An Accident in Broad Daylight

Chapter 64


After the disappearance for no reason, Brother Shan didn't give Yi Zhe a good look for several days. However, YiZhe was used to being treated like this. Apart from being careful not to provoke Brother Shane, he remained calm, measured the data as usual, verified the data, and was not affected by this big brother's black face at all. But I feel sorry for Xu Ren, it's not enough to be sandwiched between two people as a microphone, and I have to make fun of this and that, and I'm exhausted.

"What is this?" YiZhe asked, picking up the envelope and letter paper that Xu Ren had put on the table.

"A letter from home." Xu Ren said, "Brother Shan asked to bring it, we can write one each and send it from here."

Home letter

YiZhe thought it was strange, he had never written this thing before.

"Write it quickly, Brother Shan said that it will be written for him in the past two days."

Yi Zhe turned the envelope over, turned it over again, and asked Xu Ren, "Why are you writing this?"


Xu Ren didn't answer this question, so why did he write a letter to the family

YiZhe threw the envelope aside.

Unlike his indifference, Xu Ren was so excited that he washed his hands before picking up the pen, saying that he wanted to write the first love letter in his life with a more pious attitude. But the ink in the stomach is so little, even if it is mixed with water, it can't hold a love letter.

"Hey, YiZhe." He stretched out his arms, knocked on the table, and called to the person sitting next to him, "I want to write a love letter to my goddess, how do I write it?"

YiZhe was repairing a broken clock, his brain was stuck in the small parts, and he had long forgotten about a letter from home. He turned his gaze to Xu Ren, was silent for a moment, and asked, "Do you want to write a love letter?"


Love letters are also family letters. After discovering this problem, YiZhe felt that this activity was still very meaningful.

"You can write it too!" Xu Ren suddenly said, "Didn't you say, didn't you say that you're not separated from your girlfriend? You write her a love letter sent from Antarctica, how romantic, maybe you will come again Sweet as ever."

Yi Zhe didn't correct Xu Ren's name of "girlfriend", but was seriously considering the matter of writing a love letter.

"But what to do," Xu Ren worried, "I can't write it."

Seeing that he was pulling his hair again, Yi Zhe couldn't bear it anymore: "Stop pulling it, write whatever you want."

"I think too simply, I want to see her and like her very much."

"Then just write it like that."

"Writing like this?" Xu Ren shrank his neck and frowned, "This is too straightforward, it's only a few words, and it seems that I am so illiterate, my goddess loves reading so much, she will definitely see through me even a famous book Haven't read it yet."

"You're not writing a book..." Yi Zhe thought his idea was strange, but seeing that Xu Ren really planned to write this love letter into a flower, he respected his idea and didn't say anything further.

He repaired the clock, adjusted the time, and placed it in the center of the table for the two of them. The second hand moved down, causing Xu Ren to stare at the watch in a daze.

"Hey... there shouldn't be a clock like this," Xu Ren said, "I don't even know if it's nine o'clock in the morning or nine o'clock in the evening."

For four months, the sun has not been seen, and it is cold at minus eighty degrees.

"It's night."

YiZhe flattened the paper, but stopped the pen after only writing a few words.

As Xu Ren said, let him write a letter to Xu Tangcheng, the content will be very simple. He didn't want to write anything. He didn't want to describe how the life and scenery were here. He didn't want to say how long he had been through a period of discomfort. He didn't want to say that the extreme days and nights made his sleep worse. Miss you.

No need to add adjectives, no need to say anything else, because Xu Tang will understand.

Xu Ren squeezed out a few words for a long time, and hesitantly showed it to Yi Zhe.

"what do you think?"

Yi Zhe glanced at it, made some considerations in his heart, and still truthfully expressed his feelings: "No blessings to bear."

"Ah..." Xu Ren lowered his head and knocked on the table, "It's too difficult."

Xu Ren couldn't really write, so he went to bed full of annoyance, while YiZhe stared at the empty stationery for a while, then peeled off the first page with a few words written on it. When I picked up the pen again, I changed my name.

The polar night finally passed amid people's growing anxiety, and the streaking event was also held as scheduled. It was the most special sunrise that YiZhe had ever seen. Everyone at the research station came out of the house, screaming and running, or watching and cheering from afar. At this moment, the boundaries of the country were truly lost. Everyone, It's just an individual who has longed for light for too long.

Brother Shan was standing next to Yi Zhe. He wanted to make fun of the figure of a very talkative American, but when he turned around, he saw that Yi Zhe's eyes passed over the person who was smiling and met the thin sunlight in front of him.

"Don't go for a run?" Brother Shan bumped YiZhe with his arm.

YiZhe quickly retracted his gaze, raised the corner of his mouth, and dropped quickly: "Forget it."

He's still not used to running around naked.

The difference between his quietness and the surroundings is too obvious. Brother Shan had a guess in his heart, so he put his hand around his shoulder and squeezed hard: "Are you homesick?"

The bank card was still in his pocket, like a talisman.

YiZhe shook his head lightly and nodded.


"Then come on, if everything goes well, we will be able to go back soon." Looking at the sun, Brother Shan also sighed and repeated, "The sun is out, soon."

I agree with this remark. When the sun comes out, there are still three months before they leave.

"If you miss your family too much, just call back and see that you are bored in the house all day long. I'm afraid that one day you will be bored and stab these people with a gun."

YiZhe was amused: "Am I so gloomy?"

"That's because you don't feel it yourself. Go and ask Xu Ren, and how many times have you told me that you are unhappy. People will pretend to be unhappy. If you are unhappy, you will write all over your face, scaring him to ask me every day. Do you want to do some entertainment and liven up the atmosphere?"

Yi Zhe looked at Xu Ren who was jumping high to cheer others up not far away, and was a little surprised. After thinking about it again, I finally understood why Xu Ren insisted on telling him jokes before going to bed every day.

In fact, Yi Zhe felt that he was not as unhappy as Brother Shan said, and missing him became a habit, and he was no longer as miserable as when he first parted. At that time, the waves rolled over the sky and covered the sky, but now, it is like the water dripping from the eaves.

It’s not uncommon to say that he suddenly thinks and thinks very much. For example, once YiZhe came back from the signal station, he ran into a wobbly penguin. He stopped and waited for a while, but the penguin didn’t leave. , looked at him occasionally. YiZhe walked forward, the penguin followed, YiZhe stopped again, and it stopped. At that time, YiZhe suddenly missed Xu Tangcheng very much.

Like being obsessed, Yi Zhe talked a lot to the penguin, what Xu Tangcheng took him to eat noodles, Xu Tangcheng gave him clothes and a watch, he got in trouble, Xu Tangcheng wiped his butt, and even Xu Tangcheng liked right when he slept. Lying on his side, he gently embraced one of his arms, and finally, he said to the penguin, "I don't know if he is sleeping well now."

"I think the curtains for their expedition team are good, and they are more shading than the ones I bought before. Do you think I can buy a set from them? But the windows here are very small, should I buy a few more sets, and then set up."

Penguin looked at him and didn't speak, and YiZhe asked again, "Do you think they sell it?"

"He... can't possibly forget me."

After a while, Penguin finally thought he was annoying, or thought he had finished listening to the man's story, and quietly walked away when YiZhe lowered his head and repeated the last sentence.

With nothing in front of him, YiZhe stood up and turned around, but he still couldn't find the audience member. It was the first time that YiZhe felt loneliness so concretely, surrounded by glaciers, making him too small.

He breathed a sigh of relief toward the sky, and then he slowly walked back with the big box on his back.

As for the phone, it is actually possible to make satellite calls here. YiZhe also called once at Zhao Weifan's strong request, satisfying Zhao Weifan's curiosity. Not only is she curious, but she is also showing off her heart—her roommate and the girls in the next dormitory heard that she was talking to people in Antarctica, and they came to visit one after another, but Zhao Weifan was suddenly called away. five minutes. Since then, YiZhe has deprived Zhao Weifan of his right to call, and strictly limited the exchanges between the two to email exchanges.

In fact, he really wanted to call Xu Tangcheng, even if it was purely to let him feel the satellite phone from such a long distance, or to let him show off to others. But after arriving in Antarctica, it became impossible to even swipe a bank card. The two of them seemed to have completely cut off communication. They could only rely on one heart to think and read.

But that's fine, since he hasn't swiped his card for so long, Xu Tangcheng should know that he is in Antarctica.

It was not a coincidence that Xu Ren came here. He started to experience the polar night within a month of his arrival, so after finally surviving the long dark night, he immediately shouted that he wanted to go out to take pictures, to take pictures of the extreme extreme. Brother Shan got annoyed after he talked about it for half an hour, pointed in a certain direction and said, "Isn't the pole over there, there is a card, go, you two, go and shoot."

"No..." Xu Ren said, "The three of us are together, aren't we a team?"

Brother Shan thought to himself why he didn't listen to you and talk about the team when he usually took care of you.

Even so, Xu Ren still pulled one in one hand, dragging the two to the extreme.

That's not all. After he got there, Xu Ren looked at the American and British flags on both sides of the sign, took out three small hand-waving flags from his bag, and handed one to each of them.

When Brother Shan saw it, he was happy: "It's pretty well prepared."

"I don't take pictures," YiZhe said, "I'll take pictures for you two."

"Don't." Although Brother Shan is also a master who doesn't like taking pictures, after some ideological struggle, he still stood on one side with Xu Ren, "Extremely, you take a picture here and give it to your daughter-in-law later. You can also tell your wife about your glorious history, you're too old, hurry up."

"Aren't the daughter-in-law and the wife the same person?" Xu Ren laughed loudly, "Brother Shan, are you frozen?"

"Give your daughter-in-law to your child!" Brother Shan dragged YiZhe over and roared at Xu Ren who was posing for the camera, "You talk too much!"

When the photo was frozen, Yi Zhe was amused by the bickering between Brother Shan and Xu Ren, so when Xu Tangcheng saw this photo from someone else's mobile phone, he saw Yi Zhe who had been away from him for a long time and smiled.

On the day they returned, Brother Shan and Xu Ren both felt like arrows, but Yi Zhe was nervous. Brother Shan thought that he had been in Antarctica for too long, so he felt unwell on the plane again, and quickly asked if he wanted to see a doctor.

YiZhe shook his head, sweat dripping from the tip of his nose for some reason.

The plane took off, pulled high, and said goodbye to this extremely cold land where he had lived for a year.

They still followed to the United States first, took a break, and then transferred to Beijing. After getting off the plane and walking in the long passage, YiZhe felt as if he had passed away. The unpleasant atmosphere and unpleasant crowd density made YiZhe feel that this was the return to the real world, ending the previous isolation.

Brother Shan turned around and asked if he wanted to go back, but Yi Zhe politely refused, saying that he still had to buy something. Brother Shan has a fiancée. As soon as he reached the exit, his eyes were already flying all over the place, looking for the woman who would entangle him for the rest of his life, so he didn't force it, he told Yi Zhe to go back and have a good rest, and come out for a get-together tomorrow. , even with a few classmates in the lab, he treats him as a guest.

At the airport, Yi Zhe casually found home appliances, bought some food, swiped his card, counted it as a report on his itinerary, and then took the subway home.

The fare of the airport line is still 25 yuan, and the 13th line is still very crowded. In his mind... it is still the way home that Xu Tangcheng once said in his ear.

No one has been in the rental house for a long time, and the smell in the house is not very good. Usually when he comes back after a new year, Xu Tangcheng will change his shoes after entering the door and mutter: "Hurry up and ventilate." So YiZhe is also like Xu Tangcheng, I opened all the windows that could be opened, so I couldn't take a break, so I found a rag to wipe off the obvious dust that had accumulated.

It was really tiring to run around for so long. After YiZhe finished his work, he just wanted to lie down on the sofa and rest for a while, but he fell asleep unconsciously.

It may be that the heating at home was blocked, and the room was a little cold. Yi Zhe woke up in the middle of the night. The unusual touch on his cheek made him react for a while, before he remembered that he was in Beijing and he had already returned.

He woke up, got up slowly, walked around the empty room, and reached the door of the bedroom.

But after standing for about a quarter of an hour and putting his hand on the doorknob twice, the door was still not opened.

The next night, Yi Zhe went to the restaurant that Brother Shan had ordered according to the time. The people who came were all acquaintances, and the purpose was very pure, to celebrate the three of them and to wash away the dust.

Dinner, KTV, the one-stop with the theme of "friendship lasts forever" remains unchanged. YiZhe drank a lot while eating, and when he arrived at the KTV, he sat groggyly on the sofa and listened to a group of people howling. The others were okay, but Brother Shan and Xu Ren, who had fought together in Antarctica, insisted on not letting him go, and kept asking him to sing. Yi Zhe said no, and Brother Shan asked, "Who do you think can do this?"

After all, not wanting to spoil everyone's enthusiasm on this occasion, Yi Zhe stood up and ordered "Sunny Day" at the song-order platform. The prelude sounded, the subtitles came out, and there was already a Jay Chou die-hard fan clapping and screaming.

"My favorite song! I want to sing I want to sing!"

Xu Ren pressed the man down: "Hehehehe, you'll order later!"

YiZhe really can't sing. Just such a song, he once practiced for three months.

It was because he thought that one day he would sing to Xu Tangcheng.

After a song was sung, Yi Zhe hadn't had time to cherish his sentimentality, and everyone was already praising him for hiding his secrets. Xu Ren was the most coaxed, and insisted on letting him sing another song. Yi Zhe smiled and begged for mercy, and hurriedly put the microphone on him and asked him to sing.

YiZhe rubbed his head and hid in the corner and sat down. Looking at the light and shadow in front of him that gradually began to become unclear, he suddenly felt like a big dream.

A big dream, still in a dream.

He seemed to see Xu Tangcheng leaning on his shoulder and singing this song again, wrapping his index finger around his little finger and moving it up and down. How did he feel? My heart beat faster, I was apprehensive, but I was extremely nostalgic for this kind of unreality.

YiZhe smiled at the colorful light. That night was the beginning of them. A decision made by Xu Tangcheng made these dreams come true. He had a person who was most worthy of showing off in his life.

Xu Ren is considered to be a wheat master, and he sings well, not torturing everyone's ears. Most of tonight's songs, Yizhe, have never heard of it, and even if there are familiar ones, he doesn't know what song it is. Xu Ren ordered a concert version of the song, and when Yi Zhe saw the singer's name, he remembered that this was Xu Ren's favorite singer. At this time, someone shouted from below: "Amazing Xu Ren, Cantonese song."

Everyone laughed and praised, and YiZhe looked at them with his mouth bent.

Xu Ren stood in the center of the private room. The first line of the song was sung with his eyes closed and the microphone in both hands. He was very affectionate. Someone knew that Xu Ren had successfully caught up with the girl he admired, so he squatted diagonally in front of Xu Ren with his mobile phone in hand, and wanted to help him take pictures of such a soulful singing. Xu Ren couldn't get out of his playful character, and gestured to the camera with various lyrical movements.

At the beginning, YiZhe was really watching the fun, he just heard this song a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it. It wasn't until Xu Ren imitated the man on the screen that he spoke Cantonese and the music was a little stronger, that Yi Zhe suddenly touched a point in his memory.

He came back to his senses, the song just reached the high tide part, Xu Ren turned around and shouted to the line of people behind the author: "Thank you!"

Someone cooperatively stood up and shook hands with him, but Xu Ren walked over to Yi Zhe, but Yi Zhe opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at the screen.

birthday song...

YiZhe got up suddenly, he bumped into Xu Ren who was in front of him, and the singing of the song was interrupted.

"What song is this?"

What song is it, he just read the singer's name and didn't pay attention.

Xu Ren was stunned by his shoulders.

Yi Zhe then asked again, "What song is it?"

In a daze, Xu Ren said a few words, and the hand on his shoulder suddenly slid down.

"Sorry, I suddenly... have something."

After speaking, YiZhe picked up his clothes and rushed out the door.

What did he say and what do you believe

birthday song

Although the camera remained, YiZhe didn't listen to Xu Tangcheng's words, and he never opened it. When he thought about him, he didn't dare to open it at all, because he felt that seeing those pictures would only make him more uncomfortable.

Yizhe took a taxi back to the rental house, and searched for the song on his mobile phone on the way. The moment he read the lyrics, Yizhe felt that his two years of practice had been abolished.

He got out of the cab, ran upstairs, pulled the camera out of the closet, and loaded the battery.

He couldn't wait to verify his vague memory, but when he pressed the playback button, what popped out was not any picture he was familiar with, but half of Xu Tangcheng's face.

His fingers paused, YiZhe suddenly realized something, and pressed the play button in disbelief.

The picture on the screen swayed twice, Xu Tangcheng seemed to adjust the direction of the camera, and then sat on the chair behind him.

I don't know if it was because I ran too fast just now that my nervous spirit relaxed, and YiZhe suddenly lost his strength. He sat on the cold floor and looked at the small screen, that Xu Tangcheng from two years ago.


Xu Tangcheng unfolded a piece of paper in his hand and called him.

During the pause, YiZhe replied softly, "Yeah."

Xu Tangcheng smiled and said, "Before I left, I had a lot to say to you, but I'm so sad now, I'm afraid I'm going to cry again when I tell you, and I have been influenced by my family to some extent. , or it has something to do with personality, I'm not good at expressing emotions directly. But there are a lot of things I want to say to you, and I don't want to leave you just a letter, so I decided to record a video. Maybe there will be some… Nasty, you want to like it."

After talking about these previous situations and notices, Xu Tangcheng seemed to have entered the main topic. YiZhe straightened his legs, found the most comfortable position, and began to listen to Xu Tangcheng's message.

"Yizhe, this letter has two themes, one is sorry and the other is I love you. Let's talk about the first one."

"We've been together for so long, in fact, I've always wanted to say sorry to you, to be precise, many times. Speaking of which, I'm obviously older, but you were close to me at first, and I didn't know How to respond to this feeling, so he hesitated and avoided." Xu Tangcheng said this and smiled at the camera, "By the way, I didn't sit next to you at that dinner, I really regret it."

"There's something to be sorry about, of course our temporary separation. I knew a long time ago that my family would be a huge obstacle, but I'm sorry, Yizhe, I haven't thought of a good solution for so long. Because I couldn't think of a way, so the confession was delayed until it was discovered, so I got fierce opposition. But Yi Zhe, the whole thing, what pained me the most was not the fierce opposition from my family, but me There is no standpoint. I know my parents' traditions, but what makes me wonder is that I find that I have been accepting these traditions. For the past twenty years, I have enjoyed their traditional love for granted, I didn't say that your love is too traditional when my mother washed my clothes, delivered meals, paid for me, or even bought a car for me after college. I want to be independent and live my own life, you don't Take care of me, then I can't tell them that this kind of love is wrong when I discover the bondage side of this traditional love, I am independent and free, and you should not be restrained by your love I. Always come up with a set of theories that are beneficial to me. This is not independent freedom. , I also want to tell you that I agreed to leave, not because I care more about my family, I love you no less than my family, and even, you are the more special person I want to hide and treasure. "

"And that goes to the second theme, about I love you.

I love you, how much? In fact, after being with you for so long, I always feel that I am not good enough for you, that I can be a little better to you, and even sometimes, I feel that I am not worthy of you. I think so because you're so kind. After Xu Tangcheng finished speaking, he smiled at the camera, "It's really good. You are braver than me, firmer than me, there is still cowardice and timidity in my character, but you are not, you will tell me directly that you like me, you will give me all the good things, you love me, wholeheartedly , no matter what. But I didn't do it. I looked ahead and looked back and couldn't handle too many things. Every time this happened, I felt that I was not worthy of you. Even, I still need to take care of my family, even this way I will feel that I give you too little love. This point, I will work harder in the future, you can keep this video and the letter in the camera bag as evidence, and test me in the future. "

"I know you are afraid of separation, and so am I. I made this video because I was afraid you were afraid. You told me in the bar, let me not forget you. I'm going to criticize you here, I made you feel so insecure How? How could I forget you. But here's a credit for you, too, because I never thought about this, I never thought, you'd forget me. You make me think you'll always love me, look, How great you are. So, here again, I am not doing well, and I will correct your thoughts in the future."

"I want to say one more thing. The slope you took me to a few days ago, I also apologize there. Because I was too scared when I just rushed down, so I didn't listen to you and accidentally opened my eyes Then... I saw that you didn't really let go of the handlebars, are you also afraid? Are you afraid of falling on me? Well, let's make an agreement this time, when I go back, you can take me there again. Slope, when I don't open my eyes, you really let go of the handlebars and hug me with both hands. Don't be afraid of any of us."

"The last sentence, YiZhe, I love you, I love you very much, I can't express it, but I just love you very much."

What an introverted person Xu Tangcheng is, YiZhe has never heard him say "I love you" before, but he just hasn't heard him say it. If it weren't for this just a video, YiZhe would have wanted to refute too much.

What are you not worthy of me

What do you give less love

What's not doing well

There is no one better than you.

But even if Xu Tangcheng was in front of him, Yi Zhe probably couldn't tell. He held the camera and cried, wiping the tears from his face with his sleeve in embarrassment, and then continued to press the button to find the video in Blue Harbor.

He asked Xu Tangcheng to sing a birthday song with him, and Xu Tangcheng hummed a tune and said that it was Ecuador's birthday song.

He actually believed it.

this liar.

He clearly thought about their future so long ago, he knew exactly what kind of dilemma he would face, he still accepted him, and he didn't mention the difficulties, giving him the best years.

It was also obvious that he had already told him so long ago that he was the love of his life.

The birthday song that Xu Tangcheng sang to Yi Zhe was "My Favorite Life".

Alan Tam, 1991.