chengxu's bedside, Xu Tangcheng quickly cleared his mind in a few steps.

It was very quiet in the dormitory. Someone knocked over something upstairs. The person under the quilt moved, looking at the outline, he shrunk his body into a smaller ball.

Xu Tangcheng stood by his bed for a while, and heard intermittent, suppressed voices. He stretched out two fingers, grabbed a small piece of the quilt, and tugged it down slightly. The person in the quilt pulled hard, but didn't let him move.

Xu Tangcheng did not expect that his confession would have such consequences. A little regret, more of those sad emotions in my heart.

He no longer pulled the quilt, but put his hand on the back of his head through the thick cotton wool.

After being obedient twice, he asked in a low voice, "Is it Fu Daiqing?"

In a winter library, the scene where Cheng Xu had been watching the phone waiting for news suddenly became clear. The story unfolds backwards, as well as Cheng Xu who is suddenly depressed after receiving a text message, and Cheng Xu who asks him if he can follow him home for New Year's Day.

It turns out that in love, the emotional impact is similar. Struggle, pain, but no way out.

Cheng Xu was unable to say anything in the end, Xu Tangcheng stood with him for a long time, patted him lightly and listened to his whimper.

It wasn't until he calmed down that Xu Tangcheng put a pack of tissue paper beside his pillow, and then told him through the quilt: "Now you know about me, and if there is anything you don't understand in the future, you can tell me. , don't bore yourself."

Climbing into bed again, Xu Tangcheng picked up the phone and pressed it several times before turning to the text message interface and sending a message.

The content of the message is meaningless, it's the "good night" I said long ago. But Xu Tangcheng really wanted to contact him at this time.

Naturally, there was no reply. The recipient should have fallen asleep long ago, and maybe he is still dreaming. Xu Tangcheng turned over, turned sideways out, and looked at the person on the opposite side who made a rustling sound.

A hand came out of the quilt, took out two pieces of paper, and retracted like a turtle.

"Don't wait until we get home, let's go on Monday night."

After posting this short line, Xu Tangcheng put down his phone and closed his eyes. But he was in a daze and was about to fall asleep, but he suddenly saw a scene after a long time. On the first day of school, he packed his luggage and helped people transfer things to the opposite dormitory. There was only one boy in the opposite dormitory, sitting With a pillowcase on the bed on the right by the window, seeing him come in, looking at him from above.

It was very hot that day, and after packing for a long time, there were a lot of irregular folds on the boy's white cotton T, two of which were soaked with sweat on the shoulders, with shallow marks, and the collar was a little skewed, showing Slightly reddish skin at the collarbone.

The boy's two hands were still clutching the pillow, maintaining the posture of sorting out, and he didn't notice these details. He quietly smiled at Xu Tangcheng at the door, unnatural, shy and shy. After a long time, he whispered, "Hello, I'm Chengxu."

That was the first time he saw Cheng Xu.

The fan in the center of the ceiling kept turning, and the wind was cool enough to break the sweltering heat, but it never hit him.