An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 59


YiZhe stood outside the hotel, the traffic never stopped, but he hadn't seen a taxi that could carry passengers for a long time. The waiter trotted over to ask if he needed help calling a taxi, YiZhe shook his head, thanked him, turned around, and walked forward along the road.

His ability to recognize the road is very good, but for some reason, he has come here many times, but he has very little impression of the road in Shanghai. Standing at a crossroads, YiZhe thought about which way he should go if he went to the station for a long time. After two circles in place, he still gave up and stopped the rental.

There was no direct train from Shanghai to City C, so YiZhe bought a ticket to Beijing as usual. The earliest bus ride was after six o'clock tomorrow morning. YiZhe shoved the ticket and the money back into his pocket, and found a place to sit in the lobby. The rest of the time was almost in a daze, sometimes staring at the wheels of a suitcase dawdling back and forth on the ground, sometimes as if I didn’t see anything, the seams of the floor, the feet that I stepped on were not in my eyes, and I don't know how time goes by.

After midnight, Xu Tangcheng replied to his message, saying that the phone was charging and he didn't see it just now.

YiZhe held the phone and read this very ordinary line of words back and forth several times. Before he could reply, Xu Tangcheng asked again, "Did you sleep?"

The cry of a child was heard not far away, YiZhe looked up, his eyes flickered, and in the end, the screen of the mobile phone went dark.

There was an empty seat in the corner, YiZhe got up with his phone in his hand, and changed to there.

Six hours later, the train departed on time, and Yi Zhe passed the long ticket-checking line. For the last time, he looked up at the LCD screen—“Shanghai Hongqiao—Beijing South”.

His seat was by the window, and when he missed the things outside the window one by one, YiZhe realized that he no longer had the emotions of last night. Shocked, disappointed, unwilling, and sad, he seemed to have completely disappeared from his life in just over six hours of waiting for the bus. His heart was terribly calm, as if he was just taking a bus, and this big city Never had anything to do with him.

Calm down and think about it, it's not that Yi Yuanzhi and Yi Xun's attitudes have never been revealed. Many times, they haven't even hidden their indifference, but YiZhe has been selectively ignoring them and has been deceiving themselves. It's like a problem that he can't solve. He fell into a misunderstanding of thinking. He always felt that he could solve it in the last step, but until he saw the answer, he realized that he had already thought wrong from the first step, and the last step will never be solved. Going back along the answer, I found that the conditions given by the question are not ambiguous.

In the end, it's your own stupidity.

Moreover, the answer is only available after the paper is handed in, and the time and energy wasted to understand the question have also been wasted irretrievably.

After so many years of business maintenance and thinking, it is actually just a wishful thinking, which is ridiculous.

YiZhe retracted his gaze and closed the curtains.

At 8:30, he choked on the phone and called Xu Tangcheng. The phone was picked up quickly, Xu Tangcheng's voice was a little hoarse, as if he hadn't woken up.

"Why don't you speak?" Xu Tangcheng asked him after clearing his throat.

After sitting for a whole night without making any sound, YiZhe coughed and asked smoothly, "Have you gotten up yet?"

"No, I just woke up, I still don't remember."

Xu Tangcheng spoke slowly, and Yi Zhe could imagine that he should have turned over with the quilt, and was holding the phone while lying on his right side. Listening to this, YiZhe unconsciously moved the phone closer to his ear.

"What did uncle and auntie say yesterday?"

He asked, nervously waiting for a reply. Xu Tangcheng quickly told him: "It's okay, it's still the same."

If it was in the past, Yi Zhe might have really believed in Xu Tangcheng. He clenched his fists, wondering how naive he was before.

"what are you doing?"

Xu Tangcheng naturally led the conversation to the next topic, while YiZhe lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

There were conductors pushing the dining car past, chanting the drinks and snacks on the car over and over again. YiZhe's last meal was the uncomfortable lunch at noon yesterday, and his stomach growled amidst the cries, accompanied by the discomfort of not eating for a long time.

The dining car stopped, and a man opposite bought two ham sausages and a bag of milk. When paying, a small hand suddenly stretched out in the air. YiZhe didn't hear what the little boy said, but the father laughed twice and said, "I want another bag of peanuts."

In many cases, it is not the heart-rending questioning and cries that cause emotional shocks, but trivial and ordinary life pictures.

It's been too calm since last night, and the pain that has accumulated a little bit just broke out at this time. Yi Zhe clenched his teeth and turned his head, suddenly thinking that he would have to wait for the train to arrive in Beijing, and then change to the train from Beijing to City C. Maybe even when he got home, he would still secretly wait for a while under the downstairs of the community. May meet Xu Tangcheng.

He felt that the train was still going too slow, too slow—he wanted to hug him now, before he was up and sleepy.

YiZhe closed his eyes and lowered his head. For a long time, he suddenly whispered into the phone, "I'm hungry."

"Huh?" At the other end, Xu Tangcheng was very sensitive to perceive that something was wrong with Yi Zhe, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Because of the choking in his throat, YiZhe pursed his lips tightly and couldn't make a sound for a while.

"Yizhe." Xu Tangcheng called him. At this time, his voice was completely awake and slightly rushed. Perhaps through the phone, he heard some voices in the carriage, and he asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm on the train." The Adam's apple moved, and YiZhe repeated, "I'm on the train. Go back to Beijing first, then go back to City C."

He didn't dare to act rashly under the current situation, for fear that his accidental appearance would make the situation worse. So after saying this, he asked again, "I want to go back to you, okay?"

"Okay." Xu Tangcheng didn't ask him why he showed up on the train back to Beijing one day earlier, knowing that YiZhe was safe and returning safely, he eased his mood, "However, by coincidence, I'm already in Beijing. already."

YiZhe was stunned: "Huh?"

"My home in Beijing, I came back yesterday," Xu Tangcheng said with a smile, "Can you please stop asking me why."

Probably guessing something, YiZhe twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty, lowered his head, and said, "Okay."

"Pay attention to safety," Xu Tangcheng said, "wait for you to go home."

At noon, the train arrives at the station.

YiZhe walked in the direction of the exit with the flow of people. Just after passing the gate, there was a sudden turmoil around him. Before YiZhe could react, a girl was pushed to the ground. Shouting: "He stole my wallet!"

YiZhe only caught a glimpse of a figure who was desperately escaping the crowd, and without any hesitation, he chased after him. The thief can run very well. In normal times, of course, Yi Zhe is not afraid, but today he was not feeling well, and he was so hungry that he had no strength. When he suddenly started running, his eyes were darkened due to lack of oxygen. But I don't know what's going on in my heart. After the darkness, YiZhe was like a robot wound up. He didn't speak or shout. At the thief, gritted his teeth and chased him all the way.

The thief looked back at him, probably annoyed by being chased, and finally threw the girl's wallet and smashed it towards YiZhe. YiZhe subconsciously tilted his head to hide, but his ear was scratched, and he immediately felt pain.

The thief lost his strength, YiZhe tried his best to speed up a few steps, stretched out his hand, and staggered the person who had been fleeing in front of him.

"Fuck, your mother is sick!" The thief waved his arms and struggled hard, and even gave YiZhe's waist two strokes with his elbows. Forcing him to hunched back and leaned back on himself.

When he just stopped, his stomach turned over to Haiti for a while, and he was attacked twice by this man, and the smell of blood in his throat was even heavier. He was not feeling well, and his natural temper was not very good. The person being strangled was always dishonest, and Yi Zhe was impatient. He was raising his leg to teach him a lesson when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the policeman running towards him. YiZhe paused and put his legs down.

However, seeing the police coming, the thief was not so calm. From preparing to beat someone to giving up, YiZhe walked away for two seconds, but heard a sound of fabric cracking.

"Put down the knife!"

The young policeman running in front gave a loud shout, and YiZhe lowered his head, only to see his torn sleeve.

In winter, the clothes are thick, and the knife did not hurt the flesh, but only affected the down feathers, which were scattered in the north wind, like snowflakes.

Clothes are torn.

A passing girl exclaimed in a low voice, Yi Zhe raised his head hurriedly, as if something had collapsed in his head, and a loud doctor's sound made his ears ringing.

The first down jacket Xu Tangcheng gave him, he wore it for three years. Later, Xu Tangcheng said that this one was really old, and insisted on buying him another one. The new one was a black, half-length style, but Yi Zhe had already developed a habit. If he went out by himself, he still insisted on wearing this one. old.

For symbolic things, more or less, everyone will have some attachments, what's more, this dress is not only a belief, but also a spiritual sustenance for Yizhe.

Xu Tangcheng was right, this down jacket is really old. The down lock was not strong, and the outer barrier was broken, and large pieces of down were lifted out.

YiZhe was a little flustered, and hurriedly raised his hand to cover the slit on his sleeve.

"Hello," a policeman stood beside him at some point, "Thank you very much, is your arm injured? Would you like to go to the hospital for a look?"

YiZhe gasped for breath, and it took him a long time to figure out what he was hearing. He didn't care to answer, just shook his head and turned to leave.

"Hey, comrade." The policeman stopped him with a smile, "I'm sorry, but I have to delay your time. You have to go back to the police station to make a record."

The police station…


YiZhe tried to shake off the unpleasant past in his mind, but no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain. He seemed to see the small room again, not only was there ashes on the table, but even the air was dusty. He and Xu Tangcheng sat next to each other, Xu Tangcheng didn't scold him or blame him, just said he was worried, just asked him: "Do you want to apologize?"

It was like a thunderbolt cracked in the valley, recalling the past, and YiZhe suddenly realized that his "no" sound seemed to be the beginning of all bad things.

He was naive and foolish, and mistaken recklessness for bravery.

If Yi Yuanzhi's words last night made him understand that for so many years, he was just living in his own imagination about the so-called family love, then at this moment, he understood his broken promise to Xu Tangcheng.

From the time they were not together, he wanted to protect him, but he didn't do it at all. He has no perception of difficulties, he does not understand reality, he cannot see people's hearts clearly, and he is alone and brave, but he is out of tune with reality.

Now that I think about it, most of the time, Xu Tangcheng is actually dealing with all kinds of troubles, including those caused by him. It is also Xu Tangcheng who has been planning their more long-term and realistic future, and even, he is still supporting his incompatible bravery without sacrificing.

The policeman who was waiting for an answer did not know why the boy in front of him suddenly had red eyes. He quickly asked, "Comrade, are you injured?"

There was absolutely no strength in his hands, YiZhe could no longer cover the cut on his arm, and lowered his hand in despair.

Human growth is very strange, in such a scene that has nothing to do with growth, and there is no one he loves, YiZhe suddenly understands the reality.

"I'm not taking notes," he said, stepping back.

"This… "

The wind swept the waves and covered them, and with Yi Zhe's actions, the swirling scene that had just rested came back in a more magnificent manner. Yi Zhe watched as more white feathers gushed out from the slit on his sleeve, forming clusters, as if he couldn't wait to leave him.


Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, YiZhe turned around after being stunned, trying to confirm that he was hallucinating.

There were too many people waiting to enter the station, and the station temporarily added a new ticket gate. Before the announcement sounded, a large number of people at the end of the line were already running towards the window where they were quickly lined up.

The surrounding environment was turbulent, but through the fluttering white down, YiZhe clearly saw Xu Tangcheng who was looking at him.

He stepped over the crowd and ran towards him.

"What's the matter?" Xu Tangcheng was panting heavily, and after saying a sentence, he took a deep breath and exhaled.

A hand covered the dilapidated part of his arm and covered the outlet of the down.

"What's wrong? Huh?"

YiZhe almost wanted to hug Xu Tangcheng desperately.

The hand, which had been hanging down, moved, and climbed up a little in the air, and the knuckles slammed back towards the palm of the hand.

The young policeman was looking at the two of them with his eyes, and YiZhe caught a glimpse of Ben's slowly raising hand, backing back timidly, forming a fist on the side of his leg.

They still took notes, and after a while of delay, it was 3:30 in the afternoon when they got home.

"are you hungry?"

Xu Tangcheng rubbed the medicine on YiZhe's ear injury, then turned around and went into the kitchen to search for something to eat.

"Yizhe, can I cook some noodles for you?" Xu Tangcheng squatted in front of the refrigerator and found half a pack of fine noodles, "There are tomatoes and eggs, how many eggs do you want?"

After asking for a long time without waiting for an echo, Xu Tangcheng walked to the kitchen door strangely, leaned out, and found that Yi Zhe was still sitting in the place just now, staring at the torn down jacket beside him in a daze.

"Yizhe." Xu Tangcheng called out again as he approached him, but Yizhe still didn't realize it.

Xu Tangcheng didn't know why YiZhe suddenly came back from Shanghai. Seeing YiZhe sitting in a daze at the moment, he didn't have the heart to pursue it, but simply felt distressed.

He walked to the sofa, bent down and picked up the down jacket, YiZhe's eyes followed the clothes and fell on him.

"I've never used needles and threads..." Xu Tangcheng flattened the torn cloth with his fingers, and tried to stitch the torn pieces together, "Let's try it after dinner and see if we can sew it together ."

YiZhe had been staring at him, but when he looked over, YiZhe averted his gaze and looked down at the floor.


Xu Tangcheng put down his clothes and took a step. He inserted a hand into YiZhe's somewhat long hair, with a smile, his tone twisted: "What's wrong?"

He usually never uses the word "ya" in his speech. If he left it at the end, he would be coaxing people. When the tone turns, all the tenderness can be turned into such a tone particle, which is a powerful weapon to coax people, and it is not satisfactory after a hundred trials.

That being said, Xu Tangcheng actually coaxed two people like this, one was Xu Tangxi and the other was Yizhe.

Being stroked, YiZhe didn't speak immediately, but raised his arm, grabbed Xu Tangcheng's hand, and slowly pulled it down: "Don't touch, it's not very clean."

I was supposed to take a shower yesterday.

YiZhe wiped his face with his other hand, and suddenly stood up: "I'll go take a shower first."

"No." Xu Tangcheng grabbed him with his backhand, "I have an ear injury, don't wash it today."

"It's alright, let's wash it, last night..." YiZhe moved his shoulders and said truthfully, "It was uncomfortable to stay in the waiting room for a night last night."

"You stayed in the waiting hall all night?" Xu Tangcheng frowned immediately upon hearing this.

"Yeah." Afraid that he would ask again, Yi Zhe answered and was about to leave.

Seeing him like this, Xu Tangcheng said flatly, "Try to get rid of me."

Sure enough, YiZhe's hands relaxed immediately.

The two of them had an unhappy holiday. Xu Tangcheng returned to Beijing yesterday as an "expelled person" and didn't sleep much all night. I thought I would stay by myself for two days, but today I saw Yi Zhe who also ended the trip early.

It is said that Xiaobie wins the newly married, but this early reunion, there is no joy or sorrow.

Xu Tangcheng watched YiZhe quietly for a while, then turned around alone and folded the down jacket on the sofa.

After a few seconds, he was hugged from behind, and he was forced to stand up straight and get close to the person behind him.

"Are you angry?" YiZhe whispered in his ear.


"Yesterday, I didn't know you were back. I was afraid that you were worried and didn't want to lie to you, so I didn't reply to you at night."

I just kept restraining myself at the station and didn't dare to hug. When I got home, I felt a strange smell on my body, which made the hug drag on for too long. YiZhe hugged the person firmly in his arms, and the feeling that his heart was caught by something and couldn't beat no matter how hard he tried was finally relieved a lot.

Xu Tangcheng paused and sighed. He tilted his head, just in time to see YiZhe's shoulders.


He was also afraid of Yi Zhe's worries, so he didn't tell him yesterday that he had returned to Beijing. It was just a mistake that made Yi Zhe stay at the station all night, making Xu Tangcheng uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't say anything for now." Xu Tangcheng turned around and touched the stubble growing out of YiZhe's chin, "Eat first, and if you're willing to take a shower after dinner, I'll wash it for you."

A pot of noodles with tomatoes and eggs looks good when cooked. The two ate a big bowl in sweat, and Xu Tangcheng laid two poached eggs for Yi Zhe.

When taking a bath, Xu Tangcheng found a disposable shower cap for YiZhe to put on from somewhere. He let YiZhe wash himself, and then instructed him to bend over to the sink and carefully wash his head.

After taking a shower, the two turned off the lights in the room and hid in the bedroom where a lamp was left. Yi Zhe sat on the edge of the bed, and Xu Tangcheng knelt behind him and slowly dried his hair.

"It's time to cut your hair." Xu Tangcheng said.

Unlike him, YiZhe's hair was dark and hard, especially where the base of his neck was shaved short, like rows of small soldiers standing proudly with their necks raised. Xu Tangcheng rubbed it for a while before he said, "Let's go get a haircut tomorrow, New Year's Day is over... It's also a new year."

In bed, it's still early. YiZhe didn't turn off the light, but lay quietly on his side, looking at Xu Tangcheng. Xu Tangcheng wanted to laugh at him, and asked him, "Why?"

If it were normal times, with Xu Tangcheng's understanding of Yi Zhe, he would definitely say: "Nothing, I just want to see you." But today, Yi Zhe told him after silence: "Suddenly I found out that what Yu An said was not true. Totally wrong."

Xu Tangcheng frowned slightly: "Why do you suddenly mention him?"

YiZhe blinked and said, "I just think, I'm stupid."

"He said you were stupid?" Xu Tangcheng raised his voice, "You are not stupid, he is stupid."

Yi Zhe did not agree or refute, but reached out to hug Xu Tangcheng, and leaned in to kiss him. After kissing and kissing, he changed his posture, Xu Tangcheng breathed wildly and pushed the person on him: "Turn off the light."

Yi Zhe rarely listened to Xu Tangcheng's words. He stroked Xu Tangcheng's back with one hand, then slowly slid down, along the slightly obvious vertebrae, all the way to Xu Tangcheng's waist. Further down is the part that Xu Tangcheng could never touch anyone else.

YiZhe's hand continued to go down, Xu Tangcheng raised his neck and closed his eyes.

"Brother Tang Cheng." YiZhe suddenly called out to him.

Xu Tangcheng was a little stunned, but when he recalled it, Yi Zhe didn't call him "Brother Tang Cheng" very often.

The light in front of him suddenly disappeared, and it was darkness.

Xu Tangcheng grunted and pinched one of YiZhe's arms. Just as he was about to ask him how to say hello, he didn't say a word, when he heard another call, as if wrapped in the softest and purest silk.

"Tang Cheng."

This title is even more unfamiliar, so that Xu Tangcheng even forgot to agree.

"I will change it."

After Yi Zhe said this, he started to act, and Xu Tangcheng's sentence "What to change" could not be asked.