An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 44


YiZhe was completely ignited by this action, his restraint just now was burnt away, he kissed even more brutally, and even took a deep breath during a deep kiss, Xu Tangcheng, who was raided, immediately stepped forward and grabbed his body. shoulder.

"you… "

Xu Tangcheng was panicked by the inhalation, and just as he was about to question, he felt his feet off the ground. His body touched the soft mattress, and in a trance, he could smell a faint fragrance.

Probably, it was just a new bed and quilt.

A pair of lips attacked the city and swept the ground, causing Xu Tangcheng to completely forget to ask where Yi Zhe learned his work.

The biggest problem has just been solved, and everything that follows is a lot easier. Thanks to the two floor lamps, in this slightly charming scene, Xu Tangcheng didn't feel the nervousness he had expected in advance. I feel like I have seen a frame of silhouette, giving people countless reverie. Strong muscles, smooth lines, everything is dark, only a pair of eyes are shining, staring at him.

He raised his arm and covered his eyes. The Adam's apple moved, trying to press down the excitement that had just appeared in his heart.

YiZhe pressed down again, reached out and pulled his hand away.

"I won't hurt you..." YiZhe kissed him twice and said, "I've done a lot of work..."


Xu Tangcheng interrupted him.


It was the first time that Xu Tangcheng found that Yi Zhe's voice was so nice. It's very low, with a nasal and hoarse tone, which makes people ticklish.

Xu Tangcheng was lying on the bed, very close, looking into YiZhe's eyes.

"Stop talking," he said. "Come on you."

This is the arrow on the string.

Some years ago the bed creaked, and once it clapped, it hit two excited nerves. The chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs, there seems to be no part that is insensitive, the heat-clearing flow is wanton, and I don't know whose breathing is heavier.

The passion was chaotic, and the sound of the door opening suddenly was only discovered by Xu Tangcheng at the beginning. He was a little unsure, but he immediately felt agitated, pressed YiZhe's shoulder and asked vaguely, "Is the door ringing?"

YiZhe supported it with his arms, stopped, and listened.

"Depend on… "

Xiang Xiyu obviously didn't come back for a winter vacation, so why did he come back now? Don't tell him it's his eighteenth birthday.

"Leave her alone, she won't come in."

After speaking, YiZhe went to kiss again.

"No." Xu Tangcheng pushed him away and whispered, "The sound insulation of this room is not so good."

"We are silent."

Xu Tangcheng looked at him motionlessly, guessing if this was a bit difficult.

When the person outside the door entered the room, YiZhe could clearly hear the sound of the high heels being thrown off. Twice.

"Depend on… "

What's the matter

He scolded again, and his body was paralyzed, pressing down on Xu Tangcheng.

"Look at what I'm doing..." His lower body pressed against Xu Tangcheng's thigh and rubbed lightly, "I can't help it..."

With all his clothes off, how could Xu Tangcheng feel better? But there were people outside, even if they were separated by a few walls, which made him feel frightened.

"Wait for her to enter the room." YiZhe said, "When she comes back, she usually enters the room and goes to bed."

But just as he finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door. YiZhe was obviously stunned. He didn't understand what was going on today, how could Xiang Xiwe come knocking on his door.

And then, Duan Xiqiao's voice sounded.

"Yizhe! Are you there?"

"I rely on!"

Yi Zhe leaned on Xu Tangcheng and cursed.

"who is it?"

"A man," Yizhe added, "the brain is not very normal."

None of them answered, but the knocking on the door continued.

"We bought cherries, come out and eat them! I just tasted them, and they are very sweet."

Yi Zhe knew what kind of virtue Duan Xiqiao was, and today he decided that he was in the house and would never leave unless he knocked on the door.

The man was at the door and kept shouting, making Xu Tangcheng too embarrassed at the moment. The temperature rising in the body gradually cooled down, and the large swathes of skin that came into contact with the air already felt the coldness, and even goosebumps appeared on the arms.

Yi Zhe kissed Xu Tangcheng again, then stared blankly at him for a long time, and said, "I really want to scold him."

The original embarrassment was completely driven away by this aggrieved tone, Xu Tangcheng pulled the quilt over the two, and then hugged YiZhe and laughed silently, until his body trembled.

Not to mention YiZhe, even he wanted to scold him.

Duan Xiqiao had changed from knocking on the door to smashing the door, and he could still hear Xiang Xiyu's merciless cursing. YiZhe finally took a deep breath and stood up as if resigned.

He quickly dug out Xu Tangcheng's from a pile of clothes and handed it to him. He hurriedly put on a pair of trousers, and when he buttoned them, he was rubbed off by the slightly stiff denim and sucked in a few breaths.

Xu Tangcheng had already put on his trousers first, and Yi Che walked over with his upper body naked, tidying up Xu Tangcheng's sweater that had been turned upside down by himself, putting it on for him, and flattening the hem of the sweater. After confirming that Xu Tangcheng was dressed neatly and there was no problem, Yi Zhe picked up his sweater, put it on his body and walked to the wall, turned off the two floor lamps, and opened the curtains.

Sunlight penetrates.

All kinds of anger that he had accumulated for so long burst out the moment he opened the door, YiZhe looked at Duan Xiqiao's inexplicably bright smile, and took a long time to hold back those extremely uncivilized words, and simply scolded him. A sentence: "I'm sick!"

Duan Xiqiao was not afraid of YiZhe's momentum at all. He raised a basin in his hand and smiled: "I'm not sick, but this cherries are quite sweet. I want to give you a taste."

After he finished speaking, I wonder if he was afraid that YiZhe would think that he was not sincere enough. Duan Xiqiao picked up one and handed it to YiZhe, "Do you want to eat one?"

"I don't fucking eat it!"

YiZhe couldn't bear it any longer, just right, Xiang Xiyue put on the mask and came out of the toilet, Yizhe opened the door of the room a little wider, took a step out, and shouted to Xiyue: "Can you keep it all day long? Bring these wild men back? What do you think of this? Go out and drive..."


Before Yi Zhe's angry words were finished, he was interrupted by Xu Tangcheng's small voice.

The person behind him took two steps forward, stood beside him, and then patted his hand on his back, reminding him to calm down and not to say anything.

Xiang Xibing's entire face was covered by a mask, and apart from the two eyes looking lazily in this direction, there was no other emotion to show.

"Wait..." In the silence, Duan Xiqiao suddenly said, "Yizhe, I have to correct you, my muse doesn't have 'these' men, only me, and I'm gentle and not wild."

YiZhe turned his head to look at him, and just opened his mouth to be sarcastic, when he heard a sudden smirk from Xiang Xiyu.

"Why, you are allowed to bring a man back, but not me?"

In a word, Xu Tangcheng was stunned. YiZhe's face instantly turned ugly: "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Isn't it?" Xiang Xiyu folded his arms and picked up the remote control in a leisurely manner.

"Hold… "

It was his voice that brought Xu Tangcheng back to his senses. His first reaction was to quickly grab YiZhe's forearm and prevent him from going out.

Xiang Xiying turned his head and looked at the two bowls on the dining table that he hadn't had time to clean up.

"You're so fucking promising, people..."

"Aunt Xiang." Xu Tangcheng, who had never joined the conversation, suddenly called out, his attitude was flat, and he didn't care that he interrupted Xiang Xiwei's words, "Long time no see, happy new year."

Xiang Xiwei turned his eyes back and watched Xu Tangcheng quietly for a while. But in the end, she didn't answer, just laughed, threw away the remote control, and entered the house.

He could still feel the very hard muscles, Xu Tangcheng's hand went down YiZhe's forearm, clenched his fist tightly, and shook it slightly.

Duan Xiqiao was probably really not very smart. He didn't seem to understand the conversation just now. At this time, he looked at the closed door of Xiang Xiyu in a fog, and then looked at the two people standing here. Personally, in the end, his eyes were fixed on Xu Tangcheng.

"Excuse me, are you YiZhe's friend? What should I call you?"

Yi Zhe was still enveloped in anger, so he didn't even bother to scold Duan Xiqiao. Xu Tangcheng pursed his lips and said, "Yes, my name is Xu Tangcheng."

Seeing his friendly attitude, Duan Xiqiao was immediately happy. He came over with a pot of cherries and eagerly invited Xu Tangcheng to taste it.

Yi Zhe came back to his senses, blocked Xu Tangcheng with his arm, and said to Duan Xiqiao in a very low and calm tone, "Don't fucking eat it."

Knowing that YiZhe can suppress the fire like this is not easy, Xu Tangcheng didn't remind YiZhe any more, thinking, he should just swear at every word.

"Oh," Duan Xiqiao lowered the corner of his mouth, but raised it again after two seconds. He bent his body, tilted his head, and tried to avoid YiZhe to see Xu Tangcheng, "Eh? Then I can invite you to watch it. My first solo concert?"

Xu Tangcheng didn't know Duan Xiqiao at all, so naturally he couldn't adapt to the rhythm of his speech. YiZhe was neat and tidy. He put his hands behind his back and took a step back with Xu Tangcheng in his arms. Before he slammed the door, he told Duan Xiqiao, "No, get out."

It was as if they had gone to the wrong studio and suddenly experienced a farce. After closing the door, the two quietly looked at each other for a while, but neither of them moved. In the end, it was Yi Zhe who took a step forward, hugged Xu Tangcheng, and said in his ear, "I'm sorry."

Xu Tangcheng put his hand on his back, and thought slowly, what the meaning of the phrase sorry.

Based on his understanding of YiZhe, it should be because of Xiang Xiwe's words. As before, he was still accustomed to linking the harm Xiangxi Weed brought to others to himself.

It was also because he knew that YiZhe would feel such guilt, that Xu Tangcheng didn't let Xiang Xiwe continue talking. It was not a mere interruption, but bowed to Xiang Xi Weing and begged her for a moment.

It's not that she can't say it, it's that she is reluctant to let YiZhe face such a scene.

"It's none of your business. Besides, she didn't say anything. I'm not that stingy."

"But I can't listen to anyone talking about you." YiZhe leaned on Xu Tangcheng's shoulder, stressed the same, and continued, "No one can do it."

At this time, the interior of the house is no longer as dim as it was just now, and everywhere is bright, with the light of reality.

Xu Tangcheng patted YiZhe on the back and said nothing. But he was thinking a little worriedly, has Xiang Xiyi already seen it like this? Did the two of them appear so obvious

"I'm going to rent a house." YiZhe said suddenly.

"Huh?" Xu Tangcheng was thinking about something else, but he didn't hear what YiZhe said.

YiZhe sensed that something was wrong with him, he lifted his arm slightly and looked at his face: "What are you thinking?"

Knowing that he was worried about his own mood, Xu Tangcheng explained, "I was just thinking that Aunt Xiang could see our relationship."

"I see what's wrong," YiZhe didn't care, and hugged him again.

"After all, I'm a man."

"What's the matter with the man?" YiZhe was slouched, facing the sun, squinting his eyes, "How could she care about this, even if I fall in love with a pig, she won't care about me."

Xu Tangcheng was still thinking about what would happen if Xiang Xiyu found out, when he suddenly heard this sentence, he reacted for two seconds before slapped YiZhe on the ass.

"Who is it?"

"Ah?" YiZhe was taken aback, he quickly checked himself according to what he just said, and immediately realized that something was wrong, "No, no, that's not what I meant."

It was obviously a serious and depressing scene, but when he accidentally disturbed it like this, Xu Tangcheng didn't bother to think about how things were going. He laughed and asked YiZhe, "What did you just say?"

"Oh, I said I wanted to rent a room."

"Rent?" Xu Tangcheng was taken aback, "Where? Home?"

After a two-second pause, YiZhe shook his head.

"If you rent it at home, you can't be right in front of you." Yi Zhe said, "I will rent in Beijing when school starts. Let Zheng Yikun help me see if there is anything suitable around the school."

"Around the school? School district room?" Xu Tangcheng listened and seized the opportunity to joke with him, "It's quite rich, Boss Yi."

YiZhe kissed his mouth to stop him from making fun of him.

"It can be rented, and I don't spend much money elsewhere."

It seems that when he mentions some things, YiZhe always has such a serious look in his eyes. For example, to buy a camera, for example, it is now said to rent a house.

"I just want to have a place for the two of us, without being disturbed, and I can hold you all the time."

Xu Tangcheng softened his heart.

They are still different. At least, Xu Tangcheng probably won't spend a lot of money to rent a house just because he wants a space for two people. He needs financial management, and he needs to have enough liquidity on hand to deal with some unexpected situations that may arise.

But Yizhe said this impulsive, and he was looking forward to it again. Even, just thinking about the scene where the two were in the same room filled my heart.

"Okay." Xu Tangcheng said, "Tell me if the money is not enough."

Just like the red light he would never touch before, it was Yi Zhe who was leading him to find love.